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Teleportation - instant transfer of material objects from one point to another without visible application or participation of physical force. The conviction that such a phenomenon is possible and really exists in nature, has long been considered the lot of all kinds of mystics, and science until recently ignored the idea. In recent years about teleportation began in a low voice spoke, and in the scientific world, especially in the environment of nuclear physicists, and then only in connection with infinitely small particles of matter, which can be considered as intangible and therefore is not a barrier for instant move as microscopic scale.
There are also evidence of large-scale instant movements occurring both in nature and in laboratory conditions. From ancient Spanish sources it is known that on October 25, 1593 in the Spanish city of Mexico unexpectedly appeared soldiers, whose regiment, as it turned out, was stationed in the Philippines, in nine thousand miles from Mexico.
Soldiers arrested and handed over to the court of the Inquisition. At the trial he showed that for a few moments before their arrival in Mexico city he was patrolling in the Palace of the Governor of the Philippines in Manila, which he saw only what was treacherously murdered. As he appeared in Mexico city, the soldiers had no idea.
After a few months the people who arrived by ship from the Philippines, confirmed the news of the death of the Governor and other details of the soldier's story. Medieval sources preserved a rather strange story of the nun Mary of Agreda. Between 1620 and 1631 years that nun, "physically" never left his monastery, however using teleportation has made more than five hundred travels to America, where even managed to convert to Christianity Indian tribe Yuma to new Mexico. In 1622 father Alonside Benavides in a letter to Pope urban VIII asked to explain who he managed to convert the Indians Yuma to the Christian faith.
Indians said that the adoption of Christianity they have "woman in blue" European nun, who left them crosses, rosaries and the chalice, which they enjoyed, when he celebrated mass. It was later established that this chalice belonged to the monastery in Agreda. Later, in 1630, de Benavides visited Mary in the monastery in Agreda detail and questioned her about the visits to the Yuma Indians. The stories of Mary fully coincided with the fact that a missionary, seen from the Indians. Mary was even able to describe in detail the customs and clothing Indians. Commenting on "the Life of St. Mary of Agreda, researcher James Carrico makes the following conclusion: "the Fact that sister Mary really repeatedly visited America, verify the documents of the Spanish conquistadors, French researchers and absolutely identical stories various Indian tribes, living at a distance of thousands of miles from each other". In any fundamental book on the history of the South-Western part of the USA you can find a mention of this unprecedented phenomenon. Not always contemporary events such as those described above, were perceived as a miracle, given above. In antiquity, many laughed at the legends of the over-rapid movement of people and objects, and in the middle ages the Church has urged not to believe tales abnormal men and women about what those in the flesh around in the air.
About the phenomenon of teleportation
"Episcopal Canon" X century explained the origins of these beliefs: "With whom, of course, does not happen that night in dreams it seems as though he is leaving himself, and who in the dream never seen what you never ever see in reality. But who could be so stupid and stupid to all such, what happens to the spirit, be attributed to physical existence?" But it turns out that there is every reason to believe that teleportation exists in the animal world and is an integral part of life of the North American ants Atta. Uterine Atta is a giant females who only eat and reproduce. While still small in size, they fly from their home anthill-city bus down to earth, timbers are driven into it and start a new ant the city. Uterus produces worker ants, and they begin to care for her, and she meanwhile grown to monstrous proportions, and increases proizvoditelnosti its "pipeline eggs".
To protect the uterus working ants build "concrete" the camera is so strong that to destroy it it is possible only with a crowbar. Luggage completely surrounds the uterus, and only in the lower part thereof there are a number of small holes to enter and exit of food carriers, "midwives", watching eggs, chute for eggs and channels for the output of excrement. This camera can achieve values of a coconut. If access to the camera and carefully cut its side, we can observe the whole process of life formic uterus. And if for a few minutes to close the camera, and then reopen it, the uterus... will not be. But she will appear in exactly the same camera a few dozen meters from the first’ Repeatedly put the same experiment, formic uterus were marked with paint from the spray and closed the camera Uterus disappeared.
And in new camera, find far, found the same marked the uterus. It felt great, ate and were laying eggs. It is impossible to imagine that the ants Atta in short - no more than an hour, even several hours (until the experimenters are searching for the second chamber), - time, time to dig a tunnel with a length of several tens of meters to build a new "concrete camera and drag down the uterus. According to the well-known researcher of the mysteries of wildlife Ivan Sanderson, the results of the experiments show that Atta created a system of teleportation most important members of their society, triggered in cases of emergency. Mystery ants Atta has not yet received a satisfactory explanation.
While there is no reasonable evidence of the phenomenon of teleportation and no one has proved that the experiments with teleportation, you can play - and this is the Foundation of the scientific evidence of any phenomenon. However, if the existence of teleportation was possible to prove, that it would turn human civilization to its foundations. But human life is changed so that probably would have had to limit natalieporto. Meanwhile all the known laws of physics reject the possibility of teleportation, as it requires instant spend too much energy. But science is science, and with the fascinating idea of her supporters not want to part, and adherents of teleportation, not openly oppose the laws of physics, try to find some source of heavy-duty energy, allowing to develop rapidly.