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Пророчества Жака КазоттаSchool of unknown philosophers, based Martinez de Pasquali and developed L.K. de Saint-Martin seemed included the last of the true adepts of initiation. Saint Martin was familiar with the ancient Key to the Tarot - the mystery of the Holy alphabet and hieratic hieroglyphics. He left a lot of interesting, not previously published the rounds. One of them is a traditional key of the Great Work, called Saint-Martin Key of hell, because it was the key of the rich. Martiniste was the last Christians in the cohort of the Illuminati; they initiated the famous Casetta.

We said that in the eighteenth century in Illuminism was split. On the one hand, the followers of the traditions of natural philosophy, wanted to restore the hierarchy; others wished to equalize the promulgation of the Great Arcanum, thus making it impossible monarchs and the priesthood. Among them met personality ambitious and unprincipled, intending to build on the ruins of the world the throne for himself. Others were gullible and naive. True initiates knew that the society moves to the deep and foresaw all the horrors of anarchy. This revolution that was destined to happen later appeared before dying genius Vergniaud as the dark shape of Saturn devouring his children; she showed herself to be fully armed in prophetic dreams of Casetta. One evening surrounded by the blind instruments of jakamista, he predicted the fate of all those present: for the strongest and weakest - the scaffold, for enthusiasts - suicide', and his prophecy, which at that time was rather gloomy gesture, was fully implemented. In fact, it was only the calculus of probabilities and it turned out to be correct.

Providing absolute freedom to the people, unequal nature, there is a social organization of war. When those who would restrain the rapid instincts of the crowd, so insane that they encourage them, not have to be a great magician, to anticipate that they will be devoured by the first, because people own dogs desire to devour each other until, until you are cold deft hunter, who will do away with them shots or trap. Kozott foresaw Marat; Marat, in turn, had foreseen the reaction and dictatorship. Kozott first appeared to the public as the author of a literary details, saying that he was known for the novel "in Love with the devil". Sure, he was full of magical intuition, and love is the Supreme test of life, described on its pages in the true light of the doctrine of the adepts. Frantic passion irresistible for those who are slaves of the imagination, physical love is death under the guise of seduction trying to update their harvest by birth. Physical Venus is death, painted and dressed up like a courtesan, Cupid too destroyer, like his mother, for whom he scored victims. When a courtesan satisfied, death takes off his mask, and is called in turn to production. Therefore, the Church - which protects the birth sanctification of marriage is uncompromising in their attitude to the debauchery that is deadly, condemning without regret all disorders of love. If beloved is not an angel, deserving of immortality, because they had dedicated themselves to debt in the name of the man she loves, she is sheared, who steals and kills him, appearing before him in the end all disgusting™ her animal egoism. Woe to the victims of "Enamored of the Devil"thrice Woe to those who are deceived lustful caresses of Biondetti. Soon graceful head girls become the camel's head, which so tragically appears at the end' novel of Casetta.

According to the Kabbalists, there are two Queen Strahov in hell, one is Lilith, mother freaks and the second Nechama, fatal and terrible in its beauty. When a man is wrong wife sent to him from heaven, when he abandons pure love, Bog distracts from the legal bride and leaves him in the arms of Nechama with all of its enchantments of girlhood and love, it breaks the hearts of the fathers, and at her urging, they forget all their duties towards their children, it leads married people to widowhood, and those who are God, she throws in situatsiya marriages. However, when it plays the role of the wife, it can be easily exposed, because the wedding day she appears bald, like hair, which are the veil of female modesty, in this case, it is forbidden. Then she expresses the spirit of despair and discontent with life, she exclaims about suicide, leaving someone who lives with her, pre wichitaw him between the eyes hell of a star. Kabbalists say that Nechama may become a mother, but she never raising their children, giving them devouring his sister.

These cabbalistica allegory found in the Hebrew book, related to the revolution shower, included Knorr-rum von Rosenroth in Kabbala Denudata.OHw found in the commentaries of the Talmud on the Honeycomb and should be known to the author "Enamored of the devil".

After the publication of this novel of Casetta was visited by a stranger, dressed in a robe secret messengers of the Tribunal. The visitor made a sign to Casotto, which he did not understand, and then asked whether he was not initiated. Receiving a negative reply, the stranger frowned and said, "I feel that you are not the unbeliever, the guardian of our secrets, but rather, vessel, ready for adoption knowledge. Do you want really to operate human passions and demons?" Kozott expressed their surprise, there was a long conversation, which became the introduction of new meetings, after which he received the invitation to the initiation. He became an outspoken advocate of order and authority and an implacable enemy of anarchy.

We have seen that according to the symbolism of Cagliostro, there is a mountain that I must climb wish rebirth; this mountain emits light, like Tabor, or red as fire and blood, like the Sinai and Calvary. The book "Zohar" says that there are two chromatic synthesis; one of them is white, and this world and the spiritual light; another red is war and the material life. The Jacobins had sought to raise the flag'blood and their altar was erected on red mountain. Kozott acted under the banner of light, and his chapel was erected on the white mountain. At this time triumphed stained with blood, and Kozott was doomed. Heroic girl, his daughter, saved him from the massacre in the Abbey; and it so happened that the prefix to the name indicates noble origin, was not placed in the list and it has escaped the worst of the toast of the brotherhood, who immortalized the child piety Mademoiselle de Sombrely that, to get rid of belonging to the aristocracy, drank to the health of his father, a glass of blood from a severed breath.

Kozott was in the position of a man who predicted his death, because the conscience led him to fight against anarchy. He was arrested and brought before a revolutionary Tribunal. Chairman, repeating the sentence, finally spoke words of respect and regret, obliging his victim to be worthy of himself to the end and die in the same noble, as in life. Even in the halls of the court revolution represented by the civil war and brothers greeted each other, even sending each other to death. This is because both parties were confident of sincere conviction and equally deserving of respect. For no matter what a man was dying, he did valiantly, even if he had been deceived, and anarchists bloody mountains were not only undaunted by sending to the scaffold other, but have risen on him, not pale. Yes I will be their God judges and descendants.

Author: Eliphas Levi
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