Viewings: 3589
This place is sacred for all of Russia. Place of bloody fighting and the start of Victory. Volgograd, Mamaev Kurgan. But the ancient legend says that this place was sacred well before the war. Is it true that there is a unique point on the planet, the navel of the Earth? The researchers of the paranormal claim that it was in the Volgograd region is the anomalous zone of Russia...
Viewings: 3673
A few days ago over the ocean in the vicinity of Wakayama prefectures and Ishikawa in Western Japan were seen by two tornadoes. Reports of casualties or damage, fortunately, have been reported.One of the tornados, who seemed arched in a bizarre dance, has been filmed from a helicopter.
Viewings: 4366
People who have their submarines, planes, trains and even rocket laser armored car...How can last love with electricity and how to get your oil?Inventors live among us!
Viewings: 5779
In California, near the city of Santa Cruz, is an amazing place, the existence of which is hard to believe, even seeing it with my own eyes. Small clearing, about which there is a speech, is located on a gentle hillside covered with huge eucalyptus trees. For decades in Santa Cruz rushing crowds, because in this valley there are mysterious things, or, as they say, is an abnormal phenomenon.
Viewings: 3520
Films that are declared outside zakontraktovat for the Director and the end of a career for artistic movies post on the shelf and why some of them do not show up until now?
Viewings: 3735
Live economic expert Mikhail Kasino told Maxim Shevchenko, which, in his view, is behind the victory of Barack Obama in the U.S. presidential election and than MITT Romney would be better, why the USA must abandon world domination and where they will overtake the horror.
Viewings: 3625
Animals have not developed a voice device, but they communicate with each other. As, for example, cats understand each other? And you know cats dogs? How animals communicate with the person? What does the tail wagging or growl?
Viewings: 3778
Terrible times, when the Earth will the Antichrist is so close... the Antichrist called Napoleon, Adolf Hitler. Who prepares the throne for a Third of the Antichrist?
Viewings: 3502
Recently in Primorye were found traces of paleokontakta - visit to Earth by an alien mind. Some scientists made a sensational conclusion: in the far East there was a laboratory, which was artificially created Homo sapiens.
Viewings: 6923
Today Norwegian VG publishes unique photos that on August 11, made one of those on Board fishing vessel "Antigua" from Wales. In the Strait of Hinlopen that separates the two Islands of Svalbard (Spitsbergen) fishermen found a group of humpback whales, among which was the whale-albino. Fishermen at first mistook him for a block of ice. Whales are hunted for fish and white whale does not stand out with their behavior among others. Over the past twenty years like white whale was sighted off the coast of Australia. Found off the coast of Svalbard kit-albino - the first in these places. Fishermen gave him the name of Willow.
Viewings: 5896
A few decades at NASA denied the facts manifestations of extraterrestrial activity around our planet. In this picture clearly visible two objects. Voice-over explains that all the time of observation they are one and the same place. On both sites can be seen by two light spot: more probably, engine and less likely cabin.
Viewings: 4940
In Bashkortostan was found the so-called "Card Creator"in Bulgaria - the skull of an alien in the Tula region - stone with the image of strange creatures. What hides behind mysterious artifacts from the past?
Viewings: 4936
For centuries, different cultures through a variety of means, ranging from crystal balls, and ending with the stars, trying to predict the future. Sometimes they managed to do it with incredible precision! And even now in the 21st century this tradition continues. But now researchers of the future look to exact Sciences. Who will be the next Nostradamus?
Viewings: 5227
We observe what happens to a young couple whose life is likely to turn into a nightmare because of the constant fears that maddening husband and irritate wife. Man periodically experiencing genuine horror, explanations which we can't find. |