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Viewings: 25694
Астрономическая картинка ч.20Астрономическая картинка ч.20Астрономическая картинка ч.20
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Viewings: 33261
The biggest fish in the world - not blue whale as one might think, because the whale belongs to a mammal, not the fish. In this article we will talk about the largest representative of fish - whale shark.

Китовая акула - самая большая рыба в мире.Китовая акула - самая большая рыба в мире.Китовая акула - самая большая рыба в мире.
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Viewings: 22250
Before it was invented fridge, its functions were performed in the ice, which was considered a precious commodity that was not so easy to obtain, or to do, especially during the summer. To save meat and other products, huge chunks of ice transported in the South of the country from the Scandinavian countries in the Arctic Circle, or on mountain tops.

Ледяные дома ИранаЛедяные дома ИранаЛедяные дома Ирана
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Viewings: 9523
As soon as this little penguin collided in the icy waters of the Antarctic sea leopard, his days were numbered. The frightened bird from last forces tried to escape, but the leopard attacks at lightning speed - one hit jaws, and paw penguin caught between its sharp teeth. Further - a question of time, and just a few minutes.

Последние секунды жизни пингвинаПоследние секунды жизни пингвинаПоследние секунды жизни пингвина
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Viewings: 6993
На МКС появится тестовый надувной модульНа МКС появится тестовый надувной модульНа МКС появится тестовый надувной модуль

The company Bigelow Aerospace will produce for NASA experimental inflatable module BEAM (Bigelow Expandable Activity Modul), which is planned to send to the ISS.
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Viewings: 8709
Many of these natural wonders are able to see only a scientist, as they are in the cold, sparsely populated areas of the planet.
Here are the 10 most beautiful ice formations of nature from glaciers, frozen waterfalls up to the ice caves and icebergs.

12 удивительных ледяных чудес природы12 удивительных ледяных чудес природы12 удивительных ледяных чудес природы
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Viewings: 8607
Pearlescent paint the sky that appeared after sunset on December 9 over Scotland, attracted the attention of several nature lovers who post their photo in social networks.

Над Шотландией небо окрасилось в перламутровые цветаНад Шотландией небо окрасилось в перламутровые цветаНад Шотландией небо окрасилось в перламутровые цвета
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Viewings: 9751
We've all seen the rainbow, but have you ever heard of the phenomenon of fire rainbow? Scientifically this is called ecologiasemarnat arc, and actually this optical effect - one of the halo formed plate of the ice crystals at a high level Cirrus clouds.

Огненная радугаОгненная радугаОгненная радуга
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Viewings: 7019
Scientists are turning our attention to the fact that over the past 30 years, more than 50% of the corals of the Great Barrier reef has been destroyed. According to forecasts, half of the remaining corals can be gone by 2022. This means that the reef will be reduced to one third of its size for half a century. Researchers have proposed an urgent proposal to catalog the remaining flora and fauna. The project, which started with the fact that the images in separate areas of the reef was placed in Google for viewing online Internet users, was also provided the first detailed review of the deep layers of the reef.

Исчезающие красоты Большого Барьерного рифаИсчезающие красоты Большого Барьерного рифаИсчезающие красоты Большого Барьерного рифа
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Viewings: 6292
British photographer Robbie Sean went down in the Gorner glacier in Switzerland, to make pictures of ice caves. Ice caves affect much more than usual and have very unique interior.

Уникальные пейзажи ледяных пещер в швейцарском ледникеУникальные пейзажи ледяных пещер в швейцарском ледникеУникальные пейзажи ледяных пещер в швейцарском леднике
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Viewings: 6948
Today Norwegian VG publishes unique photos that on August 11, made one of those on Board fishing vessel "Antigua" from Wales. In the Strait of Hinlopen that separates the two Islands of Svalbard (Spitsbergen) fishermen found a group of humpback whales, among which was the whale-albino. Fishermen at first mistook him for a block of ice. Whales are hunted for fish and white whale does not stand out with their behavior among others. Over the past twenty years like white whale was sighted off the coast of Australia. Found off the coast of Svalbard kit-albino - the first in these places. Fishermen gave him the name of Willow.

Уникального белого кита засняли на видео и фотоУникального белого кита засняли на видео и фотоУникального белого кита засняли на видео и фото
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Viewings: 8388
Swiss diver Franco Banfi (Franco Banfi) went to the Brazilian region of Mato Grasso, to specifically capture in nature famous Anaconda, the largest snake in the world.

Дайвер сделал потрясающие фото анаконды под водойДайвер сделал потрясающие фото анаконды под водойДайвер сделал потрясающие фото анаконды под водой
Com-Eva: 1 Author: admin Read more
Viewings: 7273
Georgia aquarium is located in Atlanta. It is the largest aquarium in the world! We offer you to take a tour of this amazing place.

Самый большой аквариум в миреСамый большой аквариум в миреСамый большой аквариум в мире
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Viewings: 6359
31-year-old programmer Zack water, lost a leg in an accident, is going to climb on Chicago's Willis tower with the help of denture, managed by the power of thought. On Sunday the man intends to climb the stairs to the roof top of a skyscraper, breaking 103 floor.

Первый человек с бионической ногойПервый человек с бионической ногойПервый человек с бионической ногой
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Viewings: 6539
Chinese research centre for breeding of giant pandas is preparing to release into the wild bamboo bear raised in captivity.

Большие панды: долгий путь на волюБольшие панды: долгий путь на волюБольшие панды: долгий путь на волю
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