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People think that the death of hydrogen airship Hindenburg put an end to the whole industry of the use of aerial vehicles lighter than air. Indeed,the use of hydrogen dangerous,but why even America refused airships,because their flew inert,completely safe helium.Helium is a residual product of the refinery's oil from Tejasen have it in abundance, and even release into the atmosphere. The Germans offered a very beneficial variants of cooperation in the field of the structure of aircraft using Helium. The refusal of the Americans to cooperate not like fear of competition,because they first turned the industry. To date, the stratosphere is not used by people and yet it is full of static energy that can probably be used in the presence of certain technologies. Nikola Tesla proved that opportunity. Static electricity is contained in the snow crystals has the ability to be absorbed in a porous structure of chopped normal christallover their manufacturing is the most simple:Mixed mass of crystals with a wood powder/dust,plus some compoundpk annealing remain crystals and between pores. The descriptions of researchers, flying saucers was found in 47 year,were made of similar materialist monolithic cast,a very strong case,but he porous! There is a video with interplanetary station so as UFO dive into the storm oblakami of the film suggests that they are charged there statics. It is quite possible that they absorb static electricity and use it any way. In addition, it is proved that at the discharge of lightning, while ozone is produced antimatter. Then it becomes clear the importance of the fact that the stratosphere was free from any human amusements. The more "Ulianov" is not concerned about the increase, because of them, ozone holes at the poles. Accumulation and use the enormous energy of antimatter, makes possible interstellar flights ![]()
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