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Each continent conceals many mysteries left to modern man of his ancestors. Especially in those places of the Earth, where a civilization suddenly replaced another, "diligently" destroying the previous writing. A classic example of this is America, where conquistadors destroyed the Empire of the Incas and Mayans, who in the us mainly came only a majestic architecture, baffling archaeologists and architects. Scientists are puzzled: how were they built?
For example, the famous wall in Cuzco the ancient capital of the Incas. How few thousand years ago, the architects were able to connect and be stacked on each other monolithic blocks, having a height of 7 m, so that the tabs of some granite blocks densely entered into a deepened other. And in the joints it was impossible to get even a knife blade. The impression is that the walls were built of blocks pravivshego the sun butter, and not of solid rock, so smoothly one stone monolith "flows" at the interface of another. How could pick up the blocks so that each ledge on one of them was exactly with the depression on the other? Our contemporaries will shrug or refer to the alien, strange activity is magic wand to explain all the strange phenomena that happened once or still taking place on Earth.
But there is a more sober approach to the solution of these tasks is the recognition that a modern person, in comparison with their ancestors, has not absolute knowledge. We have lost many of the skills, taken by our distant and not-too-distant ancestors directly from nature.
Therefore, it is very useful if we skill is, in particular, the ability to do rocks regardless of their origin, soft, not suitable for labour-intensive treatment, and for the rapid modeling. Famous American zoologist, collector of unsolved mysteries Ivan Sanderson am sure that such abilities possessed by the ancestors of the Indians, who created the stone wall in Cuzco, as well as bas-reliefs, covering the walls in the so-called women's monastery, located in the Mayan city Octane. They waved with their hatchets for many years, trying to give the block a desired form. The ancient builders had just soften the surface to the consistency of clay and then customized to each other blocks or sculpted in them the image of his divinity. Could it be that? It turns out that in the Peruvian and Bolivian forests covering the slopes of the Andes, lives a little bird, similar to the European Kingfisher. It only breeds on the cliffs, standing on the banks of mountain streams, a small, perfectly round holes. These holes can be seen only in those places where this bird inhabits. The British army Colonel Percy fausett, long time conducted at the invitation of the governments of the different countries of Latin America topographical works in the Andes, are interested in: why the holes are there, where the bird it's best to do their nest?
Masonry stone walls in Cuzco
Fawcett was closely watched and suddenly saw that the holes in the limestone, volcanic or granite rocks do... very birds! Chosen a suitable rock, bird clung to her like a swift, building their nest under the eaves of the house. Then the leaf plants, which it holds in its beak, starts to RUB the surface of the stone in a circular motion until the sheet will not crumble. Then the bird flies over a new leaf and continues its slow work. After four or five such flights, and treatments cliff bird trying to peck rock, and... the stone under the blows of its beak is beginning to crumble. Is not a very long time, and is formed in the rock round hole, in which a bird can lay eggs and bring juveniles.
Colonel Fawcett published in England diaries results in two additional cases, confirming the opinion of Ivan Sanderson that the stone can be done soft and comfortable to handle. About it he heard from his friends, for a long time spent in South America.
During the relatively small forest walks along the river in Peru from travelling Englishman was lame horse. He was forced to climb down from the saddle and lead her over the reins. When the traveler got to the Parking lot, he found that his spurs were like eaten concentrated acid. In several places rust ate them through. Amazed, he showed spurs to his guide. He said not passed if the Colonel through dense thickets of dwarf shrub with fleshy leaves? Having heard the affirmative answer, the guide said, "These plants was used by the Incas for stone processing. They "eat" your spurs".
Another case recorded by Fawcett, is even more remarkable. It said the engineer, for a long time who worked in the management of the mines of Cerro de Pasco in Peru. At the weekend engineer with several Europeans and Americans went to look at, but rather to plunder some ancient graves. They also took the conductor, who was to dig the grave, and a bottle of local alcoholic drink to maintain good spirits. PEP they supported, but nothing worthwhile in the graves is not discovered, with the exception of large clay sealed container. When it opened, it was thick, dark and extremely unpleasant-smelling liquid. Angered by the failure of the American tried to "treat" it conductor. He began furiously to resist, refusing to drink. During the fight vessel crashed, its contents spilling on a stone, and struck the participants of the trip unexpectedly saw the liquid was gone and stone covered some geleobraznye putty. Liquid and stone, having United, formed a paste from which it was possible to mold like clay!
But megalithic structures with amazing fitting blocks are found not only in South America, where the usual bird, probuzhdaj yourself mink in hard basalt, and in the tombs are vessels with amazing liquid, they are on the other side of the globe - in England and Ireland. And it is likely that the same result can be obtained in various ways. Just be sure to look at the nature, to learn from it, but do not mutilate him. For example, in mountain Iceland there is a place where today there is a "wrong" from the point of view of traditional science things. Monolithic basalt suddenly turns into a dangerous quicksand. But scientists are somehow not trying to understand, by what forces to "melt" the stone and whether these forces to use in useful for people purposes.
In Russia you can also meet with extraordinary abilities of our ancestors to mold of hard material. And lived most recently, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers managed to make artificial minerals, the creation of which nature was spending tens or even hundreds of thousands of years. Thus, in the Urals were discovered done in the late XIX century, plates from a synthetic malachite, no different in its properties from natural. Geologists know how incredibly creation in primitive laboratory conditions of this stone with properties and, most importantly, drawing, indistinguishable from the real malachite.
Or another example, also describing a high level of technology, which are not Mature enough modern science. In Chukotka were found tusks of mammoths and decorated with traditional carvings. It seemed strange only one thing - the tusks were not curved and straight. The ancient craftsman could somehow soften and to straighten Tusk, without altering its internal structure...