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In southern Peru, is one of the most arid places of our planet - desert Atamaca. This desolate region produces a dull and bleak impression range of sand, stone, almost no water. Only the most hardy and unpretentious plants can survive. But archaeologists are convinced that in the midst of the barren expanse of the desert of Atamaca real treasures are hidden. Under a thick layer of sand lurk priceless items showing a forgotten culture of the people that inhabited in ancient times these places. In deep sand graves researchers discovered burial of the people of chiribaya, who lived over a thousand years ago. Studying various findings, researchers from separate fragments to piece together the history, way of life and beliefs of the long-extinct tribe.
The most valuable findings undoubtedly mummy. The first traces of settlements Indian tribe found in the North of the desert. Chiribaya inhabited the lower part of the valley, but the ruins of the buildings have not survived. Chiribaya lived in thatched huts covered for strength clay, but squalid buildings long ago collapsed. But well preserved mummified bodies of the ancient inhabitants of the desert, and many household items, which are placed in the grave with the dead, gave scientists a wealth of material for the study of ancient people.
Expedition under the leadership of the Peruvian archaeologist Sony Gian literally sifts the sand desert of Atamaca in search of historical values. Unfortunately, scientists and their assistants are often delayed. Treasure seekers already dug through the valley of the ILO in search of rich burial places and destroyed many important traces of ancient culture. Some of them were lucky: they have digged a large number of gold jewelry. Rumors about the fabulous production attracted to the valley of the crowd of ignorant and greedy adventurers. Marauders-gold-diggers stupid dig in the sand and ruthlessly break and throw invaluable mummy - they need only the precious metal.
To prevent the plundering of ancient graves in the desert of Atamaca scientists not. Archaeologists cannot protect mummies from the ubiquitous robbers, but try to get to the treasure before them. All the items found by the expedition of the day, that same evening transported under guard to the nearest research centre. There already collected more than 400 mummies of chiribaya and about four thousand skeletons. They have been found in different places of the desert. Archaeologists develop three sites in the valley of the ILO along the river Ashmore - two large and one small.
The mummy from disposal chiribaya
One of the big areas is conveniently located high on a gentle hill. It was there found the most gold jewelry, and scientists believe that at this place was the capital of the country, chiribaya.
In the valley lies the second area of eight square meters, where buried dozens of people. Chiribaya often buried their dead on top of the old graves, at a slightly higher level. Kind mnogojadernosti graves greatly complicates the work of archaeologists. Most of the graves are just deep pit dug in the sand. The slightest movement dried sand showered, and all the work you want to do it again. Dig is necessary very cautiously but quickly: archaeologists in a hurry, because open grave you can't leave until tomorrow - "nighttime vultures" is waiting for...
On the third phase of excavations scientists had high hopes. They hoped that there had never been marauders-hunters. But as soon as excavations began, it became clear that they're late again: untouched on a piece of desert has long the length and breadth has Israeli robbers, and therefore to research this place now is not really very interesting.
In sandy graves of the ancient desert-dwellers of Atamaca found, except the skeletons and mummies, household items, many of clay pots, musical instruments (single pipe) and the bones of animals - mostly head lamas. Some of the mummies were wearing dresses, and their heads were decorated with ceremonial headdresses. In such detail historians restore individual moments of the funeral ritual of the people of chiribaya. In all probability, the tribe of chiribaya for five centuries expanded and settled in their country along a river Ashmore. People fished, opened under fields and vegetable gardens in the fertile land on the floodplain of the river, bred lamas who had served in the culture of chiribaya special place - they were considered an almost family members. Coat Lam skillfully spun, dyed with vegetable dyes and wove of them spotted warm fabric. Meat Lam Indians, chiribaya ate, and, if needed, these animals sacrificed to the gods. The head lamas were an important attribute of the burial ceremony. The main items that accompanied the deceased chiribaya in the other world, - the head Lama and the leaves of the Holy Coca.
According to the custom of the tribe, deceased relative generously supplied products for a long time. In many graves archaeologists have found a bowl of grain, maize - grains and corn, dried peppers, beans, potatoes and other vegetables, with all supplies still look very appetizing.
Some graves archaeologists have got well-preserved headgear, made of bright colored feathers tropical birds. Such birds in the wilderness not found. The nearest place, where could be brought feathers, is at a distance of more than five hundred kilometers from Tamaki, in the jungles of the Amazon basin. You can imagine what a jewel were these luxury pens for the inhabitants of the desert!
Archaeologists have found in sandy graves of many objects of material culture from which gradually is made quite clear about the ancient culture of the people of chiribaya. But first, scientists need to determine the age of archaeological finds. The most accurate is the radiocarbon method. Thanks to a measured amount of residual carbon in the body can determine exactly how long have started the process of decomposition. To this end finds in the desert of Atamaca, such as Coca leaf, placed in the tube with oxygen and heated to high temperatures. The piece is burned in oxygen and turns into carbon dioxide. So withheld carbon dioxide cool, clean, and frozen using liquid nitrogen. The result is a powder, which emit pure isotope of carbon C14. Computer assesses the remaining amount of carbon. The more C14 contains experimental sample of the substance, the younger archaeological find.
The computer determines the content of carbon isotope in the sample, and builds a graph. Sharp peaks of the graph represent a relatively young substances. For example, the Coca leaf, found in the upper disposal, about six hundred years. The oldest mummies from the valley ILO almost twice over what scientists have concluded that the country of chiribaya in a desert valley in the Andes, there were about five hundred years.
But why have disappeared from the face of the Earth people with relatively high agricultural culture? Why abandoned their settlements in the valley of Ashmore? No answer yet.