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More than 500 years mummy concealed the secret of civilization white people in Peru. However, recently the American archaeologists have found an ancient burial caves in the high mountains, lost in the Peruvian forests around lake Condors. Found the body embalmed in unusual positions: their hands and cover their eyes, as if salonas from something terrible. Sometimes mum sitting, burying face into his knees.
According to local legends, they left not present civilization haired people tall and extraordinary beauty. According to estimates of archaeologists, these people were contemporaries of the Incas and their existence can question the fact of prolonged isolation of the New world.
Such a statement may seem a regular fiction, but about the existence of the people chapaco, or exorbitant people, preserved written evidence. Once the Incas waged war against them, and then, they were enslaved by the Spanish conquistadors. Now, in the Spanish Chronicles mention white exorbitant people whose women were so beautiful that struck the local nobility.
In 1964, archaeologists headed by the American researcher Inom Savoy found on earth chapaco in the Northern part of Peru huge fortress ramparts and stone walls stretching for about a kilometer. This construction is one of the most notable throughout South America. During the construction of the fortress was used twice granite blocks, than during the construction of the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt! After 21 years, the group of Savoy made even more startling discovery. Not far from the fortress under the thick cover of vegetation she discovered a giant city with area of 80 km2, whose architecture is not similar to the style of the Incas. Jin Savoy classifies its construction to the 800, In the course of research archaeologist often have ever known among the local population high blue-eyed blondes and blondes. "They were very superstitious and considered found the ruins of enchanted. Many of them talked about the seven-headed serpent that Opletal everyone who tried to penetrate the ancient settlement, after which people were turned into a stone", - told the Savoy.
The remains of mummies at the lake Condors
However, the most amazing and mysterious discovery was marked for Savoy 1986. Earlier, until he heard rumors about "speaking stones"hidden people chapaco in caves during the Spanish invasion. Historians did not believe in these stories, considering that in ancient Peru had no written language. One day, scrambling over the rocks, above the ancient town, Savoy stumbled upon an ancient tomb, the secret of his many bones and pieces of pottery. In the walls of the tombs were built three stone slabs with inscriptions. Savoy and his companions were astonished, careful study. According to the researchers, first came the word of the Hebrew language, apparently, from ancient Egyptian, Israeli and Phoenician sources. Savoy believes that these plates were brought from Ophir - mysterious country in East Africa or in South Asia, where were sent ships king Solomon.
Found the writings challenged by archaeologists a lot of questions. In the city civilization chapaco, built in 800, could be the words of the works of the old Testament, Dating back to the first Millennium BC? How to explain the appearance of features exorbitant people - because neither Egypt nor Israel was famous tall and white population.
You can, of course, to suggest that chapaco were the Vikings, who moved to Peru from the shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence in Canada, where Leif Eriksson has mounted an expedition from Greenland. However, the Vikings settled in Greenland only in 986, and expedition Eriksson took place in two years, that is nearly 200 years after the founding of chapaco their city.
Perhaps, the solution still lies ahead. Currently, it is planned to analyze the DNA found mummies and compare them with genetic material of the modern inhabitants of Peru and the countries of the East. And it is quite possible that you will have to reconsider still the accepted point of view about the isolation of the Old world.