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Historians of religion and theologians are never-ending debate about whether Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. The dispute scientists got in fiction and on the screen to recall the notorious "the da Vinci Code" by Dan brown. Meanwhile, this debate is as old as Christianity itself. That proves the inscription on one of the Coptic papyrus.
Harvard law school Professor of theology Karen king (Karen King) in the dialogue of Jesus Christ with the apostles found documentary record of his wife. "And Jesus said to them: my wife" - said in a small fragment of the Coptic papyrus Dating back to the IV century ad. The announcement was made in a report at the X International Congress of Coptic studies in Rome.
Papyrus size approximately 3.8 7.6 centimeters belongs to a private collector. On the one hand it contains eight incomplete lines, written by hand, and on the other side remained only three words and some symbols. The origin of the papyrus is unknown, but judging by the fact that the text is written in the Coptic language, which was used by the early Christians, most likely, it was found in Egypt. Although it is possible that initially took up with the unknown of the Greek original, written in the second half of the II century, because it coincides with the recently investigated the apocryphal Gospels of Thomas, Mary and Philip.
In the apocryphal gospel of Philip, was found in 1945 in Nag Hammadi, said: "And companion [Son is] Mary Magdalene. [The Lord loved Mary] over [all] the disciples, and it is [often] lobal her [mouth]. The others [the disciples, seeing him, [that love] Mary, said to him, "Why do you love her more than all of us?". The Savior answered to them, he said to them, "Why do I not love you like her?".
The words of his wife, according to the researcher, are not yet a proof that Jesus was married. A kiss in the mouth is the evidence not so much of erotic love, how much transfer confidential knowledge devoted adherent. Also these words show that in the second century among the early Christians was not a unified opinion on the question whether married Jesus and whether followers of his teachings to marry or better to remain single.
The results of his research Karen king plans to publish in the January issue of the Harvard Theological Review. A draft of its work with images and translation of fragments found in the English language is available on the website of Harvard school of theology.
In the four canonical Gospels, recognized the Nicene Council in 325 inspired, Mary Magdalene is the same as that of other actors "Good news". However, from the text it is impossible to understand why she was so close to the Messiah. Equal to the apostles in Orthodoxy Mary Magdalene came from Galilee town of Magdala near Capernaum - so it was called. Jesus healed her from evil spirits and, according to the Evangelist Luke, out of gratitude she joined a few pious women everywhere accompanied by the Lord during his earthly life. When the passion of the son of God, Mary Magdalene stood at a little distance at the foot of the cross and was present at the burial.
Mary Magdalene was the first one was the risen Savior, and she was the first people heard the commandment of the Teacher to go to the apostles and to tell them that he is risen from the dead. Crucified addressed her, saying: "Wife! What are you crying for? Whom are you seeking?". Perhaps because her eyes were full of tears or sorrow because of the empty tomb, Mary first accepted Christ for vertogradova. And just then I heard his voice, throwing himself at his feet, saying: "Rabboni! - Teacher!". The apostles did not believe the testimony of Mary of resurrection, ascribing its approval typical women fantasies.
According to legend, Mary Magdalene preached the gospel in Rome, brought a complaint to the Roman Emperor Tiberius on Pontius Pilate and brought Caesar red egg as a symbol of the suffering and resurrection of the Lord. Buried Mary in Ephesus, where else in VII century showed her tomb. The relics of Mary Magdalene was moved from Ephesus to Constantinople in the year 886 Byzantine Emperor Leo the Wise. The whore and the sinner was suddenly recognized by the Catholic Church of the Saint, she has devoted a holiday, her name was consecrated churches and confirmed her status "mystical bride of Christ".
In the most ancient Apocrypha of the New Testament it is possible to find echoes of the past polemics about marriage. For example, in the Acts of Paul, composed of about 150 years, the Apostle (or the one who says his name) preaching celibacy and cancels the marriage, declaring that will be happy only those who "preserve the purity of the body, for they would house of God". Initially "Christian women" perceived as legitimate wives, but soon the Church Fathers chose a different interpretation.
Tertullian from the II century saw "wives-Christians" girlfriends-maids, and not the husband. However, he acknowledged that Peter was married, "because it says about his mother-in-law". Peter"stone" thrice denied his Master, while Maria Magdalene was present at his death and the grave.