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Парадоксы древних знаний"...B entrenched our vision of the past ancestor Neolithic always appeared in the image of a furry of detinochi, chasing a mammoth. But unexpected discoveries fell one after the other..."

Who were our forefathers? On this question, seem to have been given an exhaustive answer. Response involving progressive - from processed stone to space rocket, from generation to generation - the development of people's beliefs about the world, the gradual accumulation of knowledge.
In entrenched our vision of the past ancestor Neolithic always appeared in the image of a furry of detinochi that with a baton at the ready, OCHA and scratching, pursues the frightened and the fleeing of the mammoth. It seemed that all his isnewstime was confined to the prosaic earning their daily bread.
But with the development of archaeology, paleontology and other Sciences unexpected discoveries fell one after the other. Open, forced to rethink our ideas about intelligence and technical capabilities, long-vanished people and Nations.

It turned out, the people of old times was well versed in astronomy, were excellent engineers and metallurgists, knew the secrets of the human body, a free hunting being built massive stone computers. They came to our ancestors such knowledge? Who were the teachers of the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Indians, Chinese, Greeks? Born in ancient times and came to the decline in the middle Ages, science was rediscovered by the Arabs, and rebuilt in the Renaissance and developed the scientific world today.

"...The world has a rectangular shape and stretches from Iberia to India and from Africa to Scythia. Its four sides formed by high mountains, on which rests the firmament. The earth is a giant chest size, and on the lid are all sea and country. The sky - the lid of the chest, and the mountains - its walls". Such a naive idea that the Earth was stated in the "Christian topography"written C VI century. But a thousand years before this, people were more accurate view of the Earth. Pythagoras (VI century BC) were taught at school that the earth has the form of a sphere. Aristarchus Samussky (III century BC) believed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and Eratosthenes, librarian of Alexandria (III century BC), with an accuracy of up to 30 km calculated the circumference of the planet.

Until the second half of the XIX century, scientists estimated the age of the Earth a few thousand years old, and ancient books of Brahmans were determined by the lifetime of the Earth and our Universe in 4.3 billion years, which is very close to current estimates. The history of our science has Swan and tides. Waves of development and progress alternated with periods of destruction and persecution. In the year 1000, the Dominican monk Giordano Bruno was burned alive PA Piazza Campo de ' Fiori in Rome as a heretic. He argued that in space there are many suns, planets orbiting them. But this brilliant guess attributed Bruno and 400 years ahead of his time, was expressed 2,000 years before him. The ancient philosopher Anaximenes, who believed in the plurality of inhabited worlds, spoke razocharovannogo Alexander the great that he won only one Earth, while in the cosmos there is a lot of such Lands.

Currently, we re-opened forgotten science. 350 years ago Johannes Kepler pinpoint the tides - at the expense of attraction of the moon. And immediately became the target of harassment and persecution. But already in the second century BC, the Babylonian astronomer Seleucus spoke about the impact of the Moon on the water of the oceans and seas. 100 years before the new era of Posidonia has come to the correct conclusion that the tides are connected with the circulation of the moon around the Earth. For 2500 years BC astronomers China said to the Emperor that the Earth floating in space. And 400 years ago Galileo was condemned by the Church authorities for such views. In the V century BC Diogenes Apollonsky argued that meteorites move in space and "rare fall to the Ground. And in the XVIII century French Academy, through its pillars Lavoisier solemnly announced that rocks cannot fall from the sky, because there is nothing to hold on to.

Amazing engineering and metallurgical knowledge of the ancients. Because of the political situation in the Middle East of the Suez canal virtually not functioning. But not all know that this channel is not a new structure. Its construction was started by the Egyptian pharaohs over 6 centuries to and. e and continue the Persian king Darius.

The great wall of China was built 22nd century ago. It was made 3 million workers over 40 years. The length of the walls is about 2.5 thousand kilometers, height - up to 15 meters. The wall can drive the car today. 5 thousand years ago the Egyptian Pharaoh Menes has implemented an ambitious engineering project to change the channel of the river Nile. This cases is unprecedented in history. One of the seven wonders of the ancient world was the lighthouse of Alexandria, of a height of 135 metres. The lighthouse was built in the year 250 to and. e and lasted about one and a half thousand years, until it was destroyed by the earthquake. It was built of white marble on the island of Pharos. On the tower it was located movable mirror reflecting the light so that at night it can be seen from a distance of 400 kilometers. The day was used sunlight and at night the fire.

Our aerospace engineers have predecessor in ancient times, Gerona, with its jet engine. And our first Kibernetika was preceded by Dedal with his machines and robots. Modern science is rooted in the depth of centuries.

The surprising discovery was made in our years in Costa Rica. Here in the jungle were found hundreds of perfectly round stone balls with sizes up to 2.5 meters. The largest weighs 16 tons. Some groups of balls form geometric shapes, others point to the geographical directions. In Mexico found the giant stone heads up to 40 tons. They hoisted on the stone stands as the Costa Rican balls. The next quarries of stone located pas a distance of 100 km of These heads were produced over 3 thousand years ago.

Iron pillar in the courtyard of the mosque in Delhi weighs 6 tons and reaches a height of 7.5 meters. For 15 centuries is exposed to tropical elements. And yet it has no speck of rust. Getting such great monoliths not oxidized iron in our time it is impossible and it is not known when it can be done.

The achievements of South American Indians in metallurgy as yet unexplained. In Ecuador found figured ornaments made of pure platinum. To make such an ornament, it is necessary first to melt, and then to give the necessary form. Melting platinum in Europe was first made 200 years ago at a temperature of about 2000 degrees Celsius. How (not using the same lighted sticks) many centuries ago were able to reach the temperature of the Indians?

In Canada, the Great Lakes region, in the 50-ies were discovered copper mines, the age of which after application of radioisotope analysis was identified in 6 thousand years. North American Indians were hunters, fishers, pastoralists, no traditions, connected with extraction of metals, they have never been marked. But more striking another. According to experts, there was produced 200 thousand tons of pure metal. "Biography" all available in North America copper fairly well known. When and where were produced, in what quantity, where it is now. All figures are more or less agree. But these 200 thousand tons seem to have evaporated. Who is this copper was mined and where it disappeared in this extraordinary number?

The tomb of a Chinese Emperor Zhou Shu, who lived 1700 years ago, has presented a new mystery. Spectral analysis of metal belt from this tomb showed that it consists of a combination of different metals, including aluminum. The first pure aluminium was received in 1825, and fusing it with other metals have learned much later. So decoration of the deceased ruler of the third century looks weird and doesn't fit the stereotypical scheme of our ideas about old times.

In the London Museum of the history of science exhibited a human skull. He was found in a cave in Northern Rhodesia and belonged to a man who lived 40 thousand years ago. On the left side of the skull has a small round hole. Around it there are no moving radially cracks that are normally present in the wound with melee weapons. The right part of the skull is broken. Skull soldiers killed gun bullets that look the same. In the Paleontological Museum in Moscow is stored bison skull, who lived hundreds of thousands of years ago. On the front there is a round hole without radial cracks. It also looks like a gunshot.

Astronomical knowledge of the ancient heard by many. But as they were received from whence they came - there is no answer. How could Sumerian astronomers to calculate the earth's year with accuracy up to 3 minutes, and the conversion of the moon around the Earth more precisely? Who gave them the knowledge needed to determine the full cycle of rotation of stars on the sky, constituting 25290 years? In one of them the Berlin museums stored Sumerian seal, depicting the Solar system. Ancient African tribes - the Dogon knew about spiral-shaped Galaxy, on the second a dark star system of Sirius, which was opened recently with the help of modern optics. The Dogon knew about the satellites of Jupiter, the ring of Saturn. In Brittany were found wall of cave paintings that have been decoded as prehistoric astronomical maps. What practical interest astronomy for hunters of the stone age? Such drawingscards found a large number, and these findings call for a revision of views on intellectual abilities of man to the late glacial period.

For 25 centuries before the Lunar expeditions Democritus said: "Markings on the moon is a shadow from the high mountains and deep valleys". "It is the Moon obscures the Sun during a solar Eclipse.", stated Anaxagoras. He first thought that during lunar eclipses the earth's shadow falls on the moon. Ancient regenerate legend says that life on Earth originated patriarchs, descended with a magnifying glass. Before Galileo's no one knew about Sunny spots. But another two thousand years before him Chinese astronomers wrote these messages. Babylonian priests knew of the four largest satellites of Jupiter, discovered by the telescope in 1610. They knew about the satellites of Saturn. But any way, they got this information? Heraclitus and the disciples of Pythagoras recognized every star in the center of the planetary system. Democritus believed that the Worlds are born and die. Only some of these worlds around stars suitable for life.

So, is it shiny guesses or received from someone heritage? If it were only assumptions, why they were the same in different, considerably removed from each other countries? Ancient inhabitants of England were more knowledgeable in astronomy, and the priests of Egypt or the Sumerians. The incredibly high level of astronomy existed in Ancient Mexico. Modern astronomical data determine the length of the year as 365,2422 days, and the length of the lunar month as 29,53059 days. The ancient Maya, without chronometers and other precision instruments, are given the same values with distinction in the fourth figure after comma.

To assume that the people of old times might have some idea about the endless depths of the universe, to understand the structure surrounding the Solar system, we still can, because this knowledge can be obtained through simple visual observations and comparisons. But there is evidence and that they had the knowledge and in the field, beyond the simple human vision field of the microcosm. Moreover, ancient scientists insisted on the unity of buildings infinitely large and small.

The first who formulated the atomic theory, was Democritus, predpolozhenii 2500 years ago that the basis of the diversity of the entire surrounding world are elementary smallest indivisible "block" atoms. "In reality there is nothing but atoms and space" - said the scientist of antiquity. Another ancient thinker Finikas Moses, recognizing Greek philosopher this fundamental thought, went even further, defending the thought about the divisibility of the atom. His version, as we have seen, of course, was closer to the truth. Lavkip, Epicurus, lukretsiy also adhered to the atomic theory. The cornerstone of the theory of relativity of Einstein's thesis is - "there is No center of infinity", - expressed by Lucrezia in the poem "On the nature of things". In the "Emerald tables Hermes" - an ancient document, attributed by historians to 2500 BC, clearly traced the idea of the unity of space and matter, the Holy book of the Indians describes the birth of the world: "Like a mist, like a cloud of dust was the creation". But that said, modern cosmogony: "stage began with the deposition of dust particles in the Central Equatorial plane condensed clouds". Comments, as the saying goes.

Atomic structure of matter is mentioned in ancient Brahmanic papyri. In one of them said: "Inside of each atom contains a huge worlds, as numerous as the dust around the Sun". Just take it and copied the modern textbook of atomic physics.

Paying tribute to the proper genius and vision of ancient scholars, however, cannot be freed from the torments of the question: what led them to the idea of the objects, which are not visible to the human eye?

Ancient sages understood the danger of the use of knowledge and destructive purposes. In one of the ancient Indian texts describes the "of thunder", which turns into ashes whole army and leading to loss of hair and nails. English writer E. Thomas, in his book "We are not the first" leads an excerpt from an ancient book "Drone Parvo". Here is what it says: "was released firestorm emitting glow smokeless flame. Gross darkness suddenly covered the sky. Clouds of swirling in the air, oozing blood. World, scorched by the heat of this weapon, it seemed, was covered by fever". In another passage explosion compared with the radiance of a thousand suns. In India and currently continue to find ancient radioactive skeletons of men and animals. Radioactive background in the surrounding area was ten times smaller. In the Gobi desert places were found covered with ancient molten sand. Approximately 3500 years ago in a mysterious accident died the Indian city of Mohenjo-Daro. On stones and buildings preserved traces of melting. The disaster came instantly as a result of powerful explosion, accompanied with a radiant light. Destroyed Indian city in many ways resembled the picture of Hiroshima after the atomic bomb explosion.

India has one more mystery. The ancient Indians used shestidesyatye system of units of time. Day they divided into 60 Cala the duration of 24 modern minutes. Cala 60 wikala for 24 seconds. Then came other shares, down to the smallest - Kasta, part one three hundred million fraction of a second. What could be necessary Indians such insignificant unit of time, and most importantly how they measured? Now we know exactly what Casta comparable to the time of life of some nuclear particles. And then?

And now tell you about the extraordinary discovery, which can also be classified as a challenge to modern scientific views.

In the beginning of XVIII century in Turkey were found two strange maps, 1513 dated and 1528 years, based on earlier and unknown sources Turkish Admiral Piri Reis. In 1929, the Director of the Istanbul Museum gave their American cartographers to explore. Nearly thirty years of analysis of the card has led to the sensation. Scientists noticed an interesting feature - maps had all the necessary geographical data, but in a flat image were not entirely accurate. Moving then the card at all geographic globe, they came in total amazement. It turned out that all the contours of the continents and seas immediately coincided. The coast North and South America, Greenland, Antarctica, which in XVI century there had not fully overlap. This gave the impression that the cards Piri Flight have been compiled through a survey, conducted from a great height, which would be viewed spherical shape of the Earth. The maps were caused such details (underwater ridges of Antarctica, its coastal relief), which have managed to find only in 50-ies of our century. It also emerged that the ancient maps turned out to be even more accurate than in those years.

It only remains to add that the present-day modern map of Antarctica compiled using seismic methods and gravimetry, because the entire sixth continent already 9-10 thousand years is covered with thick ice shell thickness up to several kilometers.

Ancient Sanskrit texts are full of stories about air travel in flying birds-Vimana. Ancient Indian epos "Ramayana" describes wieman as two-round ship with porthole and dome. Judging by the experiences traveling, this prehistoric ship could fly like the wind, to fly in the air, abruptly collapse. There is mention of the fuel, which has a yellowish-white color. The folklore of the peoples of the world contains the strange tales of flying devices - "heavenly chariot" and "carpets-airplanes". In one of his works monk Roger Bacon, who lived in the XIII century, has left a strange note: "...flying machines, both ancient and those available in our day". Both seem incredible, although legends and fairy tales with air travel enough. In the Chinese Chronicles can be found on the flight to the moon. It is impossible to believe, but ancient sources and even indicate the date moon landing of the first astronaut from China - 2309 year B.C. He was flying in space, where "could not see the movement of the Sun". Spicy moment, if we consider that only being on the surface of the Earth and testing with it daily rotation, people will be visually experience the sensation of movement of the Sun from the moment of sunrise to sunset. Although, as we well know, this visual effect is created by the Earth's rotation around the axis. And only in space after takeoff, this effect will disappear. Some researchers believe that in previous eras "gods" from space often came down to the earth, and that some people had been granted the privilege to visit them and to travel with them.

It's so or not - answer now is not so simple. We know little about the science of ancient, do not know, whence have come to them knowledge. If in ancient times was not burnt mercilessly valuable library, our knowledge about the disappeared civilizations would have looked very different. After the destruction in the VI century BC Athens famous collection of books by some miracle remained extant poems of Homer. During the Egyptian campaign of Caesar was burned unique library of Alexandria, numbering hundreds of thousands of volumes and was simultaneously University and research centre. The number of books, destroyed by the Inquisition in the middle ages, could not be defined. Forever lost to us invaluable knowledge of the ancient Maya, after the Spaniards in 1549 was burned them library in Mexico city. Not the best was the fate and manuscripts in Asia. In 213 B.C. in China by decree of the Emperor died, all libraries. Countless books are destroyed or thosewas extended in other countries. Because of these tragedies our remote past is a void to be filled random and scattered data. And who knows whether you have been hidden in the lost books of the answers to the questions...

It is time to understand, in the depths of the past of mankind, involving for this purpose the exact Sciences.

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