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Western historians write about the Second World war and the failure of Hitler's operations "Barbarossa"? A magnificent plan for rapid conquest of the USSR broke vast distances and a winter storm. But is it? And what about the Red army? The Defense Of Moscow? In the end, the Russians also suffered from the cold. Maybe we should look at a map and rewrite history?
I have long puzzled over the incident of September 11. It took me only a couple of hours and advice of my friend, Russian by origin, Serge de Becca - researcher, who knows a lot of things about invisible aircraft, explosives, origins of bin Laden and intentions of the neoconservatives (constructive chaos, preventive weapons, etc)... But I still have not realized the truth about the legendary operations "Barbarossa". Recently my laziness retreated, and I looked at the card. Will invite you to do the same.
In continuation of 70 years the West has told a whole bunch of information about the failure of the plan "Barbarossa". First, that Russia is a huge country. So big that it could not be divided nor the Napoleonic or German cruelty nor American attempts in the Yeltsin era (give us the oil fields and set in the slums!). It is, by definition, cannot be conquered, because Moscow is too far away. How much to her kilometers? Ask the Napoleonic soldier!
Secondly, Russian winter is irresistible. And because of this poor Germans, not prepared for the winter, had to select clothes from 3 million prisoners of war, they had no tanks, no weapons, Institute of transport to meet the freezing cold 1941. And the Russians? Them that was not cold? And historians? They are on the calendar was not looking? Surely we're going to impute that the winter has begun in December, and inglorious conquest-the destruction of Russia in June? Yes, I know that the Fuhrer had spent time on the Serbs in Yugoslavia.
All this propaganda leaked through the Nazis continue served as a Preface to every Western opinion whether, labour do about this "the greatest" worldwide operations. But I repeat: look at the map. And if you get a few free minutes, ask a question about Google distances. For example, the distance between Moscow and Warsaw, occupied by the Germans from 1939, or between Warsaw and Minsk. Hardly 1250 kilometers in the first case, and in the second only 550! Look at the distance between Kiev and Bucharest, given that Romania (as well as other Central European countries - Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary) was a German ally, and the distance there is less than 1000 kilometers!
Come to the first conclusion: the distance is not huge. About that the West was lying. Even if we all Russians to take over the Tatars, the European part of Russia is not Siberia. Between Moscow and Warsaw little more miles than between Berlin and Paris. By the way, France was captured quickly (as sarcastically noted Louis-Ferdinand Celine, "the French army that had been only waiting for - a rush to get out"), and Russia no. Why?
Memory of the war trampled
Oh, I know - Russian winter, tell me! And it is that began on June 21? Well, it was cold! Engines kaput, guns frozen, of our bunkers we did not foresee such attack! Not Russian winter stopped the attack - it has already been stopped. A Russian counter-offensive has also slowed because of the winter.
Three-quarters of a century to a number - and it's long enough - Europe insisted that the Russians were not ready, had no ammunition, were persecuted by Stalin that cleaning destroyed the best generals and officers, and that the Germans could only maintain their tanks, as on the route to finally lose in Russia communism. But this case was not presented. Very fast operation "Barbarossa" turned to the Germans in a horrible ride, even Guderian was forced to admit it.
There was a big Red army. Were military resistance, were even counter-attack in July. The Germans, despite their revalued military genius, as in 1914, made a lot of mistakes. The dictator has allowed his generals bickering among themselves and to lose the possibility of attacks, especially in the Leningrad direction with a hilarious Marshal von Libm. Well, the defense of Moscow was fantastic - review the memoirs of Marshal Zhukov, even crazy, it was obvious.
And the second conclusion is the following: the Germans won't winter, but a very real and obvious forces before the onset of winter. Return to the starting point: where is the blitzkrieg? The USSR was suddenly attacked by a formal former ally, which he continued to supply oil and raw materials! Distance does not unlimited, and Kyiv taken only three months after the beginning of the war.
Of course, later will begin a short sad autumn with falling leaves and yellow verses, and then will come a terrible General by the name of Winter, but for the Russians, the soldier - too (it has been estimated that during the Napoleonic wars killed about half a million Russian soldiers, many from the cold weather...). And what were you doing all this past summer?
The main purpose of this insane war, as we know, was the destruction of the people. Instead Snitch desolate colonial empires of France or England, Fuhrer prefers to destroy 200 million Europeans. Militant fighters for the destruction of the white race should sing Hitler endless praise. The destruction of the population began immediately - since June. The infamous working SS brigade machine guns destroyed entire villages, whosoever resists was subjected to torture and rozstrilyuvalysya as his peasant "the world"and German soldiers were ready to replace the whole nation. Until the end of the war destroyed 5.5 million people. Not bad for one of the summer: where did they waste time or preparing future? "Lebensraum" - "Living space" - was, in fact, the operation of creating a space of death.
I end up thinking about one thing: resulting in the execution of the conceived, Hitler first starved with hunger own nation, and along with it, brought it to poverty. Stoddard in his wonderful book written on the subject (Germany in the darkness), notes that the Germans were allocated a paltry soldering even to "Barbarossa": several eggs in a month, had almost no oil, and, of course, potatoes, which during the winter was cold in the cellars! So that was fatal and terrible aim of the Nazis, which in our days, crazy people like stripped tied become stupid and starving dogs, throwing the first passer-by.
I repeat again that the Germans, despite their unhealthy motivations, training and equipment, it took three months to come to Kiev - the nearest large city. And in the end they got in Moscow.
I think that the West will need a new story about this war. Moscow is not so far away as it seems...