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10 продуктов, которые мы ошибочно считаем полезными10. Vegetable fats and oils

From chemistry lessons we have learned that the human body is more healthy fats and oils, which remain liquid at room temperature. Therefore, it is believed that the vegetable oil is beneficial for us. Besides, it is derived from plants. Sounds like a convincing. It is well known that liquid oils contain unsaturated fats, which are more healthy than those contained in the solid oil saturated fats. But many people forget that solid oil has become liquid, is it just melt. For example, palm oil, despite its vegetable origin, contains harmful saturated fats and at room temperature keeps semi-solid state. Palm oil is often used in fast food restaurants, and therefore their food cooked on a butter, very bad for your health. Why do they use it? Palm oil is very cheap and fast food restaurants care more about your money than your health.

9. Pasta

There are many different kinds of pasta: spaghetti, noodles, lasagne and spirals. Among all this diversity there are some really healthy varieties. But those macaroni, most often we buy, made of white flour, mixed with eggs and water, and the eggs in them is so small that it does not affect the nutritional value of these macaroni. Neither vitamins, or minerals, and hardly they contain fiber. Nothing but empty carbohydrates. But it could be worse, for example Chinese noodle still contains a lot of salt together with harmful fats.

8. White bread

White bread is too pure carbohydrates like pasta. You probably know this, but in the world are still people who believe that all varieties of bread are equally useful. If you're one of them, believe me, it is not so!

7. Soup mix

If you think that green incomprehensible Burda that you fill in with water, useful for you, it's not. When you eat that soup; you get water, oil, cereals, and, moreover, salt and preservatives. In fact, the salt content in these mixes beyond. Unfortunately, today, many do not understand that excessive intake of salt can be a risk factor to your health. Salt is the cause of many of heart disease. It must withdraw from the body, and this is the job of the kidneys. Without going into the physiology, it is safe to say that the more salt you consume, the higher your blood pressure, because the body is trying to withdraw the excess. And high blood pressure for anybody not to be helpful.

6. Ketchup

Many believe that cats have the same useful properties that and tomatoes. Actually, it's not. Despite the content of antioxidants, which significantly reduce the risk of occurrence of mutations in the body and the appearance of such dangerous diseases as cancer, part of the cats also includes a large amount of sugar and salt. Ketchup, which we usually buy in the stores, is unnatural and processed, and therefore the level of antioxidants in it is much lower than in tomatoes, which were used for its preparation.

5. Diet soda

For anybody not a secret that any of sparkling water is unhealthy. But is there any sense in the diet soda? Scientists are not sure on this. Some of them claim that diet soda is much more harmful than usual. Although it is a very controversial topic, since a full study of the influence of diet soda on human health have not been conducted. However, a number of experiments have shown that people who use diet carbonated water, there is a trend of increasing weight. The fact that such a soda stimulates the appetite so you eat more calories. Other experiments performed on animals have shown that artificial sweeteners contained in diet soda pop, can cause weight gain, as well as sugar. In addition, some sweeteners such as sugar substitute, can cause cancer, although that's not scientifically proven.

4. Melted cheese

It is well known that the cheese bags harmful to health. In fast food restaurants use special cheese, which makes hamburgers such especially tasty. The name of this kind of cheese American and is sold in all countries of Europe. For example, in Norway it is forbidden because of the high salt content. In two or three slices of this cheese contains the daily rate of salt for humans.

3. Soy sauce

For all fans of soy sauce his appearance in this list can be a shock. But he's really not as useful as it is accepted to think. Unlike other soy products, soy sauce does not contain isoflavones, which possess a range of useful properties. However, the level of antioxidants included in soy sauce, is still high and, thus, to harmful products it can not be classified. However, in soy sauce contains high content of salt, and recent research has revealed it includes chemical substances that can cause cancer. After which from sale disappeared several varieties nizkozatratnogo soy sauce. Unfortunately, as is often the case with "useful" - choice of different food - new sauce was not so good as the old.

2. Nuts

Nuts, as a rule, very useful for health. They contain vitamins, minerals, and enriched with fiber. But peanuts are not as useful as all other types of nuts. Most often sold peanuts as a light snack - fried with salt. But nuts in addition to vitamins and minerals contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids known as omega-6. It is necessary to monitor the ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, the optimal ratio of 1:1. Eating too many omega-6 fatty acids can be a risk of development of dangerous diseases, such as diabetes or Alzheimer's disease. So nuts over useful, but there are their needs in a limited number, and not fried peanuts and without adding salt.

1. Fruit juice

Don't be surprised, but the number one in our list - fruit juice. In fact, there are valid reasons. Many people are so sure of its useful properties that accept it as a substitute for fresh fruits. Of course in the fruit juice contains vitamins, but together with them and a lot of sugar. In addition, with the exception of a small number of varieties, juice does not contain pulp, which is a natural sugar substitute. So take our advice: pour fruit juices and eat fresh fruit.
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