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Черные камни ИкиThe Pacific coast of Peru has long attracted the attention of archaeologists around the world. Here were found the centers of ancient civilizations, from which we separated the Millennium. In these places already in the XI century BC appeared and flourished amazing culture Chavin, Paracas, Nazca, Mochica...

However, a true Paradise for archaeologists began the surroundings of the Peruvian town of ICA after finds made here Dr. Javier Cabrera, Garcea. He found the black stones of various sizes (from meters and more), which caused an amazing image. Looking at them, one comes to the conclusion that there existed a unique highly developed and very ancient civilization, which we, unfortunately, do not know.

Stone from IKI with the image of operations

The stones are arranged in strict order and, apparently, are of great scientific library. Natural disasters have led to that part of the stone "books" was under the ground. To install at least the approximate age of the stone library researchers tried, analyzing the image on the surface of black stones. One of them depicts a man on horseback. The exterior of the rider like a Neanderthal man: a disproportionately large head, sloping forehead, the powerful eyebrows, developed jaw... But the horse was brought to the continent after America was discovered by Columbus! The so-called American horse became extinct about 200 thousand years ago, modern humans (CRO-magnon man) only about 40 thousand years. Who is shown riding on a beast, remarkably similar to the familiar horse?

Another confirmation of ancient stones - the elephant and pursuer. But American elephant had vanished on the continent almost simultaneously with the horse...

It may seem incredible, but one of the stones of the ancient library depict a man riding on... flying lizard! Maybe sentient being immortalized in stone book", tamed prehistoric monsters and they created a lot of monuments of their civilization, over the origin of which modern scientists scratching their head?

And still most strongly affects the imagination of our contemporaries series of stones, also found Dr. Cabrera, which can be regarded as a kind of tutorial or "report" about the operation on heart transplantation. One of the stones beautifully engraved young man, the priest (or the doctor?) opens the chest. The second doctor, standing nearby, holding a set of tools. The image on the next stone - heart, just taken from the breast of the donor. On the third stone - aged man (his age is said numerous wrinkles on the face), from the chest of which take out a bad heart, and instead place the healthy taken from men's. The following story is operated an old man with just sewn seam. In his larynx entered the tube is connected with peculiar pump - ventilator! On the other boulders can be seen all post-operative period: operated man gradually begins to breathe on his own; the surgeon listens to his heart; quite healthy elder makes first independent steps. Another interesting picture: after removal of the patient's heart the old man died, his system mounts the heart lying next women. It supports the life of the old man during the whole transplantation operations.

For anybody not a secret, that to do such operations could only people or any other creatures, perfectly knowing the anatomy and physiology of, knowing that the transplanted organs may be rejected by the body of the recipient, and knew how to fight it. In addition, they had to be able to carry out resuscitation, as well as to know the rules of aseptics and antiseptics, otherwise the patient would have died in the postoperative period from blood poisoning. Yes and tools of ancient surgeons had to be no less perfect than it is today.

Finally, who were prehistoric recipient and donor? On the body of the young man are no traces of wounds, that is, he is not killed in battle, and was placed on the operating table in perfect health. It is unlikely that he went to such a sacrifice voluntarily. So, in society, which owns the unique scientific knowledge, were powerless beings, slaves, whose life was worth nothing?

Considering the picture the black stones IKI, you start to think: can mysterious creatures, immortalised, to be our ancestors? And the more I look at the image, the more doubts. Dr. Cabrera, for example, drew attention to the structure of the hands of the ancient surgeons and riders. Their hands remind more APE than a human - thumb is not opposed to others. Quite often mysterious beings use your thumb as the index. Some scientists propose to call them Neanderthals reasonable, for some reason, quickly developed branch. Their evolution they were required to use their own muscle power and energy of the animal world.

It is known that normal Neanderthals well hunted. But from hunting wild animals to their domestication is only one step. By the way, many black stones IKI shows the process of domestication of wild animals. Maybe that's collection and use of animals and caused rapid productivity growth, which led to the flourishing of art and science. But that Neanderthal man was reasonable in organic unity with nature, was concealed not only his strength, but weakness. Climate change on the Earth caused by the next glaciation, has led to changes in the animal world, so beautifully mastered ancient creatures. With the death of large animals disappeared of their energy resources. Neanderthals reasonable failed to adapt to new conditions of life. The remnants scattered across the planet, and when glaciation was over, they were not able to regain its former power. True Neanderthals, known from ancient history textbooks, destroyed the last representatives of a once great nation, only sometimes including them in their herds, and later tribes. Maybe when assimilated, Neanderthals reasonable and passed their ancient knowledge new masters of the planet Earth. Perhaps it was with this knowledge, some tribes have begun to grow faster than others.

True, he Kh. Cabrera different opinion. He suggests that the mysterious creatures depicted on stones are space aliens, who moved to the Ground, left here for some time and "chelovecheskie and obrazuetsya" part lemurs...

Scientists continue to study black stones-engravings IKI. Today the Foundation stone of the library is about 20 thousand volumes". However, archaeologists believe that this is only the "tip of the iceberg". In their assumptions in the depths of the earth is hidden about 300 thousand of unique samples of ancient mysterious culture.
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