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Про уродов и людейFrom time to time everybody makes mistakes. Even the wise nature sometimes makes mistakes, and the light appears unhappy child, who was unlucky enough to be like everyone else. He has not one, but two heads. He has three legs. He has no face, or instead of the person he is ugly mask elephant. Maybe he is destined to grow three-meter giant or stay 50 centimetre the first dwarf... in Order to survive, have to sell the rest - those who have so much legs and heads, how many laid, - the right to contemplate its diversity, its uniqueness. The people wishing to buy this product no end.


In Ancient Rome there was a special market where they sold exclusively freaks. According to Plutarch, people bought crippled much more willingly and more beautiful than slaves. Rich gentlemen and Patricia collected freaks, mainly dwarfs, for your entertainment - just as their wives were collecting jewels... Passed the century and the Millennium, and the people did not change. Dear audience still coveted spectacles.

In its time the most famous twins England were United in the spine sisters Daisy and Violetta Hilton. Seeing them, people looked around and was severely in place. Girls for some time became the honored artists of the circus and was famous for starring in the film where all the roles were performed by people with abnormalities: dwarfs, bearded women, men-skeletons. Subsequently sisters Hilton left the show, opened a restaurant and even married...

And in the capital of France to this day exhibited amazing little skeleton. His story is as follows. In 1829 on the island of Sardinia was born unusual girl. She had two heads, which were connected with the body through individual dorsal ridges. Parents named their offspring Rita Cristina. Interestingly, both heads ate, slept and cried at different times. The poor parents went to Paris, where he made a living from what was shown to the public of their child. But the authorities soon banned attraction, regarding it as immoral. Having lost the source of existence, the mother and father had gone, leaving Rita-Christine on the bare floor in an unheated room, where she and froze to death...


In 1811 a Chinese family who lived in Siamese province Melon, twins were born, connected to each other at chest level. They were called eng and Chang that in Thai means "right" and "left". The king of Siam ordered to kill that "the harbinger of disaster", while he did not work for trouble. However, later king relented and allowed one Scottish merchant to take brothers in North America.

Merchant organized attraction, and eng and Chang became a world sensation. In each country where they came, people were willing to put their money in order to look at the wonder. And only in France Siamese twins caused a strong negative reaction: demonstration freaks, it was decided to cancel the order so repulsive spectacle not affected the health of pregnant women. A scandal erupted...

The amount of information about brothers in the Library of General medicine Washington exceeds all imaginable volumes. It seems that the world at this time, and only said that about the Eng and Chang, and everyone climbed out that at least one eye to see rare monster.


"Interesneishim dual being" called the American Academy of Sciences twin-brothers Giovanni and Giacomo Tocci, who were born in Turin (Italy) in 1877. The pelvis, legs and penis they had shared, but above the sixth ribs torso had one character. It happened so that since childhood, the brothers are left to themselves and had to earn a living independently up until one rich man took them under their protection. Thanks to him, the boys received an excellent education, learning three languages - French, German and Spanish, was engaged in literature, met with mark TWAIN. They were talented circus actors and in this capacity has traveled all over Europe.

Brothers Tocci was wildly popular: one entrance to the arena of circus they got a thousand dollars. It is not surprising that eventually fused twins became rich and could afford to buy a lovely Villa in Venice, where he decided to hide behind a high fence from the eyes of curious onlookers. Giovanni and Giacomo married sisters-twins. Subsequently, women wrote a book which told the world about his life with this unusual creature. Brothers Tocci was destined to live 63 years. They died in 1940.


In 1889 in Sicily appeared "three-legged miracle". Francesco Lentini born with an extra leg, which left from his right side. Doctors told the parents of the boy that extra leg cannot be removed by surgery, as a result of the operation can be fatal or complete paralysis. Growing up poor Francesco more ashamed and suffered because of his ugliness. In 7 years parents have brought him to an orphanage, where the boy saw the unfortunate sick children-blind, suffering from dementia, with twisted limbs. They were in much worse conditions than he. And from that moment three-legged Francesco never complained about life, finding it just a nice compared with what befell others, and enjoyed it as much as I could.

Francesco Lentini has performed at the most famous circus troupes and shows, staged their own rooms in the programs of carnivals. He calmly could walk, run, jump, ride a bike and horse, ice skating and rollerblading, driving a car. Extra third leg could not be used for walking, as it was 5 inches shorter than the other two. However, she had many other original applications. For example, as the steering wheel during the voyage. Still Francesco learned how to beat this kind of animal or used it as benches and even joked that he is the one who always carry a convenient portable seat. This cheerful young man added that forced more than the others, due to the need to feed and also additional leg.

With regard to the acquisition of shoes, Francesco not experienced any difficulties: "I always buy two pairs, " he said, " and give an extra Shoe to his friend, who has only one leg!"

The 1869 in France, was born Louise L., known as the lady with four legs. Between two ordinary feet she hung two additional. When the girl grew up, they reached lengths of 61 cm.

Louise just as many people with physical disabilities, it was becoming questionable happiness to act in the circus. Demand for its ugliness never went down. In his personal life four-legged ladies, as you can see, two extra \ legs were not obstructing II action: she got married and | born two brand health | global kids.

In addition to the circus, freaks also became members of the medical show. In the XIX century surgeons often turned unusual transactions in a public spectacle.

In 1902, the famous Parisian surgeon Doyen decided to separate Siamese twins fused in the chest sisters to Radik and Dodik. They were born in India in 1889, four years showed itself in circuses Europe. When the girls turned 13, Dodik become sick with tuberculosis. To radika survived, nurses should be split.

The decision of Dr. Dean to hold a sensational operation attracted the attention of entertainers from all over Europe. Of course, did not want to stand aside and wastes- ' ing greedy hot to journalists who are also not f was eager to take part in "view". They both wanted to make the most complicated surgical procedure, which could end as death for one of the patients, and fatal for both, in the show, spectacle, fun for the audience. One of Directors has made a proposal to organize an operation in Paris circus at the end of the gala-show. Interestingly, thus intended to collect an amount sufficient to ensure sisters comfortable existence - of course, in case of successful result of the operation. That settled the matter.

Now television is difficult to surprise us with the sight of even the most bloody surgical operations. But shooting 1902, considered to have been the first experience is still largely primitive cameras recorded on film movement Lancet surgeon. Show-operation in the circus building was successful: both girls after the separation of the remained alive. However, Dodik after some time yet died from tuberculosis, and radika lived for about two years.


In a small English village of Greenstone in the family of Hastings born boy-fish, called a volume. His body was completely covered with scales. Scales hung even with eyebrows why one of the child's eyes did not open. The newborn was completely absent ear, and instead of the nose gaped two holes. Hands and feet on form remotely resembled flippers or fins. And lipless mouth gave the child even more similar to the fish.

All of the above defects, according to a statement from the attending physician, in the future could be corrected with surgery. However, doctors and journalists were shocked by the fact that the child in the upper part of the chest is very real gills...

The unfortunate Fact lived for only three months. Enterprising dad boy-fish allowed the journalists to take pictures of the dead son of $ 150. Moreover, he even tried aboutto give the corpse of a child over 2 thousands of green.

Lifeless ugly body Volume would certainly sold own father for the entertainment of the audience, if this has not prevented the boy's mother.


In 1929 the family doctor lottery (DV) has been adopted - the girl from head to toe, covered with long silky black hair. Girl monkey brought the doctor, her mother, but not to cure. "And do with it what you want, leave it to you," said the woman. Enterprising doctor a little podrasti adopted daughter Priscilla - just before the moment when she was able to act in the circus. Here the girl got partners in chimpanzees and began their performances.

On representations with participation of Priscilla people shaft valil - all would like to see a little monkey. In 1946, she was already well-formed woman, had not the bad shape and was a founder of one of the most famous farcical attractions. Priscilla have high intelligence, was notable for good health, however, her teeth grew in two series, located one zadruga. The woman remained in the circus; married young freak who suffered some kind of skin disease and exhibited to the public as a boy-a crocodile. It is not surprising that together they were extremely amazing couple, and money flowed to them by the river.


The Mexican Yulia Pastes-wound found the child in the forests of the Sierra Madre in the 50-ies of the XIX century. It was a dull, distant from any inhabited locality in the Cordillera. No one knew how come here little child. Yulia bought the container of the PANOPTICON, instantly soobrazitel, what benefits can be gained from an amazing freak - girl with bushy black beard. Shocking picture complemented narrow forehead, pushed forward, like a camel lips, huge ears.

When Pastrana has grown, it began to drive to different cities and to show for the money. In circuses bearded woman taken out on the Manezh, she repeatedly passed arena, seductive smiling spectators and sending them kisses.

Even after his death Pastrana not have ceased to be the Keeper of the PANOPTICON huge income: sovereign owner, who bought once ugly little girl without the genus and tribe, embalmed body of his grown-up property and was displayed in the Museum under a glass cover.


Joseph Merrick was a star attraction, which was conducted in the shop of the house №123 on Whitechapel road in London. Crudely painted sign touting the most unusual and shocking phenomenon Victorian England: human-elephant.

The bones of the head of Joseph has grown so much that the width head was nearly equal to the body. One eye was almost buried under a thick skin growth, and the second tumor so twitched his mouth that he was like a bell. Both feet and one hand of Joseph were also swollen, twisted and not suitable for any work. These three limbs reminded rather paddles. Gloomy picture was supplemented rotation, swollen fingers. The second hand, by contrast, was perfectly right shape, with soft leather and fine, fine brush. Joseph could talk, but because of the terrible strain of the person to parse his words was almost impossible. Such flagrant ugliness kindled in people's curiosity and attracted crowds of onlookers. The organizer of the attraction easily collected per visitor for two pennies. Elephant man brought a huge income terrible attraction enjoyed in London rabid demand.

All that was destined to Joseph Merrick destiny is to become a monster on some fair, to be the laughing stock of the crowd, to disgust or mischievous smile. How many poor remembered himself, he was always surrounded by people who laughed, looking at his ugly body. The cherished desire of Merrick had but the only time to feel like everyone else. And he decided at the last experiment.

Due to anatomic features of his body elephant man from birth was forced to sleep sitting in a chair. But one day he lay sprawled on the bed. Merrick wanted to know what it feels like to have to sleep on your back like the rest of them. As those of normal people, over whom no one laughs, pointing... Massive head of man-elephant hung down from the back, pinning the fragile throat, and earthly sufferings of one of the most terrible in the history of mankind freaks finally ended...


Alas, not all monsters are consequences of gene mutations. Some of them were born by the will of another human being.

The mighty of this world often could not deny myself the pleasure to be at the court of freaks. Demand, as is known, gives rise to supply. So there have always been people who were taken to satisfy the most fastidious desires. To hit someone's imagination and get the source of profit, they artificially deformed bodies of unfortunate children.

In China, for example, was put on stream manufacture - don't say dwarfs whose trade was flourishing. This technique was called "modeling alive". Children aged two to three years was placed in a special porcelain vases of the appropriate size and shape. From the vessel protruded only the head and feet of the child. For many years the poor kid grew not upward, filling of internal space vases its compressed body and twisted limbs. When it became obvious that the body of the child adopted the necessary form, vase smashed, and a freak went on sale as live toy.

It is also known, in the end of XVIII century there was disgusting production of human beings, resembling animals. It's hard to believe, but on the small defenseless children were held surgery, the aim of which was to transform your child's skin in the skin of a dog or a bear.

First thing in the body removed the skin, gradually replacing them with pieces of animal skin. The procedure was long and so painful that carried it a few. And those of the children, who survived, was mad. At the next stage of the operation were suppressed voice, to a poor child could make the only sound is a growl. But that was not all - the children broke the joints, which forced them to move around on all fours.

In his famous novel "the Man who laughs" Victor Hugo described the community of comprachicos: "They worked with the human being, as the Chinese are working with a piece of wood, and could srisawat baby, like he was handkerchief. Thus they made toys for men".

We love the show... the more they push and shock, the more difficult to look away... Where in the us this bloodthirsty interest to the ugliness? What we experience, watching different from us human beings? Pity is some overlap a secret sense of relief because we are not like that. And even if we ourselves in order not everyone, however, is that a sin to conceal - somewhere at the level of the cortex brain we are always glad to see that someone is doing even worse. From here a charge of vital energy: we again want to live and to fly, because we realized anew that we have all grounds, such as arms, legs, normal size head... No, we do not rejoice in the misfortunes of others. Glad we are your happiness. But this possibility appears to us not so often...


The reasons for the birth of Siamese twins science is not clear so far. In the Middle ages all was explained by the wiles of the devil or the fact that during pregnancy the woman looked at the other freaks. So, in 1495 the birth of two girls, fused together, the doctors explained that the mother being pregnant accidentally hit her head on the head of another woman. Of course, today this theory does not stand any criticism.

From a medical point of view Siamese twins are a group of birth defects in Sesvete. Their construction ie on the light - a phenomenon s very rare: one-and a pair of 50 - 80 ISAC pregnancies, most crossig-"h twins dies in the womb. Three quarters or are stillborn, or die soon after birth.

Siamese twins developed from one fertilized egg, so they are always the same sex and have the same set of genes. Among fused twins women three times more than men.

There are different ways of accretion. In one case, the twins may have a common bodies, then the life of one of the kids in question. Others joined a small area of skin and, as a rule, to divide them are successful. Most of the twins (35%) - TeraCopy, that is, grow together and the chest. Ampelophaga (30%) - see the light of United from the waist to the sternum, And, finally, megapage (19%) - are converging backs. The remaining 15% is defective couples, when one of the pair is the "twin-parasite attached to a healthier twin and depends on it. Dependent twin can represent, for example, arms, and head, attached to the belly of a normal man.

The first successful operation to separate fused twins, after which the children survived, was held in the U.S. on December 14, 1952, though less successful attempts of such surgical interventions were made already 300 years ago. In St. Petersburg over the past 50 years was born five pairs of Siamese twins.


In Singapore held a unique operation on division of craniopagus - twins fused heads. Sisters of the Ganges and Jamuna-had a brain, and it was the most difficult problem for surgeons. Doctors had to decide who of the girls belong to those or other parts of the brain. And each of the sisters dues were to remain vital centers, including those responsible for logic and language.

To Jamuna and Ganga fused skull Siamese twins were separated only four times. Successful was only one operation, held in Brisbane. Then operated six-Tile, Monica Armstrong, fused neck.

An operation to separate the Ganges and Jamuna took 88 hours. The wound left at the junction of skulls, surgeons have closed the gorteks-synthetic material, and in order skull quickly recovered, to the bone slipped a little polymer.


Today the level of surgery allows to divide the body of the Siamese twins, saving each one of them life. The efficiency of the operation depends on the degree of fusion of the vital organs, mainly the liver. The first successful attempts operations surgical separation fused twins carried out in the early 60-ies of XX century. However, such surgery is always associated with considerable health risk. In addition, before the doctors stand the problems of moral and ethical character, because often the chances of survival after surgery in a disconnected Gemini is not the same...

So, in 2000 in the UK even legal process took place concerning the fate of Siamese twins Mary and Jody. The doctors made an unequivocal verdict: both girls will not be able to survive, because between them they have only one heart and lungs. The doctors decided to operate and to share babies, well aware that one of the girls soon die. Parents, zealous Catholics, were strongly opposed, as, in their opinion, it is impossible to argue with nature. They said, "If the Lord wills that both of our child will not survive, so be it." The court nevertheless upheld the doctors in the effort to save at least one life. In the result of the operation, which was finally held, Mary, not having own heart and lungs, died.


Rose and Joseph bla?ek born in 1880 in Czechoslovakia. The girls have grown together in the pelvic area, each one had lungs, heart, but only one - General - stomach. The difference in the characters sisters never disturbed the harmony of their relationship. For example, Joseph saw only beer, while her sister is the only wine. It is sometimes quite thoroughly violated by the state of their common stomach, but never marred friendship. In 1922, during the performances in Chicago circus, Joseph became ill with jaundice. Rose began to eat for two, to maintain power of his sister. It could save your life, giving permission for a surgical operation to separate, but abandoned this step. "If Joseph die I want to die too," said she. In the same year, jaundice brought sisters in the grave.
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