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Хранители Святого ГрааляThe legend of the Holy Grail, very popular in the middle Ages, suddenly again attracted attention: not only Europe but also in America. The Holy Grail is probably the most mysterious thing in the world. About it is spoken of as the bowl, in which Joseph of Arimathea collected blood of Christ after his crucifixion, in consequence of which it acquired magical properties, becoming a source of wealth and power. At the same time hero of the medieval Romanov Percival (and Wagner's Opera of the same name) was a representative of the family Grail... In the Middle ages, the Holy Grail is usually associated with king Arthur. But now there is information that he has a direct relation to the masonry and Zion community - no less mysterious than the Grail.


The return of interest to the Holy Grail began in 1970, when the writer of the company Bi-bi-si Henry Lincoln learned about the failed parchments found under the Church altar in the French town of Rennes-Le-Chateau. On one of the parchments managed to read:

"Dagobert II to the king and the Zion own this treasure, and it is death".

The Dagobert II was the ruler of the dynasty of the Merovingians

first Frankish kings. But Zion? And what treasures do you mean?

Close to Rennes-Le-Chateau ruins of a medieval fortress-a former Templar commandery. It is known that they had a reputation for holders of a fairytale, even sacred treasures - the Holy Grail. It is once brought into the Rennes-Le-Chateau Richard Wagner and was inspired to write the Opera "Percival".

Henry Lincoln asked two of the scientists involved Templars, to help him. "Our investigation, " he writes, " has led us to the very Foundation upon which rests all the mysteries of Rennes-Le-Chateau, but there was something more amazing, more significant, far exceeds what we could imagine when they started to learn a little shabby little secret mountain villages".


Researchers have collected a vast material. To make the search for purposeful, they outlined the main points, which is the indisputable historical facts:

1. For the order of the knights Templar is a mysterious order which created them, that in their jurisdiction were all military and administrative Affairs. The order operated under different names, the most common of which is Zion community.

2. Zion community was ruled by the Great masters, whose names were mentioned among the most famous in the history and culture of the West. It Nicolas Flamel, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, Claude Debussy and other

3. Knights of the Temple disappeared in the early fourteenth century, but the Zion community remains unaffected so far.

4. She is active and plays a role in the international arena and in the internal Affairs of some European States.

5. Recognized and declared goal of the community is to restore the Merovingian dynasty not only on the French throne, and on the thrones of some other European countries.

"Without Merovingian would not exist Zion community, and without Zion community Merovingian dynasty extinguished," wrote one member of the community. What is so important these Merovingians?


Merovingian the family was descended from the tribe francs. He rules in the V and VI centuries on the extensive territories that became then France and Germany. This was the era of king Arthur, which served as the backdrop for a romantic cycle about the Holy Grail. We call this time the "dark Ages", but it was no worse than other historical epochs. The researchers gave the impression that it is not so bleak as deliberately obscured. Someone had thoughtfully put a cover on a secret, is not favorable for the Roman Church...

Historical reality concerning Activity vey - king, who gave the name of the dynasty, is hidden a legend. The Frankish chronicler reports that the Queen, being pregnant, swam in the sea, and there she was beguiled mysterious sea creature. So when Merovei was born, in his veins flowed two different blood. All legends symbolic and for a miraculous appearance hides a concrete historical facts. In the case of Yeroveam allegory means the transmission to him by the mother of a foreign blood or mixing dynastic birth, due to which the Franks were associated with another tribe that came from over the sea.

From the outset, meroving-sky kings were surrounded by a halo of supernatural. They were called miracle workers and the kings Magi, for they had miraculous power to heal the imposition of hands. They had the gift of clairvoyance and the ability to communicate with animals and nature. Each one of them had a birthmark, indicating their sacred origin: red stain in the shape of a cross was located on the heart or between the shoulder blades. Merovingian believed not kings in the modern sense, rather, kings, priests, earthly embodiment of God's omnipotence (as Egyptian pharaohs). These rituals were more like the priestly than Royal. When they found the remains of some meroving-ski monarchs, was that they turtles there is ritual cuts made to ensure that at death the soul was easier to leave the body and to get in touch with the divine world. Similar cuts are turtles of the great Tibetan lamas.

The last of the ruling kings of the Merovingians Dagobert II was treacherously killed in hunting on the orders of his majordomo. The whole family Dagobert was cut, the dynasty of the Merovingians were drowned in the blood, and on the throne of France have reigned majordomo. New dynasty - the Carolingians gave France a lot of famous rulers, but the shadow of the Merovingians has always stood over them.

There are interesting historical fact: when Jeanne d'Ark came to Charles VII, he hid her in the crowd of courtiers. And not because they wanted to make a joke. He knew that Jeanne - messenger, and before it he is the same court as the others. "Dear Senor, " said Jeanne, " I came to you from the king."

Remember, in the film "the Countess de Monsoreau" there is an episode where the king and the jester Shiko discuss the chances of the Duke of guise to ascend to the throne? Henry says, "who is he? Here we are, Valois, is an ancient Royal family". And here Shiko shows him the genealogical tree of the de Guise. Henry shocked silent. But the fact that de Giza are the direct descendants of the Merovingian. This explains their persistent struggle for power, the Fronde and many other events in the history of France.

In the XI century there lived famous relative de Guise godefroid bouillon the Duke of Lorraine. He was an organizer of the first Crusade and person, in those times more popular than Richard the Lionheart and Saint Louis. He was considered a remarkable character, throwed Jerusalem from the hands of infidels and conquered the Holy Sepulchre. According to legend, this godefroid was the grandson of Lohengrin, one of the most popular heroes of the middle Ages. In his famous novel "the Knight with the Swan says that Lohengrin belongs to the family of the Grail. And from history we know that godefroid was a direct descendant of Dagobert II, i.e. Merovingian. When in 1099 he conquered the Holy city, that reigned there as the rightful heir to the throne. This right was given him belonging to a mysterious family Grail. There, in Jerusalem, godefroid bouillon founded Zion community.


And now from Jerusalem XI century back in the first century. Then many Jews fled from the Roman tyranny in Egypt, Asia Minor, Northern Africa, England, Spain, Gaul. Among the escapees had been witnesses of the gospel events. Thanks to them, in different countries there appeared written evidence of the life of Christ. They completely differ from generally accepted Gospels, which, as is known, in the third and fifth centuries were subjected to a significant adjustment in the interests of the Church. But because the Jews scattered around the world, many Scriptures, called the Apocrypha, was

available Roman priests, deciding what words of Christ and the circumstances of his life comfortable for their Church, and which are subject to confiscation. Research group Bi-bi-si has studied and official of the gospel, and the Apocrypha, and legends. And came to interesting conclusions.

In the first century, all the South coast of Gaul was inhabited by Jews, who fled from Palestine. They were called by the Visigoths. There is a medieval legend, which says that Magdalene (or rather, Mary of Magdala) also came in Gaul, bringing with it the Holy Grail, or "Royal blood" (sang royl). Henry Lincoln and his group found indirect evidence that Magdalene was the wife of Jesus. Most likely, they had a child or several children. After the crucifixion Magdalene secretly got to Gaul, where he found refuge in one of the Jewish communities. So the direct offspring of Jesus took root in France, and this "Royal blood" continued to exist in strict confidence for four hundred years. In the fifth century the descendants of Jesus, in liaison with the Franks, has created a dynasty of the Merovingians.

In the Gospels there is no evidence, speaking in favor of the marriage of Jesus. But there is not said that he was not married. In those days the Jewish law said, "Unmarried people may not claim to be teaching others." And Jesus was "Rabbi" - teacher. Besides celibacy then was equivalent to murder. "Taking into account the cultural environment of the era, writes a contemporary theologian, is absolutely incredible that Jesus was not married long before the beginning of his public activities". By the way, nowhere in the Gospels there are no words that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute.

In the apocryphal texts there is a lot of evidence about the nature of the relationship of Mary of Magdala with Rabbi: "there were three of Them coming always with Jesus: his mother Mary, his sister and Madameane, who was called his girlfriend." Or it was necessary to translate the "wife"? Further: "Friend of the Savior was Mary of Magdala. Christ loved her more than his other disciples, and often kissed on the lips. The other disciples did not try to hide his disapproval and asked Jesus, "Why do you love her more than any of us?" And the Lord answered: "Why can I not love her more than you?"


In the 50 years before the birth of Christ, the Roman General Pompey conquered Palestine and annexed it to the dominion of Rome. Closer to the event, in 6 ad, the Roman particularly hardened. Three thousand people were sentenced K. the crucifixion, the population imposed crippling taxes! Torture, looting and desecration of temples have become commonplace. The situation was so dire that many people have committed suicide. Pontius Pilate, who actually was very cruel and depraved (Procurator from 26 to 36 year), further worsened the situation. The people were waiting for a Messiah, and hoped that he would throw it out of the hands of the oppressors.

At that time the word of the Messiah was not connected with the concept of divinity. The Hebrew word Messiah means "the anointed one of God," that is, the monarch. In Greek this word sounds as "Christ". So, king David was the Messiah and Christ, like all the old Testament Jewish kings.

At the beginning of the gospel of Matthew is installed Royal ancestry of Jesus from king David and Solomon. If you believe this information, Jesus had a legal right to the throne of Palestine. So, was very dangerous for the Romans: he was a priest - king, able to unite the country and the entire Jewish people.

It is known that Pilate questioning of Jesus, many times called him the King of the Jews. And on the cross he was nailed to the plate with the same words. Professor S. J.. F. Brandon from the University of Manchester argues that this message could not be beaten and mocked, as often thought, and treat it seriously.

The crucifixion was applied to those who were guilty of crimes against the Empire, and, quite logically, that Jesus was crucified as a political opponent of the regime, together with the other rebels. His bellicose sentiments not often mentioned in the Gospels. So, Jesus declares that "not come to bring peace, but a sword", ordered everyone to get own sword (Luke XXII, 36). And after the Passover he believes swords in the hands of his disciples (Luke XXII, 38). The Church interprets these places are allegorical, but how can blacken the Savior that he was connected with the liberation movement of his people?

The fact that the evangelists and the fathers of the Roman Church deliberately avoided talking about the Roman occupation and the liberation mission of Jesus. Because they were spreading the new religion among the romanized population and did not want Romans it was unpleasant to read, how cruel they were Jews. Moreover, unless they would receive a new God, if he fought against Rome? But even despite this, in the official Gospels sometimes flashed information about the fact that some of Jesus ' disciples belonged to the most serious political parties struggling with the of occupation regime. Such as the zealots, and the Essenes. The researchers suggested that doctors Essenes nursed Christ after his crucifixion. Because in all four Gospels mention where people where angels in white, which is in a cave, from which "miraculously" disappeared body of Christ. Namely, the Essenes wore then white.


In the Quran, Jesus is mentioned more than thirty times. The crucifixion said: "They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but their eyes had been replaced by double". Muslim commentators Islamic text say that a place on the cross took Simon from the Siren, and Jesus himself had watched the execution, hiding behind the rock ledge. The Koran is written in the fifth century. But already in the first century this version of events set out some Christians who fled from Palestine. It adhered to and Basilides, philosopher school of Alexandria, who lived in the beginning of II century. He called the same name is Simon from the Siren.

In the Nag Hammadi manuscripts (Apocrypha) is the document "a Paraphrase of a Set", which says about the crucifixion Jesus himself: "I died only in appearance. This one was in my place and drank the gall and vinegar. They beat me with a cane, but the cross on his shoulders bore another, Simon. On the other wore a crown of thorns... And I just smiled at their ignorance".

Researchers have put forward a version of events. In the fourth gospel is the description of the place of execution, and it's not at all like Calvary - bare hill for public executions: "In the place where He was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein was never man yet laid" (referring to the crypt or cave). According to Matthew (XXVII, 60), grave and garden were the property of Joseph of Arimathea, a rich man and a secret disciple of Jesus. This Joseph was a member of the Sanhedrin - the Council of Elders of the Jewish community of Jerusalem under the auspices of the Romans and had enough influence to maintain direct relations with Pontius Pilate. And this corrupt tyrant, of course, was prone to bribery. Not accidentally Pilate allows Joseph to take away the body of Jesus is deliberately violating the law: because the Roman laws denied burial crucified. Since the garden was privately owned, the spectators watched the penalty at a distance. What, incidentally, is mentioned in the gospel. In such circumstances, Christ was not difficult to replace double.

There is a hypothesis that Joseph of Arimathea was associated with Jesus and his family by blood. Besides medieval legends ascribed to Joseph protection of the Holy Grail. Apparently, her child came to Gaul with the worthy relative and his brother Lazarus. One of the legends tells about these events, there is mention about the little boy Royal blood, sitting in the boat...

What happened to Jesus after the crucifixion? On this account there are several versiyu Indian and Muslim legends he lived to a ripe old age somewhere in the East (most often mentioned Kashmir). One Aussie very convincing writes that Jesus died on Masada during the capture of the fortress by the Romans 74 year. Maybe he lived in Alexandria: where Ormus founded the order of the Rose and the cross, trying to reconcile Christianity with ancient mysteries? On the other hand, in the vicinity of the French town of Rennes-Le-Chateau was found encrypted parchment with the words: "He died here." In this place discovered the tomb,sealed in a painting by the famous French painter Nicolas Poussin, allegedly hiding the mummified body of Christ...

Whether the hypothesis concerning the seed of Jesus be considered accurate?

'Yes, ' says Henry Lincoln. We are absolutely confident that in General terms it corresponds to the truth.

Today there are at least 20 families belonging to the genus of the Merovingians in England and Europe. This is the Habsburg-Lothringen, Plantar de Saint-Clery, Luxembourg, Montesquieu, Montaza. In England Sinklera, Stuarts and the Devonshire. All they can claim their ascent straight to Jesus, but it is unknown who of them will appear before us as the new king-priest. Unless, of course, for nine centuries Zion community has done exactly that.

The authors of these studies communicated with senior members of the Zion of the community and with the contenders for the crown of the Merovingians and concluded that, apparently, Zion wants to unite Church and state, putting on European countries new king-priest. We are talking about pan-European Confederation - modern Empire controlled by the dynasty originating from Jesus. In the XIX century Sioni community already tried (through Estate Golden Valley) to create a new Holy Roman Empire - a theocratic state ruled by the Habsburgs and radically reformed Church. The first world war and the collapse of European dynasties failed in this plan. Perhaps now they again want to do it. Or are, after all, one Europe has already become a reality. People everywhere are disappointed in the democratic form of government, and it is likely favorably react to the appearance of the king-priest. Although the fact that in his veins small amount of the blood of the Savior, now unlikely someone will make a strong impression.
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