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В то время были на земле исполины…In recent years, serious researchers of the past of our Land increasingly began to think: "Never was there before civilization, created by modern man, another, perhaps, no less and more developed died in the result of the natural disaster that has engulfed the entire globe?"

According to researchers, created this ancient civilization race of giants. Proof of its existence can serve numerous megalithic structures (methods of their construction baffled modern engineers), the remains of the giants found in Europe, Asia and America, and their traces are found in rocks of different, sometimes very old, with millions of years of age.

Striking modern people with their size structures that are incompatible with the physical capabilities of the person, can be found in many parts of the globe. The most famous, the most incredible of them - Baalbek terrace in Lebanon, located 85 km North-East of Beirut. On it there was a grandiose temple of Jupiter. But no matter how magnificent temple of Jupiter, the basis of pre-built, on which he rested, which is made of incredibly huge hewn, even more impressive. In the South-Western wall of the base are three huge megalithic blocks, called "trilioni". Each of them reaches a length-21 meters height-5 meters and width-4 meters they Weigh 800 tons each! Despite its enormous size, blocks so neatly stacked and yeah connected to one another that they almost impossible to get even a needle. No description can not give any precise idea of a stunning impression on the observer's view of the giant blocks. To move forward, it would take the combined efforts of 40 thousand people!

The colonnade of the temple of Jupiter in Baalbek

Who could build such a huge stone Foundation and for what? This mystery for thousands of years the imagination of man. The Arabs believe that Baalbek belonged mythical king Nimrod, once the regulations in this part of Lebanon. In one Arabic manuscript found in Baalbek, says that Nimrod sent giants, so that they could restore Baalbek after the Flood.

No less interesting another complex, built by giants - the city of gods Teotihuacan, located 50 km North-East of Mexico. The origin of this town is connected with the unknown civilization is much older than the Aztec. However, the Aztecs kept the old legend that Teotihuacan built by giants and is designed to turn people into gods. After leaving the giants, the town fell to desolation.

Some scientists studying the "city of the gods", suggest that its ancient layout was designed as a model of the Solar system. If to take the temple of Quetzalcoatl for the Sun, the plan of the city can be found all planets of the Solar system, including Pluto and Uranium, which were discovered only in the XX century with powerful telescopes. It turns out that ancient astronomers knew about the Solar system not less modern.

Listed cyclopean buildings, like many others, scattered on the surface of the Earth are United not only by their mighty weight, but the legend of the giants, who built them for many centuries or even millennia ago.

Not on our planet people, who did not lay down would legend or legends about giants - strong, powerful, intelligent, who lived in a Golden age - the Kingdom of justice and harmony. They excite the imagination with small children and semi peoples, pacing great strides in myths and legends, which remain for us just a myth, as long as some Heinrich Schliemann not take "Iliad" (before its too was believed tale) as a guide, a guide and not digs out of the ground the real Troy!

Where did on our planet mighty giants and where did they go? To both these questions give the answer of the major world religions.

In the Bible, the First book of Moses Being, one can read: "At that time were on the ground giants, especially also afterward, when the sons of God began to enter to daughters human, and they began to give birth to them. It is a strong, long-nice people. And God saw that great is the wickedness of man on earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually. It repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and oskorbil in His heart. And the Lord said: I will destroy from the earth, the man whom I have created from man, and beast, and creeping things, and birds of heaven will destroy... Opened up all the springs of the great deep... And pouring rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights".

About the giants is told in another Holy book, the Koran. It is written that when Noah was building the ark, the giants who lived on earth, began to laugh at him: "the Flood will not cause us harm. We too high. Of our feet are so big that we can block their river". But the Flood came, and all the giants, except one, were killed. In the Babylonian sacred books say: "Noah was saved by God, giant, allowing him to fit behind a grating of the ark. Through the bars every day Noah gave him food."

Saved OSU, obviously, also liked "to the daughters of men, and with time again multiplied tribe giant people, are not so great, but still... the Residence they chose Palestine. After the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt, Moses sent to Palestine scouts. Scouts reported: "...and There we saw the giants/.../, from gigantic kind; and we were in our eyes before them, as grasshoppers, and so we were in their eyes" (num., 13:34). The fifth book of Moses says that Israel maintained an iron bed (SDT) last retailstore king. The length of the bed, "nine cubits males" (Deut., 3: 11). Let's note that", which in Hebrew means "giant". And nine cubits is... 4,5 m was the Name of the king OIG Masanskii, just as saved Noah giant.

From the giants were not only legends, but the ruins of the buildings, built of heavy stones, as if built a child from a huge colored cubes. Here and there, scientists find giant bones of people who once lived on Earth.

"Father of history" Greek Herodotus (fifth century BC) tells us about several findings huge human skeletons. So, a blacksmith from Tegei, digging a well, discovered the remains of a giant of a man. Its growth exceed 2.5 m In one of the found skeletons (3.5 m growth) residents of Sparta recognized a hero, a giant Orestes and carried it with him on military campaigns instead banner.

The Roman historian Josephus (I century ad) described the appearance of giants: "Their bodies were huge, and their faces were so different from the ordinary human faces that to see them was amazing, and to hear how they talk, scary."

Pausanias (II century ad) upright testifies, that at the bottom of the river Front in Syria was discovered a well-preserved skeleton of a man, growth reached 5,5 m

Ibn Fadlan, an Arab traveler (IX century), the subjects of the Khazar king demonstrated metrovyj skeleton hanging them "morskogo warrior": say, and not such hung!

The Spanish conquistadors in the conquest of America in one of the temples of the Maya found a human skeleton, so overwhelming them with their dimensions that by order of Cortez find sent across the ocean to the Pope.

The Church has long believed that the first man, Adam, was a growth of 4 m, and eve is about 3. And so it was not only priests, but also a serious scientists such as Carl Linnaeus.

Numerous remains of giants were found in the last century in the Caucasus mountains. The concentration of such findings is not surprising, if we recall that according to the Bible here tried to escape from the flood race of giants, which Noah had made his ark. Latest find in the Georgian caves occurred in 2000 Two adventurers in the mountains of Eastern Georgia had penetrated into the cave wherein lay the skeleton of a four-metre giants. Near one of them found weapons: a sort of stiletto from an unknown metal, but the size of an ancient sword.

Proof of the existence on Earth race of giants can serve them numerous traces found on almost all continents in the rocks, with an age in the dozens, and sometimes hundreds of millions of years.

In Tanzania was discovered footprint of a giant feet. Its length was 80 see not much different in size traces found in America in the state of Nevada. After heavy rains, which lasted several weeks, in the Sandstone uncovered fossil footprints. The distance between two fingerprints were equal to two meters, and the length of the foot - approximately 50 see the Age of rocks was determined by geologists in 210-250 million years.

Even more surprising is the fingerprints found the American archaeologist U. J.. Meester not far from the city Delta. On the one hand piece rocks of Paleozoic age he discovered fossilized of trilobita, on the other... trail of heel and sole sandals. It turns out that trilobit was crushed by human foot in a Shoe. The age of the rock in which was found a unique fingerprint, dated 500-600 million years.

On the plateau near the Turkmen village of Khoja-pil-ATA was found 2500 dinosaur footprints! Such a large number of prints nowhere else.

But it's not in their number. Among the numerous chains, left by ancient pangolins, discovered two chains so-called five-toed footprints. One of them consists of a trace length of about 26 see They correspond approximately withLedum the growth of modern man 1,65-1,7 m But the traces of another chain had a length of about 60 see Giant who left them, had to have a growth of almost 5 meters

Where was this amazing tribe of giants that lived 50 million years ago and disappeared already in the memory of modern man? Scientists argue...

Among educated, but very mystically minded intelligentsia, who lived at the turn of XIX and XX centuries, was a popular hypothesis about the existence of several successive races. One of the latest dwelt on the legendary continent of Lemuria. The representatives of this race had an increase in good fifty meters. After the mainland was split by underground forces, the remains of a once mighty tribe were isolated and began to degenerate. Growth gradually declined from 50 to 15-10, and then to 5 meters

It has been more than 100 years. And in the beginning of the third Millennium biologists remembered the hypothesis of the degeneration of the tribe of giants in the modern people. More precisely, remembered one biologist Alexander Belov, who put forward the hypothesis about the reverse, so to speak, of evolution. Its meaning lies in the fact that man is not a "crown of creation of nature, the final element in the evolution of the living world, but the beginning of it. All living things that exist on Earth, was the result of the degradation of living once committed by their physical and the spiritual qualities of the person.

One of the links reverse evolution Alexander Belov believes degradation giants, leading to the emergence of modern humans. "In our opinion, - said Alexander Belov, initially mankind looked a little different than we are. World myths abound mighty giants... it is Logical to assume that if we, as brothers our smaller - degradanti once lived intelligent beings, they (the giants) is much better for us. The myth about the Golden age, heroes and mighty giants sounded in unison with this assumption".

It turns out that the chains of megaliths, giant bones of giants, their traces in the ancient deposits, and myths about the giants are drawn to modern man of ancient Lemuria, where, perhaps, lived our far a perfect and powerful ancestor.

But the version of German anthropologist F. Weidenreich. Great apes - gigantopithecus were already people. They gradually became misantropo, and those who strongly pomalca, "degenerated" into modern humans. If this hypothesis is correct, then dear Charles Darwin with his monkey go on a vacation. The tallest man of the new time has grown up to 280 cm (documented value). The smallest woman - 50 see What we see? More than five-fold difference. If to put in place this liliputki man of medium height (170 cm), its antipode-giant will vymahaje up to 9 m So in principle not so incredibly assumption that on planet Earth might dwell least eight people. If you imagine the nightmare possibility of a new Flood, then perhaps the next generation of Homo sapiens have "under the table to walk and to put monuments to the giants from the past - that is, us.
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