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Today in the world, collected a lot of credible evidence that many of the technologies and principles used in the technique of XX century, were known extinct civilizations. And the number of these testimonies is growing every month. In the ancient tombs of the Aztecs and dug in Scythian burial mounds long ago discovered the skull of soldiers with signs artfully produced trepanate and implanted into the holes on the head finest gold plates. Ancient people were wonderful dentists: and in Scythia, and in the lands of Mayas and Aztecs, especially in Ancient Egypt was found in different times the human remains with the Golden crowns and bridges in the mouth. In the burials of the nobles (age about three thousand years) in 1998 at Giza (Egypt) discovered two skeletons... artificial eyes and a three - prosthetic legs and arms!
It is known that scientific-practical gynecology appeared in the second half of the nineteenth century, However, in 1900 the American magazine "scientific American" reported sensational excavations in Pompeii. It turns out that in the temple vestals preserved medical instruments, buried under the ashes of a volcano Vesuvius, which are "strikingly similar to those used in modern gynecology". They are made of good metal and qualitatively, as of today! Residents of Greece were able to do a great steam boilers, which, however, at the time of wide application not received.
In 1900 catcher sponges Michael Canis from the island of Antikythera raised with motroway depth ugly bronze subject, the purpose of which no one understood. And only after almost 60 years, Professor, Doctor of Solar studying the wonders of Antikythera Museum, found it extremely surprising mechanism! It was a unit with a complex set of plates, levers, gears, representing... the exact model of the Solar system! Of course, he was used to calculate the orbits of the planets. It is curious that Mars on the unit was painted in red, Earth green, and the Moon in silver... "Is right scary and very annoying when I think that on the eve of destruction of their civilization ancient Greeks managed so close to civilization of the XX century!" - wrote Dr. Price in 1960 in the magazine " scientific American".
The mechanism was found near the island of Antikythera
Four thousand years ago Britain was inhabited by a small community of people that are at the level of the stone age. Using primitive tools of stone and bone, they were barely able to support itself. However, these people somehow inexplicably managed to create in the Cambrian mountains quarries and mine there's a huge stone blocks weighing up to 30 tons, which then tried to drag over a distance of 240 miles to the area of modern Amesbury and were arranged in circles with the highest precision! This building was called Stonehenge, which means "Suspended rocks". (See a separate topic about Stonehenge.) Astronomers and other scientists for centuries exploring Stonehenge. In their conclusion, the installation of stone blocks were calculated taking into account the positions of the heavenly bodies and the phases of the moon. Thus, all the building, probably represents a giant prehistoric calendar. Those who developed the project of Stonehenge, knew mathematics and astronomy.
Conducting excavations South of Baghdad, a German archaeologist Dr. William Koenig found electrochemical batteries, which "old" more than two thousand years! The Central elements was a copper cylinders with an iron rod, and cylinders were soldered lead-tin alloy, which applies in our day. Engineer gray made a complete copy of such batteries, and surprisingly, it worked for a long time, being presented to the visitors of the exhibition technical experiments in Munich!
It is appropriate to recall the notorious Colombian gold plane" is a rarity, accidentally discovered by experts among the exhibits of the Columbia historical Museum. Its age is proved: the analysis showed that the job belongs to the turn of the first and second Millennium. Vosmisantimetrovuyu statuette from the Museum in Bogota is an exact copy of a jet fighter 1970s! Moreover, increased its model-tested at the aircraft stand, showed excellent aerodynamic quality and in free flight traveled more than 200 m! In the manuscripts of the Ancient East contains a lot of information about aircraft in India for fifteen hundred years before Christ! We are talking about Vimana - "roaring flying carriages with people inside." Thunder, apparently, issued the jet engine,
In ancient Chinese myths are you talking about the legendary civilization Chi-Ki. Its representatives have used "air crews." In the Chronicles of scientists said that the great engineer Han created bamboo apparatus with the mechanism inside, with which the pilot can fly about two kilometers. In the manuscripts of the alchemist To Huina, dated 320 years, describes the ancient propeller device: "Were made flying basket, the internal part of which is made of wood, and to the rotating blades were attached leather belts to bring the mechanism in motion".
According to historian William Dale, the ancient Egyptians rose up clouds filled with hot air balloons and primitive gliders, which was the privilege of family members of the pharaohs. "Many members of the Royal family, " said Dale, " he died with a broken leg and multiple injuries that you could get when you fall along with the aircraft." On the basis of their research scientist suggests that Tutankhamun was the victim of a plane crash! To this startling discovery he came after 20 years of studying the history of Ancient Egypt. William Dale convinced that depicted on numerous frescoes strange objects with wings - not that other, as the first aircrafts! The historian himself made a dozen of such devices (models), and found that "many of them feel great in the air." According to the scientist, the first hot air balloon Egyptians launched in 3225 BC, and the plane - 2000 years later. Balloons and gliders were made from papyrus and had a wingspan of up to 18 meters run under steep cliffs or structures like pyramids, and could cover a distance of 80 km!