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In the pyramid of Cheops were restoration works. Workers have cleared related narrow mine cameras located just above the tomb of Pharaoh, and then began to clean up the garbage. Suddenly the tomb filled the alien voices... physicists rather quickly established the cause of the strange sounds. So was rediscovered the original handset, the principle of which was well known back in the stone age! Tens of thousands transceivers still adorn our planet. Their name is megaliths.
Almost everywhere, on all continents, in the coastal areas (sometimes, however, under water or quite far from the sea) are these strange construction of the huge boulders and slabs. Scientists call them megaliths - "big rocks". They are all made from giant roughly processed stone blocks weighing tens, or even hundreds (and even thousands) tons. The parts fit together and are connected without any cement or mortar, it's so thoroughly that they cannot put even the blade of a penknife.
The form of such structures is not original. Some of them are like stone "houses" (in which each wall weighs a hundred tons) - the dolmens. This is the most common type of megaliths in the province of Brittany (France) them over 4,500 pieces, on the black sea coast of Caucasus - about 2000! "Classic" dolmen like monstrous birdhouse or the dot of the great Patriotic war. However, it happens that the contours of the "little house" only planned three-four corner blocks, which includes a stove, produces a stone table. There are dolmens, even in ancient times hidden under the earth or stone mound - tulemus. And ensembles of the dolmens that make up a roofed gallery, called Karami. Most Cairne similar to squat pyramids and the size is quite "piramidka": Cairn Barnenez in Brittany has an area about 1,5 ha and height is about 15 m
There menhirs - extra long blocks (sometimes up to 20 m in height and 300 tons in weight), installed vertically, like columns. Meet the whole field is covered in straight rows of thousands of menhirs. Sometimes two vertically positioned blocks down the third. These "gates" are called the trilithon. Sometimes they are completely separate, and sometimes form a complex annular complexes - cromlechs. Such is, for example, the well-known Stonehenge (by the way, its area is about 1 ha, the height of the blocks - to 7 m, and weight units - up to 50 tons).
Until may 2001 no archaeologist knew all the megaliths - built purely terrestrial. However, in that year, off the West coast of Cuba, at the depth of 600 meters, were found underwater structures. The next eighteen months have brought still finds the "bottom" of the structure off the coast of India and is close to the Japanese Islands. And in Oceania (island Ponape, Micronesia) from megaliths built 92 artificial Islands with a total area of about 75 hectares, the temple Nan-modal, marine and protective dam wall 6-8 m height. If the origin of this megalithic object still remains a mystery to all other there is no doubt that they were really on land, only the coastline at the time of their construction had time to change the shape and buildings are at the bottom. And this fact means that some megaliths built in VIII or even in X Millennium BC!
Megalithic structures in Menorca
It is believed that the most ancient "big rocks" built in the late stone age (V Millennium BC), though they were built in different times - almost till the XIX century, But most likely, this claim is inaccurate. Megaliths themselves consist of wild stones (which were formed, perhaps millions of years ago), and the scientific methods by which to determine exactly when the block of stone carved from the pit, still does not exist. So to determine the age of the majority of megaliths isotopic analysis subjected not stones, and related organic traces. Dolmens and cromlechs usually dates back to the earliest fireplaces, located inside them. And menhirs (obelisks) - excavated close to the sites of ancient people. In short, the method is quite doubtful, but even obtained with its help data allow to assert that the megaliths older than the most ancient known to us the peoples inhabiting the territory.
And then the question arises: how and why people of the stone age erected these cyclopean buildings?
Let's start with "how?". First and simplest assumption is - megaliths built as subsequently pyramid: hundreds of people moved on rollers stone blocks with the help of levers and ropes, raised them and installed vertically... However, the number of small pyramids, the construction of each of them lasted decades, but tens of thousands of megaliths, they are sometimes inaccessible places and build them fast enough. The last position is confirmed (though indirectly) the legends about the creators of the gigantic structures. Almost all the Nations of the Earth keep the memory of the white bearded gods (or white goddesses), dwarfs or giants, who had arrived in their locality and "overnight" built megaliths. Apart from the fabulous component of folklore and not to ascribe cyclopean buildings aliens, we can assume that created them some ancient mariners. They were very smart, well knew the mechanics and geometry and used for lifting primitive crane. Interestingly, in the legends of the megalith builders often description of huge stones, which (of course, with the help of magic) slowly flew through the air and obediently went to their place... But why was to build these big?
For a long time megaliths believed by ancient tombs. However, in the vast majority of stone circles, dolmens, Cairn as close to the menhirs, there are no graves. Perhaps the graves were plundered back in the stone age? But does the megalith builders were so naive not to predict such development of events? And in constructions "stone table" impossible is nothing to hide! It is hard to believe and ritual purpose giant buildings in all times people carefully created and trimmed "home of the gods": altars and temples. And roughly cut megaliths seem far more utilitarian constructions. In the beginning of XX century there was a supposition: megaliths are ancient Observatory. However, it was about some built relatively recently the cromlechs - in particular about Stonehenge. The main proof: orientation of megaliths point rise at the day of spring equinox. That, however, it does not necessarily indicate their purpose. What sense to build Hulk of the 10-onnykh stones just to commit certain astronomical directions? For this purpose sufficiently in 100 times more lightweight construction (by the way, the "Observatory" of the stones of 100-200 kg widespread in coastal regions). Some scientists believed (and still believe) megaliths a kind of "road signs" - markup and ensembles of guidance for land, water or air (alien ships) transport. But in this case it is unclear why the ancients built these pointers integer fields and complexes. In addition, many dolmens are in the remote mountains, in thickets, on the tiny patch of land where they don't notice...
A thorough research of megaliths gave enthusiasts a lot of interesting facts. For example, it turned out that all these structures are built of quartz Sandstone (sometimes had to be delivered to the construction site for hundreds of kilometers), and quartz is a mineral that is capable of generating an electric current under the influence of compression (piezo-effect), and to maintain the constancy of oscillations (frequency stabilization). Moreover, under the influence of electric current quartz crystals generate ultrasound and mechanical deformations emit radio waves. This is based on the use of quartz in radio engineering. Attention to the composition of the stone blocks of the first drew English scientists who discovered that before sunrise megalith the Rollright emits ultrasonic pulses. The radiation is most intense and prolonged during the equinoxes and minimally during solstices. Each stone megalith has its own "voice" and its cycle of "sound";, the energy of radiation is small but well-thought-out location of all stones creates a powerful energy flow. The reason ultrasonic radiation - electrical current, emerging and under the action of sunlight, and as a result of deformation of the massive blocks of Sandstone - due to the tidal influence of the moon and Sun or earth movement (piezo-effect). Ukrainian scientists have studied the dolmens from the inside and found that, first, these buildings could generate an ultrasound, but radiated it is directed in the form of the beam and, secondly, to work not only on the transfer, but also at the reception. There's the telephone! Emit ultrasound and all other megaliths: menhirs, stone circles - they have to increase the piezoeffect stone blocks or superimposed on each other, or established vertically on a more narrow end. It is not excluded, that under menhirs was under a special "heel stone", possessing high piezoelectric effect. And built megalithic objects usually in areas faults, which in certain conditions "work" as waveguides - the sound of them is spreading much faster and with fewer losses than outside of them.
One way or another, but every day the scope of our knowledge about megaliths growing. It is not excluded that soon we will be able to connect to the global information system of ancient times.