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Тайны страны Куш International archeological expedition in Sudan is trying to save the remnants of the ancient culture on the territory, which will soon be on the bottom of the new reservoir.

Scientists from England, Germany, Poland, Russia, France and Sudan are in a big hurry, against the dam builders. In 2007 it will be ready, and lowland length of about 200 km will be under water. For the population of Sudan, this dam is vital, but all the times that archaeologists will not have time for the remaining time to dig and take that will be flooded and lost forever.

Achievements of culture of the Kingdom of Kush on Nubian earth for a long time underestimated, as they were eclipsed by its grandeur closest neighbor - Ancient Egypt. It is not excluded that the Egyptians attributed to any invention their black neighbors, because the Kingdom of Kush had all signs of a highly developed culture: a thorough knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, own religion, original art, and even writing. Ancient Egypt and Nubia very closely connected historically.

Relations between the neighbors have been difficult, hostile, and on Egyptian monuments Nubians often depicted in the form of related captives and slaves. Military clashes occurred so often that for a long time, the success of the reign of the Egyptian Pharaoh was measured by its victories in the war with Nubia. Egypt has never lost interest in the southern neighbor, because Nubians gold was extracted.

The rulers of Egypt never succeeded in completely and utterly dominate Nubia. After each defeat diehard Nubians, came up again and he stroke back. During XXV dynasty they even seized power in Memphis, and for nearly a century Egyptian pharaohs were black Nubians. After returning to power in their own country, the Egyptians did everything possible to erase this "shameful page in the history of Egypt. Own writing Nubians invented relatively late, and in the Egyptian written sources they presented evil and primitive, and therefore not ranked in the world's history, a place, a deserved.

The head of God Olokun. The Culture Of The IFA. XIV century

At the invitation of the Sudanese government on the subject to flooding of the territory came scholars from different fields to collect all the valuable material on the history of culture of the African peoples. Their task was complicated not only by the haste and lack of written sources. Working conditions were extremely harsh. The climate in the valley killer - unbearable heat. Archaeologists had first of all to fend off pesky representatives of the local fauna. Lowland full of crocodiles, snakes and Scorpions, not to mention the myriad fleas and flea beetles, which bites is not so dangerous, but poison the life of the people.

The archaeologists, ethnologists are the features of the traditional lifestyle and culture of the inhabitants of the doomed valley. Professor John Robertson hopes that in ancient human remains will be able to install genealogical origin multi-tribal population of the Kingdom of Kush and receive data on demography and health. The area of the future reservoir is very rich in archeological treasures. One good thing hasty excavations on the subject to flooding drew attention to the history and culture of the peoples of West Africa. Scientists, of course, will not be able to save very little time. The most that can be done under such conditions, to find and remove even the most valuable.

In the writings of the Greek historian Plutarch describes how the soldiers Nubian king inflicted the only defeat to famed commander Alexander the great in his successful campaign to Egypt in 332-331 BCE

Alexander landed troops from ships, and plunged into the forest. And the forest there were not such, as in Greece, - huge thick trees in two girth, and between them impassable thicket of thorns and vines. Nubians were moving in the bushes, easily and quickly, knowing the secret paths and passages. Under the leadership of the wise and courageous they are being lured by the Greeks in the jungle forest and killed most of the troops. They staged a cunning trap, Pompiliu trees, so that at the right moment to hurl them at your enemies.

Alexander the great brought the surviving troops to the sea. Fugitives from the broken units overtook them and too rushed to the overloaded vehicles, all of which was not enough. The soldiers were pressed each other, many grabbed their swords. Only three ships of the ten somehow reached the goal... Since ancient Nubia much has changed, and forests are long gone.

Coordination of research flooded the valley is engaged in special research Council in Khartoum, founded in 1991, During 13 years of work of the Board, scientists had discovered 141 place for excavations, which date back to different historical epochs, including Christian Nubian period of XI-XIII-XIV centuries ad is left of it ruins of a fortified settlements, ancient churches and monasteries, as well as numerous cemeteries. The present inhabitants of the valley, know nothing about them and telling fantastic stories must be invented recently.

Excavations will help to collect information about the late Christian period Nubia, and to clarify and extend the knowledge about the transition of the Nubians in Islam. This period in the history of Sudan has not been studied yet, we know about him no more than about ancient Nubian kingdoms that existed simultaneously with the Egyptian old Kingdom.

The first excavations were part of the Kingdom of Kush town-fortress Kerma on the territory of modern Sudan held in 1913, who Led the excavations Dr. Raisner especially shocked disposal. He opened thousands of graves. Tombs of the nobles were amazed by its size and wealth of the burial of the gifts. The graves were in the round earthen hills, the largest of which had a diameter equal to the length of a football field. The burial chamber was more spacious than the Egyptian pyramids.

The body of the nobles were laid on woven mats, stretched across a wooden frame with legs. Near the remains were piled up countless subjects and ornaments of gold, bronze, ivory and faience. Around the burial chamber in the underground corridors of brick archaeologist found 322 human skeleton. Judging by unnatural poses, these unfortunate people were buried alive along with the king, and then rushed from the deadly terror and writhed in agony.

Troops of the Egyptian Pharaoh Ahmose burned the city of Kerma, then Nubia for five centuries became part of Egypt. But around the X century BC, taking advantage of the weakening of Egypt, Nubians again gained independence, and the Kingdom of Kush was revived with new capital of Napata, North of present-day Khartoum.

I hope that during the remaining flooded three years archaeologists are lucky enough to do on Nubian earth, another remarkable finding.
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