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Almost a century, from the time of their discovery by archaeologists, scientists argue about the origin in the Peruvian desert Nazca huge and not very geometric shapes and figures, the so-called geoglyphs ("geo" - in translation with Greek - earth, glyph - concave line). Put forward a variety of hypotheses, often contradicting each other. Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Orefici, however, believes that it is possible to explain these mysterious figures of the Nazca desert, if we turn to be pushed into Oblivion the city Sawasi - the cradle of civilization Nazca.
From the middle of the XVI century, after conquest of the Inca Empire Pizarro, in various forms in Latin America began to walk the legend that on Peruvian desert plains of the South, between the Andes and the Pacific ocean, are strange geometrical figures. Such a huge, though they made some "giants".
Where they came from and what mean? Maybe, as some have claimed, it treadmills for "olimpionikiv" dokolumbovsky period? Or magic signs shamans? Maybe the giant figures correspond to our zodiac signs? Or are peculiar stellar calendar? But a recent computer simulations show that only twenty percent found in Nazca lines, arrows and other geoglyphs correspond astronomical signs.
Swiss Explorer traces of alien Erich von d?niken believed that trapezoidal many Nazca - not that other, as a landing spacecraft. Aliens from other planets were adopted by the natives of the Nazca desert gods. And locals came to bow before them and to draw animals - a kind of giant code points for communication with these gods.
Archaeologist Giuseppe Orefici today considered in the scientific world, the largest scientists and the best specialist in the study of the Nazca desert. For seventeen years he spends six months in the ancient city Sawasi, or rather to the place where he was once located, trying to find the connection between the Nazca and ancient civilization. In the town next to Sawasi, twelve kilometers to the Northwest from the geoglyphs are traces of a settlement, where Italian archaeologist found a number of interesting things navedli it on the idea that the key to solving the mystery of geoglyphs located in the deposited Sawasi.
He believes that Sawasi was the cradle and the center of civilization Nazca desert. After you define the shape of this ancient city, its original form was reproduced using computer graphics. In the Central part Sawasi, a little to the right, there was a big Church or other religious building, to the left - big pyramids. Surprisingly, local residents, in that distant time did not know the alphabet, were able to build the pyramid height up to twenty meters and on the perimeter of one hundred and nine meters. They even built in the city of the original water and wells at different levels, which work to this day!
The ruins of the city Sawasi
All buildings and structures in Sawasi were performed on seven levels and was built from raw brick. Archaeologists found the burial already partially looted somebody. The absence in the tombs of any weapons, even ritual, tells scientists that the locals are likely to have been very peaceful people. In one giant necropolis area of 24 km2 discovered burial 200-300 thousand natives. So "gigantism" was quite peculiar to them, and so the "supernatural forces" on the Nazca is in doubt. All made themselves earthlings, says Giuseppe Orefici!
Archaeologists have found trephinated and mummified skull. Find trephinated head, turned into a mummy, with some rope. Scientists believe that this is not that other, as an offering to the gods. And before offering to the gods head, most likely carried tied by a rope to something and then hung on to something. The tombs also were found and touching woven figures that have kept two thousand years rituals Nazca. Such a decorated three-the dolls decorated ceremonial cloth used during the rituals. Preserved and a large range of colors (at least 250!). Not less striking and very fine work of manufacture "dolls", dated specialists III century BC Paint so preserved, that it seems that the goods have been created just yesterday. But that is not surprising: the climate in Nazca very dry.
It was found even embroidered "coat" one of the residents Nazca, on which there were more than five hundred "dolls" with my hands or playing musical instruments. Archaeologists believe that this is also the elements of the ritual.
The idea that giant Nazca were created by local residents, induces the discovery Gorshkov surprisingly modern forms with pictures, similar to the geoglyphs. Pots dates back to the V and VI centuries BC Finds, as scientists think, testify to the ancient, very advanced civilization that dominated mysterious for us, the Nazca desert. Civilization it belonged to mathematics and geometry. However, says Italian archaeologist, residents Sawasi assumed in the calculations of the error. But, in his opinion, the question of how deposited the geoglyphs in the area, removed from the agenda! Some figures made with defects, which indicates such mathematical miscalculations.
According to the archaeologist, all three different types of Nazca - spiral-animals, lines, arrows - refer to around 500 BC people First Nazca "painted" spiral. Then they began to create more complex geoglyphs in the form of birds, spiders, monkeys, chimpanzees, cats... in short, to portray that surrounded them. And only after this - for them "primitive" work - it was started construction of cities with original engineering communications, for example with water, which was particularly important for very dry arid climate.
For the city Sawasi "Golden" age is between III and IV centuries, the heyday of their civilization. But at the end of IV century nature gave us the Nazca desert, which at that time was not exactly the desert, two disaster: earthquake and flood at the same time! Eventually, the city was buried under a layer of sand, which destroyed almost everything. By the way, this time dated and recent Nazca lines and arrows. Having lost faith in God, who brought the local people such punishment, aborigines have ceased to apply the geoglyphs. What is interesting to the Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Orefici mathematical calculation method Nazca has prompted local Indians. They also said that first he made a small modelki these geoglyphs, and then they repeatedly increased already on the ground. Maybe these Indians are the descendants of representatives of the civilization that created the Nazca?
Exact answer to your question scientists have not yet received. Confused by another circumstance: why some figures (a-line and "abstract" line), made in the wilderness, no found on pots in a covered city Sawasi? Maybe there is another, not our civilization?