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Как пережить Конец СветаOn December 21, 2012 once again announced the end of the world. And the sources of apocalyptic predictions are very different, and this Mayan prophecy and the statement of a Buddhist monk that the world was mired in sin and will be destroyed, and a wandering planet Nibiru, and the so-called "parade of planets" (celestial phenomenon, when the planets of the solar system are arranged in one row). In short, it would be the end of the world, and the occasion will be.

In this regard, we asked our experts a question, why people are constantly waiting for the Apocalypse and believe such predictions? Moreover, these predictions has already been a great many, but people continue to crap up the earth and believe that this time will go for sure. Another interesting thing: despite the fact that the causes of the End of the world in different predictions are different, all are waiting for the trouble it 21.12.2012. Than this date has earned such a bad name?

Another issue that is relevant regardless of whether that happens we Apocalypse or not. How does the hype around the upcoming cataclysm on people's behavior? It seems that social and economic Apocalypse has already started without a formal Declaration, because the old world order reeling even in prosperous Europe. About Ukraine and say nothing - we only saves the habit to live poorly and deep attitude. Could it be that the end of the world - it's just the end of the familiar world and the beginning of a new stage in the history of mankind? Is it a coincidence that all over the planet are more frequent, if not mass protests and war, typhoons and floods, or so it was before? What to expect from 21 and 22 December? And finally, is it possible to frighten the end of the world, a survivor of the collapse of the USSR, the turbulent 90, several economic crises and a couple of revolutions? All this we asked the competent experts.

Kiev astrologer Alexander Valentinovich expressed the opinion that people tend to believe the information, suddenly, out of nowhere.

"We expected with horror computer collapse in 2000, recalls esoteric, but nothing happened. Several times he was appointed the ends of the world by different persons, for example, Maria Devi Christ and Krivonogova of the White brotherhood. The whole story over the world consists of the fact that periodically there are very clear date".

Regarding the Mayan prophecies, suggested astrologer, "most likely, is the continuation of the calendar, it's just for some reason did not find either in a hurry, or because of the desire to give fried news". It's all the same, says Alexander Valentinovich that "if the Pushkin wrote two volumes, and did not find the third".

The expert believes that for people who expect the end of the world, this is another easy puppet show.

"If indeed we actually flew the planet Nibiru, told the Kyiv astrologer, - would be in the world poured vibration change. For example, before the earthquake in Spitak people for a few hours went as dead. Time has stopped, chill all went back, cats started howling, dogs, jackals. It felt. If was the end of the world, it would be poured out in world of sensations, and first of all it would feel animals women.

Head of Kiev school of astrology Viktor Basilic told that there are several reasons why people are waiting for the Apocalypse: first, it "when there's some situation that you don't know how to solve, I want to sleep, to go to another city, to die," and second, "whenever there is a change of times, calendars".

Why Apocalypse, according to some predictions, falls on December 21, esoteric expressed the following assumption: "December 21, allegedly Earth is in some galactic beam, we fall asleep, Wake up already other - updated or dead. From the point of view of physics is nonsense. Many movies have been on this topic. The end of the world there explained by asteroids, flash on the Sun - anything. This can be really: Venice floats, USA new York flooded, was New Orleans is not. That is, such things can happen, but it's not the end of the world, this is the end of the system someone something."

Also Mr. Basilic told about interpreting astrology possible end of the world.

"Astrology is a product of the system, the world in which we live, is enlightened astrologer. - We use a tool that was created in this world. If the end of the world to consider in the sense that the end of everything, then disappears astrology. I am, she, being inside the system does not see the system from the outside. She can't predict the end of the world, because she is part of this world".

Supports previous expert leader of the "Brotherhood", President of the Institute of regional policy and modern politics Dmitry Korchinsky. He argues that "everyone is waiting for the end of the world, because with the end of the world over and all the trouble".

By the way, says Dmitry Aleksandrovich, yet the old man Freud in his time complements theory about libido, "He limited a libido and desire for death as a basic need. People interested in these topics. Just the same as us in childhood were interested horror stories, so certainly excite us all this talk about the end of the world". By the way, the expert invited all the people of Kiev on a joint celebration "update world" on December 21 on the Castle hill.

Dmitry Korchinsky noted that some people take very seriously the next Apocalypse, because they think that "after light will end, they still will be able to survive with salt, matches and dry spirit".

On the question of whether to scare rumors of a possible Apocalypse people who survived the collapse of the Soviet Union, dashing 90 and several waves of the economic crisis, the expert referred to the fear of man.

"There are people who are not afraid of the Russian tank, but very afraid of police Bobik - gave the example of the leader of the party "Bratstvo". - There are people who are not afraid to die but I am afraid to go to prison. And, ironically, the people who have passed through many tests, may be scared stale fish".

About whether before have so many disasters on Earth, a public activist said Yes. In fact, he stressed that "just now have greater access to information, and now it is with great pleasure obsessives media and more people are interested".

About the hype about the end of the world, which caused the press, says the rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University, the human rights activist, publicist, one of the founders of the Ukrainian Helsinki group Myroslav Marynovych.

As for what the world is mired in sin, the expert notes, "it's obvious, and Ukraine is just perfect illustration of this. Therefore, there is no doubt that we have earned the end of the world, and you can wonder why it still was not there."

As for the specific date, then for Mr. Marynovych convincing are the words of the Bible that this date no one knows except the Father. And so is the game of human ambitions and intuition, sure Miroslav Francovich.

Pro-rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University recalled the discussions around the topic about the end of the world: "Astrologers say about the approaching era of Aquarius. Others say that the terrorist attacks in the United States opened a new era in the history of human tragedy". And in General, he believes that everything is fine, because where there are people, there will always be attempts to learn the meaning of the world, and people will always do it.

As for reasons of "social and economic Apocalypse specifically in Ukraine, the reason that we are not able to make conclusions, the expert says: "the Lord is forced to repeat the lessons that we have learned. It is a good school with bad disciple: either the teacher sends it to the re-takes or leaves in the second year. It seems that the us "left" 20 years, if not more. And we still can't make conclusions". And radicalization in Ukraine suggests, summed up Miroslav Francovich that "we want a firm hand and a very quick final resolutions".

About people's belief in the Apocalypse in our enlightened XXI century the head of the Center of psychiatry, psychotherapy and practical psychology, psychiatrist Eugen Voronkov said we still adhere to the principles of the caveman.

"For 20-30 thousand years of our existence, - has explained his position to the expert, - in our psychological as we lengthened life, has changed the quality of life, technically we have acquired, but mystical perception of many things remained at the level of psychological image cave man". By the same people, according to Mr. Voronkova, maybe something and know, but "it is their General education and spiritual enlightenment still primitive".

From the acclaimed date 21 December this year Yevgeny Voronkov not expect anything. But people, says the psychiatrist, very vneseny: "tell them instead of the 21st 18th - they would have affected the 18th".

The expert is sure that the end of the world in the history of mankind - it's more the idea of spiritual type: "This is not the end of the material world first of all. The end of the world, which is present in all religions in one degree or another, implies a radical change of interpersonal and spiritual processes."

Archpriest, rector of St. Agapit of Pechersk father Andrey Tkachev said that if people are Christians, they should read the Holy Scripture, and Buddhist monks may listen to Buddhists.

"We have no doubt that the world is mired in sin, " said FR Andrew, and will sooner or later destroyed, but the destruction of the world is the transformation of the world, that is, the world will change. As written in one of the cult book by Richard Bach, what the caterpillar calls the end of the world, butterfly calls birthday. The world will change for the better and will be purified purification by fire, which destroyed all the evil and the evil". But setting dates and binding of the mysteries of God to a specific date, said the priest, " this "or conscious charlatanism, or bubbles on the puddles, that is, the fruit of light and shallow mind."

The spiritual father told me that really means Apocalypse: "In Greek it means a revelation, and the revelation not only threatens executions, it also proclaims something and joyful: the Kingdom of God, the heavenly Jerusalem, the triumph of the righteous." So think about the Apocalypse only in dark colors, drew attention Archpriest means not know neither God nor his writings.

"There are many joyful in the Apocalypse, the father Andrey Tkachev. Christ was saying that when you see formidable self-fulfilling prophecy, it will raspryamitsya and do not be afraid, because we are approaching a time of your redemption. No need to look for the future life of the world from the point of view of the skeleton of a worm or a devastating earthquake. You have to look from the point of view of meeting with God". And yet, he added, people need to be smarter and more serious."

But the chief editor of "Kyiv Telegraph" Vladimir Skachko quite a different opinion about a possible Apocalypse. It seems that the expectation of judgment is intuitive, unconscious self-consciousness of the people because they secretly sin, commit, spit in the soup neighbor, I wish him evil, smiling the while. Waiting for the end of the world is sublimation dirty conscience".

But the conscience, said the journalist, it's such a point that no one had seen: "She comes at night, wakes, to whom it came, and then the fun begins. I don't know what was referring to the Mayan authorized whether it is their our Lord or them. Much worse is that, what I was talking about. But on the other hand, this suggests that humanity is still alive, and the standards still exist as a Areopagus spirit, about which people remember and cleaned themselves in daily conduct."

On the question of whether to scare the man who survived the collapse of the Soviet Union and several crises, by the end of the world, Vladimir Sergeevich said ironically: "I survived the collapse of the USSR and, as you can see, not all the time. Remember, as Vladimir Ilyich came to people and said, "We die, there is no bread, eat a dead horse meat, soon to neigh will like horses". And he replied, "Why do you need to dramatize? I've naverno a jar of honey, and, as you can see, not all the time".

Vladimir Skachko said not to compare the collapse of the USSR with the end of the world, because these are different things.

"End of the world, " concluded the chief editor of "Kyiv Telegraph", is a terrible court in which everyone will have something to answer. But it would be a bad thing. Maybe someone was afraid of something. After all, the worst abominations usually happening with the words of good. Good intentions pave not only track from the Soviet Union in Europe, but in hell."

Lisa Monina
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