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Аркаим ч.2Astroarchaeology has accumulated a wealth of evidence to show that throughout ancient history, starting from the Paleolithic times, different Nations of the Earth were built prioritetnye Observatory to watch the sunsets and sunrises bodies. Only they usually were very simple: the Observatory configured only one (out of eighteen!) a significant event. Until now we had only one case of multiple events on a single Supervisory "tool". This case is called Stonehenge.

The class of Arkaim is much higher!

Arkaim as astronomical tool

To prioriteta Observatory, in principle, could serve as a tool astronomical observations for which it was created, it needs to have three elements: workplace observer (RMN), middle Vizir (BV) and far Vizir (DV).

Without far sight on the horizon cannot achieve the required accuracy. To serve in this Vizir can any natural or artificial detail of the landscape, clearly fixing point of events and not allow this to confuse it with any other point of the horizon. This may be the top of a mountain or hill, standing rock, big rock. You can also supply a large post, to make artificial rock hill, cut through the clearing in the forest or on the contrary, to plant a tree on treeless the horizon; it is possible to fill Kurgan - then it archaeologists will take for burial and will unearth, vainly searching for the burial chamber... a Lot can. But, by the way, on the horizon of Stonehenge is not detected objects that would definitely could be defined as far sight, however many, this fact has not prevented to recognize the monument prioritetnoe Observatory.

With the middle Vizir simpler: he installed only tens of metres observer and, if done "smart", then clearly visible. They can serve as "part-time" some other design detail. But the important thing to work (top) edge of sight from the point of view of the observer was aligned with the line of the horizon, which nahodili Vizir.

As for the working place of the observer, the requirement to it is the simplest: it was possible to reliably fix the position of nabludatel - especially its head, even, may be, eyes - at the moment of observation. And more - no wisdom.

Situation in General exactly resembles aiming the gun: sight with butt - workplace observer (RMN), fly - middle Vizir (BV), the target is far Vizir (DV).

Poleva archeoastronomy usually solves two tasks: astronomical - calculate azimuth and amendments (at least seven) to him - and archeological: detection and verification parts "device" - sight and RMN.

An example of Stonehenge creates a precedent: in his example, we see that the ancient astronomers could make Observatory DL observations from one place several events. It is found that ool"understandable basically, with a still a number of details, the purpose of which we still remained unknown. Now we can find the solution in Arkaim.

Stonehenge - Arkaim: two incarnations of the same principle

The most visible part of the construction of Stonehenge it is a cromlech - a kind of "paling" of exhibited in a circle of a giant stone monoliths. The researcher of the monument Gerald Hawkins managed "collect" cromlech Stonehenge 15 important events (from 18 possible). However, none of them can be presented with an accuracy of one minute of arc. In the best case we can speak about tens of minutes, for there is far sight.

Jobs in the layout Hawkins has 10, near vizier 12 (as of sight in some cases are used and opposing jobs). A total of 22 item, allowing to observe the 15 events. This is a very rational and economical solution. Usually prioritetnye Observatory were held to monitor the same event and needed for each of the three elements.

Design of Arkaim is that observing the horizon here can only lead from the walls of the inner circle, they must be placed and RMN, and BV: in fact, the wall outside the circle with the top level of the citadel will look significantly below the horizon. Here we identified four RMN and eight BV and 18 DV, but the layout was solved so rational that these elements were missing for observing all 18 significant events!

Observation 9 sunrises were conducted with two places, situated in the Western part of the circular wall of the inner circle. One of them was strictly on latitudinal lines of the geometric centre of the circle. And on the same line was one of two places for observation visits. Lunar events were distributed by the Supervisory towers evenly - three each.

As BV was used in addition to the four RMN seven fixed points on the wall of the inner circle and one on the wall outside (there because, according to archaeologists, was high Overgate tower). All twelve near sight adjusted in design with up to a minute of arc and can be represented as points, the physical dimensions of which do not exceed the thickness of a peg with a diameter of less than 5 centimeters. Far vizier at the same time are located on the prominent parts of the visible horizon - as a rule, on the tops of hills and mountains, which also have been equipped and artificial symbol - stone embankments or calculations. More than half of these marks are well preserved.

All items Observatory complex of Arkaim are both fixed points of the complex is already largely, although not yet to fully understood its geometrical structure. It is reasonable to assume that acting as a tool of astronomical observations was not the only or even the main function of the structure. This conclusion follows from the fact that not all of the identified elements of a design "city" and signs on the horizon around him identifierats as parts astronomical "tool". Hence it may be concluded that the implementation of astronomical observations was only one necessary facet of the complex functions performed by the settlement of the ancient Aryans among spacious valley deep in the great Ural-Kazakhstan steppes. What was this feature? To convincingly answer this question, we need to study the design of the arch, and more fully map everything gets known about this monument, with objects-analogues that obnarujivayut in different parts of the world.

But let's leave for relevant professionals riddles purely archaeological, historical; summarize hot would that we know enough about the Arkaim as archeoastronomical the monument.

First of all, the construction, as it turned out, geodesic strict focus on the countries of the world. With up to a minute of arc at the horizon exhibited signs marking the latitudinal (West-East) and meridional (North-South) line through the geometric centres of the design. (The geometric centres of the external and internal circles lie on the same latitudinal lines and removed from each other on 4 meters and 20 centimeters, and the outer circle is shifted relative to the inner East.)

On accuracy of orientation competition Arkaim all over the ancient world can be only some pyramids of Egypt, but they are younger than two hundred years.

Meridian and latitude line of the geometric center of the inner circle used throughout the world as a natural rectangular coordinate system, which is built horizontal proekti the entire structure. When building plan. in this system of coordinates repeatedly used the same values of azimuth radial foundations on which was built the Foundation walls of the premises of the inner circle. Moreover, in the same coordinate system was made markup ring parts with the given values of the radii. From all of this geometry by complicated calculations set of achimovsky measure length.

The editor decided that the methodology of these calculations are not necessary to the reader, yet it would lead us far beyond the topic. As for the notion of "achimovskoe measures of length", then, firstly, it is necessary to note the randomness of the measures of length in any system of measurement: Arshin, elbow, mile, mile, inches, meters - all modules of certain vital sizes. Sometimes, as is evident even from the very name is "elbow", "m" (from the English foot - foot) - they are bound to the parameters of the human body: rather shaky, admittedly, a point of reference. Much safer if they are based on astronomical measurements: this is the "m" - originally it was calculated from the earth's Meridian; in this row should be considered and Arkaim measure. But, as it turned out as nakoplenie facts at the basis of each of the major astroarchaeology monuments lying own measure length: experts say about stonkingly least, as the Egyptian pyramids...

Arkaim is a measure of length - 80,0 centimeters.

Recalculation obtained in the measurement of plan of construction of sizes opens up unexpected opportunities. It turns out that the outer circle is constructed with the active use of a circle with a radius of 90 Arkaim measures. This result gives a basis for comparison of the Foundation plan with Ecliptic coordinate system used for the image of the sky. "Read" Arkaim in this system gives great results. In particular, it is found that the distance between the centers of the circles is a 5.25 Arkaim measures. This size is surprisingly close to the angle of the moon orbit (5 C 9 plus or minus 10 minutes). Bringing together these values, we get a reason to interpret the relationship between the centers of the circles (and by the circles) as a geometric expression of the relationship between the Moon and the Sun. Strictly speaking, here fiksirujut relations between the moon and the Earth, but for the observer Sun digits around the Earth, and the Observatory was created because for surveillance motion of the Sun; hence, that the today's astronomer sees as the Earth's orbit, for Arkaim observer was the orbit of the Sun. Hence the conclusion: the inner circle is dedicated to the Sun, and the moon.

Another result is even more impressive: the area of the inner circle-shaped ring with a radius from 22.5 to 26 Arkaim measures; if this value to average - so somewhere around 24 measures. And then a circle with that radius can portray in the Ecliptic coordinate system trajectory pole of the world, described them around the pole of the Ecliptic for the period in 25920 years. This is described above precession. Parameters of precession reproduced in the design of Arkaim, first of all, correctly, and secondly, exactly. If you agree with this interpretation of its design, it is necessary to fundamentally change the traditional beliefs about the qualifications of the ancient astronomers and make a significant amendment to the history of astronomy, where it is considered that the precession found the Greeks of the classical period, and its parameters were calculated only in the last century. No doubt, knowledge of the precession is a sign of high level of civilization.

By the way, putting Ecliptic coordinate system to the construction of Stonehenge, we came to the conclusion that the main, if not the only function of this. was to store information about the precession.

Continuing the analysis of the structure of Arkaim, we find in its geometry and other astronomical symbols. So, within the internal walls of buildings, calculated in Arkaim least guess the number that expresses the height of the pole of the world over the Arkaim; it also means the geographical latitude of the location of the monument. Interestingly (and perhaps accidentally), which is roughly on the same latitude are and Stonehenge, and Kurgan Arzhan in Altai...

In the layout of the inner circle guess complex harmonic basis for the implementation of the architectural forms of presentation of the creation of the world and man.

The considered methods do not exhaust the astronomical symbolism, constructive richness and diversity of the techniques used by the great - without exaggeration - the architects.

Work experience on the arch leads to the conclusion that we deal with here is extremely complex and perfectly executed object. Special difficult to study due to the fact that he stands before us from the depth of centuries immediately in all its splendor and it is not visible monuments simpler, how would lead to him on the ladder of evolution. I hope that this is a temporary difficulty. Hot it is clear that the brilliant things do not happen much.

Arkaim harder us, and our goal is to rise to its vertices, without destroying unclear and not well understood.

The presence of skeptics necessarily in that case, their opinion known ahead of time - it has repeatedly spoken about, say, the Egyptian pyramids or Stonehenge: always, they say, there's own measure (in this case, Arkaim), which is convenient to operate; there's always something and what to divide and multiply, to achieve the desired astronomical values expressing the relation of the Sun, the earth, the moon, etc. And in General these mysterious ancient. - whether astronomical institutions? Maybe it's just our imagination?..

The incredibly high level of astronomical knowledge in ancient times relieves if not all, many of these issues. The ancient Observatory and were the results of the finest and long astronomical observations. There is a sense to recollect, that in ancient Babylon could accurately predict eclipses of the Sun and the position of the planets relative to each other. In Sumer conversion of the moon was known with accuracy up to 0.4 seconds. The duration of the year, according to their calculations, amounted to 365 days 6 hours and 11 minutes, which is different from today's data only for 3 minutes. Sumerian astronomers knew about Pluto is the farthest planet from us Solar system, open (out, not for the first time) modern scholars only in 1930. Time-treatment of Pluto around the Sun is, according to today's data, 90727 earth days; in the Sumerian sources appears the number 90720...

Astronomers of the Maya people were estimated duration lunar month with accuracy to 0.0004 days (34 seconds). Time-treatment of the Earth around the Sun, they amounted 365,242129 days. Using precise modern astronomical instruments that number was specified: 365,242198 days.

Examples could be multiplied, and all of them will be amazing... Some researchers seriously believe that rings Stonehenge exactly simulate the orbits of the planets of the Solar system, and even the weight of the stone blocks are chosen not by chance - they recorded the location of the elements in the periodic table, the speed of light, the ratio of the masses of the proton and the electron, the number of p... Something like that and say about the pyramids...

It is hard to believe.

But, nevertheless, on our planet there are several structures put in a deadlock modern science: the pyramids of Egypt, the gigantic figures of the Nazca desert, Stonehenge in England, CALLENISH in Scotland, the Zorats car in Armenia and, it seems, our Arkaim...

To explain why and how our ancestors built these amazing structures difficult. But you cannot ignore them. American researcher Gerald Hawkins claims that for the construction of Stonehenge was required not less than one and a half million person-days, it's huge, simply incalculable waste of effort. Why? Why Arkaim is the largest and, as Sky, sovershennaya prioriteta Observatory - primitive, semi-wild, as it was thought, the people who lived almost five thousand years ago in the South Ural steppe?

Yes there Stonehenge and Arkaim - we still can't deal with the dolmens: seemingly simple structure, a kind of poor stone birdhouse. Meanwhile, they would surely have astronomically significant orientation and are, in fact, the most ancient calendars of mankind.

So maybe we don't evaluate the recent past of mankind? May, in the ecstasy of understanding of their civilization (not imaginary?) and magazania (not apparent?) we exaggerate the degree of their "primitiveness"? What if Yes, our ancestors were not primitive us, but simply lived another, unknown to us laws? What if Yes rights Sky, claiming that Arkaim more of us, and if we want to understand him, you should be able to rise to its vertices?.

Arkaim in the context of modernity

1. In the last decade in the southern Urals was opened rendererotica civilization, age of which corresponds to the Egyptian pyramids Middle Kingdom, urban culture of Crete, late layers famous civilizations of India - Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. The appearance on the archeological map of the world of Arkaim and ;the Country's cities; the authoritative specialists ;outstanding archaeological event of the XX century.

XX century is rich in archaeological discoveries, it is justified to call the Golden age of archaeology. However, among the many discoveries only units can be attributed to the events giving new knowledge of human history. From this point of view Arkaim is becoming an important milestone in the scientific understanding of the special role of the Indo-European tribes in the middle of Eurasia in the global historical process. Civilizational context ;the Country's cities; demonstrates the significant contribution of the ancient steppe peoples to world culture. Usually historians of antiquity talked about the influence of traditional ;civilizational belt; in more Northern regions of Middle Asia, Caspian and black sea region today with all the confidence to speak not only about the opposite effect steppe, but, more specifically, about the sources of the large Indo-European migrations, recorded in written sources of the late third-early second Millennium BC

2. Opening of Arkaim creates a new relation to domestic antiquities in the environment of the official authorities. For the first time in the practice of official internal policy for the whole history of the cultural life of the Soviet Union archaeological monument became the reason of the liquidation of the major construction projects of national importance (1990). Following the extraordinary step - Arkaim together with neighbourhood was declared a reserve-a branch of the famous Ilmensky reserve (1991). Currently completed the design works on creation in the South of Chelyabinsk region of the national Park. This is a possible solution to the problematic situation, which arose in connection with the opening of other monuments Arkaim civilization and defining the boundaries of their distribution.

Today on the arch there is a scientific town, built the Museum building; Human and Nature;actively are created the Museum under the open sky. Core funding is provided by the line of the local budget, part of the funds for the construction of the Museum highlights the Ministry of economy. Equally important is the support of the charity Foundation.

The phenomenon of salvation of Arkaim is not only the result of intellectual activity, but also favorable combination of personal qualities of people standing at the head of the local authorities. This is a vivid manifestation of the new time, opportunities, probably largely reversed in the future.

3. Opening early civilization in the southern Urals and creation in the steppe zone of the reserve gave an unusually wide possibilities for realization of educational programs in the field of ancient history of the region of origin of the modern peoples of the Urals, the traditional life of Russian people and Cossacks, in the field of historical ecology and contemporary nature management. Every year Arkaim is visited by thousands of people, are organized for the students of various domestic and foreign higher educational institutions. But, more importantly, Arkaim becomes important ecological and spiritual space, a real cultural centre for the local agricultural population and residents of nearby South Ural cities.

According to the experts of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of the reserve Arkaim is one of the most studied in natural territories of Russia. Specific studies on the problems of climate variability in the Holocene age, experience in the field of soil science, paleobotanic, paleozoology, functioning and destruction of different economic-cultural types must turn the reserve Arkaim is one of the key points for the creation and implementation of the concept of sustainable development of the South Urals region.

4. Arkaim, on the one hand, has a strong regional significance. On the other hand, its historical phenomenon carries global characteristics. The architecture of Arkaim and ;the Country's cities, sacrificial complexes and burial rites, all ;lyrics; Arkaim culture reflect the Indo-European mythology. Modern vulgar Westerners ignore the involvement of Russia to the European idea. Meanwhile, Russia is not only in the last century was the guardian of the common European values, but on its territory, its most ancient peoples of these values was originally created.

Today, as never needed humanitarian dialogue of civilizations. Each of the modern civilizations should consider the experience of other current and disappeared cultures as equal with recognition of the principle of equality in history. Only such an approach can result in the conditions of modern civilization crisis to expand the horizon of our own being.
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