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"Almost all cultures of the world are strikingly similar to each other legends of the Universal flood - more than five hundred. In all of these legends the same story: humanity dies from a Flood that saved only one man and his family. In Western countries this man is known by the name of Noah, the Aztecs called it Nene, the middle East, his name is "Atrahasis", Utnapishtim all or Ziusudra. As for the rescue funds, that is, in the Bible it is called "the ark", that is ship; in the Mesopotamian myths, this underwater boat, and in the legends of the Aztecs we are talking about a hollowed out log" (Alford, "Gods of the new Millennium").
In particular: "...Mesopotamian myth of the flood in many ways echoes the famous biblical story of Noah and the flood. ...for all the variety of options tradition is always passed to the offspring main thing, namely, was a global disaster, which destroyed almost the entire mankind" (Hancock, "Traces of the gods").
In India a "...scientists have found a version of the Great Flood! Manu - Dravidian Noah, and helped him to escape from the death of some fish, jhala (which was incarnated Creator of the world Brahma, and other versions of the guardian of the world Vishnu). "Shatapatha Brahman", containing the story, too, older than the Bible! About the Flood speaks and Mahabharata" (Vyazalov, Averkin, "Secrets of archaeology").
According to Indian mythology, "Vishnu [God] has warned Manu [person] of the coming flood. He sent him a big ship and told him to submerge into it in a couple of all living beings and seeds of all plants, and then sit there by myself" (Hancock, "Traces of the gods").
And in the Greek version "...people were killed by Zeus, the king of the gods.... Vengeful deity used to clear the Land universal flood.... In this flood has killed all mankind, except for a few people who had escaped to the highest mountains" (ibid.).
"Myths of the flood, existing in Laos and Northern Thailand, tells that centuries ago in the upper Kingdom lived creatures ten... One tena announced that, before you eat something that people need in deference to share her food with them. People refused, and tena furious arranged a flood that devastated the land" (ibid)
"There are Japanese tradition, according to which the Islands of Oceania appeared after the world was destroyed by a flood and then recreated by God Tangaloa. The Samoans believe in the flood that once erased from the face of the Earth all mankind" (ibid.).
In the Mexican mythology "destruction appeared in the form of torrential rain and flooding. Mountains disappeared, and people have turned to fishes..." (ibid.).
" Ecuador, an Indian tribe, Kanarev keeps the ancient story of the flood, which the two brothers escaped by climbing a high mountain" (ibid.).
"In the province Anjasmara, five leagues from Cuzco, the Indians have heard the following fable. A month before the flood their sheep (Lama) had scrutinies, the day they had eaten nothing, and at night watching the stars. In the end, the shepherd asked what they were troubled, and they replied that the stars predicts the death of the world of water. Hearing this, the shepherd consulted with their six children, and together they decided to gather possible food and sheep and climb to the top of a very high mountain named Anjasmara. They say that as the rising waters, the mountain became higher, and therefore the flood could not cover it completely, and when the waters subsided, the mountain also decreased. Thus, six children in the shepherd have repopulated the area..." (Cristobal de Molina).
"In pre-Columbian Chile araucana preserved the legend that once the flood came, which was saved only a few Indians. They ran into a high mountain called AHTEG, which means "thunder", or "sparkling", which had three top and was able to swim in the water" (Hancock, "Traces of the gods").
"In the extreme South of the continent legend of the people Yaman from Tierra del Fuego narrates: "the Flood caused the woman-Moon. It was a time of great prosperity... the Moon was full of hate for the human beings... At that time drowned all, except for those few who managed to escape by five mountain peaks that water is not covered"" (ibid.).
"We luiseno of Baja California there is a legend about the flood that swept mountains and destroyed much of humanity. Only a few escaped, having escaped the highest peaks that are not hidden, as everything around, under water. ...Further to the North are the same myths were recorded among the Hurons. The legend of the mountaineers from a family of Algonquin tells how Great the Hare Picabo restored peace after the flood..." (ibid.).
"In his "history of the Dakota Indians" Linda... outlines the myth of the Iroquois about how "the sea and the water once came to earth, killing all human life". The Indians of chicaco argued that the world was destroyed by the waters, "but escaped one family and one pair of animals of each species". ISS also talked about a time when not remain dry earth and all the people gone" (ibid.).
"Inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego... it was said that the Sun and Moon fell from the sky", and the Chinese - what planet have changed their way. The sun, the Moon and the stars began to move in a new way"... Tarahumara in Northern Mexico preserved the legend about the destruction of the world that changed the path of the Sun.... More tribe from Tierra del Fuego, pehuenche, links the flood with a long period of darkness: "the Sun and the Moon fell from the sky, and the world remained without light."
"A number of the tribes of the Australian aborigines... there is a belief that their origin they are obliged to the great flood, which took away the previously existing landscape together with the inhabitants. According to the myths about the origin of a number of other tribes, the responsibility lies on the flood cosmic snake Ulungur, whose symbol is the rainbow" (ibid.).
"In the hymns of Viracocha recorded Pachacuti Fossa, there is a term anacoco, literally "sea from the top", in direct relation to the starry heavens. That whatever else is meant by this myth, the sources of the imminent flood was somewhere outside, in astronomical sphere" (Osullivan, "Secrets of the Incas").
"In another myth about Quetzalcoatl, also written in Nahuatl, we learn that the death of the Fourth Sun (prior to the Fifth Sun, which Aztecs tried to keep alive) came at the hands of the stars. This myth, processing some of the older (and probably destroyed) version, has its exact duplicate in the Andes, in the myth of the Lama and the flood. For the Aztecs stars were enemies of the Sun, the Fifth Sun" (ibid.).
" ancient and more recent tradition has repeatedly linked the legend of the great flood, with the symbols of comets..." (Namuna, "zodiac mysteries").
Such similarity myths almost all the Land can have one of two reasons.
First, the similarity of the myths could be generated them with a single author. However, the results are different enough in-depth studies of real dismissed a similar view.
"Everything in the world such legends [flood] it is more than 500. Examining 86 of them (20 Asian, 3 European, 7 African, 46 American and 10 from Australia and Oceania), Dr. Richard Andre came to the conclusion that 62 fully independent of Mesopotamian and Jewish options" (ibid.).
Then it is necessary to recognize, that all these ancient legends is a real disaster, traces of which must inevitably encounter in our time.