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This story began in 1991 on the Estonian island of Saaremaa. Among several "contactees", the testimony which I studied, was a ten-year Christian K. from a small Estonian town of Rakvere. He claimed that at night communicate with aliens. Not to forget the vivid nightlife of the picture, the boy in the morning I sketched them from memory: unusual control of aircraft, quite complicated schemes of entry into the atmosphere of different planets, the appearance of ships and of biorobots, who helped manage... was among these figures one quite "earthly": rural house, some buildings nearby. Under the house - a kind of "carelevitra" design. "What is it, Christian?" - "It was some kind of spacecraft. He is under the ground, somewhere in Estonia. Inside "plates", this device..." And he showed me one more figure: the concentric circles, some cells... Well that I still have the video. Well because this story has received unexpected continuation.
1. "Object M".
In may 1992, we filmed a documentary about the study of UFO in Estonia. We remained free almost the whole day, and my old friend, known in Estonia ufologist, let's call him Mr. H., offered to go "one interesting place". And while we were broadcasted on the streets of Tallinn, and then raced on a country road, Agricultural told strange, like a detective story...
It began in the mid 60-ies. A resident of the small village of M, near Tallinn, mechanic, Virgo MITT decided to dig yourself a well in the yard. All went well. But suddenly shovel came across some metal object. Attempts to dig up the find or bypass the party of no success: it was a stove, which was not finished... Then the Virgo got a jackhammer. For hours he was crushing unexpected obstacle, punching hole in it: nothing or something, dig...
Top, a very hard layer was not thick. Deeper I went the other texture is more structured ("as icicles or clove")... Perseverance and a little effort few days in the stove, the thickness of which, in the words of Virgo, was 1-1,5 inches, was the gaping hole perfectly suitable for the well dimensions. Fragments were nearly the whole bucket of Water... quickly began to arrive, and the Virgo decided on this epic by well finish. Splinters flew back into the well. But not all... a Couple of pieces of larger - ten centimeters in diameter - Virgo MITT left on the memory. One time somewhere has sapropel, but the other... It was an unusual fate.
The fact that the Virgo MITT once told about an unusual discovery of his friend, the chemist by profession. So a piece of metal came in the Tallinn Polytechnic Institute, and in 1969 were on the table researcher, and in the future - the Deputy Director on science of the Institute of Geology of Academy of Sciences of the ESSR Herbert A. Vidima. And maybe the story and would have ended, if in a couple of years to splinter accidentally touched one of the engineers. The strike was like a powerful electric discharge - engineer lost consciousness. Herbert Viding was shocked: how many times he took the metal in the hands or anything like that. Of course, past so mysterious fact young scientist pass could not. And he started his own research.
Who not only "missed" it is through this piece: the Institute's employees, their friends and relatives, psychics... About three hundred questionnaires were left after these experiments. Did people react in different ways: some zapped, others felt the thin vibration. Some felt the piece as a cold, others remained on hand burns. Someone was improving work of heart, someone-on contrary... Clustering the results, Viding identified eight different types of impact. Was what to think...
From 1970 to 1982 the sample "object M" (as it was indicated in the official report) passed tests in many scientific research institutes and laboratories of Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev... But information about the received results scientist to achieve could not.
2. Thirty-eight elements.
No one now knows who he was, where he worked, what has held the post "the secret man Estonia" Ann Parva. It is only known that during the war he worked in industry deep in the rear, and in the postwar period was associated with the development of new technologies for space exploration. This "enjoyed great prestige in Moscow". That's about all. Except for one of his strange "hobby": in the tens of years he was looking for traces of a captain Abel. In the middle of 1938 he allegedly invented a new type of light weapons, have produced a prototype and offered his invention to the Ministry of defense of contemporary Estonia. And in 1943 they were intensively interested in the German Abwehr and the Gestapo. And after the war - "top secret" Anne Kaliyevich Parva.
This is something Economics, Parva and turned in 1983 for help stalled in their research, Viding.
Before passing the metal on the analysis fragment using diamond saws cut on several thin plates. (Why drank, and not saws? Because of superhard blotches brought two saws down.) Plates were submitted for independent examination in leading Moscow research Institute: MEPhI, research Institute of rare-metal industry (Giredmet), all-Union Institute of mineral resources (VIMS), the Institute of aviation materials (VIAM) and others. Were used the most modern scanning electron microscopy, high-sensitivity spectrometric installation, laser analysis, new chemical methods, and so on.
The results have surprised scientists. In the very small volume of the sample was found to 38 elements of the periodic table, many of which in nature do not occur. The samples were found to be non-radioactive, but strongly magnetic. According to the conclusion of academician I. F. Obraztsov and Professor A. I. Elkina (IISS), it was a composite reinforced calcium-iron-silicon fiber material, which matrix is metal and glass. "The application of alloys of this type as a construction material in an aircraft is unknown. Alloy of this type should have high resistance to heat, to withstand in the boiling mixture of acids of any concentration" (academician S. T. Kishkin, VIAM). According to some experts, this kind of material, most likely, was obtained by powder metallurgy at extremely high pressures that at the modern level of development of science and technology on Earth.
In Giredmet methods of metallography and raster electronic microscopy were obtained images of the surface of the sample. Were discovered variety of inclusion: Holy cross - and-drop, "Svetloborsky black areas", "rectangular area", "chain of small cross-shaped pits" and so on. Microhardness inclusions varied from 250 up to 1280 kg per sq mm
"The data on the chemical composition, the structure of the material and its composite features allow to make the following conclusions:
a) there is no assumption of meteoric origin of the studied material;
b) ...there is no possibility of making such material with the use of earth technologies;
in) ...most likely that were studied material UFO" (academician N. N. Soceanu).
By order of the Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences academician A. A. Yanshin, academic in 1984, attempts were made to clarify the location of the object and get more samples. From the well has pumped out the water and walls have prozedurale the magnetometer. At a depth of 6.5 meters "was recorded signal indicating the presence of a strong magnetic material". To extract samples from the strong inflow of water and started frosts this year failed.
And in the summer of 1985, at a depth of 6.5 meters "was discovered horizontal layer of pyrite". On this basis, it was concluded that the magnetic anomaly creates this layer and "further work impractical to conduct". This work has been discontinued. Officially...
3. Cat's nose.
The road along the sea did not take long, and soon our car stopped at the T-junction in the ordinary Estonian village. Went. "What is this place?" I asked impatiently, looking around. "But now the most important thing, " smiled H., for reasons of clarity, I would like that you found him. I prefer to have an independent assessment: painfully thin this thing - UFOlogy". Well, dowsing - it is familiar. I took bearing, went on the road hundred feet - took another... "somewhere there, behind the house". - "To be exact?" Another half hour "dancing with the framework" in the garden-vegetable garden - and I "epicenter".
Unremarkable rear yard of the house. But the scope indicate a strong anomaly in the form of two concentric circles: the inner (more powerful) with a diameter of approximately 4 meters. External radius about 8-9 meters, partly beneath the house and over the fence to the neighbors. "All right. With an accuracy of up to half a meter", ' rubbed his hands Agricultural "But where is the well?" "But covered it" - said H. And then something strange happened. From all sides - from under the porch, because stacked pile of boards, from behind the fence - anywhere to "the epicenter" began streaming... cats. Dozens of cats! "Yes they are to us from all around come on this patch for hours lying, are you scared them at first", " laughed the mistress of the house Viivika MITT.
Five minutes later our operator was literally taken prisoner cat herd. Cats lying, sitting, walking, PEwas Rubiales through each other, climbed right into the lens...
Finally I got it: the place-it is bad! For cats pathogenic energy that Valerian... But it was too late: by the evening we operator lay with a temperature of 38. Several looking ahead, I will say that suffered and our very careful on the part of anomalies Director (although it is in the "epicenter" was not discussed). With a slight tinge of panic, he already the next day was long considered a comb. His hair hard rained for three days... it gets worse. One of us fell sharply vision (and they never recovered). Another on his return to Moscow in two days after the visit of the backyard) rattled for a month in the hospital (got infected frontal and maxillary sinus, shattered two teeth...). "It seems that you are exposed to some radiation. Where?" "asked the doctor. Exactly one year has not been constant state of weakness...
When I told the academician N. N. Nochevnova about our sad experience, he otrokov for negligence, felt and remembered that advised the Virgo MITT rearrange bed in the bedroom. The Virgo then refused: "No, I'm already here accustomed". By that time it was already a sick man - in 1980 almost completely failed feet. Today it is difficult to say how his disease was associated with "object", but the fact remains: 7 years he lay motionless, and in 1987 he died, far from being an old man.
4. Where did this Doctor?
So, to continue work was considered unnecessary... But suddenly, there is one Doctor (the name is known). With a strange lightness he enters into a contract with the Institute of Geology of Academy of Sciences of the ESSR about "experimental verification of migration information impact on On-field". What a D-box, nobody had no idea. However, as well as about the purpose equipment, which brought Forth All 34 of the device was encrypted letters and numbers. It is only known that among them were 8 generators mysterious Dr. fields and some recording equipment.
Where did the Doctor? Estonian ufologists say that this former officer of the special military research Institute, in its time one of the head the Ministry of defence on the subject of UFOs. At the disposal of the Palace had 14 people, some of them were soldiers. On "object" not once came and head of the above-mentioned Institute Lieutenant General Century (the name is also known).
As says the mistress of the house Viivika Henrihovna MITT, researchers had a separate room, where they set up and organized round-the-clock for two people. By agreement mistress in the room did not come, only wore tea.
I was going to explore the Doctor? According to the Protocol of April 7, 1986 objectives of the experiment are as follows:
"1. Identify opportunities for managed remote measurement of characteristics of inanimate objects on the field E (direction of rotation of the vector field, intensity of fields, the length of wire D-radiation).
2. Identify opportunities operated by remote changes bioelectric characteristics (conductivity "hand-in - hand" on methods of Foll and Nakatani, conduction of internal organs in two points of the body by the method of Nakatani)".
Simply put, it was planned to check up, how will work the complex "generators Dr. anomalous fields plus underground objects" and how it will react people.
Apparently, a group of Duma was created with the greatest care. In the contract it was not one, but two "abnormal metal objects in the ground (AO and AO2)". "AO - metallic object in the form of an ellipsoid of rotation, size 17 x 12 x 3.5 m Depth in the soil variable - from 3.5 meters to 12 meters, the ground moraine. Baseline characteristics O to the field: a powerful negative D-box, irregular object (from 4 to 34 speed limits in the hand of a prepared statement). AO2 - metallic object in the form of an ellipsoid of rotation, size 9 x 4 x 3.5 m Depth in the soil - 4.5 m (object presumably lies horizontally). Baseline characteristics AO2 to the field: a powerful negative D-box, significantly uneven on the object (from 6 to 12 revolutions of the frame)". Where such information?
That Doctor is not a private person, saying the scale of work. The stories of Estonian ufologists, excavations for some reason (security measures?) started outside the anomalous zone. In the garden on the East side of the house was dug by the excavator (!) the Foundation ditch by depth of 6 meters and the size of 12 x 10 meters. Well, who by this time was abandoned again was dug, and under the garage at a depth of 6 meters passed horizontal development. What were the results, no one really knows. No metal objects allegedly found. But out of the pit learned a few tens of kilograms nodules pyrite. It is known that the Doctor used the pyrite for the manufacture of biogeneration.
The work lasted four months. Until then, until one of the participants, having received a blow in the stomach strange "green triangle", nominated from the sides of the well, fainted. They hauled him up. Body was found "four burnt diamond". Hastily turning work, the group left.
Then the Doctor suggested to build on "object" special research centre with four underground floors. Here it was offered to fly for further research UFO, found in 1987 near Vyborg and stored in a hangar one of the military units in the area of Monchegorsk (North Karelia).
While I studied these proposals, special scientific research Institute of the Ministry of defense, which we have already said, has concluded the contract on drilling of three wells around "object" and placing them in special equipment. In the summer of 1988, Viding again comes to an object to specify the location of future drilling.
But drilling holes has not begun. And in September 1988, the Deputy Director of the Institute of Geology of Estonia, Viding unexpectedly dies (officially from a heart attack). Almost immediately after his death from his office mysteriously disappears safe with all documents related to "the object of M". Preserved only some forms that were in a different place... And exactly one year later dies and Ann Parva. Shortly before his death he complained that in Parnu, where he read lectures, from his "diplomat" mysteriously disappeared chunk of metal from "object M" - the bottom of a plastic tube, where he was, it is not clear from what has collapsed. "The diplomat" remained unharmed.
5. "Anomalina".
What is "object M"? "The father of Russian biolocation" N. N. Soceanu showed me the drawings and diagrams that he made on the results of their biolocational research directly on the ground. As a resonator he used the record of the very mysterious metal. "As a result of the biolocation shooting installed oval contour of an object with a diameter of about 15 meters. Depth of the top border is from 3 to 7 meters with a dive to the East at an angle 35-40 degrees. Vertical thickness of the object in the middle part reaches 2.5 - 4 meters with a decrease on the edges. Approximately one third of the object is under residential house. According to the specific weight of the sample, the weight is only the shell object is about 200 tons".
Well, I will say meticulous expert capabilities of biolocation and classical instruments something to show? Imagine, Yes! Magnetometric survey conducted in 1969, showed "the presence of a metal layer with the angle of bedding 20-30 degrees East". Geophysics using the magnetometer M-2 noted in this place at least a magnetic field of about 3000 nanotesla. Specialists VNIIG using vertical electrical sounding found that at a depth of 4-6 meters is conducting the body.
There is another indirect indicator. In the house on the object periodically strange things happen. By itself moves pottery, heard strange steps and knocks. Some time in the basement observed a strange glow uninvolved light bulbs. Experts believe that the reason for "anomaline" may be "underground plate": it could violate the spatial-temporal structure of this place and how would narrow "distance" between our world and the worlds more subtle, but because the astral bodies is much easier to invade our lives.
And what says the official science? "In connection with violation of water horizon passed workings are swamping of land and watering of the Foundation of the home, leading to changes in the comfort of the home, the formation of man-made fibres and development poltergeist phenomena... Vskryshnye and heading work at the site is impractical, because they may further disrupt the functioning of the unified prirodookhrannoy system with the destruction of microecological balance". Well said...
6. Don't we supposed...
Hot heads proposed (and still offer) to carry home, to adjust excavators and pull "plate" in the light of God. Why? "Why, 200 tons of unique metal, they reply, plus, perhaps, a priceless contents: engines, equipment..." Should hurry with such a cardinal decision? Do not let us be if we are savages, who found in the jungle electronic wrist watch and try using a stone axe to understand their device? Besides, we are not even remotely assume how this thing can respond to our invasion. It is not excluded that this object (if it exists, of course) does not crashed UFO, as some have proposed, and the alien probe, playing some important role in our life.
When he came under the earth, nobody knows for sure. Some call the X-XI century. Rumor has it that in an old Estonian Church, a mural with his image. I don't know, never seen... about how he got under the earth, there are several versions. One of them is very interesting.
Many UFO sightings and moving NGOs (unidentified underwater objects) say that dense environment (water, land) for them, not a hindrance. Scientists suggest that at some time objects can neutralize around themselves the strength of nuclear interactions and thanks to easily pass through dense structure. There is also a version that "object M" able to migrate and to dematerializations, that is, has the properties to appear and disappear.
One of the Russian "contactees" assured me that this alien probe also plays a role of the generator, the adjustment of the psi-field of the Earth. Such generators, they say, on the Ground a few. In Russia there are two: "of Tallinn" and "Khabarovsk".
7. The obsession.
The famous Estonian sorcerer Anne with the small island of Vormsi advised to fill the well and even indicated a specific date when this should be done: 6 and 15 November 1988. So did they. However, it was not without surprises. In the moment when the well has dumped the first bucket of sand, there was a deafening roar. One of the witnesses, whom I asked, compared it with volumetric explosion of big capacity. Police attempts to find out the reason of such unusual phenomena nothing: in the district there was no destruction, military, too, knew nothing.
on 15 November there were no signs. Except that it happened the day before weird voting in the Supreme Council of Estonia. Strange, because for the economic independence of Estonia voted then not only Estonians, but the majority of the Russian deputies. And then they could not explain why: "It was like a nightmare..."
In General the Estonians give his "plate" of great importance. on 24 February 1989 on "Long Hermann" hoisted the blue-black-white national flag of Estonia, and three minutes from the historic event, the exact same flag received the blessing... in the back yard of Virgo MITT. The solemn ceremony in the village of M were met with a rather large gathering of people, in the presence of representatives of the governmental circles...
In early may, 1991 in the village arrived whole expedition... from Japan. As archeological excavations, the whole area was broken by ropes into squares - the Japanese began methodically to dig trenches. Prevented them from two factors. The pit was constantly filled with water. But it's not so bad: while struggled with water, it was found that the Japanese resolution of all was not "pure". The scandal broke, the Estonian government has banned further work, and the Japanese were forced to run away. I was looking through videos (all were recorded Estonians on the film) and a special sadness on the faces of Japanese do not have noticed. It even seemed to me that they were quite happy with the results. Interestingly, led this group, as it was found out subsequently, the Estonians, the personnel of the Japanese scout...