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Гиблое местоThe first observation of this phenomenon belongs to the late 1920's - early 1930-ies. In that year, in the Hangar (and the action of our story takes place there was little water, and farmers were forced to drive a herd of cows, hold on meat, on the banks of the river lie in wait in Bratsk. The way they lay from the village of Rozhkovo through the villages Kovu, Uyar and Karamyshevo. During one of the stops lost two cows. Farmers, heading in their footsteps, discovered a large (200-250 m) round meadow with bare, as if scorched earth; places in it lay the corpses of taiga animals and birds. Hanging above the clearing branches of the trees were charred, as if from a close of fire. At a distance less than 20 meters from the last trees lay the corpses of the missing cows. Dogs, barely running out to the field with a squeal jumped back and soon died. Then the farmers were able to establish that the locals know this place. They called it "the devil's cemetery.

Following the news of the existence of the phenomenon dates back to 1941 year. Skulkin then worked as head physician of land in the village of Oblique Bull Hangar. Arriving one day in a village located about 25 km from the confluence laid wait in the Angara river (the name of the village narrator is not remembered), he heard together with the surgeon local hospital Vporyadke the story of a local hunter that upstream is the Appropriate is "deathtrap", which killed animals accidentally wandered down the cattle, flying birds. Dead cows vivalacult from the glade hooks. The dead animals unusually red meat hunter had ever seen.

Sunpalace, Karamysheva, said: "my Grandfather drove elk and stepped into the clearing. The elk jumped on the flat top of the mountain, then on the meadow in front collapsed and has burned down. Had a high fever."

IVAN Yermakov, also from Karamysheva: "My father brought me to the glade in 1926 or 1927. To come close to the place I was not allowed, but through the trees one could see that the trees near meadows charred, the meadow was covered with bones and skulls. The father said that here, something fell from the sky, it is under the earth before there was a hole here. Then the hole was covered with twigs, grass... It happened ten years ago, but a few years the cattle and the beasts have failed, and then they have remained on the glade and never vanished".

Lost in 1942 agronomist Vseslavin also noted the hole in the center of the clearing, and even tried (though unsuccessfully) to measure its depth with weights on a string.

In 1952 year Inebriant, stumbled, most likely on the same phenomenon (only significantly weakened and reduced) - anyway, who accompanied him, the old hunter said that this is the "devil's cemetery:

"Went dry stream, then the stream, on which stands. Immediately after it starts up to the ridge. Topping over him, went on descent (passed nearly one kilometer), the road was blocked by the obstruction. Before the dam trail around. From the bypass trails left goes well trail. Walking along it for about a kilometer on the right hand side saw the light, similar to the clearance from vyroba. This is the "Devil's cemetery". Around the clearing - thickets of kokoshniki... the glade about 100 m, not all, but rather G - shaped. On ZOLOTOGO color of the surface of the earth is rare colored moss... very rare and small. Just beyond the clearing guess some stream - obviously, a tributary of Kamimori... the place Itself is located on a small hill. From "Devil's cemetery" to Karamysheva no more than a half hours walk".

The current stage of the study "cemetery" was started in 1984, in fact, the study of the anomalous zone that was happening on the Hangar is difficult to say, because this place was never able to find. However, in these searches were killed and disappeared 73 people! Three groups simply did not return from taiga! The researchers missing cards, but which marked the area of search!

The most successful was the expedition Vladivostok ufologists 1991. That's what tells her party A. Rempel:

"On Decembe we set up camp and began the search. On the second day we found the old road. New, as already mentioned, was moved three kilometers away. On the third day, after about seven miles along the road on the gentle slope of the hill we found a post, or rather, a tree trunk, but no branches and tops, with carved "person" feature and an arrow. Round small eyes, long and thin curved nose, thick lips, and horns. The arrow points to the right from the road and was much darker than the trunk. The bark of the tree is removed.

Compass needle froze and persistently showed strictly to the North. The sensor of the determinant of electromagnetic radiation glowed crimson color. Such a bright glow we have not seen even under power lines.

We decided to split into two groups. One went in the direction indicated by the arrow, the other had to communicate. In the evening the members of the first group began to feel in the body tingling. All also noted the growing excitement. In the tenth hour of the evening we came to a clearing. She was surrounded by black trunks of trees, the grass was seen yellow and white bones. The relationship has ceased, the transistor "dumb". It was getting dark very quickly, and we decided to break camp kilometre from the glade, and the next day to begin work...

In the morning we went to the meadow. Turning camp, decided to return to the river. In the trees we left the notches and ink wrote on trunks "In 1991". The way back was proporcionali, left about a dozen notes in the cellophane packages on branches of trees. In the near Winterland left a map of the route and detailed route description. On a cliff near the mouth of Desemba are memorable posts expeditions "Cova 87", "the Cova 88". We also put his mark, engraved on the plate names Vladivostok ufologists who took part in the expedition "Cova 91": "Vsevologsky, Amogelang, Usachev, Arenal, Yemelianovsky, Wamaral."

More we never had "Devil's cemetery". The destiny has disposed so that each of us has changed the occupation, Hobbies, Outlook".

In 1992 a group of researchers from Naberezhnye Chelny lost in the taiga as a whole. After this study anomalous zone were reportedly stopped.

What could this be? Fallen chip Tunguska meteorite? Strange place is exactly where flew this body, moreover, in this place, according to F. Siegel body made the first turn.

May be in this place of earth emits toxic fumes? Apparently the cemetery is located on the border of the Tunguska coal basin, and coal deposits, there is always the possibility of an underground fire. However, released during this gas cannot climb straight up, not far from the "godforsaken place" would have felt on itself its action. In addition, the possibility of allocating such highly toxic gases rather doubtful. In addition, underground fires could not have clear boundaries and location.

No plausible hypothesis to explain the existence of the "cemetery" was not created. The most bizarre incidents, connected with the place, the incident is far beyond any reasonable point of view as a rule in the printing is not exposed, so most of the researchers looked at the fact, as a typical anomalous zone of the second kind is slowly but surely turns into a zone of the first kind. And it is quite typical that many "enchanted places" of the spread information quickly become the mouth and the reports of the researchers (and nasledovanie) the most strange and mysterious details. It happens only in our imagination? Maybe it's a natural "life cycle" of the anomalous zone? Or not only anomalous zone?

Eluu Cherkekh

There is a place on the Yakut river Vilyui, which is unusual for us by the words " Eluu Cherkekh", translated as meaning "valley of death". Wrote about it in the last century Rmak, arguing from the words of local residents, on the Bank of the river Algy timerinit (drowned boiler) is a giant pot of copper. The value of the researcher could not be determined, since most of the "pot" is hidden under the ground, but in acting from the soil the edge is growing more trees.

Another researcher Yakutia Nahimov wrote about this place is the following: "Among the population of the basin of the river Vilyui immemorial there is a tradition in the upper reaches of the river enormous bronze cauldrons-Kolguev. The tradition that deserves attention, as these prospective areas mythical location boilers dated several rivers with the Yakut names "Olguydah"means "Boiler".

Legends tell protruding from the ground arch, under which there is a lot of metal rooms where warm even in the severe frost. But those who remained in the room for a long time, was dying. They say also about smooth metal hemisphere with a sharp edge (cuts a nail), serving from permafrost so that it can enter riding on reindeer.

Researchers from the town of Mirny Agutina and Vmikhailov told about the old nomad, who saw in the "Valley of death" some "metal hole", in which lie frozen "very thin, black-eyed people in the iron clothes". And he's not the only person who had seen the like!

Mikhail Petrovich Koretsky from Vladivostok writes:

"I have been there three times. For the first time in 1933, when I was still 10 years - together with the father went to work. Then, in 1939, already without a father. And the last time in 1949 as part of a group of young guys.

"The valley of death" stretches along the right tributary of the river Vilyui. In fact - is a chain of valleys along its floodplain. All three times I was there with guide Yakut. We went there not from a good life, and from there, in the desert, it was possible to wash the gold, without waiting for the end of the season robbery and bullets in the head.

As for the mysterious object, there's probably a lot, because for three seasons I saw seven "boilers". They all seem to me quite mysterious: first, the size is six to nine meters in diameter. Secondly, made of a strange metal. The fact that "boilers" does not take even a sharp chisel (tried it several times). The metal is broken and not forged. Even on a steel hammer necessarily would have left a noticeable dents. And this metal is covered with another layer of unknown material, like sandpaper. But this is not the oxide film and not the scum is also no chopping, nor to scratch.

Extending deep into the earth wells with rooms referred to in local legends, we are not met. But I noticed that the vegetation around "boilers" abnormal - not like that grows around. It is more lush: large idiots, very long vine, strange grass is taller than a man and a half to two times. In one of the "boilers" we slept the whole group (6 persons). Nothing bad he felt, went quietly, without any unpleasant incidents. No one after seriously ill. Except that one of my acquaintances three months completely fallen out hair. And I have on the left side of the head (I slept on it) appeared three small sores size of a match head each. I was treated them all my life, but they have to this day never passed.

All our attempts to break at least a piece from a strange "boilers" failed. The only thing I managed to take away the stone. But not simple - half the perfect ball with a diameter of six inches. He was black, had no visible traces of processing, but was very smooth as polished. I lifted him from the ground inside of one of the boilers. This souvenir I brought to the village Samarka Chuguev district of the Primorsky region, where my parents lived in 1933.

He lay idle until his grandmother decided to rebuild the house. Need to insert glass in the Windows, and stekloreza was not in the entire village. I tried to scratch the edge (edge) half of this stone balls - it turned out that he cut with amazing beauty and ease. After that my discovery, many times used as a diamond all our relatives and friends. In 1937 I handed the stone grandfather, and his fall was arrested and taken to Magadan, where he lived without trial until 1968 and died. Now no one knew what had happened to the stone..."

There is a local legends and the mentioning of the original cause of these mysterious events. This mysterious fire, isriaany of a steep metal tubes, covered with "slamming the lid", and railway corridors that lead deep into the bowels of the earth... There, according to legends, lives "the one who sows the infection and yells fire balls" giant FEP Uzumu Tong, Duuri, which means "criminal aliens, programebsi the ground and hid in the depths, fire storm sweeps all around".

If we were talking about our time, you might think about the base of the rocket mines, but the tradition of these recorded long before the appearance of such databases. The only "natural explanation", which comes to mind in this case is already known for paleoastronautics surveys hypothetical transfer information back in time. Whether so it? Known cases, which can be interpreted as an "anachronism" typically include legends - and those who are these legends speak of the subject in his stories never seen. In our case, we meet with the stories of eyewitnesses. And what are themselves "boilers"? Fragments of space launches? The remains of the exhaust-speed space rockets? Given the current trajectory runs, such debris can fall in the upper reaches of the river, however, and the strength of space materials is not so great, and they have a different form.

Koretsky still believes that it is manmade. The strength of the "boilers", though very large, having, apparently, some sort of limit. In 1933, Yakut-conductor said that 5-10 years ago, he discovered several boilers-balls (they were completely round), which is high (above) was made from the earth. They looked brand new. And later the hunter already seen them divided and scattered. Himself Koretsky notes that for several years he had saw "boiler" markedly plunged into soil is apparently of its own weight.

May be these "boilers" someone methodically splits? Looms very strange picture - picture worthy of a science fiction novel. One word - the Mystery. And this Mystery waiting to be explored.
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