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In the world ruled by many, but Cleopatra - unique: the last of the pharaohs and the first of the ladies-politicians. Preserved evidence of the contemporaries, who writes that she was prescribed the death of her own love, and found the men, which this condition is not scared; a night with Cleopatra, mad men-who paid with their lives, and the next morning their heads were exhibited in front of the Palace temptress.
She was born in 69 BC, and came from a wonderful kind of Greek Ptolemies. Parents Cleopatra - Pharaoh Ptolemy XII Auletes and Cleopatra V. Except for a small Cleopatra, in the family grew two older sisters - Cleopatra VL and Bernice, younger sister Arsinoe, and two younger brothers - the Ptolemies. In July, 51 years BC brutal and hated of all ruler of Egypt died, leaving the throne 17-year-old Cleopatra I-years-it Ptolemy. Following the custom of the Egyptian pharaohs, brother and sister got married.
Cleopatra VII received an excellent education - she studied philosophy, mathematics, literature, played different musical instruments and was fluent in eight languages. The Queen was the first pharaohs of a dynasty of Ptolemies, who could communicate with the Egyptians.
Good description of her appearance there, but all researchers agree that Cleopatra was seductive woman and had a sensual nature. To satisfy their desires lady contained many beautiful men, which was not considered immoral. Neither for whom it was no secret that young Ptolemy XIII only called Pharaoh, rules in the same country Cleopatra.
In 48 BC caregiver king in collusion with other top officials have managed to raise against Cleopatra capital of Egypt - Alexandria. Rebels people threatened the life of the lady, and she fled to neighbouring Syria together with her younger sister Arsinoe, but defeated itself is not considered.
Soon Cleopatra has collected an army and marched him to the Egyptian border. Brother and sister, husband and wife decided to investigate the relationship in battle. The two armies stood face to face at Pelusia (about 30 miles East of Port said) on the sea shore.
In the Roman Empire, too, was a struggle for power between Julius Caesar and Pompey. After losing the battle of Varsalone, Pompeii fled to Alexandria. But the dignitaries of Egypt, desiring to gain favor with Caesar, beheaded Pompey directly in front of the juvenile Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII. Three days later arrived in the Egyptian capital of the Roman Emperor gave a kind of "gift" from Ptolemy XIII - the head of Pompey. This offering was frightened harsh Roman, and he ordered Ptolemy and Cleopatra to cease hostilities, to dissolve forces and come to him for explanations and reconciliation.
Ptolemy, appearing in Alexandria, bitterly complained sister. But to convince Caesar to prefer brother was not easy: before finally resolve the dispute on the Egyptian throne, Caesar decided to listen and Cleopatra.
Disgraced Queen knew perfectly well that she is open to arrive in Alexandria, how will immediately kill opponents. So she came to the capital at night on a fishing boat. Wrapped in a piece of colorful fabric, brought it to the chamber of Caesar laid at his feet precious burden. It was a way of masking, and unusual joke. So there was, perhaps, the most romantic of all times and peoples.
Women with such wit and sense of humor have spoilt the Emperor was not yet. Her movement, speech, even the sound of her voice was charming. Julius prevailed not against love charms Cleopatra, and on the same night, they became lovers.
The Alexandrian war, known as "the War Cleopatra", because Caesar fought only out of love for the Queen, lasted eight months. During this time, two-thirds of Alexandria burned (including the famous library). The capital of Egypt has sworn allegiance to Caesar, Arsinoe was arrested; the throne returned to Cleopatra. She immediately got married for the sole survivor younger brother Ptolemy XIV, Neoteroi. This marriage was a sham. The Queen remained the mistress of Caesar and the self-ruled state based on the Roman army.
While in Rome, riots broke, and the blood was shed, Caesar there was no hurry. In the embrace of evil temptress he forgot and debt, and state duties. To keep lover near you, "Alexandria courtesan" every day surprised and is increasingly interested in him, although experienced in love Roman still could not permanently bind to a single skirt. Their ship could serve as a sample of luxury: a length of almost 100 m, width - 15 height-20. On the deck - this two-storey Villa with colonnades of cedar and cypress. Hall for lunch decorated with gold and ivory. Lovers was accompanied by another 400 ships and boats to the Roman Governor saw what the honors they have, and found in the historical greatness of Egypt.
After a few months Julius touching said goodbye to his mistress and went to Rome. Later Cleopatra gave birth to a son, named Ptolemy-Caesarion. In Alexandria for the protection of the Queen was three Roman legions left by Caesar.
In 46 BC she and her son and her husband arrived in Rome, where she made a real triumph. Residents gasped seeing a tuple foreign tsarina: the chariots, glittering with gold, black river slaves Nubians, manual gazelles, antelopes, and cheetahs.
Julius even tried to change the law to have more than one wife, Calpurnia, who was childless, and as much as he wants to then officially to marry Cleopatra and make Caesarion his sole heir.
In Rome, nobody paid attention to how much of a secret lovers had Caesar, however, recognizing the Egyptian his beloved publicly, he insulted all the people of the Empire. on March 15, 44 BC group of conspirators Republicans killed Caesar, inflicting 23 knife attack. So ended tragically for him a love story with "Alexandrian seductress.
When they opened the Testament of Caesar, it turned out that his successor he appointed his nephew Octavian, the future of August, and his home, recognised them the son of Cleopatra not mentioned.
Cleopatra as the thunder was struck by the murder of her lover and his will. Fearing for his life and the life of her son, the Queen quickly left the Eternal city and returned to Alexandria.
Some time later died of her brother-husband Ptolemy XIV, most likely poisoned by order Cleopatra - no one had to stand between the authorities and her son Caesarion. It remained the sole sovereign of Egypt and immediately announced his heir four-year Caesarion.
In the Roman Empire after the death of Julius Caesar, there was a war between the murderers of Emperor and thirsting for revenge Octavian, Antony and Leedom. The triumvirate has prevailed, mark Antony was in control of the Eastern province. When Cleopatra left Rome, she may itself unwittingly, lit the spark of love in the heart of the last...
Mark Anthony - famous Roman statesman and military leader, friend and confidant of Caesar was born about 83 years BC distinguished themselves in the cavalry, he became one of the staff officers Gaius Julius Caesar in Gaul. In 51 BC mark was elected Quaestor - official, in charge of Finance.
In 50 BC, when influential group in the Senate in various ways tried to remove the Emperor from the command of troops, Anthony spoke in defense of the interests of Caesar against the Senate and gnea Pompey. At this time Anthony was elected as the people's tribune. He had the right to veto decisions of any government violence. However, in January, 49 B.C. was forced to flee to the North and to seek refuge in the camp of Caesar. The Emperor immediately crossed the Rubicon, passing from Zisalpians Gaul actually in Italy "to protect tribune". In the ensuing civil war Anthony played a significant role, participating in hostilities Caesar in Italy and Greece. And during the absence of the Emperor in 49-47, BC commanded his troops in Italy. After some cooling
in relations Anthony Julius and reconciled and closely cooperated during the joint Consulate in 44 B.C. until the death of Caesar.
42-m, after the victory over the brutal, Anthony toured Greece and Asia Minor, collecting contributions, and it everywhere enthusiastically welcomed. Only Queen of Egypt did not deign commander and ruler to their attention. Then mark told her to be in Tarsus.
Lady arrived on the ship, dressed as Venus. She was surrounded by the sea nymphs, fauns and cupids. A great ship of precious wood under crimson sails, with gilded stern, silvered oars, exuding a fantastic fragrance, came to Antony in the twilight under the sounds of soft music. When the twilight had deepened, the ship was lit magnificent illumination. Anthony - this reveler, brave man, a favorite of the soldiers and women - was struck down by a magnificent performance!
Instead of hate speech and threats to make Egypt a province of the Roman Empire from abolishes Anthony was followed by an invitation to dine together. Cleopatra in response invited him on Board and made on the ship, covered with rose petals, four-day feast. Then followed the invitation in its Metropolitan's residence.
At the appointed hour, Anthony went to the Palace in Alexandria, decorated with extraordinary luxury. And Roman sybaritic waved his hand on Affairs of state! All winter in the Egyptian capital continued orgies and dubious entertainment. "Alexandria courtesan" leave no lover unattended day nor night into a voluptuous Bacchante and pandering to his brute instincts. She saw beside him cynically put it, answered him, swearing and fists. Nothing brought such pleasure rough Roman, how to be a tiny broken handle of the Queen. Furthermore it with close friends have tried every day to make unique. Every morning and throughout the day Cleopatra was invented entertainment - real theatre pleasures with updated hourly repertoire. Sometimes lovers wore clothes commoners and wandered the streets of the city, making jokes and fights.
In 37 BC mark Anthony started another war, this time against Syria. But joining the Asian shore, he immediately sent for Cleopatra, and soon lovers enjoyed each other's arms. Queen of Egypt at the request of Anthony at the same time, delivered supplies to the army. In exchange for its consent to allocate funds for Povarskoy campaign mark Anthony gave her the part of the territory of Phoenicia and North of Judea, and also legalized marriage and children. In due time they came to light another successor, Ptolemy, Filadelfias.
Unexpectedly the first legal Roman spouse, Octavia, went to Antony with equipment for its troops, and incidentally wishing to visit her husband spree. But in Athens it was waiting for a letter in which he has informed, that to go further don't need, it will come to this city. Learning of this, "Alexandria harlot" floated all female tricks tripled their affection, to avoid a meeting with his beloved first (legal) wife. And she succeeded - Anthony has canceled a trip, and Octavia returned home without seeing her husband.
Roman thought only of Egyptian lady, giving away her children, the conquered regions. Caesarion announced "king of kings," and Cleopatra - "the Queen of kings". It is officially' took the name of "the New ISIS" and gave audiences, clad in the costume of the goddess, in tight-fitting robe and a crown with a hawk's head, adorned with horns of a cow. Anthony, renounced Rome, became king of Egypt. He ordered to mint coins with the profile of Cleopatra, and on the boards of foreign players to beat out her name.
The Romans were outraged by such actions Mark. In 32 BC Octavian made in the Senate accusatory speech directed against Anthony. He unveiled a Testament Mark, where a Roman citizen and the commander asked to bury themselves in Egypt, next to the Queen, was named his successor the son of Cleopatra from Julius Caesar and was recognized for her not only Egypt, but many other possessions, which he gave her. This will was like an exploding bomb. On behalf of the Senate Octavian declared war against Cleopatra. Anthony was in Mussels and the Queen, after learning about the war, joined him already in Ephesus. Winter 32-31 years BC they spent on Samos, in amusements. Antony then sent his wife Octavia letter with notification about the Official divorce.
The army of Antony and Cleopatra had a great numerical superiority. They he relied too much on it - and lost. Egyptian Queen, despite the lack of experience, took over command of part of the Navy. In the decisive naval battle of 2 September 31 B.C. near Actium (Greece) she did not understand the strategy of the lover and at the most crucial moment threw Brand and ordered to retreat. The Romans won by a landslide, but still almost a year moved to Alexandria.
Three days after the shameful defeat of Antony refused to see Cleopatra and talk with her. Lovers returned to the capital of Egypt, and the little Queen begin to think of their own destiny. She might have at some point had a thought about suicide, and the Empress ordered to build for themselves on the seafront of the magnificent tomb. She conducted experiments on slaves to identify the poison that kills without convulsions and pain. And the remedy was found - a small snake bite ASP.
Then "Alexandria courtesan" decided to flee. Using slaves and beasts of burden, she brought their ships with treasure on a dry path in the Red sea, but the Arabs burnt all vessels. In desperation, Antony and Cleopatra arranged a farewell feast. Such endless revelry and orgies diversity in the Royal Palace, Egypt never seen.
In 30 BC army Octavian was already on the outskirts of Alexandria. Hoping to soften new Roman commander, Cleopatra secretly sent him a messenger with a very generous gifts. She loved Anthony, while he was a hero, but now it was more interested in a new winner. Although the Queen celebrated for 38 years, she still believed in the power of self-perfection and charm. Cleopatra was locked in a magnificent tomb and waited.
At that time the servants said to Mark, that the lady had committed suicide. Hearing the sad news, lover tried to stab him with a dagger. Then still alive Anthony brought by order of tsarina in a tomb, and a few hours he died in her arms.
Romans meanwhile captured Alexandria. Burying Anthony, Cleopatra came into the Palace, where it was surrounded by the Royal honours. Attempt Cleopatra to agree with Octavian, known for its numerous amorous exploits, have not crowned success. At the Roman female charms famous Egyptians no action had no effect.
The Queen had no illusions about their future fate - she had to undergo in chains through the streets of Rome behind the chariot of the winner.
The Egyptian managed to avoid shame: according to legend, faithful to her servants gave a basket of fruit in which hid a small poisonous snake. Before the death of Cleopatra wrote a letter, which requested Octavian to bury her next to Marc Anthony. So on the last day of August 30 B.C. ended this love story.
"Alexandria courtesan" buried with honors, next to Anthony. It was the last Pharaoh, after her death, Egypt gained the status of one of the Roman provinces. According to the legend, the Emperor Octavian Augustus ordered to destroy all the image of Cleopatra.
Her son of Gaius Julius Caesar - Caesarion was executed as a likely contender for power. Daughter Cleopatra Selene, married the king of Mauritania, about the fate of Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadeiphus not known.
And the love story of Cleopatra with Julius Caesar and mark Antony still excite the minds of his contemporaries.
Author: Usherenko
Source: "Interesting newspaper. Riddles civilization" №9, 2012