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Тайные знания древних цивилизацийMayan astrology. In the II - X centuries ad in the southern part of Mexico's territory Guatemala, Honduras and Belize there was a very high and very peculiar culture of the Maya. The Mayan civilization had a network of city-States, most of which was destroyed in the late ninth century In the XV I century, the Mayan culture was destroyed by the Spanish colonizers who, rejecting the local religion, burned almost all manuscripts contained and learning, and the history of the nation. When in the nineteenth century began to discover the ruins of the Mayan cities, were found and the remains of huge temples-observatories. One of the most famous Mayan cities, founded in the eighth century, Chichen Itza (in the North of Yucatan) was a ruin by the time the Spaniards. But the remnants of his grandiose religious and astronomical facilities ( including the Observatory "Caracol") and now amaze researchers.

In just found while four manuscripts (the so called. codes) Maya were discovered and Dating back to different epochs BC information about astronomical, cosmogonic and cosmological knowledge and views of the people. Some Sobornosti surviving astronomical and astrological information may be explained by the fact that the surviving manuscripts incomplete, and most importantly, it is basically a simplified rural priestly "directories". Some of the texts found on stone plates-stelae.

To antiquity dates back worship Mayan, Incan, Aztec Sun and moon. The priests in their observatories, located on the flat tops of the grandiose, hundreds of feet high, step pyramids, systematic monitoring of the sky, believing that all things on Earth and in the state are defined by its laws.

Special attention was paid to the eclipses and the movement of moving bodies - planets, which was attributed great influence on the life and deeds of the people and the country in General. Priests of Maya on the celestial bodies predicted happy or unhappy days for those or other actions not for individuals and for certain social groups or age groups.

As a result of systematic observations of the priests-astrologers Maya with fairly high accuracy determined synodic periods of all the known planets. Special attention was paid to the observation of"Big stars" - Venus (mainly in astrological purposes). In addition to Venus, a particularly strong impact on people, on conception had the Moon and falling stars.

Maya was adopted 20-ranks counting system, which is reflected in the structure of the calendar. Others, in addition to 20, the major number in astronomy and astrology Maya was the number 13. The area of the sky through which the stars were held during the year, the Sun, the Maya were divided into 13 sections-constellation ("zodiac"): 1. - ?; 2. - ?; 3. Bat; 4. Frog; 5. Parrot; 6. The serpent with the trunk; 7. Owl; 8. Scorpio; 9. Turtle; 10. Rattlesnake; 11. - ?; 12. Jaguar; 13. The monkey.

Astronomical basis of classic Mayan calendar was not easy. First, it was a Sunny tropical year (Haab). It is composed of 18 months of 20 days (360 days), to which was added 5 extra days without the name for the "regime change main gods". The Mayans knew about the divergence of the 365-day calendar year in true solar, to account for what has introduced the system inserts additional days. This system gave a length, a total of 20 seconds is true (the error of our Gregorian calendar in one and a half times more). According to research Veemajanduskava, in the Mayan calendar was taken into account and synodic periods of movement of all five planets.

In addition, in the astrological purposes Maya used "short year" of 260 days, based on the already mentioned key numbers 13 and 20. This 260-day cycle (Tzolkin), which presents a unique feature of the Mesoamerican astrology, was formed to 200 B.C. There are several explanations why was allocated just such a cycle.

First, the average time between conception and birth of a person is 266 days, and women Maya still bind Tzolkin with pregnancy. Secondly, there are at least four heavenly events associated with the 260-day cycle:

Title 18 months of the year Haab Maya average interval of time between occurrences of Venus in the morning or evening star is 263 days;

average synodic period of circulation of Mars to 780 days, exactly three "short years";

average time between two consecutive half of the season eclipses in 173.5 day belongs to zolkina as 3:2;

celestial rhythm that makes sense only in the tropical latitudes, connected with the time intervals during which the midday Sun at its highest point is located in the North and the South. These intervals vary with latitude, but in parallel 14.5 degrees of the Northern latitude., close to the position of the great Mayan city of Copan and preclassic city ISPA, the annual cycle clearly divided so on 105 260-day periods.

At the beginning of its calendar of the Maya took mythical settlement date - 5 041 738 BC, But their history they were (in the European account) with 3113 BC, the Great mystery is that the Maya in its system of chronology was introduced periods covering enormous periods of time. The Maya had a whole hierarchy periods. Since 1 Kina (1 day) were multiples of 20 (with one exception) periods: Vinal = 1 CIN x 20; Tun = 1 Vinal x 18 = 360 kinow; it'Aton = 20 tuna (about 20 years); Baktun = 20'Atanov; Picton = 20 baklunov... ALAW'Tun = 64 million years! The multiplicity 20 violated once, for approval account with real solar year. Why was introduced these periods and as expected the Mayan the zero date of your calendar, remains unknown. This interest of the Mayan civilization to the very large numbers and ages places them closer to the natural philosophers of Ancient India.

Thus, the Maya used two calendar system: a long year used in civil life, and short year of 260 days associated with astrology and religious ceremonies. Long year was divided into two types. Year of 360 days ("Tun") was used for special purposes; in everyday life Maya enjoyed a year of 365 days ("Haab"), consisting of 18 months of 20 days. The other five days ("days unnamed") placed at the end of the year. They were considered to be fatal. In short 260-day year ("Tzolkin") was 13 months and 20 days to weeks to 13 days. The days of the week was marked by numbers 1 through 13. There was also a 9-day week. Years were United in cycles: a 4-year (it was repeated the names of the days and the number of months) and 52-year-old (combination of Haab and zolkina, 365 x 52 = 260 x 73 = 18 980).

According to the conception, the universe, and like the Nahua, consisted of 13 of the heavens and 9 underground worlds. At the bottom "sky the moon" (the goddess of the moon) was followed by "the sky of stars and the God of the Earth", then "the sky the sun and the water goddess"followed by "the sky of Venus and the Sun God". Even higher housed "sky comets and the goddess of love". The sixth heaven is "the black sky the night and God of death", seventh - "the blue sky day and God corn". Above him, "the sky of storms and rain God", then "white sky God of the winds", "yellow sky Mind-crackle" (i.e. God of death) and "red sky sacrifices". The penultimate the sky was given to God grain, and the last, thirteenth, was associated with God in the form of an Owl and some manuscripts of stands belonging to, "who owns the sky". Indian sources often refer to a group of gods Aslihan-Ty-Ku, lords of heaven. These deities, patrons of the 13-day week, had been at enmity with the other group of gods - lords of the underground world, beaulon-Ty-Ku. Often these groups are perceived as a single whole. In the center of the universe, Maya, stands the tree world, penetrated all strata of heaven, and in the corners, i.e. parts of the world, four other: red (East), white (North), black (West) and yellow (South). With four sides of the world were associated Chucky (gods of rain), avotone (the gods of the wind and Bakay (bearers or holders of the sky), it was placed on the world trees and differed in color associated with either side of the light. Each colour Trinity rule year.

Aztec astrology

The Aztecs, who came to the valley of Mexico city from the North of the country in the XIII century and adopt the view of their predecessors Toltec, and Zapotec, Maya, mixtecs and Tarasov, the main motives mythology is the eternal struggle between two principles (light and darkness, the sun and moisture, life and death and so on), the development of the universe by certain stages or cycles, dependence on the will of the deity personifying forces of nature, the need to constantly feed the gods with human blood, without which they would die, the death of the gods would mean the world catastrophe. According to the myths, the universe was created by Teskatlipoka and Quetzalcoatl and has passed four stages (or era) development. The first era ("Four Jaguar"), in which the Supreme deity in an image of the Sun was tezcatlipoca, has ended with destruction jaguars a tribe of giants, who inhabited the earth at that time. In the second era ("Four winds") by the Sun became Quetzalcoatl, and she ended with hurricanes and transformation of people into monkeys. The third Sun became Tlaloc, and his era ("Four rain") ended with the world fire. In the fourth era ("Four water") the Sun was the goddess of waters Chalchiutlikue; this period ended with a flood during which people have turned to fishes. The modern, fifth era ("Four earthquake") with the Sun God, Tonatiu should end with terrible disasters.

Every 52 years, the universe was exposed to a riskTy to be destroyed, so the end of this cycle and the beginning of this was accompanied by very significant rites. According to the myths, the universe was divided horizontally into four parts of the world and the center. Above the centre dominated God of fire Siwakoti. The East was considered a land of plenty and was dedicated to Tlaloc, the God of clouds and stars to Mixcoatl. The lords of the South were God sowing the Thorn-Totik and Macuilxochitl, but he was regarded as evil. The West had a favorable impact, as served as the home of the planet Venus, one of the incarnations of Quetzalcoatl. Finally, the North was subject to God the death Mictlantecutli. Vertically, the world was divided into 13 heaven (each of which dwelt a certain God) and 9 Underworlds. By the time of the Spanish conquest in the Pantheon of the Aztecs had a special group of the gods of the stars and planets: Tonatiu, the moon God - Mettle, Mixcoatl, God the planet Venus - Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, celestial gods of the North - Cenzon-Imiscoe and other

The Aztecs gave special attention to the cult of the planet Venus is associated with Quetzalcoatl. Simultaneously morning star and the evening star, Venus was a symbol of life and death. Aztec astrology found that 8 annual cycles of Venus with all 5 of the solar year. Every 65 solar years (i.e. 104 period of Venus) 13-year-old and a 5 year cycles overlap, and it attaches special importance to the 65-year cycle.

Bruce Scofield notes that astrology Indian Mesoamerica gave intervals same value, what in Western astrology is given to the areas of space. Western zodiac, aspects, the house is all spatial elements. In the Mesoamerican system time intervals, with the day as the basic unit, had the same purpose.

There are 20 key characters that move in a precise sequence, driving intervals of time lasting 1 or 13 days. 12 zodiac signs Western astrology match the Mesoamerican deans, the set of characters within a character. Like zodiac, 20 key characters I.A. archetypal describe the evolutionary sequence. Celestial events and the birth of the people were interpreted according to the symbolism of time intervals in which they occurred.

20 characters Mesoamerican astrology combined into five groups of 4 characters. An important role in assessing the character played by his relationship with a particular side of the world:


1. Crocodile 2. The wind 3. The house 4. Lizard

5. Snake 6. Death 7. Deer 8. Rabbit

9. Water abi can RA

OTC 1. Ocelot 2. Eagle 3. Grif

4. Movement 5. Knife 6. Rain 7. Flower

Each of these characters, called the Aztecs "Tonelli", manages one day in the order shown above (from left to right). After 20 days of a cycle of such "daily characters" is repeated. Each day also have your number - from 1 to 13, this cycle goes simultaneously with the 20-day (1 - Crocodile, 2 - Wind... 13 - Cane, 1 - Ocelot... 7 - Flower, 8 - Crocodile etc). A sign with the number 1, is the ruler of the whole 13 days. 20 cycles of these thirteen numbers, coinciding with 13 cycles twenty per diem of characters that form a 260-day calendar-astrological cycle, the Maya called "Tzolkin", and Aztecs "tonalpohualli". Thus, 260-day cycle every day is associated with daily mark and includes a 13-day mark. Each of the 20 teams in 13 days began with the number 1 and the new name. Depending on the first day of each group was favourable, adverse or neutral. Thus, in the cycle was 260 different combinations. The number containing seven and 10 or more, was considered to be favorable, and nine foretold the disaster.

Daily sign and 13-day mark are the fundamental concepts of Indian astrology (I.A.) and give the key to understanding personality and to the analysis of celestial events. In the view of the Aztecs sign of birth of each person was determined his destiny, and his path in a different world. The role of astrologers was huge, because no one dared to do something important, not pre-consultation and approval of one of the specialists who simultaneously fulfilled the role of scientists, psychologists and priests.

Indian Horoscope

Here are a few examples. Born in 1 day Ocelot more than others at risk of being captured and die in a foreign land; in the 2nd day of the Rabbit - indulge in drunkenness; day 4 Dogs promises newborn wealth. The East was a symbol of fertility, and the North - on the contrary, infertility, the West was associated with aging and death, in the South distinctly expressed peculiarities were not.

The name of the day Prediction for born on this day

Maya, Aztecs


(world tree) Crocodile Evil, lustful a sinner, " the worst people, indecisive, doubting


(wind) Wind Very lustful, dishonest people, bad his fate


(shadow) House Miserable plebeian without future, the poor, the hunter


(iguana) Lizard Master of all trades, rich, wise


(cloud serpent) Fiery Serpent soul assassin, bad fate


(loss) of Death Very bad fate, killer


(eating) the Deer his Bloody claws, very bad


(shining star) Rabbit Annoying, drunkard, dishonest babbler, a sower of discord

The Muluk

(water) Water From the fire of his soul, bad his fate


(dog) Dog Reckless, stupid, a sower of discord, the adulterer


(craftsman) Monkey Skilled carpenter and weaver, master of all trades, rich life, luck in business, judgment


(fog) the Grass is Rich, and his wealth of the community, generous, not foolish, very good man


(shoots of the weed) Cane Miserable, poor, plebeian


(Jaguar) Ocelot Brave Jaguar, his bloody mouth and claws, a meat eater, killer


(work) eagle Master of all trades, very good, speak soon


(peck) the Neck of the Thief, the nature of the hunter, brave, also a murderer, a bad fate, bad


(earthquake) Movement of the Wise and prudent merchant starter blood and medicine man, a good, sensible


(silicon knife the Knife the Healer and the starter blood, healthy, brave


(bad weather) Rain Noble, very dreamy


(Lord) is the Flower Rich, wise, brave, good

Each of the 13-day stay also has its astrological value, determined on the first day of this period:

Crocodile (1. Crocodile - 13. Reed). He has no conflict between love and work. A daredevil, but goes to the goal with a head cold. Brings happiness to others. Personal well-being for him dearly. Radiates optimism and generosity. Touching cares about the partner, sometimes deifying him. Women attractive beings,feminine, combine work and family life. Next to them a man has a rest from everyday life. She is the lady of the house, tend to work in the team has a lot of friends. People of this sign is all udachnyi, know how to handle money.

Ocelot (1. Ocelot - 13. Death). Hunter, for him there is no prohibition. Quirky, nature has given him many abilities that another would have achieved a great deal. It is looking for her happiness, pleasure, knows no remorse. Not like all responsibilities as in love and work. It's free, carefree life, which always play with love. Love them, they are willing to test themselves in the arts, often with varying success. Precision and accuracy are not their Forte. Able, however, to glide through life.

Deer (1. Deer - 13. The rain). Horns you will not get any. These people Prut on the wall with the mind, as not tolerate obstacles. Very proud. Their temperament is timid nature, fear of breakage of happiness. Jealous, fall in love quickly and firmly. Looking for this type, they will worship. Can his partner. Happy in life. They always need someone willing to services.

Flower (1. Flower - 13. Herb). These people are born artistic natures: musicians, writers, experts in their field. They have a cheerful disposition, they are happy and satisfied, even if there is no particular reason. Danger of their carelessness. Sometimes arrogant and may insult, offend. Put his services, which, however, are obvious. If something is not right, then retreating. Therefore, they either at the top or bottom, but not in the middle. Women cheerful, like to dance, to enjoy life. Like to dress up and know how to wear clothes with taste. Good and faithful wife, if you find a suitable partner.

Reed (1. Reed - 13. Snake). Sign associated with the wind. People of this sign are hot - tempered, hot nature, internally concerned, irregular and distracted. They are unable to take root. Adventurers, explorers, like to travel. Large speakers, lawyers. I like big words, they must be cautious, because they are designed to be troublemakers and spies. Wealth is not falling on them, but they know how to float, sometimes at the expense of others. Heavy partner, although may like.

Death (1. Death - 13. The knife). Born under this sign - the minion of fortune. Life in abundance. Spiritual and material wealth, respect, honor, but his fear. Although he hospitable people who love to arrange a party, but gives his grace and favor in mood. It is dangerous to have him as the enemy. Loyalty is not a strong side. Few friends, he capricious, power-hungry. Of unhappiness can benefit. Should take care of their fragile health.

Rain (1. Rain - 13. Monkey). It Namand are under the influence of the terrible goddess - women who are envious man. People of this sign should be dodgy to win the place under the sun. He deals with magical powers, magic, witchcraft. Men mischievous boys, seducers, seeking only the pleasure. Women careless, casual, looking for fun and find them. They are capable of Commerce, as in addition to the tweaks have a tremendous resistance. Beware of their language , and for that they do not sympathize with, but sometimes respected.

Grass (1. Grass - 13. Lizard). Mistakenly consider themselves losers. Tender, gentle, but sometimes his affection stifling. The man - reliable workman "with two right hands". A woman knows a lot of crafts, loves children and sacrifices himself for them. Are prone to pessimism. Yours and mine - these two concepts they do not share. So, they are like magpies collect the treasures that they do not belong to enjoy them. Friction with neighbours and friends.

Serpent (1. Snake - 13. The movement). A sign of good mothers. Knows how to approach life with a light hand. Forgets often about the duties and responsibilities. She favors fate; career - ascending to prosperity. Amazingly lazy, can fall; if it happens, it gets to a safe place, and things will get better still. From the state of rest will not withdraw even debts, wine. Appreciate gluttony, the company. She has many friends, everywhere she's sake, she humorist. In my youth cause much trouble, pain, naughty. The Snake woman regarded as the clever worker. In the role of wife she reliable friend, the mother superior. Her labor light, she and lucky here.

The knife (1. Knife - 13. The dog). It lucky with great abilities. Main properties - strength and insight. Great physical strength, workability. I love to work and to eat. Might be leading athletes. Love the feeling is not the strongest party, but they are strong and resourceful, ill find the approach to the partner. Know how to lead. People of this sign is not a means for mechanical traction. The combination of vitality with the mind. He is straightforward and simple. In its position incorruptible, his advice is valuable. Nerves as steel rope. Sometimes pedantic. Always sincere and honest, a minion of fortune, which all can.

Monkey (1. Monkey - 13. The house). Carefree, cheerful, light-headed. If it takes work to achieve wealth, it will not be to try him, as he was afraid of regular work. Her dream in the profession: dancer, musician, singer. Hobby - game dream. Loves coquetry, but it is impossible to be offended. Believes itself in castles in the air, which itself and break. Loves children, because she has a lot of child's innocence. People of this sign love in society. They bring a good mood, but in principle prone to melancholy. Much care about the health. But for that they don't have to fear.

Lizard (1. Lizard - 13. Grif). She is the best partner. Due to the nature and physically very slick. Hates inactivity and stillness. Always in the open air, so it has a good health. It gardeners, foresters, farmers, i.e. "farmers" - standing firmly on the ground. Reliable, with a sense of duty carrying out their work. Even better than you want, easily tolerate the loss and destruction. In marriage reliable, network support. With it, you're safe, he or she owns your nerves. It all goes well.

The movement (1. Movement - 13. Water). Loving person, knows not boredom, is constantly active, he was overcome ideas and thoughts. Energetic. Not a very good partner in marriage. She is a beautiful, pedigree woman, her sensuous radiation without the rest destroys the world of men. He is ruthless daredevil, knows her power. Everything they do turns soon in smoke. Unstable, changeable, but can enter into the position of the partner. Not at any price, but in his own right. After a long search to find a permanent partner.

Dog (1. Dog - 13. The wind). His love requires sacrifice. Happiness falls unexpectedly. Not waiting for the miracle, not left to chance and even more in love. Know how to fight for happiness, but does this not as a player, but as a hard worker. Can do big things, to lead. Created to be a Director, conductor. He possesses significant need. Loyal and reliable, if his life is not to turn into hell. Almost perfect partner in marriage, but "povecan" firmly with his profession, so you may lose your partner. To understand it is not very easy. To love, need something to sacrifice, he, however, generously and will generously pay for. What you give him, returned a hundredfold ago.

House (1. House - 13. Eagle). In love, people of this sign are not home. By the nature of the player. A pessimistic bias, sometimes there is something that causes. Play passionately, in the worst case, risking everything that you have. Women sociable, talkative, loves to pour heart, waiting for new adventures. Love passionately and sacrifice of love to all. Need a partner in a firm hand, which will lead people born under this sign.

The vulture (1. Grif - 13. Rabbit). Like a quiet life, faithful. Guaranteed long life. Children first sick, but live long. Not run for happiness. Reasonable, natural scientists. Love makes the problem. Want to have a partner not only physically, but also his thoughts, though they do not like when you climb into your soul. Very true, domesticated, friendly, but little to say, frugal, but there are generous.

Water (1. Water - 13. Crocodile). Love in marriage surprises. Goddess (water) is very variable, it is every moment shows a new face. People of this sign are neither good nor evil, neither poor nor rich... They often are in conflict with ourselves. This is a difficult partner, but more often brings surprises. They are easy to manage, not to hurt their feelings openly. They are gentle and affectionate. For happiness must fight. From them require a lot, especially in the younger years, but then it is easier. They are entitled to reap the fruits of their labors.

Wind (1. Wind - 13. Ocelot). These people stand for a clear relationship. Not very diplomatic. I appreciate open, direct word. Where they are, are a clear relationship, but they are achieved indelicate manner. All consider the nature of a revolutionary. Know how to inspire, encourage, and sometimes baffling. Love to win immediately. I want all or nothing. From a partner are waiting for intensive participation. Spiritual for them is more important than sex. Difficult, but generous man.

The eagle (1. Eagle - 13. Deer). Demanding in love. A loner, difficult contacts, selfish, arrogant. Superior to many in mind, few can be on his level. Attached great importance to their appearance, takes care of herself. In love demanding and selective. Hard is the link. Partner for him - decoration of his person. Know how to interpret everything in their favor. Do not waste time on trifles. Sometimes gourmet. Catcher happiness.

Rabbit (1. Rabbit - 13. Flower). Unselfish and selfless, born peasants and educators. Think of other, often forgetting about themselves, although the future plan with a head cold and businesslike. Love children. Give advice. Love is not an active partner and equal, as a man and a woman. They are playing the second role voluntarily. In too in the shadows, do not like the light of the ramp. In difficult moments turn to the art, which for them means more than money, from which they often refuse. They need realistically minded partner who understands them.

The North is connected with the God Sun. This anxiety, agitation, confusion, anxiety, militant spirit, enthusiasm and unbridled temperament.

The North is connected with the God Sun. This anxiety, agitation, confusion, anxiety, militant spirit, enthusiasm and unbridled temperament.

The East is connected with the God of wind. The Aztecs it symbolizes the progress of inventions and discoveries, it is favorable for poets, scientists, but also for lovers.

South connected with God stars. Not all succeed immediately, but still possible. In this period there are no storms, but some of attraction and downs.

The West is connected with the God of rain. His years fertile and rich. Born under its protection complies with success and health. He has wealth and abundance.

1, 3, 7 - very good, these numbers are strong, i.e. eliminate all bad of horoscope.

10, 11, 12, 13 - soften all the bad omens and reinforce good.

4, 5, 6 - worsen good and less good worsen even more.

2, 8, 9 - smooth all that stands in the horoscope. They weaken both good and bad.

While a very large part of matches, adopted in Mayan astrology, lost, preserved data about Aztec astrology. Each of 20 characters were considered under the control of a particular deity Aztec Pantheon. Knowledge of the Aztec gods and goddesses is crucial for the understanding of what these characters represent (as well as understanding the signs of the Zodiac requires knowledge of the planetary rulers).

The Aztecs was also a solar calendar (xihuan), which has 365 days: 360 days amounted to 18 months of 20 days and five additional days was considered unlucky. Every fourth year was a leap year. Every year, was called after the name of their first day: year of production, year of the Knife, year, year of the Rabbit. Year Reed was always considered bad luck. So was, for example, 1519 year, when there was the Spanish invasion.

Several books that survived the Spanish conquest, hint that there was a whole complex of symbolic knowledge that was used by the priests and astrologers. In these books it is possible to predict eclipses and the connection of the planets, and to determine the marks in which they should occur. The predictions of the effects of various combinations can be extended into the future with relevant mathematical precision.

I.A. was a complex subject: in Mesoamerica was developed not only the individualproperty, but mundane astrology. She was operated on intervals of time lasting 7200 days (which is close to the cycle length of Jupiter-Saturn)called "Katun". Katun considered Maya as the fundamental unit of measurement in political and cultural issues. Katuny United in groups on 13 and 20; 260-roller was the era of creation. As the Mayans were great mathematicians and left many dates engraved on stone, it is known for sure that the current era began on August 11, 3113 BC and will end on December 21 2112 ad time in 5125 years (260-roller) is almost exactly one-fifth cycle of precession. In I.A. astrological era was not measured, as in Western astrology, 1/12 cycle of precession not to associate with characters (like age of Pisces, the age of Aquarius and the like); instead era in 1/5 cycle of precession was divided in the same way as the Tzolkin, 20 parts to 13 and 13 parts by 20. Now humanity has entered the last Katun whole epoch of creation, which began on 6 April 1993.

Reconstruction of the Mesoamerican astrology is still far from complete. Should take into account that a genuine philosophical and natural-philosophical ideas and views about the world, Maya and other indigenous peoples may have remained unknown to us in connection with the almost complete destruction of all their spiritual heritage, especially written monuments, by the Spanish conquerors. In Mexico today, there are a number of practitioners that use their systems, in which, they believe, is achieved pure and perfect form I.A. In many cases, they reject the work of academic researchers and do not pay attention to the tension in the correlation between the ancient pre-Columbian calendar and the Christian calendar. However, after extensive research and careful comparisons of documents colonialists, oral traditions and ancient inscriptions, the consensus seems found in correlation Goodman-Martinez-Thompson, who believes the beginning of the epoch of creation of August 11 3113 BC correct correlation. Bschield specifies: "Mesoamerican Tradition of astrology seems to be the most subtle and complex of all time-based astrological systems of the world, and with time it may become a great help in astrological research world level".

Astrology Inca

Among South American myths about the origin of the heavenly bodies are the heroes of which the Sun and Moon. They are brothers (at least - brother and sister) or a married couple. In the latter case, the Sun - usually male. There is a popular myth about a love triangle between the Sun, the Moon and some third character (bird, a daughter of the Sun), and according to some versions of the Moon appears as a woman, on the other (in the same mythology), - as a man. In the latter case, the lower brightness of the moon due to its defeat in the struggle with the Sun. Botocudo full Moon - male, crippled woman.

Extremely varied South American myths, explaining the origin of the spots on the moon. Most frequently encountered version, in which the Moon is a man goes down to his beloved on earth, and that, in order to find out who she meets, rubs his face with soot. In other cases, in the spots you see the silhouette of living on the moon beings. The Toba Moon - man with thin, through which seep inside. In the myth of the tribes of it the Sun hits the moon, and in her body scars. The movement of the Sun and moon across the sky is considered as a continuation of their earthly path (Quechua), as the prosecution of one another luminary (it). Eclipse explain the attack on heavenly luminary monsters, most of the Jaguar (Toba, Guarani), or the struggle between the Sun and the Moon, in which the winning one, then the other party (the Yunka, Jivaro, botocudo). The majority of Indian tribes have myths about the most bright stars and constellations. Special attention Indians of South America attracted the Pleiades and the Belt of Orion. The majority of stars are people who have got to heaven before tore his connection with the earth, the souls of people who perished during the Holocaust (from araucana), women, down to earth, to enter into a love relationship with people (Toba, caraga). Particularly big star mythology of Chaco tribes in Eastern Brazil. Very popular myths about two brothers-the heroes, who, having made a number of exploits, turn into the end of the story in the Sun, moon or stars.

Many tribes in South America there is a view on the Supreme deity. Sometimes (Guarani, apinaje) it is God who is perceived as old Sun, unlike his son, the new Sun.

Such perceptions have become the ground from which grew original astrology Inca, who lived in the mountainous areas of Peru, Chile and Ecuador in the XII - beginning of the XVI centuries

The most important object on the celestial sphere Incas believed the milky Way - Maya (Heavenly River). Is it, in their view, are all more or less significant objects of the sky. Heavenly River continued on the earth in the form of Vilcanota - terrestrial river running near the capital city of the Incas in Cusco.

On the milky Way Incas were allocated not so much constellation, how many spots interstellar dust - coal bags, gazed at him with dark silhouettes. These "black constellation" are named after animals. Rising from the horizon, as if they persecute each other. But the Ecliptic and the associated zodiac drevnerusskom astrologers, apparently, were not known.

The sun was the main object of worship of the Incas: with him was embodied in the Supreme ruler of their country - the Great Inca.

In ancient Cusco, on the crest of the mountain stood stone pillars, later destroyed by the conquistadors. They were 8, and maybe even 16. One half towered over the West, and the other half over the Eastern part of the city. On these pillars, through observation of the main temple of the city, the priests watched the points of sunrise and sunset in the days of equinoxes and solstices.

The Incas had another type "observatories" - intihuatana, i.e. "the place where tied the Sun", "Sunny berth". Intiwatana carved in the rocks. In the midst "pier" were a stone column - gnomon. In his shadow was possible to define, "which h". Twice a year (when the Sun was at noon precisely in Zenith), this column is not made shadows and could serve as a calendar.

In addition to the 12 months of 30 days in the year of the Incas were 5 more (and in leap years - 6) final days spent on holidays.

Astrologo-astronomical system of ancient Peruvians served as its creators are not worse astronomy Maya or the Babylonians. As elsewhere in ancient times, it was determined, for example, the timing of field work. The time of their commencement and completion indicated by the priests with the exact day. And the most important agricultural works there were at least 18 species (!). They lasted from one to two weeks to two and a half months and covered the whole year. Unfortunately, we have a much more scarce and fragmentary information about astrology Inca than about astrological concepts of Mesoamerica.
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