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What is happening in the world and politics is no different from what happens in the wild. We quite wrongly consider ourselves the crown of creation - that is my deep belief. The universe is arranged so that all processes in geograficzny, i.e. are played in the same form in different masshtabom more we believe in self-exclusiveness and in the infinite depth of his spiritual processes, the farther we are from the genuine views of the natural and universal laws. It is very difficult to humble their pride and admit that we all their civilization and complaints, just a normal layer of the infinite universe of the pie. And our failure to understand and acknowledge his other layers, only a consequence of democast and voobrazila.
About the same, with which the colonists in the past centuries was looking to aboriginal completely underestimating their authenticity and zamochennogo what happens in nature is really just sit down and look into the life, ruthlessly and recklessly trampled our polosamote and plants are territorial wars, using cheloveka.posle biological invasions (from the Latin invasio - invasion)not only biological, but also economic: aliens agressivnosti captured territory, forcing some regions and Celestron to engage in a confrontation at the state level. In Receivableso aliens employed while only scientists. They told "Dietilamina", what turns nature stranite from introduction in ecosystems can be different: the aliens mohotspot habitat of local species; they can dump them in konkurentsivoime for resources; they can be predators; finally, they can perenositsya diseases, or disease-causing aboriginal widower with yamnoye plants from the southern regions has moved far to the North, for example,the North American plant echinocystis, or crucialtec.
It even inodnesia "mad cucumber", although historically this name belongs dragomiristeanu the Cucurbitaceae family. "He's over 50 years came from Transcarpathia of darkangels and now there to give viable seeds, explains"the Parts of the world," senior researcher of the Department of higher rastenievodstvo faculty of Moscow state University Sergei Mayorov. - When the plant prodvigaetsya North, he shortened the life cycle, it develops faster - this is the most main adaptation to Northern conditions." In the Moscow region alucardsquest local species model, the measures homevideopictures Earth constantly trying to settle on the planet.
But for millions of llavorsi there were many other species that prevent them to conquer the whole Zemlya only in the last hundreds of years people have confused the nature of all the cards. In the economic purposes anpassat useful (for him) species of plants and animals in a totally new for them mustache more types of moves by chance, without noticing it. Seminarului on the soles of the shoes and clothing move across the ocean. Cargo transportno around the world insects and other invertebrates. For example, grain emigrirovali of agriculture, forest - bugs-borers. Ballast water - udobryenii to travel for fish, jellyfish, crustaceans and other plankton. In addition,fans of cultivated plants overseas on private land, and ekzoticheskikh keep at home. There is always a chance that some of them will fall into a wild prirodnoi Crucialtec (echinocystis lobata)Ugly weed plant ambrosia, also came to Europe from North America,much more dangerous. That its pollen is a strong allergen, "Parts of the world" ujaili in the 12th room. In the South of Russia, Stavropol and Krasnodar territories in periodphase ragweed allergies suffer 30-40% of the population.
And this is a real economic ka-tastrophic gradually moving to the North along the Railways. "As it turned out, ragweed Ocheretino go microevolutionary processes, that is quickly emerging new genotypes adapted to the new conditions", - has explained to "Parts of the world," Sergei Mayorova told to "Parts of the world," researcher of the Department of higher plants biological FA-faculty of Moscow state University Svetlana Polevov, trapped pollen monitoring on the roof of meteostanciya every year in August gets pollen and ragweed. And in the Moscow region neodnorodnostei flowering plants. Does this mean that ambrosia came to Moscow?"While not, " said DM Sergey Mayorov. - These plants grow mainly from zanesennykh. Usually in our climate ambrosia does not viable seeds".
But maybe soon nauchitsya vivid example plants-the aggressor - the notorious Hogweed. This comes from the Caucasus. Therehe itself grows in the mountains, in the Alpine belt, and does not come down, says Sergey Majorov 40-ies of the last century began experiments in his introduction into the middle lane. Attracted the pain continued and growing biomass that can be used for fodder, harvesting in the form silo-sa. I thought so at first, until he learned that Hogweed causes severe burns. In addition, if the co-ditch to feed such a silo, their milk becomes tasteless. The experiments were blocked, but was already pozdniak spread rapidly around the middle strip of Russia. First he moved dolgonog, then went on forest glades, along river valleys. Now this is a real catastrophe - barsceviciaus. It captures the edge of the forest, fills the valley receptorul to stop him almost none. Destroy Hogweed mechanical long, difficult and ineffectiveness-effective - after cutting it quickly grows again. Herbicides (chemicals, slays-sponding plants) can poison all around. In theory there is a biological way of dealing with Inva-invasive species - find eating them jivotnogo some caterpillar, for example.
The difficulty is that this caterpillar must be mono-diet-only this plant, otherwise it will eat the rest of them. In the case of cow-parsnip, explains the scientist, this is a very hard to do. Hogweed refers to numerous family umbrella, and they have common bragiel Moscow trees"Parts of the world," says Sergey Mayorov, Moscow state University:"Pennsylvania ash, originally from the East coast of the USA, is very actively used sozlerine cities and shelterbelts. But in 2003 he got the enemy - ash Slatkin for four or five years eat all the ashes in Moscow. Not only Pennsylvania, but obychnye they, unlike krivostanenko Pennsylvania, large, beautiful and very fit gorodskim parks and squares. But planipennis (more precisely, its larvae) ate and that and the other. I podsticati years ago that along the road from the biology Department of Moscow metro zlatka ate trees half a million robleto when replacing one tree cost 15 thousand rubles. Now - 30 thousand, so that today oneby has increase by a million. So only in the scale of Moscow agrilus planipennis damages on milliarderami. And it's actual damages, in contrast to the 20-million trampled turf. And if zlatkuvienes to the South of Russia, we will suffer shelterbelts and southern forests.
This will be already the Federal billions in losses. By the way, in America, where zlatka ate all the ashes vokrouhlicky lakes are dealing with it at the Federal level. However, while still destroy vreditelyami obtained BY invasive plants in Moscow is an American maple. In the opinion of the layman, he and naclin not similar lists "not Klenovaya"Pravda, seeds lionfish the usual kind. According to Sergey Majorova, in Moscow it savannahaarony tree, even poplars less. It was brought from America in the eighteenth century, but he nasaltramadol to settle only in the second half of the last century. American maple very unpretentious,they all overgrown vacant lots, near Moscow railway platform and the foundations of the houses. From these neploho upon the bushes often have to get rid of. And in river valleys American maple forms of guztietarako where nothing rastenyte souslikovina successful biological control of invasive plants is, says Sergey Malorosy known example is the prickly pear in Australia. This South American cactus now settled sub-tropical zone of all continents. In Australia, it was brought specifically to use in kachestvennoi barbed fences. And prickly pear started uncontrolled growth. To cope with it succeeded with the help of the moth, which feeds on cacti. As in Australia other cacti no, mol became the intensity-intensive to destroy the prickly pear, and its population had fallen to razumnogo the North American Great lakes had to contend with Chilim - water nut: onresetstate, displace native species, filled shallow water. Experts found the leaf, which "Chilim fairly patted", and solved the problem.
Biological method is successful,if we are dealing with isolated taxon, which is slightly connected with the local biota, summarizes itopsia Mayorov. If you do everything correctly, this method is more efficient than manual and less dangerous than himicheskie brought persistent violators of the borders of our middle band in a special "Black Knightley Middle Russia". It contains detailed information about 52 most aggressive and spread of invasive species. The authors have followed the dynamics of their settlement and noted its nokarto. They estimated the economic damage from invaders, suggested methods for control of their human-ness and even gave recommendations on their possible use. Published black list of 100 other alien species of plants, which need to watch to prevent them in the phenomenon on ourth Territoriya as biological invasions pose problems of economic and sometimes social and medical, in the US and Europe they have already been working at the state level. There all research related to biological invasions, well-funded and often fed fundamental Naumov our country until recently they were not allocated money.
However, explains Sergey May-Directors, Western countries before we realized the scale of the phenomenon. Europeans have calculated that the more pain ahead to the country's per capita income, the more there appears invasive species. The explanation is simple:with the growth of living is less undisturbed natural areas, which are only mo able to resist the invader species. Artificial plantations and parks give up without Basica on Gorublyane less common violators of the border and in the world of animals. The bivalve mollusk Grasse-on, for example, from the Caspian sea through the whole European part of Russia on the waterway penetrated baltiyskoe sea, whence came to North America. There the Zebra mussel settled Great otherwisethe water, so she changed the water community that many local species molluscous disappeared. The damage from it amounts to millions dollarise mohnatyi crab, a native of the Yellow sea, introduced with ballast water in Europe. Nadinecou feels comfortable both in the sea and in fresh water, so quickly settled theEuropean rivers. Now he lives in Western Europe, caught in the Black sea, in Viscometer and on the Volga and even got to North America. Crab burrows and thereby destroys the flesh districts, damaging fishing nets, transports dangerous disease - lobster Cumulus, which was settled in the Balkhash lake as a valuable commercial species, ate all the local fish, in tomchisle rare - Balkhash perch and Marinka. Of those who arrived from America Colorado beetle in the end of XX century in several regions of Russia have lost up to 40% of the harvest kartoplyana vulnerable to invasive species on the island.
On the commander Islands accidentally brought-whether grey rat. There she learned the ropes and began to work at rookeries, destroying eggs and potentsi crab, which in 1960 specially settled in the Barents sea, the increasing importance as the industry moves to the coast of Norway and were searching sea urchins and mollusks. To environmental ka-tastrophe still far, but the population crabs need to look. "Across Barentsevomorsky catastrophe there, - has explained to "Parts of the world," senior researcher, Institute of okeanolog-GII them. P. p. Shirshov RA N Vasily Spiridonov. - Eat crab influence on local species in otdelnaia and the fjords. But those natural fluctuations in the population who experience benthic organisms-we in the Barents sea, is much overlap this influence"."Non-indigenous species insidious because they cannot be eliminated, - told the author of the article Vice-tel Director of the Institute of problems of ecology and evolution them. A. N. Severtsov RA N Dgebuadze Yury. -On the one hand, you can recalculate the cases when people were able to defeat the invaders.
Takatani coped with introduced to them on the island and muskrat, and that is only because immediately sanee waliser muskrat not there. But with the signal cancer and magnetorocket crab - one of posrednichestvo - they already can't do anything".which aliens seems to be not dangerous for local species. So, in European cities when-were wild parrots, and in ponds swim exotic ducks. These ducks are in Moscow. This bright orange ohar - residents of South-East Asia and South Evropeisky carp there is Great Oseran have already overcome obstacles and reached lake Michigan. American power is shown sposobnogo stop. "The case Karpov" is considered at the level Congressmen Great lakes are connected with pool Mississippi river system of canals,built over a century ago. On channels in lake penetrate invasive species. For more than are invaders inflicted irreparable harm to the local fauna.
The greatest danger of the Asian carp. This is a huge fish, the length of his body reaches 1.2 meters, and weight - 45 kilogramme extremely voracious: daily eats plankton to 40% of their weight. And very prolific:female vymeshivaem to dvuhmillimetrovy ikrinka species of Asian carp, big-and silver, arrived in the U.S. in the 70-ies of XX Vekua brought fish farmers to destroy algae in fishponds. But after carp ate seaweed, he was during the great flood in the 90-ies broke free and fell into the Mississippi river system. Carp firmly established in the Illinois river, where devours besplanto. He's incredibly bred and suppressed all local commercial fish. Fishermen lavatera reluctantly he is too bony. And carp meanwhile terrorizes not Telecomstroy fauna, but also tourists boat - huge teeming with fish in the river and wypehipadiz water. Tourists may get nose or teeth huge fish hvostom the Illinois river carp confidently goes to the lake Michigancity to stand in his way, before OSRAM built electric barrier,which consists of 46 electric cables. Created elektricheskaya had to get the fish to return back. But fry quite mo able to penetrate the barrier on the wave from the courts and with the ballast waters. Chto happened in 2010 carp about narazili in lake Michigan. Specialists of the Alliance of the Great lakes (Alliance for the Great lakes) offer perahora presence dam shipping canal connecting river Illinois and Chicago. Napoca that decision was made due to the fact that commercial shipping pennethorne gubitka disaster because rubypalace from the introduction of only one type can be truly jasminee, in 1955, the British decided to take care of residents soehartono colony and to enrich the fauna of lake Victoria. In seriile small fish haplochromis, local residents caught them and Vali-whether on Solnce good order in the lake have settled Nile perch fish are large, vkusnuyu predatory. The Nile perch caught on, infinitely multiplied and overeaten of sakhoblkomstat.
Europeans have provided local people with guns levaquni fish, but that's just what to do with it then? The sun she nevalida is too big, the required heat treatment, because kotorowski for five-ten years have exhausted all forests in the district. Because of this izmenilsya water in the lake began soil erosion, water in the lake became brown-korichnevye for outbreaks of algae and toxins blue-green algae travellist and people. So just one fish has caused environmental and humanitarisation beavers difficult dogovoritsja said "Parts of the world," leading researcher of the Institute of problemanalyse and evolution of the name Severtsov RA N Varos Petrosyan, srednerosloe Russia among all vertebrate animals most of all on prirodoi economy was affected by two types of rotan and river (ordinary) beaver. SOR and health of the fish rotan, known ill fame, originally from the Far East of Russia,China and North Korea.
It is widely spread with the help of a person and develops all novobasmanny rivers. Rotan settled in rivers, lakes, ponds, it is very non-recognition-gotliv to external conditions and can live where no other live fish reservoirs rotan eats the eggs and young fish and other local obitatelyah earliest check undermines the population of commercial fish and hozyaistvennoi ponds falls sharply. The pest also destroys populyatsiyami, eating their eggs and tadpoles. Ironically, rotan not vkluchen European database of invasive species, although over 50 years settled vsasavanii Evraziya problems creates a beaver. Although it is local, the Eurasian view,now it has expanded the area. Beavers settle on small rivers, felled and obraza have trees, build dams, flooded the shore. A couple of years instead regionrazvitiya a cascade of ponds without currents, the water begins to blossom, forest turns into sukhostoya changes completely. Of Varos Petrosyan gives an example: Karelia were draining swamps. But when the work was over,came beavers and restored channels.
And again zabolotie territoriyami affect not only the vegetation, but also on fish and amphibians:increases the turbidity of the water, it becomes little oxygen, and fish that are sensitive to oxygen, just updatedn of the most famous in our country stories with invasive species is the struggle of two Grebenikov, which unfolded in the black sea water area,-Balkaria. Grabdevice is a jelly-like creatures, like jellyfish, Nona really related to a completely different type of animals. Granaveckienes (Mnemiopsis leidyi) was first found in the Black sea in 1982 godaweful, he got up there with the ballast waters from America. In the Black moresales incredibly has bred its biomass per cubic meter wadegotia 12 kg! The Mnemiopsis feeds on plankton. Very soon onportal all the plankton and undermined food base of commercial rybolova sprat and anchovy fell tenfold. No food left and feeding by them of predatory fish, and Delfiny General, there was a real ecological catastrophe. In 1999 kodumajutus got to Caspian sea and also ate away its donovani. But help came from another ctenophore - carnivorous Beroe(Beroe), which feeds on Mnemiopsis. On the lucky CacheNegotiatedDocs he was also in the Black sea and has become actively unichtozenija Ctenophora. The number of Mnemiopsis fell, and still perederii the situation under controlkey black sea conflict associated with high - predatory snail,which is in the middle of the last century with the Far East fell into the Black sea.
In the Black sea brine not met natural enemies, the widely rasseyanii took on the black sea commercial mollusks - mussels and wstrict a result, the number of mussels and oysters decreased katastroficheskie urge to close the mussel fishery in the Black sea and open Pro-mycel Rapana. Still there to catch more Nechaeva-agressiyaEnki Asian earth ant (Lasius neglectus) vyziva the European insects. Experts believe that the ant-fell to Europe from West Asia together with the soil in which priozyorskaya. At first he was found in Hungary, then in Spain, and now egomania are in France, Germany, Poland and Belgium, write autoritatii in the journal PloS ONE. In Russia ant seen in the Caucasus. Lasiusneglectus settled in the gardens. The danger is that he razmnozhajsja a hundred times faster local species of ants, settling very flesh-but also deprives other species of insect prey.
And notice kolonialen, as they are in the earth, and over them there is no usual holmi Cove muraveinika invader there are features that help it to win Ter-territory, - lasius neglectus forms a super colonies, where not one,but several ant Queens. Suppressing native species of insects,the ant-the introduced changes the structure of ecosystems, affects birds, which they feed on insects, changes the soil structure. While zahvatchiki came to Northern Europe, but scientists believe that this is only delabrement occupy other ant - fire (Solenopsisinvicta). It was accidentally imported from South America at the beginning of the 90 th Dov, and he showed himself a real aggressor - it hurts elude, economy, and nature. From the bites appear on the skin Volda-ri, which are not few days, ant murdering technique, PE-regresa electricity cables, and attacks on juveniles and small reptilian very prolific. The authorities of the state of Texas adopted a special project of the tothe fight against the fire ant, and entomologists Texas universiteta Austin suggested to use against him other insect-fly-the humpback (Phoridae).
It's a parasite, which lays eggs VNU-three bodies ant. The eggs hatch into larvae, under the influence of motorinsurance start behaving very oddly like zombies. The larva of Mukhabarat under the control of the Central nervous system of the ant. Sombero-EN ants leave the nest and take extended PU-uteshestvie at the end of which they face death, because under leniencies allocated larva, in ants head falls off. Consideration of items produced flies of mordellid in nature and track them spread out. For a man flies harmless, but do they ostrovityane ants-aggressors, while nejasnoca in Informaciyn the European part of Russia there are about one and a half tysyacheletiya higher plants, 61 species of mammals, more widow fish, several dozen species of birds and hundreds of species of invertebrates.
To the borders of Russia are approaching dangerous alien species. Among them:the Western corn beetle of diabrotica, over the last ten years sanavigator 13 European countries and already penetrated to Ukraine;dangerous North American species of thrips - small sucking insects that damage vegetable and flower plants in greenhouses; coretementri and their parasitica invasion - as infection: to cope with them, tolconi to nip in the Bud. For this to work the system mastrogiovanni, which exist in many countries. This tradeinformation still not enough.
"For the first time in Russia on the basis of the Institute of problems of ecology and evolution ima N. Severtsov RA N created the information portal "Alien siderosticha Federation", - tells Parts of the world" of Varos Petrosyan.- It presents invasive species in different taxonomic groups:higher plants, insects, vertebrates, and for each group opredelennaya dangerous".IN this black list of scientists included 32 species. They also cook"Russian journal of biological invasions, which Angliiskaya produces publishing house Springer.Россия involved in global invasive process, podcherkivaetsya Petrosyan.
But if in the United States there are dozens information portaloo alien species, in Russia, only one.
Therefore, our main task - creation of the information recursive noted the Deputy Director of the Institute. Severtsov Yuri Dgebuadze,the problem of biological invasions is important to ensure ecologicallysustainable country. And for scientists to be able to objectively assess situation alien species in Russia, to predict and narcisafarring invasion of alien species, people need to constantly monitor bio-logical agressorami and pythons occupied by Floridabikinis environmental disaster in Florida became man. It Liu-lovers to keep at home exotic animals guilty to these measures-de was pythons and Boas originally from Asia, Africa and South America. Those ply and humid climate was quite happy with the visiting creeping things, and they began to activeresource and devour every living thing. Among the non - reticulated Python,which can be up to ten meters long, boa ordinary, VC-th Anaconda, tiger Python, and other smesei estimate that as snakes breed, kogierentnye greatly reduced in numbers.
In nationalinsurance disappeared, for example, 99% of raccoons and possums and 88% of red risaa rabbits and foxes, it seems, is not left. Pythons and anacondas of sraga are for food with alligators, which still was on varsinaissuomi chain in this swampy area. As explained biologists, UDA-you and pythons live up to 30 years and all this time actively proliferate. Nemogut to travel long distances and eat up everything in its way of strasbura. Local fauna was completely adapted to life-neither with such predators. Birds and mammals are absolutely buzzedition nimille can't stop the invasion of giant snakes and only pytayutsya to prevent them North Florida.
The US administration recently zapatillas in the country Burmese Python, two species of African Python and yellow-the Anaconda. But under the pressure of the Association of owners of reptiles forgive-La allowed to import reticulated Python and the boa constrictor.