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Загадки НЛО: миф, природное явление или внеземные цивилизации?on June 24, 1947, in the USA (Washington) reported the first in UFOlogy message about UFOs. Since then the world has a secret discussion about what UFO: myth, a natural phenomenon or is it a proof of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Ufologists, researchers unidentified flying objects, called several arguments in favor of that UFO is not a myth and not fiction. Famous UFO researcher Joseph Allen Hynek as evidence leads to the fact that "the most sensible and clear messages coming from eyewitnesses, ...not informed about the problem, but honestly confused seen. And the fanatics UFOs or the occult and mysticism rarely send their descriptions. Besides these incoherent texts are easily detected and rejected". In addition, the appearance of UFOs often confirmed by several witnesses.

Often witnesses of UFOs become objects of ridicule and risk their career, but still agree to facilitate the investigation of the case. Sometimes witnesses agree to be tested on a lie detector. Reports of UFOs come from scientists. Even skeptical researcher Donald Menzel wrote that he personally saw the glow in the sky and was forced to admit that UFOs do exist.

Another argument in favor of the existence of UFOs is the similarity of the symptoms experienced doctors from witnesses phenomenon. Usually fixed temperature, headache, nausea. The doctors believe that this may be a consequence of radiation. At the same time, there is information that people recovered from incurable diseases after meeting with UFOs. But the 73-year-old Argentinian Ventura Maceiras that 30 December 1972 saw a UFO over his house, in his words, even grew new teeth.

The head of the clinical Department of the Moscow Institute of psychiatry Yuri Polischuk wrote in the paper "Arguments and facts on the cases of recovery of people: "Every time a serious scientists have tried to understand such phenomena was that this was the result of illusions, or the result of a distorted judgment or self-suggestion, which really cures, can lead to resorption of benign tumors or some of the scar. This research is understandable. For example, a person had a cyst on some internal organ. He dreamed that the village "plate"... he was operated on, he removed a cyst, seams left. When he began to do ultrasound, it turned out that the cysts have no".

At the same time, there are many photos and videotapes depicting the unidentified objects. The authenticity of the photos is confirmed by examination, however, the picture is rarely clear and precise, since the appearance of UFOs always happens unexpectedly. Allen Hynek leads several criteria that determine the authenticity of the pictures UFO made during the day. First of all, should be "confirmed the reliability of the photographer, personally saw a UFO in the time of imaging". Secondly, the witness must give researchers the original negatives and the camera, which the shots were made. And third, you must get "sworn certification photographer in the authenticity of the pictures and toiletries image to UFO and not to anything else. The last step is not necessary if the presented material is accompanied by several independent shots preferably from different points".

An important point in the study of UFOs is the attitude of UFOs and science. On the one hand, many prominent researchers, for example, Allen Hynek and Donald Menzel Professor of astrophysics. On the other hand, most scientists still do not recognize the possibility of the existence of the UFO as a representative of extraterrestrial civilizations. The Hynek wrote: "One summer evening 1968 in Victoria (British Columbia) hosted the reception on the occasion of astronomical Symposium. The large restaurant has gathered hundreds of astronomers from different countries. Suddenly entered the room the man and announced that appeared in the sky unidentified flying objects. A light laugh was on the table, but quickly verse, and people came back to their conversations. None of the scientists went outside to see the mysterious phenomenon of nature!"

The Hynek believes that "there are two types of scientists that deny UFO. The first type are the scoffers who do not even try to deal with some particular case of observation of the phenomenon. The second type consists of scientists who are prone after checking to recognize the reality of UFOs, but only as a purely psychological phenomenon. The position of the second group of scientists still deserves attention because they have the materials for discussion. The views of the first group, however, does not stimulate debate, because, in her opinion, there is no phenomenon, it is not the subject of discussion".

In our country study UFOs became one of the special programs of the Ministry of defense. This was said senior researcher of the Polar geophysical Institute KSC RAS Sergei Chernous, once a member of the Commission on anomalous phenomena of the division of General physics and astronomy of the USSR Academy of Sciences

The surge of interest in UFOs in the USSR happened in the 70-ies. Then have been extremely popular lectures about UFOs, which were conducted at the institutions, enterprises and even in the military units. After 20 September 1977 happened "Petrozavodsk miracle" (at the end of the night the inhabitants of the North-Western region of the USSR in several minutes observed the development of large-scale light phenomena: "star with rays of light", "jellyfish", "heavenly spotlights" etc.), was formed a working team with the involvement of various scientists.

This started work programme, which operated for 13 years until 1991. Then formulated the three priority versions of the possible origin of UFOs: the UFO is a product of human activity; UFO - manifestation of natural processes on Earth, its atmosphere and in space; UFO is a manifestation of activity of extraterrestrial civilizations.

The latest version was adopted only after numerous discussions and exceptionally to ensure the correctness of the approach. The research was conducted in two directions: military and scientific. The military were interested in the impact of UFOs on the technique and the military. Scientists have focused on the nature of the phenomenon and on the possible impact of a UFO on the environment.

Programme launched the USSR, was the most large-scale research in the world. Information was received from the accidental eyewitnesses and from meteorologists. Observations were conducted on the whole territory of the USSR and the World ocean. Sergey Charnavus says "the most amazing and interesting was the fact that, despite the collected Bank of experimental data from thousands of observations army and civil organizations has not been received no reports of UFO landing, no contacts with "UFO pilots", not one of abductions UFO. Apparently, for a period of thirteen years of the project aliens declared a moratorium on the visit of the Earth.

More serious conclusion from this fact, the failure of the hypothesis of extraterrestrial origin of UFOs. The vast majority of phenomena perceived by eyewitnesses as UFOs, linked with technical human activity and various natural events. More than 90% of cases due to aircraft, high-altitude balloons, runs and maneuvers of rocket and space technology and similar experiments. About 9% of illumination: from observable astronomical objects to rare optical phenomena in the atmosphere".

One of the versions, expressed in the time leading specialist of the Ministry of defense on anomalous aerospace phenomena Colonel A. Plaksina was that UFO is the new weapon of the United States. Sergey Chernous, however, believes that the USSR could not "see" create Americans of new weapons. But he does not exclude that some samples of the modern American achievements could be born in laboratories studying UFOs.

An important issue in the process of study of the UFO phenomenon was the relationship of researchers with the press. Sometimes in the Newspapers got information that could cause resonance in the world. For example Chernous presents the article Century Vostruhina "Exactly at 4.10" in the newspaper "Labor" in 1985. "It described the event observed by the crew of the trip airplane "Tbilisi - Rostov - Tallinn" on the highway near Minsk. "Looking at a glance our part of the sky, the second pilot noticed top right unblinking big star.. From the spot appeared thin ray of light, and suddenly fell down to the ground. The light beam is expanded, becoming a bright light cone, arose the second cone, wider, but paler first, then the third - wide and very bright... What kind of power should be the spotlight?.. They now saw the dazzling white dot surrounded by a colored concentric circles... white point broke out, and on its place there is a green cloud..."

After the article the editors threw letters and the European countries through diplomatic channels have enquired about the tests in the USSR of the new weapon. In the end, it turned out that what I saw the crew, really was associated with weapons testing, but not in a district of Minsk, and far to the North, over the water area of the White sea, where testing of ballistic missiles, sea-based. This phenomenon is observed in many places in the North-West of our country and even in Finland.

Thus, according to. Sergey Chernous, currently there is not a single reliable fact or evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial UFO. It is true that if such a fact has reappeared, his research would be thrown large research teams.

In 2000 the British Ministry of defence also made a secret report about the UFO, which clearly proves that the Terrans there is nothing to fear. The report is the culmination of the four-year study, called "Unidentified aerial phenomena of great Britain" and designed to answer the eternal question of ufologists: "is anybody there?"

In the report of the British defense Ministry said that the unidentified phenomena that look witnesses may be the consequences of meteors.

"Significant body of evidence confirms the idea that the events (UFO) almost certainly caused, physical, electrical and magnetic phenomena in the atmosphere, mesosphere and ionosphere. They occur when certain weather conditions and electrical charge and are observed very rarely that allows observers to speak about its uniqueness", - the document says.

As to statements of people about what they had been in contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, the report explains this as follows: "Closeness to the plasma field can have harmful effects on the mechanisms and even people. It has been medically proven that local fields of this type can trigger a reaction in the temporal lobe of the human brain. As a result, man is created quite clear about events that actually occurred".

Other causes of UFOs, the report says, are the lights of the aircraft, balloons unusual shapes and even birds.

However, ufologists say that all phenomena in the sky, report of the defense Ministry does not explain. Moreover, ufologists believe that the government will always hide from the citizens the real facts about UFOs, because they are afraid to admit that they have absolutely no control over that.
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