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In this century on Earth can happen irreversible environmental collapse, and the global ecosystem could collapse suddenly, not gradually, as previously thought.
As reports "NEWSru"to delay the "critical level", requires rapid and effective measures, warned scientists.
As umeet the publication, a group of 22 leading biologists, ecologists, geologists and paleontologists, representing three continents, conducted a study published in the journal Nature. With their warnings and recommendations made in the run-up to the UN Conference on sustainable development to be held on June 20-22 in Rio de Janeiro.
Ecological balance of the planet is threatened by global warming, population growth and deterioration of the environment, tells the German edition of Focus referenced by InoPressa.
In its calculations, the scientists assumed that by 2050, the world will be 9.3 billion, and the climate on average will warm by more than 2 degrees Celsius.
According to the biologist from the University of California and one of the lead authors of the study Anthony Barnoski, the changes are irreversible and devastating consequences, as the entire population to feed will be impossible. "We will deal with a completely different world," the expert concludes.
While scientists point out that there is still time to change something: for example, to stop wasting resources and to seek economic growth at any cost, the article says.
As reported by the "Comments", previously themselves UN experts say that the world cannot cope with the tasks on preservation of the environment. Progress is observed only in four out of 90 problematic issues. While on eight goals, including in the issue of preservation of coral reefs, there is a downturn.
While the success of the international community in the UN ranked improving access to clean drinking water and the recovery of the ozone layer of the planet.