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Somewhere in the Himalayan mountains, the belief of some people, there is a mysterious country called Shambhala. In large dungeon is home last heirs of earthlings who belong to the ultra-high civilization. Once this civilization lived on Earth, and then almost extinct.
It is believed that these supermen have great knowledge in many spheres, in science, medicine, and technology. These great beings have given us knowledge of Tibetan medicine from them we learned about UFOs, about meditation. They possess the skills of levitation, antigravity, can communicate with the parallel worlds.
Legends about Superliga exist for more than a century, surprising and engaging human consciousness. Sometimes this interest is heated stories authoritative researchers and scientists. For example, between the nineteenth and twentieth century in all of Europe press it was possible to meet the travel notes of the forwarders, who visited Tibet. It was Elena Rerichova and Nicholas Roerich, Alexander David-Noel and Helena Blavatsky. Each of scientists claimed that in the most remote places of the Himalayas, such as Shambhala and Agharti, live supermen. According to scientists, these beings know everything, and hidden from the prying eyes of the country they are invisible rule the world and history. The researchers referred to the mysterious cards that are in the seventeenth century were written by Catholic monks. With the help of these cards was able to find the location of the mysterious closed kingdoms.
The most serious scientists were sceptical about the expedition and its results. However, in all times people have been inclined to mystical, always believed in the supernatural. Such a mystic can be considered a man whose name was Adolf Schicklgruber. He was an artist, and he had a passion for the occult Sciences. Yet neither he nor his paintings which little was known, that his passion was a mystery, and no spills. However, when he became a legendary dictator by the name of Adolf Hitler, his passion is revealed in all its glory.
There is also a version that teachers Fuhrer - Dietrich Eckardt, Alfred Rosenberg, and Haushofer took as a basis of Nazism Tibetan legend that they are differently interpreted. They have convinced themselves, and convinced Hitler that this legend is Tibetan and very ancient. The ideology of fascism believed that long ago, in the East, there was a country of Shambhala, which was the centre of violence and operated peoples. The leaders of Nations, which was, according to the Nazis, wizards, to conclude with this country mystical unions, but it was necessary to bring human sacrifices. It is in this regard was killed about six million Jews, and seven hundred and fifty thousand Roma.
This man wanted to know all about smerlada, about how they carry out secret running the world. Hitler gave the secret order, and in his Department was founded as a private institution, which received the name of "Annenerbe". This name, translated from German, means "Heritage". In this structure worked hundreds of researchers of various specialties, who studied a variety of unexplained phenomena such as clairvoyance, hypnosis, the transfer of certain thoughts in the far distance, the influence of the planets on life on Earth. There were several dozens of branches of this top-secret Institute. The Fuhrer wanted to use the acquired knowledge for the service of the Reich. However, the main dream of Hitler was to find the mysterious Shambhala, and for this he was not sorry no money.
One of the employees of "Annenerbe", a man named Ernst Schaeffer, sturmbannfuhrer SS went in Eastern Tibet, and Nepal, and came back with many Tibetan manuscripts. In the organization of the "Heritage" these manuscripts were transcribed and translated. The results of this study were encouraging, but wanted more. Schaeffer began to organize a scientific expedition to Tibet.
The first expedition was organized in 1938 year. Its official purpose was to find the country of Shambhala. As scientists have suggested that sverhrazdutaya people need to communicate among themselves by means of radio-technologies, among the participants of the expedition were many highly qualified radio operators and engineers.
On the basis of the assumptions described in the works of the German scholar of Buddhism, albert Grunwedel, the organizer of the expedition is leading the team to the mountain called Kangchenjunga. Here, presumably, was the entrance to Shambhala, or rather one of them.
At the same time in Nepal has arrived group of English climbers, who wanted to reach the summit of mount Kangchenjunga. However, these climbers were a bit strange - instead of English from their mouth flew sounds German. Near the mountain two teams of these expeditions have teamed up and began to climb.
Find Shambhala led to stunning results. The expedition was able to make in the range of VHF and make a tape of some of the negotiations, which were held in an unknown language. However, when these recordings were brought in Berlin, the famous specialist in radio communications raised some doubts. He said that if the supermen were able to create superoperator, then why are they used amplitude modulation signal? If to speak in human language, it is equal to, if they are made of a heavy tank, he would cycle the drive. But then the scientist had to keep silent about his doubts.
At the same time, in organizing the "Heritage" was created secret group, which was engaged in decoding of signals. What were the results of these studies is unknown, most likely, the results were not at all. There is a hypothesis that the research team Scheffer could just simulate the receiving account. Because the team Scheffer was attended by leading cryptology, specialists in Oriental languages. To work it was possible to draw any, even the high quality expert, voluntarily or involuntarily.
The British were very concerned that in the controlled territories too actively began to manifest itself researchers, scientists and pseudoparticle. Therefore, when began the Second world, all channels where you could get access to Tibet and Nepal, were blocked. However, the mountain is still far off. According to some reports, some "climbers" was carried out by the ascent of mount Kanchenjunga in 1942 year. It is doubtful that the Germans did it just for fun.
What with Shambhala? Naturally, all those manuscripts, Chronicles, philosophical works, wrote Buddhist monks, and he found Schaeffer and his team of "Heritage", a lot has brought science. However, most of the branches of the organization "Ahnenerbe", when the war ended, was in the American occupation zone. A huge number of secret documents left in the vaults of the United States. What is the fate of these archives, unknown. There Shambhala or not - is unclear, it is the same question as whether there is life on other planets. But despite this, the mysterious abode of the people with the overmind care and will excite the minds of people, whether occultists or just romance.