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Вся правда о Бильдербергском КлубеI believe that people and organizations do not represent neither an absolute evil or absolute good. Each of us needs for survival, dominion and power are in constant confrontation with the needs of philanthropy, and charity, and certain of them define the behavior of a person. But it seems that in Bilderberg-ish club is prevalent (though not completely) the need for power. These nuances in no way do less important the terrible situation of insanity, to which we are led.

I am aware that the mighty of this world, perhaps do some creative things in your life (in some more, some less), but as they themselves take care that this information appeared in the media, I walked in his book on this topic, focusing on the other, the dark side of the activity of members of club, unrecognized, secret and vicious.

It is also clear that some people in power, higher ideals than those of whom I speak of in this book. Many big businessmen, great politicians and even some of those who cooperate with the club, fighting to limit the harmful activity of the Bilderberg club, some from outside, some outside, though both secretly. My gratitude (for me they are a valuable source of information and inspiration), and concern about their security is not allowing me here in the open to mention their names.

The aspiration for world domination is not something new in the history of mankind. Many tried to achieve before. There were slavery, and abuses by the ruling elite. In a previous era against individual Nations were used draconian methods, but never before has there been such encroachment on human rights and democracy. The dark side of the Bilderberg club is the worst evil that has ever faced mankind. It is among us and uses more and more new and different mechanisms of coercion and terror, that imposes military-industrial dictatorship, wishing to rule that part of the world, which still confronts her intentions.

The development of communication technologies, combined with today's deep knowledge of manipulation of conduct contributes to the fact that the vicious intention of the Bilderberg club, a once nothing more than a dream, now becoming a reality. Each new tool in itself may seem only misleading, but the sum of the changes that are part of the developing progress, a movement to total enslavement.

In recent decades, the global government used in the purposes of the works of great psychologists (Freud, Skinner, Jung) with the assistance of institutions such as Tavistock Institute or Stanford University, i.e. organizations working with bill berbergsky club, although we do not know to what extent they have been informed about the power over the world, which has the organization. Scientific proceedings has proved that it is impossible to control the behavior of the person by means of punishment or negative reinforcement. Only positive reinforcement allows to obtain power over him. Coercion, if it causes some extent desired behavior, is inevitably accompanied by anger, disappointment and protest among those to whom it applies, so those methods are already in the past. The powerful found that often promotion is the only way to cause the people to whom it applies, sustainable desired behavior without manifestations of discontent and rebellion.

Positive reinforcement is applied by analogy with the famous books "brave new world" by Aldous Huxley and "Walden-2" B. F. Skinner: to encourage the people performing the norms imposed by the club, but to prevent any opportunity to analyze and discuss these norms. The masters of the world trying to make people feel good and responsible when they do what is required of them. Over the past 30 years, people have become much more obedient and submissive (for example, we have seen recently developing the volunteer movement; rewarded with praise, and are erected in a rank of heroes of those who joins them, although its ultimate objective is to reduce the discontent caused by unemployment, and to divert the minds of the people from the urgent social problems and to prevent unrest). To find out to what extent the population will all suffer, conducted numerous experiments, such as today's campaign against Smoking. Smoke people or not, all this is not so important for the powers that be as it may seem (much more harmful to human health exhaust gases of cars, and against this won't taken anything). Although experts undertaking the campaign against Smoking, sincerely believe in their necessity, for the lords of the universe is only another experiment on the subjection of the people, the results of which they should be happy.

Watch what happens in the metro or train, if some "crazy" we liked to smoke. On it it will look like at the leper, and someone will probably want to him to politely say that Smoking is prohibited. Watch also for the happy face of the one who makes note: this is the same expression with which he received a good grade in school or when I had someone to help - the satisfaction of having fulfilled their duty, and a feeling that you "need" of the system. You may remember, was it a usual, these attitudes 20 or 30 years ago?

On a deeper level, in civil society, there is an agreement on silence and passivity. Perhaps, many drew attention to the fact that it is impossible to defend democracy, destroying it, but decide to keep silent and go about their daily activities: what is happening does not concern them. But the problem is with them too. The battle is unfolding at this moment, and global dictatorship - the one world government is gradually wins.

The aim of this battle is to protect our personal space and individual rights is a cornerstone of freedom. It involved the United States Congress, the European Union, the courts, the information network camera surveillance, police, foreign troops, located on the American territory, mechanisms of control in the company of non-cash money, implantable microchips, tracking via GPS navigation systems, radio frequency tags, chips for identification, control of the mind and your Bank account and credit card and other devices of identification, which imposes on us Big Brother and connecting the parts of our lives to a great secret government databases. The consciousness of the total information. Total slavery.

We are at a crossroads. The path that we choose now, will determine the future of humanity and that, whether we join in the next century as the global electronic police state or as free people, who are aware of the criminal activities of the elite globalists.

The Bilderberg club - the all-seeing eye, the Empire of the world backstage - at the annual meeting, which is held in absolute secrecy, decides how it should be devilish projects. These meetings are inevitably followed by hunger, poverty, overthrow governments, violent and unexpected changes in the political, social and monetary spheres. This mode is completely dependent on the possibilities of the club to keep the information secret. This is his Achilles ' heel. As soon as people discover what game they play, then gradually begin to emerge from the collective trance, on which it is based. In the Chapter on Big Brother explains how the Bilderberg group seeks to maintain its power over us by means of the control of the European Union, the United Nations and the government of the United States.

To control our reaction to the planned event, the Bilderberg expects our passive, submissive reaction and not be disappointed as long as we react in the same way as until now.

Skinner, who collaborated with Tavistock Institute, believed the majority of the people incompetent in the education of the children and offered as a model of an ideal society, in which children from birth separated from his family and brought up by the state in special centres. Parents can visit them to spend some time together (but not alone), and in the case of, for example, if mom and dad will want to buy them a gift, they will have to buy the presents for the other children in the group - so parents will cease to feel kinship with the child. The state also pays parents for child notional amount of money.

Another form of manipulation behavior, which uses the Bilderberg club is to give people what they want, in return for giving up something else (mainly from freedom). Later I will explain how you encounter a wave of abductions of children, organized by them, to call the parents a sense of danger and such a terrible worry that they will demand implantation of microchips children to constantly aware of their whereabouts. This is another step on the way to total slavery. Manipulation of the population will be carried out through the constant flow of news in the media about microchips and globalization. The world media is symbolic ties, including the game of supply and demand for goods, controlling the population. However, it is not expectedbe that "free press" will begin to sound the alarm. As you'll see in this book, world media are part of the same striving towards globalization, elite, and the Bilderberg continues to be a top-secret organization thanks to cover the world press, which barely covers his activities.

In the material world exhibicionista are engaged not only in journalism and circuses (is there a difference?), but censorship, satisfying the interests of their masters, often with cunning inherent slaves, pleasing their owners. Honesty and other moral principles are not their own, because they practically do not bring tangible benefits.

If to proceed from the nature of man, that power corrupts those who have it and those who want to influence them. The media have long been part of the elite of society. A free press is a myth, because it is the property of those in power. Only when the media will become public, it will be possible existence of a truly free press, based on our "right to know". Another hidden problem is that the media in any case will be silent. The influential newspaper, the national radio and TV stations refuse to illuminate the subject and do not dare to talk about it!

This is the main reason why a free press must exist in spite of all the apparent shortcomings, which dictators, oligarchs, military juntas, emperors and tyrants throughout history mankind has tried to limit the debate to suppress freedom of expression and information sharing. Therefore, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, "Round table", Council on foreign relations (CFR), the European Commission, the United Nations, the international monetary Fund, club of Rome, and hundreds of other organizations prefer to operate privately, without publicity. People who feel they are not the same as everything does not want us to know, what are their plans for us.

Totalitarianism is a pathological choice unsafe and ruined lives, allowing many to feed empty chatter demoralized population. This well known fact was adopted by the ruling power is everywhere present in multinational organisms, as the Trilateral Commission, the IMF, the Council on foreign relations, and other corporate government financial institutions that form the "universal network" together with the Bilderberg club, which is the core of the interconnected system.

To support the majority of the population in a state of constant alert of the Bilderberg club is able because people are too busy taking care of their own survival or fighting for it. The standard equipment of the club is to subjugate the population and to develop sustainable he resentment, the feeling of danger and terror, to make people feel such despair that they cried out to search for a solution, whatever it was. In this book I explain in detail how its members used a similar technique to street gangs, financial crises, drugs and today's education system.

Thus, the population in General (but not to individuals) do not expect or punishment, nor obvious and severe aggression on the part of the hosts of the world, at least up until the Bilderberg club will not be able to reduce the population to the level, when it will be, from his point of view, easily manageable and its members will not be sure that they will be able to control it. Their tactics currently much more seasoned and sophisticated, they use the knowledge of all the greatest minds of the last century to achieve its goal: the complete subordination of the population.

Bilderberg is fighting to break a psychological force of personality and leave it unprotected. One of many means to achieve this intention is fashionable today the emphasis on teamwork that people are used to give up their own ideas in favor of the group. Each time those protecting the individual and critical thinking, fewer. We are approaching a situation in which "lone wolves" are beginning to be ashamed of its existence. Research conducted Bilderberg club in education show that they managed to reduce the rate of intellectuality of the population mainly due to the deteriorating quality of education, planned or implemented earlier, of course, publicly in certain time intervals are making statements that the average ratio of intelligence increases. They know that the lower the level of intelligence of the person, the less its ability to withstand the imposed system. To achieve this, they not only manipulated the colleges and enterprises, but also resorted to more effective weapons - TV, allowing to alienate people from inciting acts of situations and thus to lull his vigilance.

The ultimate goal of this nightmare - a future that will turn the Earth into a planet-prison by a single global market, under the rule of a Single world government and under the supervision of a single world army, economically driven world Bank and populated controlled using microarray people living needs are limited to material values and survival: to work, to buy, to multiply, to sleep. All our actions will be under the control of a global computer. It will track every move.

Realizing that happens, you begin to realize that many influential people used to admire, who are considered leaders and seek to maintain that, as you thought it worked for you, for the benefit of freedom (political leaders and democratically elected; Commissioner of the EU, which does not choose the population; leading politicians; press), - all those who would jealously guard our freedom, actually working on the Bilderberg club, for the benefit of interests that have little to do with freedom.

Sivanandan, Director of the Institute of race relations, says: "Globalization has established the monolithic economic system; September 11, threatens to engender a culture of monolithic policy. Together they mean the end of the civil society". And the birth of total slavery. The European Union does not oppose this new ideology, but on the contrary, helps to create it. European governments conspired to ensure that cynically called "fight against terrorism", with the embarrassing bombing and future consequences in Afghanistan and Iraq, the events that were presented demoralized and suppressed the population as enthusiastic acts of patriotism. As always happens in such cases, greater threat to life is actually a system of terror, which is meant to protect citizens from him also. Or are we still believe the lies propagated by politicians and the media who say that the war in Afghanistan was unleashed to protect the freedom to do away with the Taliban, to capture bin Laden and to establish democracy and equal rights? Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of great Britain, said that "the world is ruled by characters, which is very different from what they imagine we are far from backstage".

Since 1994, when David Rockefeller has demanded to give new impetus and accelerate the implementation of global conquest, the entire population of the planet was suppressed financial, and then and environmental crisis, paralyzed with terror, technique, often used by social engineers as a necessary condition for maintaining the conquered permanent insecurity. The new world order is fueled by the war and suffering, financial failures and political crises to support its expansion.

It is based on fear of the people to freedom. Therefore, as soon as the war with Afghanistan or Iraq comes to an end, already heard a voice: "Who will be next? Iran, Syria, China, Russia?" Their weapon is our daily bread. Benefit from large and small wars. A single world order. Total slavery. "Armed terror, " says Professor John Mcmurtry from the canadian University Guelph, - is not the main characteristic of totalitarianism in his new understanding. Today totalitarianism is much more efficient form of government than terror, based on the use of military power, which could have a more effective direct impact, but at the same time implies a different level of confrontation".

History teaches us by analogy, not a full-similarity. Historical experience does not need to stay in the present and look back. Rather, it teaches us to look back into the past and back to the present, with wider and sure knowledge about the limitations of our previous Outlook.

Etching 79 "Horrors of war" Francisco Goya depicts densely Freedom, lying face up, bare-chested. Fantastic characters play with the corpse until the monks dig her grave. The truth has died. As you are such a prospect? Of God does not depend clear whether we are from the new age of darkness, which we are bound. Everything depends on us. We must act. One cautious man is worth two. We'll never find the right answers, if we are not able to formulate the right questions.

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