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Usually, when we talk about American poet and prose writer, remember that he wrote the famous poem "the Raven", and a couple of stories about solving crimes, which, as critics say today, "there was a special branch of the literature and detective genre.
All this is true. Edgar Allan PoE really formulated several rules, which are then used in his work many writers-detectivity. In particular, according to E. On, much more interesting when the crime solves not a police officer, employed by the state, and some original Amateur. He invented that the crime scene may seem completely inaccessible to outsiders, meanwhile offender finds a clever way to go there to do their dirty work and to slip out unnoticed. Evidence should be kept in mind, but in such a way that could only guess sophisticated mind. Finally, a criminal, as a rule, is the same person who originally less all fall suspicion...
And also, when getting acquainted with the works of Edgar Allan PoE more carefully, suddenly discover that thin analytical mind of the writer was capable of more: using the scattering of facts that were known, it would seem that everything he did unexpected findings, open, and even predictions that came true decades later. Now that at least a few examples.
...In 1884, the court was handling the dreadful thing. on June 28 of the same year from the English port of Southampton to distant shores of Australia has left the yacht "Mignonette" with a crew of four. Among the salty sea wolves was a beginner, escaped from parents seventeen year old boy. His name was Richard Parker.
The yacht was caught in a storm and sank. And her crew was in a lifeboat without food or drinking water. Sixteen days drift broke people. The first does not stand a young man he began to drink sea water and quickly weakened. And the rest... used it as food.
And when the sea of strangers picked up the ship "Montezuma"someone let it out. The case went to court. The times went on to describe the legal process, and then someone remembered that half a century ago, in 1838, all the details of the tragedy have described Edgar Allan PoE in his "Tale about the adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym". Coincided even the name of the deceased in the book it also has the name of Richard Parker.
Interestingly, and here Edgar Allan PoE was the founder of a genre of literary predictions. Soon, also in new York, a little-known writer Morgen Robertson published novel prediction, which will be discussed below.
But recently, after 100 years after writing "the Story about adventures of...", it found one more mysterious prediction.
When the survivors of the shipwrecked sailors finally made it to shore, their imagination struck a stream with unusual water. "It was by no means a colorless, but did not and colored one; it shimmered in motion in all possible shades of purple, as shimmer colors in silk - describes Edgar Allan PoE this unusual water in the mouth of Arthur Gordon. And further: "...get water in the pot and gave her a good rest, we noticed that it splits into many clearly visible flowing veins, and each had its own specific shade that they are not mixed and that the force of coupling of particles in one way or another progylke much more than between individual veins. We held a knife across jets, and they immediately closed, as is the case with ordinary water, and when he pulled the blade, no trace is left. If carefully carry a knife between the two streaks, they were separated from each other, and only after some time adhesive force is poured them together".
Doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences, Professor A.S. Sonin, after reading this description, the book, by the way, was first translated into English in 1961), was astonished to see that Edgar is in detail described the properties... liquid crystals. They, incidentally, were discovered only a half century later, after the writer finished his tale.
And this, by the way, not only the work of one of the most mysterious writers of the NINETEENTH century, where there is such insight. For example, in 1836, he wrote an article "the Chess machine Melezes", which revealed the secret of the famous robot-player, as we would say today. Edgar Allan PoE somehow guessed that within the "machine" was placed real live player is short, and that he beat the Emperor Napoleon and many other celebrities.
He first invented the reception, which then took advantage of H.G. wells and many other writers, is masked fictional events it under a reality. So, in the story "the Story of a balloon" he is in detail described the flight across the Atlantic. In fact, this event was held only a century later, but readers unconditionally believed in the hoax. Why?
Because, as aptly remarked F.M. Dostoevsky, "the ability of the imagination have such a feature, which we have not met anybody; it's the power of the details.
This same power of detail is evident in one story of Edgar Allan PoE - "the Conversation with the mummy". It has a lot of amazing hints. So, the mummy enlivened by using electric current. Now, after watching the television series "er", few people know that using an electric discharge really started again stopped heart.
Next, revived the mummy indicates that people are able sometimes to fall into long as it is called now, the lethargy that human activity is possible to pause (now this action is called hibernation) and even what people are actually able to live eight hundred years, as indicated in the Bible...
As for such a long life, how to achieve it, scientists understand to this day. As the fact, how the Edgar Allan PoE and others like him could such predictions. And that's what he thought.
One of the most unusual hypotheses begins with a reference to the ancient Greek philosopher Proclus. He had followers and now some researchers assume that there exist many worlds, identical in its history, but shifted relative to each other in time. And then, to penetrate into the future (or past), it is enough to "look" at the right parallel world...
Well-known journalist and writer Vitaly Pravdivtsev believes that these abilities are many, but not all realize this. Some, however, in difficult cases, rely on intuition, others I trust in destiny...
In our computerized some scientists even try to learn unconventional methods of forecasting of the future. So, candidate of biological Sciences E.A. Faidysh believes that modern mathematical methods and recent discoveries of physics "open up previously inaccessible opportunities settings on a variety of virtual images of the future".
What happens, the future will show.
Anyway, Edgar Allan PoE the ability of predictor of happiness has not brought. On the contrary, life, and his fate was tragic.
Stanislav N. Slavin