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In a recent press conferences American ufologist Cooper journalists asked him a question: "Why did you not been killed?"
The secret UFO existed, but it was amazing
If they touched me, anyone who has heard my speech, learns that all told me is true... " replied the ufologist.
At night on 5 November 2001 ranch Cooper was surrounded by police. The official reason specified in the Protocol, were complaints of local inhabitants that Cooper threatened them with weapons and intimidated them.
The rancher warned the police that he "passed through his border will be shot dead on the spot." Thundered few shots. American ufologist shot twice, and was immediately shot.
What was trying to tell people Cooper? For that he was ruthlessly shot at night on his ranch?
William Cooper was not the first person who died because of attempts to talk about the "conspiracy of silence"surrounding all that concerned the contract between the aliens and American presidents.
"Incomparable Marilyn Monroe" star of American cinema, mistress first President John Kennedy, and then his brother, the Minister of justice Robert, died, having touched with the mystery surrounding the aliens. According to journalist Andrei Volkov, the President at one of the secret meetings inadvertently shared with his lover carefully hidden from all secret visit to the USA UFO. Actress remembered this episode after another scandal with Robert Kennedy August 3, 1962. Marilyn achieved meeting with R. Kennedy gave him a violent scene, threatening that the next day will bring a press conference and tell "all" to journalists. The next day was not, at least for the film star. On the morning of August 4, she was found dead in his house. The official version is suicide. But none of the investigators and of the competent journalists could not explain where did body Marilyn bruise in the pelvis, as if someone with the power of her tight to the bed with his knee, while the other was introduced to her a lethal injection.
The secret UFO existed, but was so overwhelming that people are more familiar with it, as a rule, "numb". For example, one of the slogans of the campaign Jimmy Carter was the disclosure of a secret UFO. But, stayresident USA and having learned about it, Carter immediately forgot about his promise.
What was such a well-kept secret aliens? Back to William Cooper. In 1991 in Moscow from Geneva visited the famous scientist, head of the Institute for planetary synthesis R. Schreider. During the meeting, held in the Museum of the outstanding Russian chemist N.D. Zelinsky, with Russian colleagues, he, in addition to problems of synthesis, introduced the report of the U. Cooper's "Secret government". Now, if I can say so, major milestones path, which were us presidents in their communications with the aliens.
in 1947. In the area Roselle is broken alien ship. Most members of the crew were killed, but one survived. The stranger was named the air force. The name of the doctor suggested Vannevar Bush. Stood for it, as Extraterrestrial Biological entity. The body of the air force was based on chlorophyll. He turned food into energy, like a plant. It was from him America's leaders received information, which allowed to establish permanent contact with aliens.
At the end of 1951, the air force was ill. All attempts of scientists to save him failed, and in 1952 the stranger was gone.
November 4, 1952, the secret order of the Truman was created by a "top-secret national security". Its main task was to decipher the negotiations conducted with the newcomers, and try to establish a dialogue with them. At the same time, management should maintain a recording of all transfers, here on Earth, and relevant to the aliens.
In 1953 in the White house settled the new President, General Dwight Eisenhower. He got acquainted with the materials about aliens and decided, without opening the fact about their attendance of the Land to the Congress, to create a group of prominent scientists, politicians and industry representatives. The group has received the name "MJ-12".
In the same 1953 astronomers discovered large space objects, moving towards the Earth. At the same time, a group of aliens made contact with the U.S. government and warned about the dangerous intentions of coming to Earth of space ships. Simultaneously it was offered to destroy existing on the Earth nuclear weapons.
V year, a group of aliens landed on the basis of the U.S. air force Koloman. According to them, they came from a planet orbiting a red star in the constellation Orion. This planet is dead and over time will become uninhabitable. During negotiations, agreement was reached on a meeting with U.S. President Eisenhower. The President met with the aliens on the other air force base - Edwards. The contract between the US President and aliens was signed. From it followed that the alien will not interfere in the Affairs of the Earthmen and the US in their cases. The stay of aliens on the planet will be kept secret. Aliens may be temporarily steal" a limited number of people for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring of their development under the condition that people will suffer and will be returned to the place from where they were abducted. Instead, the aliens were to familiarize Americans with some elements of the advanced technology of their civilization and to help them implement on the Ground.
During the talks the sides also reached an agreement on the construction of underground bases for aliens and another two for sharing. The most famous of these was the base in Nevada in the area known as S-4", located approximately 7 km from the existing framework 51. All the areas allocated for the newcomers, will be under the direction and control of the naval Ministry USA.
For the construction of new underground bases needed money, and large. American presidents did not want to disclose their rather dubious secrets about the contract with the aliens. Funds needed to mine the other way. And now, according to U. Cooper, and he refers to the available documents, the way out was found. Starts a campaign on the import and sale of drugs.
But not all presidents liked this way of obtaining money by poisoning their own country. John F. Kennedy tried to stop the flow of drugs. Over the attempt of murder of the President in Dallas. In organizing this successful attempt some American politicians accused the CIA. This was confirmed by a former pilot of the CIA John Lear, who took part in the delivery of drugs from Central America to the USA.
Initially, the cooperation between the newcomers and the President of the United States were developing successfully. Industry began to develop new technologies, but newcomers to conduct their medical examinations and experiments over the inhabitants of the Earth. But very little time passed and it became clear that the aliens were deceived Eisenhower. The mutilated corpses of people and numerous corpses of animals with traces of the terrible operations were found in different countries of the world, including in the US.
American scientists working with the aliens, began to suspect that the aim of the experiments was not an abstract a medical examination, and the creation of a hybrid race, which later was to become dominant in the Earth. The order was given to release a large group captured by aliens people. On the basis of "S-4" was an armed conflict between the newcomers, on the one hand, and the protection of databases and supporters of the special forces on the other. The effects were awesome - the most modern weapons American soldiers were powerless vs aliens: 60 people were killed.
After this incident at one of the meetings of the group "MJ-12" famous American scientist Edward teller, father of the hydrogen bomb, has proposed to create a space system of combating alien invasion. After discussing this idea was introduced in the Senate of the USA under the Strategic defense initiative (SDI), protection from ballistic missiles available to the USSR. One of the new weapons, established under SOYBEANS, became laser weapons.
From the messages, sometimes appearing in the press, we can conclude that the American designers managed to create a special laser weapons, capable to carry out attacks on UFOs. One of the cases to test its efficacy has occurred in South Africa in 1989. When an unidentified flying object at high speed entered the air space of South Africa, with air force base were raised two fighters.
But in the fight them enter failed. Suddenly aircraft pilots "Mirage" has received the command " release" and in accordance with the received order flew to the airfield. And on the "flying saucer" was a volley of laser systems "TOR-2". He reached the goal. Power defence UFO was broken. Silver disk quickly lost altitude and fell in the wilderness 80 kilometers from the border with Botswana. From the document, printed on a letterhead of the air force of South Africa with the stamp "top secret", you can learn about the future of the silver disc. on may 8, 1989, the group of experts, who arrived in the wilderness, and found a CD with a diameter of about 18 meters and weighing approximately 50 tons, crashed into the ground at an acute angle. When his fall in the sand formed a funnel. The crater was filled with sand and completely hid the traces of the fall of the UFO.
According to Cooper, President Eisenhower was the last American President, who knew and qualified to understand the problem of aliens. All subsequent presidents only used the information and make decisions that put them at the desire of the leaders of the Committee "MJ" intelligence Agency.