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Камни и их предохраняющие и терапевтические свойстваIn amulets people were interested not only attributed to them protect and therapeutic properties. Almost the same importance was attached to the form, colour and appearance of the amulet. Thus, in some countries, children on the neck hung purple stone, which was thought to not only protect them from illness, but did obedient and submissive to the will of the parents. It was assumed that the amulet is crystallized tears eve shed her after separation from Adam.

Green stones such as jade, emerald, green jade, amazonite, and so on - were associated with lush vegetation, awakening her rain, fertility of man and the fertility of animals, and from sexual potency and power in General. Yellow stones helped people suffering from jaundice and other diseases of the liver. Red stones were used to stop internal and external bleeding from the wounds inflicted by weapons of the enemy, or a surgeon's scalpel, and also for protection from fire and lightning.

Brown stones hid the disease. Black - guarded from the evil eye. White - repel the evil eye and carried with them the protection of heaven, from where they was thought to have appeared. Sparkling stones and rock crystal was destroyed any kind of witchcraft. Highly valued stones with different color stripes, circles, and so on, that is, with special markings left by either the nature or skilled human hands. Effective were used as amulets polished with water stones, and stones with holes or recesses in them to protect from evil spirits almost everywhere were selected round, semi-round and triangle stones.

In some countries, amulets made of precious stones were considered more effective than amulets from simpler material. It was assumed that this type of rare precious and beautiful pleasure evil spirits, and their attacks were less violent and vicious. In India still sets of nine or five precious stones are protecting from evil eye, and the twelve stones in the breastplate of Aaron undoubtedly intended to deviate from the high priest assaults of evil spirits.

Agate. - There are several varieties of agate. They were widely used in the East. "Red agate"mentioned by Pliny (Hist, nat., XXXVII, 54), and known as "bloody agate", served as protection from large spiders and Scorpions. The so-called "green agate" was considered an effective means against all kinds of eye diseases. Brown or "tan" Agat was the most potent and most popular of all, for doing victorious warrior, protected the people from all sorts of poisonous reptiles, contributed to the favorable location of the ladies to in love with her boyfriend, and the sick man, who was holding it in his hand, recovered. In addition, this stone was brought to a man wealth, happiness and longevity. He also exacerbated the mind; stopped fever, seizures and madness; continued discharge from the eyes, facilitate the flow of menstruation and resorbed water at a dropsy. In Italy and Persia he protected the wearer from evil eye. In Syria worn on the neck triangular agate amulets was protected from intestinal diseases. Highly valued black agate, white stripes, but great value represented and green agate; if the woman drink the water, which washed the ring with green agate, it will never become infertile. Widespread in Egypt amulets from grey agate worn on the neck, prevent backache, colic and diarrhea.

The diamond. According to Pliny (Hist, not., XXXVII, 15) diamond neutralized all poisons, cured from the madness, the protected person from the spell, it had slipped away from him evil spirits and nightmares. Wine and water, in which plunged diamond, protect them drunk people from gout, jaundice and stroke. Worn on the left hand diamond drove wild animals, demons, devils and evil people, and with its extreme hardness was overcome by the devil himself. He used to heal various ailments and diseases, exacerbated the mind and strengthen the body. In India, people believed that the water in which sank famous Kohinoor, heals all diseases. As an amulet diamond protected person from the plague, anthrax and the evil eye.

Amethyst. - A name derived from the Greek acebuches;, "not drunk", "without intoxication". It was considered that this beautiful stone has many useful properties. Amethyst was highly valued as a decoration and as an amulet. Some of the ancients believed that it was called"amethyst" because it has a color purple wine and protects people from intoxication, but Pliny did not share this opinion (Hist, nat, XXXVII, 40) and believed that between stone and wine there is no connection. He mentions the statement of the Magi, who argued that if the amethyst cut represent the sun and the moon and bind it to the neck peacock feathers and feather Sparrow, he will protect against witchcraft. People that put an amethyst under the tongue, can drink a lot of wine and not to get drunk, and those who drank wine from a vessel made of amethyst, could drink all of its contents are absolutely no harm. Worn as an amulet, this stone cured gout; put under the tongue - brought sleeping sweet dreams, improved his memory and did immune Kadu. Some believed that the person because of his influence becomes soft and sympathetic, stone keeps his temper and anger outbursts. It was believed that the amethyst ring Bishop helps its owner and the believer, kissing him.

Andalusite - was protecting children and adults from diseases caused by witchcraft. These stones wore in small pouches in the neck or in the pocket. In Italy it's called pietra the delta shose, and on Cape Finisterre it is worn as an amulet, avoid shipwreck.

Antipin or black coral, or jet*. It was assumed that both the first and the second guard from suffering.

Asbestos was protected person from witchcraft and evil eye.

Slate slate. This rock was widely used by the Egyptians in the manufacture of amulets. It was believed that he has a magical effect, similar to the properties of hematite.

Asphalt or bitumen, Lithua, was widely used in medicine, and one that was taken out of the skulls of Egyptian mummies that were considered with special magical properties. He prevented a man from the stretching of joints, bone fractures, injuries, falls, headaches, epilepsy, dizziness, palpitations, etc. The cross on a human or an animal, made of asphalt, protected from witchcraft and evil eye. The Aztecs were hanged small pouches with asphalt on the neck of their children, to protect them from diseases.

Beryl had protected the wearer from helplessness caused by sorcery. His green variety was used in the treatment of eye diseases, and yellow-green stone-for the treatment of jaundice and liver disease. He was often called"the stone of St. Thomas".

Turquoise, or "Turkish stone" were highly valued in all of Asia, and in many parts of Africa, not only for its beautiful greenish-blue color, but because of its protective and therapeutic properties. Arabs call turquoise Fairuz and Firuza, i.e. "lucky stone ' and don't doubt its beneficial effect. It is sent to a ring, earrings, hats and jewelry and strung into a necklace. Amulet in the turquoise protected the wearer from poison bites reptiles and eye diseases. According to information from Arabia, it warns of the approach of death, changing its color. Many people in the East are turquoise to prevent the evil eye. In Sudan the water, which was submerged or washed turquoise, used as a facilitating tool suffering from urinary retention. Buddhists link it with the Buddha, as there is a legend according to which turquoise helped him kill a hideous monster.

The jet. - Stone got its name from the city Gagga in Lydia, where he was found for the first time. The earliest mention of the jet is found in nikandra in Theriaca, v. 37. Cm. black amber, milk stone (galactic).

Hematite or Bloodstone. - It was thought that this stone stops all kinds of bleeding, both internal and external; his blood red powder was widely used by the ancients as a medical drug. He shot eye inflammation, stopped the allocation of the mucous membrane of eyes, stopped bleeding, lung, and uterus, alleviated the pain in those suffering from diseases of the urinary tract and served as a means of neutralizing the poison when the snake bites. The Greeks believed that the stone fell from the sky Many modern European people wear rings mounted in them hematite, guiding the same views about its healing properties, and ancient. In some parts of Sudan is considered that the amulets of hematite protect their owners from sunstroke and headaches, and the peoples of the Mediterranean wear them as protection against evil eye. The blood also called red coral, red agate, red marble, red Jasper, carnelian and heliotrope.

Hyacinth. - Amulets made of this stone was worn on the neck, and, being framed in the ring, he helped women in childbirth, protect people from evil spirits and nightmares, protected from the charms and lightning, strengthened limbs, normalize heart activity, restored appetite, delivered from flatulence, improved sleep, and cast out the sadness and melancholy.

Feldspar. - Solid green volcanic rock, is widely used in Egypt for the manufacture of all kinds of amulets. The natives from the plateau Kordofan wore his pieces on the neck as a safeguard against sunstroke, headaches and cravataczenia from the nose during sleep.

Pomegranate. Garnet amulet to protect people from evil and nightmares, and when worn on the body is prevented skin diseases. At the approach of danger he had lost its luster and paled. The Italians call it della pietra vedovanza, "widow stone"because necklaces of garnet beads and decorated with garnet hair clips wore a widow. Garnet provided its owner the love and fidelity, as well as guarded from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Jade, also known as nephritis, kidney stone and green Jasper. - Amulets made of this solid and very beautiful stone, helped the women in childbirth. It was believed that they bring relief to those suffering intestinal diseases. This stone was attributed to a variety of properties. Green jade was caused by rain and drove wild and ferocious animals, protect from evil spirits. He cured the hydrocele, delivered from thirst, brought victory in the battle, protected from lightning and weakened heart palpitations. In West Asia the use of jade as an amulet, dates, beginning with VI Millennium BC, and it is widely from the Turks, Arabs, and Armenians and at the present time. In China jade is worn on the neck and chest, and businessmen, making large deals, hold the amulet in his hand, turning to him for advice. Jade abounds in Avahi Pounamu (New Zealand); on the West coast it is called "stone Pounamu". Maori are on the neck of the jade figurines their ancestral gods. Smoother, softer form of jade, or jade, known as jadeite.

Iron pyrite. "Sir Henry Le informs that on the Irrawaddy river in Burma sailors wear it as an amulet, which protects from crocodiles.

The emerald. - In ancient times it was believed that this stone heals eye trouble, and later it began to be worn as an amulet for protection spells, evil eye and epilepsy. Emerald's appearance led Viper and Cobra to such extent that their eyes get out of their sockets.

Carbuncle. - The stone protected its owner from spells.

Carnelian called "Bloodstone", because he was damaging the blood and prevent its excessive surge to a head. He kept bleeding, weakened abundant menstruation and stopped the bleeding from the nose. Ring as carneol did man's soft and calm. Carnelian gave the skin and eliminate pimples, acne and skin ulcers. In the Middle ages it was believed that it protects the individual from the spell. Jews, Arabs, Turks, Greeks and other peoples of the Mediterranean coast today are made of it amulets for protection against the evil eye. Matt kind of as carneol called Sard.

Alum. "In Persia, Syria, Palestine and throughout the northwestern coast of Africa alum served as a favourite means of protection from the evil eye-therapeutic properties were well known to Pliny (Hist, nat, XXXV, 52). In Morocco, both the Jewish and Arab healers treated patients with a mixture of alum, salt, of which the first was called to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Elisha, and the last read CXII Sura from the Koran, proclaiming the oneness of God. Pieces of alum or sticks of them were used as home of the amulets; and in Persia, Turkey, Palestine and Egypt mother was putting the pieces of alum in some of the items of clothing their children or affixed to the inside of their hats.

The coral. - Served as an amulet from infertility and protected him from the evil eye. Powdered coral was used in medicine.

Cat's eye. - As an amulet this stone supposedly guarded people from witchcraft and death. The Arabs were attributed to him the ability to make the wearer invisible in battle. Mr. Anderson argues that the plateau Kordofan, husband, doubting of adultery wife, going on a journey, made her drink the milk, which was bathed in a cat's eye. This was done to ensure that in the case of adultery after his departure, such a relationship has not brought the children.

Moonstone. - Amulets made of this stone was protected people from epilepsy, and amulets, suspended on fruit trees, provided a rich harvest of fruit. In the East moonstone generally considered "happy" and, like mossy agate, a beneficial effect on all the vegetation.

Lapis lazuli or lapis lazuli. - This beautiful stone was highly Valued the most ancient inhabitants of India, Persia (Iran) and Mesopotamia, and cylinder seals or printing cylinder-Ry of kings, Queens and high-ranking officials of the state, the latter were made of lapis lazuli.

Many beautiful samples of them found Mr. Boules excavations at Ur of the Chaldees, some of them are exhibited in the British Museum From lapis lazuli made plaques and other objects: see Brit, Museum No 91013 (Board Lugal-tarsi), No91452 (head clubs), No 174 (a pupil of the eye; see Guide, R. 238). The Egyptians have distinguished two types of lapis lazuli: real and artificial, representing a host obtained from the powder of the stone. Genuine lapis lazuli was for production of scarabs and figures of gods, and blue powder mass did beads. The Sumerians believed that the man who wore La seriovy amulet was in real close to God and one of the Sumerian texts says "him God will evidently gladden his" (translated by Mr. Gadd). In powder form it was given to people suffering from depression, insomnia, fever and gall stones. Common now in Macedonia lazurite amulet Stamatopetra, i.e. "Stopping stone"presumably prevent miscarriages, premature birth and repels all sorts of misery.

Magnetite. Primitive man believed for the attractive force of this stone is a kind of living creature. He possessed the power of hematite and dissipated melancholy, was shooting pain in the hands and feet, helped women in childbirth, improved memory (if hung on the neck) and served as protection from the spell. Mexicans wore on his belt that he made a success of their undertakings. According to Seligman, magnetite highly valued by prostitutes. This stone was treated as a living creature, he needed food and drink. On Friday it was placed in the water, so that he could drink, and then placed in the sun and fed metal filings. Defiled this stone man was dying. Polished knife out of magnetite was poisonous, any applied in such a knife wound is sure to be fatal. As this stone the devil lived, it was impossible to bring to the Church, and because of its ability to attract lightning was undesirable to have him with them, and during a lightning storm. When applied to a wound magnetite healed her, but could not heal skin ulcers head during rainy weather. Dr. Campbell Thomson showed that the Assyrians called magnetite shadanusabitu, i.e. ' pull grabbing a hematite". Before sexual intercourse men were mixed magnetite with oil and rubbed the mixture. Women rubbed himself parzilli, i.e. metal powder, to increase its force of attraction for men.

Malachite. - Amulets made of this stone are widely distributed in the East and in the West. Malachite on the neck of the children to protect them from the evil eye and relieves pain during teething (as infants, and children, who left the cradle). In some parts of Europe, people believed that if a piece of malachite to consolidate above the navel woman, it will facilitate the birth of a child. In Italy, called pietra del pavone, it was assumed that he heals eye trouble.

Chalk and other white stones, or plaster in Germany and neighbouring countries was considered averter of evil. Drawn in chalk on a variety of subjects crosses and engraved the initial letters of the names of the three kings, CMB, on the doors of houses in the feast of the Baptism, protected from witchcraft and fire. To = Caspar, M = Melchior, B = Balthazar.

Melanite. - Amulets made of this stone in the form of beads attached to the clothes of children for protection against childhood diseases.

The milk stone. - According to some ancient authors, this stone got its name from the fact that it was dripping milk. Others considered that the powder this stone mixed with honey contributed to the formation and secretion of milk in women. If this stone dipped in sea water, and then RUB them back sheep, it provided them the abundance of milk. As an amulet he was protecting children from the evil eye, and women wore it during feeding by a breast; he shot a toothache and protected the wearer from sorcery In Italy as milk stone used in light-coloured agate. Due to the fact that Italy had linked the name agate with imagemaps, Martyr, Breasts which were cut off; it was expected that this stone has a special guardian and a force for good; for this the Saint was considered the patron of all nursing mothers. He contributed to the normalization of all functions of female organism. In Syria and Palestine when the mother, as a Christian and a Muslim woman, worried about the shortage of milk, they dissolved in the water of a small cakes ("out of the earth, taken from "Milk Grotto" near Bethlehem) with the seal of the Holy sepulchre and drank the mixture, believing that in this way will increase the secretion of milk. Such action was based on a belief in the legend of the virgin Mary. According to this legend, the night of his flight into Egypt Joseph, Mary and the Baby took refuge in the cave, which is now called "Milk Grotto", and there Mary gave her our Lord. During feeding drop her milk fell on the ground, and since that night at the present time the dust from the Grotto is used as the surest means of increasing the secretion of milk in women and for the regulation of its release. The same effect are the beads, beads are made of this dust.

Moss agate. - This beautiful stone with a pattern resembling the trees and other vegetation, were highly valued by farmers who wore a moss agate on the right shoulder and put in the right horn of each of its Bykov, so he brought them forth a rich harvest.

The marble. In India amulets made of limestone types of layered alabasterand was considered protects the wearer from evil eye.

Onyx. - On the effect of this stone opinions are divided. Usually onyx is considered to be unlucky stone, and many people, both East and West belong to him with hostility. Adhering to this view people claim that it leads to strife, acts as a cause of disagreement between friends, brings its owner restless sleep and nightmares, and in pregnant women causes premature birth. On the other hand, many Indians and Persians wear it as an amulet, protects against evil eye. Those who are positive about this stone, say placed on a pregnant woman or near it onyx weakens generic pain and contributes to the favorable course of childbirth.

Opal. - Ancient legends describe this stone a double effect: on the one hand, he was inherent to the pernicious influence of the evil eye, and on the other, he had the ability to relieve pain in patients with eye diseases. In addition, some have argued that as an amulet opal did owner immune to all diseases of the eye, aggravated his sight and mind. Because in the depth of this stone are viewed bright colors ruby, emerald, garnet, emerald and amethyst, its fans say that it has all protective and therapeutic properties of these stones. Highly appreciated the so-called black opal, it is "lucky stone" life.

Pumice - was used as the ancestral amulet, it were the women who wanted to secure easy childbirth.

Peridot, peridot, peridotite. The word of unknown origin, but probably is a misspelling of some Eastern names of olivine. In color it is much like the chrysolite. But yellowish-green color of this stone is much richer than that of chrysolite. Peridot was highly valued by ancient receiving it, apparently, out of Egypt. In the great honor he and modern French jewelers. Ancient authors called this stone Topaz. Now it is known that brought him out of Theberge (Red sea), which is sometimes identified with the Island Topazes* Greek authors. Peridot is relatively rare stone; many of stones put on sale in shops, taken from old rings and crosses. One of the finest known specimens can be seen in the tomb three kings - Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar - in the Cologne Cathedral.

They say that as an amulet peridot had all the advantages of Topaz. Worn on the left hand he protected the wearer from evil eye, and because of its yellowish-green color was considered a mitigating liver disease and hydrocele. In addition, it was assumed that peridot frees the head from envious thoughts.

Rubin. - It was considered that as an amulet it protects against all kinds of witchcraft, pestilence, plague and famine. Water, which washed Rubin, was used as a stomach medicine; ruby powder served as one of the ingredients of medicines to stop the bleeding.

Callait - Corsican stone, pilipovskiy to palm as resin, presumably protected person from the charms (Pliny, Hist, not., XXVII, 56).

Sapphire. - Which stone ancient authors implied Wali under this name - it is unclear, for some of them seem autori it with lapis lazuli, turquoise, and others with hyacinth. In India and on the Arabian Peninsula, it was worn as revitalizing the amulet and as protection against evil eye.

Travertine (ital. travertine, from lat. tibertinus lapis, "the stone of Tibor") is a yellowish of sediment formed in the cold mountain sources. Italian children wear it in small bags as an amulet against witchcraft.

Chalcedony is used in medicine in case of fever, it was considered that it facilitates the release of gallstones; makes a person balanced and calm, protects against evil eye.

Crystal (mountain crystal). According to Pliny (Hist, nat, XXXVII, 9, Yu) ancients believed that the crystal is fossilized ice. It was used as an incendiary glass in medical operations, and in the form of powder used as a cure scrofula, inflammation of the tonsils, diseases of the eye and heart, fever and intestinal pains. Mixed with honey he increased secretion of milk in nursing mothers. Small crystal balls, mounted in a metal bracelets, are found all over Europe, as well as in England and Ireland. Where and for what purpose they were made is unknown, but probably served as amulets. Crystal was a high honor the early Christians, who considered him a symbol of the immaculate conception. King in his "History gems" (pp. 104-8) describes the crystal ball with engraved Gnostic formula ABA&Nk6kNkAB&. Crystal always been highly valued in Scotland. Many clans had a crystal balls, considered "stones victory", and the water, which washed, gave as a cure sick people and animals. Crystal amulets defended their owners from the evil eye and guarded from nightmares; drank from crystal vessel never suffered from dropsy, and a piece of crystal, pressed to her cheek, delivered from a toothache, or at least brought some relief to the person suffering from it. Some Mexican Indians believed that the crystal is inhabited by the souls of both living and dead. Some of the tribes of Australia and Guinea sorcerers, was called rain, for the crystal is particularly well suited for this purpose.

Black amber (jet). - Many ancient authors attributed this stone various properties. Burn in powder form he drove the snakes and other reptiles; treated epilepsy and inflammation of the eyes, shot headache, dental pain, assisted childbirth (if they were holding a piece of black amber in his hand); negated spells and slander; facilitated abdominal pain and was resorbed hydrocele. In ancient times it was highly valued in the British Isles, where people believed that it protects against lightning storms, demons, obsession, poison, internal diseases caused by impure force, witchcraft, snake bites and decline of strength. Irish Housewives burned black amber in the periods of absence of their husbands, to ensure their safety. In Italy jet beetle served as protection from the evil eye, and the amulet MANO CORNUTA often did (as now) from the black amber. Sardinian amulet PINNADELLU also made from agate, because it was considered that its black color is detrimental to the evil eye. A century or two ago jet heart carved on it the Roman Catholic cross and the cross of the jet were two highly revered Christian amulets. Found in India and Egypt is a small disks of black amber likely also served as amulets against evil eye.

Amber. - Jewellery made of amber, women wore, from the earliest period in the history of many peoples of Asia, Africa and Europe. When people discovered its electrical properties, known to Theophrastus, they began to make him amulets that men, women and children were worn around the neck. Amber dust sometimes mixed with honey and rose oil and given as a medicine suffering from pain in the ear, or to people with poor eyesight, and amber dust, drinking water, alleviated the pain in the stomach and contributed to the smooth and effective functioning of the kidneys, liver and large intestine. The smell of burnt amber assisted in childbirth, and amber ball in hand to create a sense of coolness even in the hottest summer days and reduced the heat of fever. Carved amber phallus was considered the most potent tool from the evil eye and any machinations of evil spirits. Amber necklace protected the wearer from Rheumatism, dental and headache, rickets, jaundice, and all kinds of internal diseases; a piece of amber, put on his nose had stopped bleeding, and the amber amulet on his neck was resorbed strongest goitre. In many European countries amber are to protect against witches, sorcerers, and even from bad luck. Arab doctors widely used amber dust in their medicines, in addition to the above mentioned diseases and plagues, it was given to pregnant women to prevent miscarriages, and the ulcer and patients suffering from boils, carbuncles, etc. In East Asia amber amulets made in the shape of lions, rabbits, dogs, frogs, fish, etc. was Considered that these amulets increase sexual potency men and fertility of women.

Jasper or Jasper (green variety Jasper, almost indistinguishable from jade). When Jasper contain red blotches similar to those observed in the Gnostic gems, it is called heliotrope, or blood. In amulets often red variety. It was expected that the stone has many magical properties; in powder form it was used in medicine as a component of medicines prepared for women. Like jade, both the red and green Jasper was used for protection against spells, evil eye and night of the demons, as well as for pregnant women and strengthening of lactation in nursing mothers. The Egyptians were tied red Jasper with the blood of ISIS, and throughout the middle Ages it was always used to stop bleeding from the nose and from various Russian Academy of Sciences, and also in case of heavy menstruation.
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