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People always dreamed of finding in the Universe of brothers in mind. Recently, we have made a big progress in this direction: found is the second planet on which life might exist. About sensational discovery was announced to the participants in the American city Moran (Wyoming).
The opening ceremony took place at the European southern Observatory in Chile with the help of the "seeker of the planets device HARPS. This device, together with the orbital telescope "Kepler", is considered one of the two main "hunters" for exoplanets. His record includes more than 150 of the approximately 600 known exoplanets. It was he, HARPS, found the Gliz 581 - first runner-up in the inhabited planets. And here is another victory! HARPS found immediately 51 new exoplanets. This is the biggest single party newcomers.
During his speech the head of the European group on the search for extrasolar planets, the Swiss astronomer Michel Mayor, who, by the way, the first in the world have discovered exoplanet did not hide his triumph: "the Harvest discoveries HARPS exceeded all expectations and includes an exceptionally rich population of supersell and Neptune - planets rotating stars that are very similar to our Sun. Even better, the new results show that the pace of discovery is accelerated". Most of the planets found easier Neptune, that is, with a mass of less than seventeen of the earth, turn around "large" stars with several planets.
One of the most promising planets is in the constellation of the Sail at a distance of 36 light-years from Earth. Of course, it's terribly far away from us. But maybe soon people will invent such ships, which will tomcats there in a moment?!
The planet has no name yet - only the designation HD85512b. However, astronomers had clung to the telescopes and stare at the space of a newcomer. What we know at the moment?
While not as many as I would like, but this is enough to build the most optimistic predictions of a debutant.
Now, the planet rotates around its sun. Year it flies very quickly - within 60 days, because the orbit of the planet is close to the star, the temperature of which, by the way, at 1 800 degrees lower than our Sun. Astronomers have calculated on HD85512b fair weather prevails with moderate rain. Clouds cover the sky on a new planet by about half, and this is less than on Earth, the average of which is 60% of the clouds. But this is new enough to reflect the excess heat into space. And this good-heat - on the planet in excess. According to scientists, at HD85512b not just hot - it's all the tropics.
According to specialists, the surface temperature of the planet is about plus 26.5 to 44 degrees Celsius at huge humidity. This resort! But you should not deceive ourselves. A researcher at the max Planck Institute in Germany Lisa Kaltenegger warns: "There is really stuffy - so, as soon as may be stuffy in the hottest day before the storm. Hardly conditions of life on this planet can be comfortable". But man is a creature that is adapted everywhere. So maybe the locals there long ago got used to his eternal summer? The more that the planet has liquid water, and thus, in any moment aliens can cool off in our seas oceans. The atmosphere there also exists and its composition resembles earth - there are oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide.
The age of the solar system, which is HD85512b, has approximately 5.6 billion years. And this is enough to ensure that there had time to emerge and develop in life. Our Solar system, for example, about 4.7 billion years. "Potentially planet suitable for life," says one of the authors of the open Professor of astronomy and astrophysics Steven Vogt. Although he did not say that it may dwell brothers in mind, but has not completely rejected the opportunity.
Scientists adds optimism is the fact that the new sister of Earth moves in a circular orbit. Therefore, its climate is stable and strongly contributes to the comfort of aliens. By the way, about the inhabitants of a distant planet. If they really exist, are very different from our brother. Because the force of gravity in a strange land by 40 percent more of our aboriginal all completely not tall and very muscular. After all, to move on such a planet, they need to put in 40 times more than the us. Therefore, the natives and stronger than ours. Should we, then, can we overlap in space? They left us one, if that...
But such a prospect should not be discounted. NASA hard designs ships, designed to travel to distant planets. The flight will take not less than a hundred years, therefore, is likely to new lands will get great-grandchildren of astronauts. By the time astronomers will open new inhabited planet, so that space travellers will be able to choose. Why, over the next 10-20 years, the researchers plan to draw up a first list of potentially habitable planets nearby solar-type stars. "Such a list will play an important role in future experiments to search for spectrographic signs of life in the atmosphere of exoplanets," said Michel Mayor. As for the new planet, its not going to be discounted. In the next 10-11 years, astronomers hope to learn "a candidate for life" literally and from using the new spectrograph, the measurement accuracy of which will be much higher compared with HARPS.