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СГИНУВШИЕ БЕЗВОЗВРАТНОMany paranormal phenomena can be the result of a still unknown to us the laws of nature. For example, if there are holes or tunnels through which you can travel in time forward or backward? This problem has long vexed scientists. It is no coincidence that the phenomenon of black holes in his time studied the great Einstein. Amazing stories of people who fall into the trap of time seem to confirm the hypothesis modern scholars, who believe that a person or object falling into a black hole to get out of it some other time.

Exhibit RF398

Extraordinary case, proving the existence of black holes in time, connected with the bomber of world war II, which scandalous "alive" in 1988, and then again in 2004) And both times it all happened just the same. This aircraft named "Lincoln", was written off immediately after the end of hostilities. A few decades no one was interested in. Then the machine as a Museum exhibit decided to put in the hangar of the British Royal air force base in Krossvorda.

What surprise aviators who found that locked bomber aircraft, tail number RF398 began suddenly, like a Ghost to show signs of life. Frightened workers reported that they had heard the monotonous hum of the engine, the sound Morse code, saw a shining instrument panel in the cockpit and even discern the voice of crew members RF398. The impression was that the sound of 1945 was reproduced in 1988.

Analyzing this mysterious case, English researcher of the paranormal Ivan Spencer suggested: sounds 1945 like "moved" in time. The scientist said some very intense emotionally events that took place, for example, during the Second world could fix the environment, like images, captured on film. And years later replicate.

It is typical that after a while the bomber was silent," as if his information about himself "moved" in time to play sometime.

To find evidence of his supposition, Spencer placed highly sensitive recording equipment in the cockpit. Doors bomber and the hangar were locked. For seven hours on the film was recorded sounds terrible war in England.

"When the film listened, had the impression that the old man-the plane suddenly went up in the air, " Spencer. - Could hear the roar of the engines, the sound of shots, the votes of members of the crew. But to understand what they were saying, we never could."

Specialists engaged in such phenomena, say, time shifts occur more often than we think. Sometimes the tunnels of time can pass picture not only of the past but also future events.

Animated vision

English penny Hopkins says that in March 2003, when she went to the store, before her suddenly as if dissolved asphalt and standing around the house. Penny saw a bloody picture of carnage and chaos: all around were wounded, bleeding people, the street was covered with shards of broken glass.

"I didn't understand, " recalled penny, why nobody pays for all this attention. I haven't heard the roar of exploding bomb. There was silence - no shouting, no noise. Then the vision was gone, and I walked along a familiar street."

The next day the Irish terrorists exploded a bomb just in the same area, where there was a penny. Picture after the explosion was exactly what the girl had seen 24 hours ago.

Flight length in 52 years

The black hole, the researchers say, is guilty in disappearance, and the sudden appearance of a balloon with two pilots who took part in flights over the Bermuda triangle in 1954.

...In 1990 in the air space between Cuba and Haiti were exercises Cuban pilots.

Shocked jet fighter pilot of the armed forces of Cuba recalled: "as soon as I ascended and lay down on the specified course, when suddenly from nowhere before me was a flying balloon.

I didn't even know it..."

A jet pilot made a gondola to sit on the water, where she picked up a Cuban ship. Travelers called himself Harry Logan and Derek Norton. Both were shocked and bewildered. Logan said that they took part in the race on spheres, from Cuba to Puerto Rico, which took place in 1954. They felt that it took several hours. In fact, their flight lasted... 52 years!

Close to the Cuban government source said: "Pilots gondola admitted that in the whole body felt a shiver, as if through them missed the discharge of electric current. Then all that surrounded them, including the sky and the ocean, has suddenly acquired a crimson color. The only thing they remember is a jet plane, which put them on the water."

Kelvin, crow, specialist from Chicago, student abnormal physical phenomena, confirmed that these two really have disappeared over the Bermuda triangle during the balloon race in 1954. He is sure: travelers caught in one of the black holes of time.

Mystic river of time

Such an unusual facts we asked to comment on doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences Sergey manuylova: "Among the physical quantities that characterize the world around us, not, perhaps, of magnitude more mysterious, elusive, impossible to understand than the time. Over the essence of it from ancient times thought the most powerful minds, the most outstanding thinkers tried to understand the inner sense of time. But, alas, still it remains a mystery for mankind. In modern physics there are at least three of the concept of time. Some scientists say about the arrow of time, which is the way irreversible orientation of time from the past to the future. Others adhere to the theory of cyclic time, claiming that the universe returns to its original state, and then repeats over and over again already completed cycles. This idea of eternal return, wheel of time - can be found already in ancient Greek philosophy, philosophical systems of India, China, the Middle East. Still others believe that the time is not one-dimensional and multidimensional and, roughly speaking, can flow in either direction and at different speeds. The transition from one state to another in space-time there is an infinite number of ways".

Taking the latter view, you can, apparently, to talk about the holes, tubes, cavities of space-time in which disappear and of which sometimes appear subjects and people. Scientists have discovered at least 12 abnormal areas on the globe, like the Bermuda triangle. The same bad reputation enjoyed, for example, Sea devil located near the coast of Japan. If a hole in the space-time structure, what are they?

In 1922 in Leningrad physicist A. Friedman made a sensational discovery: the solutions are available, allowing the existence of a completely self-contained worlds, the entrance in which are the black holes. It is possible that in these closed worlds missing ships and planes falling within the Bermuda triangle. Consensus is not here. Summarizing separated facts and theory, Lawrence D. Kush, researcher, who devoted many years to studying the mysteries of the Bermuda triangle, writes the following: "Some believe that in the Triangle is a curvature of space and missing ships and planes trapped in the fourth dimension. A prophet foretold that one day they'll get out of it and return to their ports and bases, together with their crews, long ago turned into skeletons. Some people believe that people live and their age is not changed, when they return, they will reveal the secret of the world, located behind the ghostly face of the Bermuda triangle.

Others argue that time is running at different speeds, and not constant, as has always been considered. If so, this may explain many cases where ships and aircraft suddenly

was hundreds of miles from where they were supposed to be logically. If the speed of time in the given point of space will differ considerably from the usual, boat, got into a temporary trap, will simply cease to exist in our world. In addition, it can be assumed that the time is not always flows straightforward. Part time stream deviates from mainstream, taking all that was in this moment in this area. If the ship or aircraft, together with the people he will be transferred in the future, the past, or even parallel Universe"

Peter Rastrenin
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