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Звезда КеплераIn any school physics textbook information about Johann Kepler you can find plenty of talented astronomer, optic and mathematician, who discovered three laws of motion of celestial bodies and stated the fact of decreasing light is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source, a consistent supporter of the heliocentric system of Copernicus and one of the creators of modern astronomy. Much less is known that he lives famous for and as an outstanding astrologer, who made a great contribution to the development of the theory aspect of interactions between bodies and struck contemporaries mathematical accuracy of their predictions.

Unfortunately, to date about the activities of Kepler preserved only fragmentary and contradictory information. But in his treatise On hexagonal snowflakes" Kepler not only gives the interpretation of their birth charts, but also exposes it deep, detailed analysis.
Let's try in the light of the achievements of astrology at the beginning of XXI century to install, does horoscope prepared by Kepler, the most important milestones of his life.

Our hero was born shortly before sunset on December 27, 1571 in the town Walder-Stadt that is in the land of Wurttemberg. In his birth chart most of the planets are located in the Western part of the sky, therefore, the destiny of man will strongly depend on the will of other people and circumstances. The combination of mercury, Uranium, the Sun and Venus speaks of man, on the one hand, persistent, talented, resourceful, and possessed of a pragmatic mind, strong intellect and developed intuition, on the other hand, declines to risk and adventures, gives unpredictable nature, gives us a spirit of rebellion. This is also the "ability" everywhere to make enemies, the risk to suffer from the war and social unrest.

Positive features of such configuration of light is the speed of decision-making, energy, need all the time something to learn or to do, and to defend their interests and views. Connection and harmonious relationship between the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto gave Kepler's prescient. And the occupations identified Uranus (the sky God) is the master fields of education and profession. In our case, the Uranium is responsible for religious beliefs. Therefore, religion Kepler's something could differ from generally accepted. Completing the analysis of the horoscope, not to mention badly damaged Mars, located at the end of the IV field that may indicate not too happy end-of-life.


Please refer to the real facts of the biography of Kepler. As a child he fell ill with smallpox and survived: a rare phenomenon for the second half of the XVI century. His mother was a good astrologer and managed to pass young Johann their professional skills and love of knowledge of the mysteries of the sky. Being a Protestant, our hero nevertheless lived in southern Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic is traditionally Catholic regions, constantly subjected to harassment because of their faith. But even in such conditions Kepler teaching mathematics, constantly conducts research, publishes a number of scientific treatises and about twenty-five years becomes very reputable scientists.

Soon he gets an offer to become an assistant of the famous astronomer Tycho Brahe, the court mathematician of Emperor Rudolf II. And in 1600 young scientist went to Prague, where they will spend almost twelve years of life, will make and publish all their most important discoveries that brought him international acclaim. After the death of Tycho Brahe in 1602 by the decree of the Emperor Kepler will be appointed his successor and will take the vacant post. In 1612 he was again, before the end of his days, will go to be promoted over the cities and villages, stopping for some time only in Linz and Ulm. Family life of the great German mathematician and astronomer also evolved dramatically: he died early the first wife and eleven children from two marriages survived five. Died Johannes Kepler in terrible poverty 15 November 1630 in Regensburg, leaving his wife and four young children, only a few copper coins Yes a pile of manuscripts.

Comparing the description of the horoscope of the scientist with his biographical data, it is easy to see in their almost complete coincidence. Except one: the financial situation of Kepler. Most encyclopedic reference books argues that throughout his life he experienced an extreme lack of finances. Moreover, very familiar to the Russian reader because he simply did not pay the salary.

In the horoscope Kepler over financial position meet the Moon, Venus and Saturn. All three planets coherently. To financial matters, regardless of field control, always include the Sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto, and the aspect of the interaction between them.

In our case, most of the stars influence each other through connections and harmonious aspects, and only the Sun and Mars related adversely. Analyzing the welfare of Kepler, you need to consider a number of features: the Moon and Venus men are sexual planets and can make a person's character not only the excitement and passion, but also the tendency to be very harmful to the interests and harmful for health habits. Moreover, the Moon was responsible for personal property that is in the sign of Gemini is the evidence of a thoughtless attitude to money. So, horoscope indicates that financial losses from excessive love Affairs, "harmful" habits, gambling and the cost of any secret of the enterprise.

Secret vices court astronomer

On the first two reasons you may not even pay attention: such sins is in any normal and healthy men. In the biographical sources not noted the propensity of our hero to gambling, but good mathematics and astrologers often tempted to calculate win-win options and get rich quick through the game under favorable location of the stars.

If to speak about suspicious secret activities, it is known that Kepler was successfully doing Kabbalah, was inclined to mysticism and maintained a friendship with the legendary Creator. Golem Rabbi Leo Ben Bezalel. Obviously, horoscope did not give a clear answer to the question but merely pointed to the likelihood that both the Emperor could know about the Kepler information defamatory nature. And since the disclosure of such secrets would be damaging to the reputation of the entire court, and send to the fire of the Inquisition such a competent scientist would be unwise, it could be made to work for the mythical salary in fear.

The gloomy predictions

Once in 1608 by Kepler incognito met the young master and asked me to make for him an astrological forecast, leaving scientist accurate data about the time and place of birth: September 24, 1583, 4 hours 38 minutes in the afternoon, Germanica. Building a horoscope, Kepler had predicted young man, a brilliant military career, fame, honors, possession of vast territories, wealth and numerous victories over the enemy. His client was not who other, as Albrecht von Wallenstein. Horoscope came true with astonishing accuracy. In the autumn of 1624, as commander-in-chief in the Thirty years war and being at the Zenith of fame, Wallenstein again turned to Kepler to clarify their fate.

This time the great scientist urged the military commander to refrain from hostilities, and its forecast finished very evasive: "In the month of March, 1634 Saturn and Jupiter will be in opposition with the Sun, mercury and Venus, creating a strange cross...". However, Wallenstein continued to fight, gaining a winning one victory after another. His influence was so great that raised concerns Austrian monarch. The Emperor was accused his best commander of treason and secretly ordered the troops to disobey the commander-in-chief. Finally, on February 25, 1634, 10 : 30 PM Wallenstein was assassinated by one of his officers.

This prophecy Kepler inspired Schiller to compose famous drama "the Death of Wallenstein".

The merits of the Creator of celestial mechanics were appreciated only two hundred years, when all his works were published in full. Of astrological works have reached us only "Rudolph planetary tables" - the prototype of the modern ephemeris. Name Kepler's called creative minor aspect equal to 108 degrees, and a small planet №1134.

Author: Tarusov
Source: "the x-files. Dossier. UFO" №12 (54)
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