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It is believed that in the era of Roman domination culture of the conquerors affected predominantly large British cities such as York or London, but poorly touched heartland. Moreover, with the Romans left the island in the fifth century ad, the population quickly went back to Celtic cult.
Ancient scroll, found the British archaeologists in 2009 on the territory of the County of Kent in the town of Eastern Farley (East Farleigh) is a rare evidence of the penetration of Roman religious traditions in the life of the ancient Britons.
Find, Dating from the III century of our era, contains 14 names of the criminals, and is a traditional curse designed to deprive certain persons divine grace.
The artifact was kept in the alleged temple collapsed, leading to the problem of reading it, because the researchers were afraid to damage it. Only after trying to read folded into the roll roll with the help of the method of neutron tomography (Neutron stimulated emission computed tomography) was not a success, it was decided to deploy it.
Thanks to the electronic microscope, scientists learned that the text is an enumeration of names of the criminals. It is curious that these names are as Latin (for example, Socrates)and Celtic (Tractus) origin.
The grounds upon which the cursed accident, remain unclear.
"In the scroll does not include the names of the gods, and I think that there is no beginning of the text" - says an expert on the history of Ancient Rome Roger Tomlin (Roger Tomlin) of Wolfson College, University of Oxford.
Let's add that other, better known form of the Roman curse is "the Curse of memory" (Damnatio memoriae), which was used mainly to politicians and had a more sophisticated form: destroyed any mention of a person, including statues and images, and in some cases, even family members of the criminal.