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Since ancient times the stars attracted people with its inaccessibility and beauty. Science for many centuries studies the stars. But what we know about them? What is known about the cosmos?
It turns out that in the Universe there is a lot of space objects, which potentially pose a threat to our planet. Scientists now for over a dozen years, I have observed a terrible flash of gamma rays resulting from the explosion of stars in remote corners of the Universe.
As a rule, occur such explosions every few years. This is a rare event, and they occur mostly in distant galaxies, which are far from us on many billions of parsecs. Due to the fact that there were opened a powerful gamma-ray bursts, scientists have established a new class of astronomical bodies - gipernovae stars. Such stars superior to their counterparts in several hundred times. Galaxies that appear gipernovae stars, are the most dangerous places in the Universe.
Astrophysics on the basis of recent studies argue that such bursts of gamma radiation can disrupt life on Earth. This theory explains many things, such as numerous mass extinction on Earth, including the death of the dinosaurs. The main threat emanating from space, long considered comets and asteroids. However, employees Wasserschlo University was presented the report, which argued that the death of all living things to expect from outer space, and to defend himself almost impossible.
As a result of supernova explosions and clashes stars there are huge emission of gamma radiation. In remote corners of the Galaxy at this penetrating waves that can Deplete the stratospheric ozone layer. This opens the way deadly radiation, which is able to destroy all life on Earth. Researchers believe that this has happened, and not once.
Scientists have conducted research and determined that the cause of these powerful explosions are the big stars. According to approximate calculations weight Hypernova is estimated at more than a hundred Solar masses. For life on earth there is a hypothetical danger due to the outbreak of the nearby gipernovae stars. According to the calculations of astronomers, such events for our Galaxy, on average should happen once in two hundred million years.
Hypernova star can easily destroy all living organisms on the planet, even bacteria, while at a distance of more than three thousand light years from Earth. The mysterious star This Kiel is the closest from the Earth a candidate for gipernovae. This is the most enigmatic and mysterious star in our Galaxy. She always causes interest of astronomers from around the world. This interest is not accidental, scientists believe that the Keel is a threat to our planet. She has gained weight close to critical, and in the near future will shake the Universe explosion of unknown power.
This Kiel is currently one of the brightest celestial bodies of the milky way. Luminosity exceeds its solar five million times. This dangerous star can be compared to a dormant volcano, is able to Wake up any minute, and its consequences will be devastating. Scientists over the past few months celebrate the activity of These. According to astronomers, the star somehow brighter than the Sun at four million times. Regular powerful flash throw the whole cloud of a star substances into the atmosphere.
The impression that soon the star will destroy itself. The researchers suggest that the star may samounichtozhitsya in "young age". The duration of the existence of stars billions of years, but such big and bright as This, it can burn one million years. This is considered a very short space standards.
The death star is a giant explosion, which literally tearing it into many parts, flying at trillions of miles. It has a size and weight that exceed the Sun many times over, so she can die as Hypernova and supernova, which by its brightness and the amount of energy radiated will surpass the whole Galaxy.
It is extremely difficult to describe the consequences of such a disaster. However, scientists say that if the star were closer to Earth, biosphere of our planet have experienced what experience under the lamp ultraviolet microbes.
Currently, according to scientists, This is in the same condition as 7500 years ago. That is the amount of time it took the quanta of radiation to reach the Earth. About the same, what will happen to this dangerous and unique celestial body, people learn in the coming century.
Interesting is also the star of the Kanis, Majoris, which is located in the Canis major constellation. At the moment it is the biggest star in the Universe. She is so great that if you reduce the Ground up to one centimeter, and to reduce proportionately Kanis Majoris, its size is approximately 2.2 kilometers. At present, the greatest star in the Universe has lost more than half its mass. This suggests that the star ages and its hydrogen fuel runs out. After it runs out, the star is likely to explode in a supernova and reincarnate or a black hole, or neutral star.
About properties of this star are controversial disputes. According to one version, the Kanis star of Majoris - huge red hypergiant. According to another version - this is a huge red supergiant whose diameter more sun only 600 times, and not in 2000. And also, how much time left that star, and when will be its explosion.
Astronomers believe that our planet in the past have experienced the consequences of the explosion of such stars. If our planet will get a flux of gamma-radiation, it will cause the extinction of earth organisms. According to one hypothesis, this is what caused the extinction of fifty percent organisms about 500 million years ago, when there was Ordovician extinction.