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on 7 June, at about 22:00 for a few minutes, many residents of the capital of Adygea in different parts of the city were observing a strange phenomenon in the sky, and managed to capture it on camera phones and cameras, some pictures are already available online.
As reported Ugare, lit with white light object was moving from Apsheronsk to the center of the capital of Adygea, where a luminous point with the bright luminous tail cone first stopped, then began to grow to the size of the ball, and by the time she disappeared in the sky, eyewitnesses say.
Some of the residents of the city also saw this object in 3 minutes on high speed flew another object. With no flashing lights, no noise of the engine or other characteristic of the aircraft characteristics.
The media write about the appearance of June 7, UFO in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Israel and other countries.
As explained by the head of the Center of geoinformation technologies and space services ASU Tatyana Vershinina, it is possible to propose several versions of the incident. First, the population can take for abnormal rare natural phenomenon.
For example, during storms can form spherical waves and lightning, which is unusual move and disappear. In addition, in the atmosphere can form local air volumes with abnormal optical properties, i.e. the structures forming in thunderclouds, and then freely in the atmosphere. With the significant energy reserves they glow.
"It may be so-called flying saucers. There is much evidence, including in Adygea, the fact that they exist. But it will most likely manifestation of carefully classified terrestrial technologies. But we can't deny and the manifestation of alien invasions", - said I. Vershinina.
According to Life News, that people took for UFO was an Intercontinental ballistic missile "Topol", which the military launched from the Kapustin Yar in the Astrakhan region. Witnesses combat trials began several regions of Russia.
"What have seen people from other countries is not clear. The rocket was predetermined course. The test of a new combat equipment was successful", - quotes news Agency representatives of the command of the ground Krasny Yar.