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![]() The earth is closer to the "critical point", after overcoming which irreversible changes to our environment. These disappointing findings published a group of scientists at the University of California at Berkeley, who worked under the guidance of Anthony Barnoski in the scientific journal Nature. According to scientists, the reason of large-scale crisis is the growth of population, disappearance of rare species of animals and plants, as well as excessive consumption of natural resources and, of course, global warming, writes The last time something similar happened 14 thousand years ago. Then ended the so-called era of glaciation. Together with it from the face of the Earth disappeared half species of animals and mankind, in contrast, was to increase its population in almost all the earth's continents. The acidity of the oceans, according to the researchers, only for last 20 years has increased by 5%, and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the industrial era has increased by 35%. This sharply reduced biological diversity, that is to disappear some species of plants and animals. Moreover, the growth of the human population significantly increases the load on the earth's resources. These conclusions on the days before the UN conference held in Rio de Janeiro on June 20-22, has joined 22 researcher - biologists, ecologists, geologists and paleontologists from three continents. Experts warn that the destruction of the global ecosystem may occur suddenly. Previously it was thought that the collapse will last gradually over the centuries. If we do not take quick and effective measures, in the near future "critical point" is reached. This future is our century. In the calculations, the researchers relied on evidence that by 2050 the population of the Earth will live 9.3 billion. The average temperature will increase by two degrees. But the way out, according to scientists, is still there. It is necessary to protect the resources of raw materials and achieve economic growth of rational methods. ![]()
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