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There is a paradoxical situation: the more one knows, the harder it is to part with their beliefs...
Conservative scientific world recently annoyed and it is very noticeable. Their basic, fundamental theories and laws are questioned, and more often unknown to anyone researchers have come to a conclusion about the necessity to change the attitude towards the former achievements. No, I do not claim to know the truth, yet lacked (no one has the right to claim!) but another explanation is ready to give.
Many centuries for our Land are monitoring other civilizations. They do not interfere in our Affairs radically, but their presence is obvious and has been proved by many facts, as their appearance in the form of flying objects, and the numerous contacts. Due to which they fly with such speed? Only by converting the space energy that is present everywhere. Their vehicles have a field that balances with the Earth, like two magnets facing the same poles towards each other. Putting the necessary capacity of the field to different parts of their flying machines, they slip it in the space in the right direction and either close or push away from the field of our planet, both vertically and horizontally.
As a result of studying numerous cases of interaction UFO with the environment and analysis of results of direct measurements of their energy parameters installed: UFO in flight mode or hangs over the earth's surface, is a point source of electromagnetic energy. It radiates in the General case on the field. The radiation parameters: frequency 1000-3000 MHz pulse width 2 ISS, the frequency of pulse repetition 2-600 Hz, the radiation power of 1.5 MW, in a mode of acceleration of 1.8 MW. The values obtained using the on-Board measuring complex of the American aircraft RV-47.
In a strong magnetic field formed above the surface of their devices create a precedent, and space itself is interacting with these fields is trying energy to repay and to fill twisted and educated by their machines field. But it (the space) in fact only threw "gasoline on the fires", increasing their energy increasing the power of flying machines.
In the zone of contact with such high energy, with a field - there is a corridor of plasma, which not only isolates UFO with the external environment, but also creates amazing sliding effect during the flight. To change the color of plasma with a change in the frequency and location of energy distribution over the surface of the object.
All crashed "plates" is still in no way brought us closer to solving the problem of movement in space just because it is impossible to find a traditional engine where it never existed. Of course, there are some technologies that we borrowed from them, as the first transistor, copied from the wreckage UFO, bulletproof fabric - Kevlar, invisible to radar - "Style", night vision devices and so on.
Any UFO - a kind of energy capacitor through which creates a powerful electromagnetic field, compensating the strength of the magnetic field of the earth.
Proceeding from modern fundamental science concepts, including the theory of relativity, fly to us, nobody could. Too much space separate star systems, where possible emergence of intelligent life. But if we stand on the position of the multidimensionality of space, the UFO problem acquires a completely different character. The principle of moving in space clear! But how to implement it?
Still having studied the material about UFO sightings, direct human contact with aliens, about how their plates look inside, crashed designs, I realized that this material is already enough not to invent a stone axe. There was a realization that we will be able to do only one rotating disk in the inner part of the design, which will be able not only to accumulate energy, but also due to the great speed of energy transfer in a circle to turn it into a field. Power lines formed by the Torah gives us a great opportunity to let the energy of space on our drive through the Central hole of the machine, and the fields to move around the perimeter.
The role of the second disk will take beams of laser, or "the mechanism of decay of nuclei", which will "highlight" disk from the bottom (from the inside) - producing, thus, the initial pumping energy and after some time it can be a turn off. We only need to create a primary field on the car, and the rest will considerably increase self surrounding space. Rotating the drive must meet the following requirements: hold on its surface numerous charges of energy. And when saturated with energy and increase the speed of rotation shall be necessarily form field above its surface, which in special outlets, connecting, redistributed to the surface of the aircraft.
The following requirement: the disk structure must be strong, heat-resistant and multi-layered. I imagine this? This disc should consist of durable ceramic, with small holes, with Packed on the surface of the fine mesh of various metals. To the best ability to hold a wide range of all kinds of energies, including the low-frequency discharges. Create the entire disk ribbed, it will strengthen torque drive educated in the field.
Existing in the nature of the resonance effect will enable us to identify and pick up both energy and network materials with which we can achieve the best results. Recall, for example, ferroalloys. For frequencies above will add the drive elements selenium, uranium and anything else (rare-earth) is able to hold and the highest energy. Small holes in the drive - will increase the energy transfer and fields in the shortest route from the external side inside. (Still it is necessary to remember, that high-frequency energy is distributed over the surface of the conductor and is not for us to spoil the internal structure of the finest grid). The rotating disk with a speed, which can be regulated by special branches - will reallocate field on the surface of the device. Channels that will move the fields you can open and close - moving fields themselves in the right direction. That is actually the way the cars to move, both in space and in time.
Considering the UFO phenomenon, well-known American scientist John keel was expressed that's what an interesting proposition: "I am more inclined to think that the phenomenon of electromagnetic mainly by nature and is able to regulate the beams of electromagnetic energy to any frequency, from UHF radio signals to the lowest frequencies that can be identified only with special equipment".
Of course, we don't have any experience when driving at high vacuum, and there as I understand, will be absolutely incredible things as changes in the structure of the materials from which we will be built machine, and other phenomena, which, however, should think.
Numerous cases of disappearances of ships, aircraft, no people in our space and the subsequent promotion of consciousness them under hypnosis. Materials about unidentified according to some data, more than five million and with more than fifty years evident contradictions between our knowledge and abundant material on UFO sightings. These devices are based on a technology which did not exist in the earth-nature. They are not only able to instantly change speed and angle of attack, but slowly changing a property of matter to travel in time, altering the physical structure of their starry ships. But this means only one thing, our vision is not true at heart. And the fact that our science "missed" a number of physical phenomena, which are based mechanism "flying saucers" (mathematically electromagnetism tried to merge with one of its nuclear forces, the so-called weak interaction, but this consolidation is yet another attempt).
Let not the mechanism of occurrence of nuclei, electrons, and neutrinos (which according to the preliminary analysis was not found). Let there are still many nuclear mysteries - their time will come the turn, not specified a different essence that all interactions in space occurring between the three variables. In principle, if it was necessary to create a single concept in quantum physics, it would have to determine the existing identity or better to say the ability to move between matter, energy, and fields. Because the data structure and form all of the phenomenon, including particle is defined by quantum physics.
The question is global: how to find the key (the mechanism, if you will) can change the size and influence their proportions? Only such a question to be able to better identify patterns we have learned and to identify the opportunities, which we have. Of course we are not gods, to physically transform, for example, a material object (with a pre-defined forms) penetrating and changing its structure. It is not necessary, but if there are differences in the behavior of particles in the study of microcosm and determined they proportions of energy and fields, therefore the world "our proportions" possible reincarnation. Just change the energy and fields on a material object that (conditional macro particle - material object) began to possess properties similar neutrinos, for example (or other virtual particles).
It is time to transfer the accumulated over decades of experience in our world, a real world value.
Can we manipulate such powerful units wide, in order to obtain the required results? While clearly not capable of. But I have no doubt, there is a solution.
Another aspect: there are frequent cases where UFOs are recharged at substations and high-voltage transmission lines. I think it is because the space near the Earth's surface is a lean structure, having in excess of particles carrying a high potential energy. And it is connected primarily with the fact that the very Earth's magnetic field significantly absorbs energy, to make images of the energy is lost (because the space, the changed lines of force fields constantly requires the kind of energy that was lost). That's why we have to consider this fact.
Rare contact with significantly ahead of us in technology development civilizations, creates bitterness, regret, and endless questions that are not easy to answer, because the path, past other civilizations we still unknown. However, the existing differences in the types of aliens assures that each of civilization was in its development in isolation. Yes, they have achieved the same or similar results, but use it certainly different. Each type of aliens certainly manifested, any distinguishing feature. Means must exist and structural differences in their technical tools, and methods for creating "flying saucers". And the differences are primarily due to opportunities which to them is the environment, it should be reflected not only in the configuration of UFOs, the materials of which they are made, but in the constructive peculiarities of the units of the engine, which may have a similar effect. And such differences are! A lot of them.
"The number of UFO sightings are increasing every year, estimated in the hundreds of thousands. Messages are very diverse in nature, coming from all continents of the planet. Already in the late fifties has clearly identified the apparent contradiction between the abundance of actual material on UFO sightings, and the complete failure of the attempts to explain the nature of this phenomenon... the Only explanation for this could be that we are facing new qualitative categories, which can not be explained from the standpoint of our knowledge, our ideological concepts... you Cannot understand the principle of an electric motor, not having the slightest idea about electricity and magnetism".
This phrase is a key code to unlocking the full insolvency, attempts to explain the nature of the UFO phenomenon. It shows how modern scholars have ignored the materialist philosophy, coded themselves from understanding the meaning and objectives of physics, as far as they are helpless in logical reasoning and how messed up his head new methods of relativistic physics.
First, any new categories, the better quality, properties and behavior of UFO specify can't. There are simply unexplained facts, and it is connected not so much with the level of knowledge but with our ideological concepts that have been imposed on us relativistic physics.
And yet in all the numerous details of UFO very rare conclusions about the principles of UFOs or technologies for their creation, and they are usually to paraphrase the well-known information taken from open-UFO literature. Suppose also that there is created and misinformation that are able to direct readers on a false path, that such Postings to create confusion facts and events, Losev, so the idea that this problem cannot be resolved never. For this reason, it is better to use the older sources that flashed in the press decades ago. Such evidence can with the correct sequence to create not only the image of the internal structure "flying saucer", as well as to understand the principle, according to which they move. You can even define several approaches to the effect of levitation. The principles of just everywhere are similar but use different sources for primary pump rotating disks (or areas, surfaces themselves UFO) is the laser radiation and nuclear disintegration. The second case is more rigid, but, apparently, they solved the problem of how to protect themselves from radiation. It is possible that this kind of aliens have long adapted to radiation.
Many of us still have to decide, are they actually or ket. I decided saw a UFO many times and not virtual on screen, but in reality we perceive through the senses. Can therefore often use information is not proven, is not confirmed by science, and thus from the perspective of science itself act recklessly. But on the other hand, how can they be checked, if science from such phenomena and materials are ignoring, or simply does not notice them, as if nothing of the sort and does not occur. However, the frequency of occurrence of the facts, texts, events in different places, consistent with their inner conviction, if anything with intuition allows thereby skip certain percentage of discrepancies, and logic allows to correct such inconsistencies and not to pay attention to the details that of course can be unchecked. But in General I do not sin against the truth, each of us has his own will, everyone has the right to make a mistake and do stupid things to the point that it may go against the laws of Science that is why closer to me sometimes hundreds of eyewitnesses than a hundred experiences that fit the formula.
По поводу НЛО я опубликовал две статьи в Интернете "Антигравитация, левитация, телекинез" и "Механизм движения НЛО и НПО". Они находятся на первой же странице, если забить название в поисковик. Первая статья - в основном чисто теоретическая и в ней дается описание того, как действует антигравитация и прочие сопутствующие эффекты. Вторая статья описывает всю эту механику в более практическом виде применительно к реальным аппаратам.Один из феноменов НЛО - медленный свет - я сам неоднократно делал. Правда, захватить что-то материальное этим светом мне не удавалось. А потом и вообще пришлось все эксперименты прекратить.