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Needless to say, the third always superfluous. This is true not only for people, but for such massive objects in the Universe as a black hole. Recently, scientists were able to see how the merger of two black holes is the most powerful force of gravity thrown from the center of the galaxy third. Now she hit run and soon, apparently, it leaves "home".
Cosmic x-ray telescope "Chandra" found in the depths of the Universe, in four billion light years from our Solar system, unusual phenomenon. The object of such supermassive black hole, is rapidly removed from the core of the galaxy CID-42 with a speed of 4.8 million kilometers per hour (1500 kilometers per second). Such scientists haven't watched.
In the article, which was published in the Astrophysical Journal, the researchers suggest that the clash and the Union of two supermassive black holes could be the cause of the observed extreme events. When confronted monstrous gravitating masses (what happens when you merge holes) discovered by the telescope "Chandra" escaping from the interaction region mysterious object could be a powerful driving force from the inhomogeneous distribution in space of gravitational waves caused by collision.
The first observations of the authors of papers concerned discovered in СID-42 x-ray source. For a long time its nature remained mysterious. Additional observations formation allowed us to identify the main version - on the merger of black holes with the appearance of uneven gravity waves-"tsunami"that pushed away the x-ray object. He flew with great speed. They were the so-called "the black hole-runaway".
Such fugitive may acquire acceleration when gravitational waves generated on the one hand, are much more powerful than those on the opposite side. And if it hits it turns out. Of course, this is a rare occurrence, and it is impossible to watch multiple times within human life. What had anything like scientists do not recorded, suggesting that, at least, the frequency of such events is comparable to the total time of study and registration of black holes in x-ray observations of their accretion disks.
The number of black holes, apparently, the same or even greater than the number of galaxies in the Universe, and the precedent of their interaction, you know, is inevitable. Such a runaway hole, apparently to be found in those clusters, where possible merger of individual galaxies. By the way, scientists do not exclude, that such the refugees and similar objects actually can be a significant part of the matter of the Universe.
Astronomers have long been confident that the gravitational forces can unite two galaxies together. And black holes in their centers, where huge masses, too, have to undergo the universal cataclysm transformations. Computer modeling of such processes have already been implemented. And in the end, all I saw two of protogalactic, grandparents formed galaxies with emerging source of x-rays CID-42 suffered a collision of black holes in their centers are also transformed.
Estimated weight of those facing "ancestors" was about 450 and $ 230 billion Solar masses, and their supermassive black holes presumably contained 5.4 and 4.3 million solar masses.
Another interpretation of the events in the Universe implies a different scenario, where the clash of protogalactic involves not two, and even three black holes! The proposed solution involves the merger of two black holes, and the third this "Union of" no place. So she was thrown out of a gravitational resonance surroundings for cataclysm.
This runaway, recorded using the x-ray glow hole has such a high speed that, undoubtedly, soon she'll be leaving the area CID-42 and leave in a free journey (because the rate of withdrawal from CID-42 almost half the speed of the refugees). However, the Observatory "Chandra" has not registered the other black holes in the surrounding space. In addition, based on General considerations, it should be recognized that a more complex scenario is always less likely if there is no convincing arguments in its favor.