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Masonry (Freemasonry, FR. Franc-ma?onnerie, eng. Freemasonry) - moral-ethical movement that has arisen in XVIII century as a mystery international organization with the rituals and symbols, illustrating the principles and ideals of Freemasonry. The name of a Mason or a Freemason is from FR. franc-ma?on (old French masson, eng. freemason), also used the literal translation of this title is a free Mason.
On the scales of history
About Freemasonry as narrow secret community, its origin and essence created a lot of legends, interpretations, uttered a lot of hot sermons from enthusiastic to angrily-incriminating. Scientists already know about the Gentiles, Christians of various sects and religious or other public movements and discussions concern is that the historic details. But about the most influential movement that swept the Western half of Europe and of which created an extensive literature available to every interested person, spores do not subside.
So what is the phenomenon of huge interest to Masonic lodges in our pragmatic age that most of its postulates builds on logic and reasonable expediency? And whether or not the masons are extraordinary people who knew and still know something that is not available to the modern consciousness?
Before trying to answer this question, although it is important to briefly outline the path of this extraordinary movement and about to outline the "starting point". To start, we need to also seems Freemasonry in different versions.
The famous researcher of the boxes, the scientist and the religious interpreter of Freemasonry foster Bailey distinguishes several lines of occurrence and understanding of the secret society. Here are some of them:
• this movement originated relatively recently, though based on some ancient system;
• history of Freemasonry goes into such a depth of centuries, which today are virtually indistinguishable;
• Freemasonry is the embodiment of the principles and laws that should not drive any organizations, fraternities and social interaction of human beings;
• this religious education, which have a purely spiritual goals;
• Freemasonry is a relic of the ancient guilds and associations, which flourished in the middle Ages;
• this is a purely Jewish education, foreign to the Western mind;
• secret order that thanks to excellent organization has unlimited authority; if necessary, it can be used for political, social, religious upheavals or the effective promotion (propaganda);
• mystic fascinating rituals and rites, capable wonderful way to give the power to the officers of the Lodge, and so on, it is no Wonder that with such a wide range of definitions of Freemasonry is the most controversial.
What do they say historical facts, at least, what their external outline?
In different times the emergence of the Movement Freemasons was promoted by the following factors: a Patriarchal religion; ancient mysteries; the building of king Solomon's temple; the crusaders; the knights Templars, masons of the middle Ages; Rosicrucians of the XVIII century; Oliver Cromwell; sir Christopher Wren, at whose initiative was built the Cathedral of St. Paul, etc., Each of these theories hotly defended their
supporters involving a wide variety, including questionable documents.
However, you can take for the basic version according to which modern Freemasonry - the remains of the ancient religion, developed and, perhaps given to mankind during the existence of those early civilizations known to modern science. This is evidenced by at least characters such as the pyramids in Egypt and South America, the stones of Stonehenge, the giants of Easter island, and the memory of the ancient mysteries, preserved in many continents.
Mystery Kabirov, Samothrace, mitre, Eleusis, Christianity - they are all part of the ancient thread, whose roots in primitive beliefs. This means that Freemasonry can be as old as humanity itself.
According to some scientists, at the dawn of recorded history could exist two developed civilization - Lariska and the Atlantic. Lemuria was presented with a gift, expressed in the desire to search. In the Atlantic race people have learned to overcome his instincts, took possession of the Sciences, arts, rising to a higher stage of development. The degree of Freemasonry these two civilizations are discipleship and fellowship (apprentices).
Now people of the Aryan race, "after passing by the Palace of teaching and climbed the steep path of knowledge, achieved enlightenment and is ready for further realization of the truth. They have all the possibilities to get higher degree master Mason and the word of the master, which, as never before, has become achievable. Thus, all racial history is embodied in the work of the three degrees of the Blue Lodge, the scene is set in the past, present and future. This is the esoteric side of Freemasonry.
After long discussions, scientists have identified the three most common legend of the origin of Freemasonry. According to the first legend, the beginning of the Masonic movement dates back to the time of king Solomon, who presented the architect Hiram the management and supervision of building of the temple in Jerusalem. A wise architect working divided into three classes, so that they could know each other, were installed words, signs and touch. Here are the definitions of degrees of Freemasonry and a special symbolic language brothers.
According to another legend, Freemasonry is a legacy of the scientists of the priests the Chaldeans, India and Egypt, which had been distributed by the thus of its moral teachings, beliefs and raised his disciples and followers. The third legend indicates that Freemasonry is derived from the order of the knights Templar (Templar), founded in 1118, the knight Hugo de Payenom in Jerusalem on the site of the temple of Solomon.
As often happens, the mythological basis determines only the beginnings of the great teachings. Next comes the time of its practical realization. In its classic form of Freemasonry belongs to a later time (XIII century). Its basis was laid group of masons of construction, which are scattered around the British Isles. So did the name of the Lodge, i.e. the location where the masons held their meetings. Such boxes in accordance with the categories of handicraftsmen were three: students who are serving their term skills; apprentices (comrades), full member of the construction of the Corporation; builders, who guided the work in the lodges.
Then outlined the duties of all members of the Corporation. Oath of obedience to these rules and the oath to keep secret its secrets were passed from masons-builders to modern masons. Members of the Corporation masons-builders had the right to count on the hospitality and the help of all its lodges scattered across the country. The membership of the organization, the passage of the student experience and a master's degree, with some modifications and additions, too, turned to the Freemasons.
In the future, the Corporation masons-builders began to join people not related to the construction. It was then, according to the English writers, "in masonry construction penetrated so-called speculative Freemasonry", and in the end of XVI - the beginning of XVII century English Lodge consisted entirely of people who had nothing to do with building art.
To transform the organization also supported the members of secret societies that through Freemasonry promoted their ideas. The main of them is the struggle against prejudice and the conquest of political and religious freedoms.
The Freemasons were encouraged by the spirit, who just spoke freedom, tolerance and brotherhood. For them there was no difference either through the ranks, or beliefs. Essentially these were the first true cosmopolitans who fought with their eternal enemies - despotism and clergy.
The English revolution of 1648 opened new opportunities for reformers. In 1662 in London created the famous Royal society of natural Sciences, later on the model London occurs Berlin society of Sciences. Many celebrities were members of various secret societies or in contact with mental fermentation, which is prevalent in enlightened environment. The tasks pursued the old society, transferred by right of succession to the new academies, only changed the form of the movement is the essence and content remained unchanged.
on July 24, 1717 was a new starting point in the history of Freemasonry. On the day of St. John the Baptist was an Association of all Masonic circles in the Grand Lodge of England with the election of the Grand master. Since then this date is considered the birthday of modern Freemasonry with its patron Saint John the Baptist.
Because Freemasonry has gained a certain status, there is a need in the new Charter of the organization. The basis was the book of constitutions, 1723, published by J.. Andersen. It set forth the terms of entry into the box, rights and obligations of the Freemasons, the rules of conduct in the bed and abroad, relations between managers and subordinates.
The first Masonic Charter declared loyalty to the authorities, religious tolerance, religious, he separated elected brothers from other people called profane. The brothers were engaged in a contemplative activity, holding her in conversations and disputes, but its main purpose was seen in charity.
After the organization of the Grand Lodge of England Freemasonry very soon spread throughout Europe. Thousands of foreigners have visited London, getting acquainted with the fact that the movement represents, and on his return was created his own Masonic organization in the English sample.
In 1724 in the subordination of the Grand Lodge of England was 52 lodges. In 1725 occurs Lodge in Paris, in 1728 - in Madrid, in 1729 - in Gibraltar, in 1733 - in Hamburg, in 1735 in the Hague and Stockholm, in 1738 created Polish bed.
Appeared and innovations in the form of some complications original ritual. In Vogue ceremonial costumes, ceremonies, theatrical procession. But the main achievement of this period was the unification of doctrine. And on the ideological directivity and purposes it must be the same, wherever ispovedovalas. In the institutions of the organization States: "...Freemasonry does not belong to any country, it is neither French nor the Scottish nor American. It can be neither Swedish in Stockholm, nor Prussian Berlin, neither the Turkish in Constantinople, because it exists. It is the one and internationally. It has many centres its activities, but at the same time has one of the Central unity". But as for the forms and organizational structure, that here was allowed certain liberties with regard to national, cultural and religious particularities.
The truth of the adept was determined by the degree of empowerment - the higher it is the more worthy brother. Thus, established vertical Masonic hierarchy distinguished not so much by the names of degrees as the complexity of the subordination of subordinate brothers higher.
Child brothers were not allowed in the lodges of the highest degrees of initiation, while the upstream attended and supervised lodges lower degrees, setting in Freemasonry unity of will, iron discipline and strict secrecy. No wonder Ministers lodges rightfully argued that "it is possible to have some knowledge about Freemasonry, but most of Freemasonry does not know", for the reason that many lodges were at least two persons. One for the General public, the other for the initiated. About it in the Charter States: "Within their boxes student knows some of his masons, i.e. "on a class positions", everything else is hidden from him by a dense veil of mystery".
The spread of Freemasonry contributed to the intellectual and educational movement of the eighteenth century, with its ideals of free thought. The Lodge was carrying this teaching in life and attracted to its ranks of all who wished to break with the past, to convert the present imperfect and establish a new fair and rational society. Actually, from a combination of the free French thought of XVII century and English Freemasonry and was born of the Great French revolution.
The first founders of Masonic lodges in France were English emigrants and some representatives of the English nobility. on December 11, 1743 meeting 16 of the Paris masters chose for life by the Grand master of the Prince of the Royal blood of Louis Bourbon, the count of Clermont. With these elections originates and Great English Lodge of France.
Since 1755 French masons have attempted to reorganize their society by way of departure from the British tradition. First innovations included in the Statute of the new Freemasonry was the confession of the Christian religion, as well as in the invention system 25 degrees, divided into 7 ranks. However, even the convergence of Freemasonry with the clergy did not save the brotherhood as from police harassment and persecution by the Catholic Church. Activities lodges always condemned by the highest representatives of the clergy, including by the Pope. Despite this the number of boxes is continuously growing, acquiring sometimes bizarre forms in the form of open trade Masonic seals, certificates, marks of distinction. Such a stir was the reason for the new reforms, resulted in the chamber of the administration of Paris and the provinces.
Work in the lodges was carried out under the supervision of the provincial inspectors, who were supposed to provide regular detailed reports about the work done. Continuing with the work of internal reorganization of Freemasonry, the Supreme representatives of the order established three symbolic degree, as well as create boxes, which allowed women.
After the death of count of Clermont warring in the great Lodge of the group was finally at peace. At the special meeting, in which participated together with the Paris masters and delegates
from provincial lodges, was chosen as the new GM, the Duke of Chartres, subsequently Orleans, and his Deputy, the Duke of Montmorency. From 1773 Grand national Lodge was named the Grand Orient of France. Freemasonry, having a high patrons of the nobility, could lead to freely their work, visually demonstrating his loyalty to the king, but carefully hide the true intentions.
During that period all the European society was covered by a desire to know the mysteries of the spirit world and physical world, and the ideas of the scientist mystic Swedenborg was hotly debated in the secular salons. In many Masonic lodges studied Kabbalah, an allegorical interpretation of the characters were disputes about the meaning of life, creativity and death.
A kind of fashion for all the mystic is a fertile ground for the emergence of all kinds of impostors, who allegedly had the alchemical secrets of wisdom and life elixir. Among the most respected - count Cagliostro, shot to fame in Europe, as well as its predecessor count Saint-Germain, known in the fashionable circles of the French court and, in addition, had a patron in the person of Louis XV.
As for the French revolution, the Masonic order, certainly played a part to play, although, perhaps, not the main one. By the way, Freemasons were in the camp of the revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries. In the most extreme positions were such masons, as Danton and Marat, and on the other side - Mestre and tassen.
However, according to most historians, the connection between the distribution of the Masonic ideals and the French revolution of 1789 can be seen only in time. Moreover, in the period of activity of the lodges in fact stopped. Some masons temporarily emigrated, others went into political clubs. After the execution of Robespierre masons were so frightened that for a long time did not dare to dialogue with policy makers.
New orders, established after the revolution, forced the Freemasons edit strict rules and to take the name of the Republican Lodge of France. But even these innovations have not helped: lodges were banned, and in their place came to open people's society, associated with the Jacobin club in Paris. Moreover, on the scaffold ends the life of the chief Executive lodges Philippe of Orleans, executed and of the members of the Grand Orient.
In the beginning of XIX century the most energetic leaders of Freemasonry again called for unification of the surviving members, the benefit to the time came to power Napoleon, rather favoured the movement of the brotherhood. Then under the rule of the Great East United 826 lodges and 337 Chapter. In 1807 the Great master was Joseph, king of Sicily and Naples, his assistants were the princes Cambaceres and Murat; among senior officials were listed marshals Kellerman, Lannes, Lefebvre, Brun, Mortier, Soult, state Councilor Simeon, the Minister General of police Fouche, the great judge of Rainier, the General Prosecutor of the court of cassation Merlin.
But the situation changed dramatically, when Napoleon decided to restore the autocratic power, declaring himself Emperor. The movement once again returned to the old, tried and tested forms of Freemasonry.
A different situation was in other European countries. In particular, in Italy lodges were under the influence of those or other foreign patrons - English, French, Austrians. In Venice prominent Freemasons were Casanova and Goldoni. First, along with their adventurous adventures, was interested in magic and wisdom of Kabbalah. Goldoni considered masons as the most suitable company for friendly debates and evenings.
In Tuscany "English" Lodge consisted of philosophers and free thinkers. In the second half of the century established the direction of the Templars-occultists and spread flows associated with the French spiritualism.
In the epoch of Napoleon, was made the first attempt to establish a Central Masonic organization, extending its influence to the whole of Italy. After the fall of the Emperor Italian organization were in crisis. The Lodge had become completely unsuitable place for the most restless figures, carrying out clandestine work in the entire country. And then there exist numerous secret society, who tried to imitate the language and customs of the Freemasons.
Since 1861 and later in many Italian cities held Masonic constituent Assembly, which has resulted in 1874 was formulated unitary Masonic the Constitution. In the next 20 years, at the end of the century, the confrontation between the Catholic Church and Freemasonry in Italy acquired dramatic. The reason was the intention of the Freemasons to organize subscription to raise funds for the construction of the monument Giordano Bruno in Rome.
Most masons during the First world war was in favour of the entry of Italy into the war in the name of protection of democratic principles in doing thus contrary to the decisions of the international Masonic movement, standing in the position of pacifism and neutrality.
Many masons from the beginning behaved as irreconcilable opponents of fascism. But those who originally succumbed fascist demagogy, soon revised their views and also entered the path of the anti-fascist struggle.
The second world war was disastrous for the whole European Freemasonry, it was never able to restore its former grandeur. For example, in Spain the mass participation of masons in the ranks of antifascistas during the civil war ended in a total prohibition of the order.
Ceased to exist and miranskie lodges socialist countries of Eastern Europe. With the death of prominent masons, such as the President Benes of Czechoslovakia, the movement was exhausted, and this determined his ultimate disappearance, at least the foreseeable historical scene.
Especially it is necessary to say about Russian Freemasonry, which was part of the Western European Freemasonry. Having adapted to the traditions of the Old world, the educated people of Russia of XVIII century, of course, could not pass by Freemasonry.
According to legend, the first Masonic Lodge was established in the era of Peter the Great, immediately upon return of the king from the first trip abroad. If then he Christopher Wren, the famous founder of English Freemasonry, dedicated to Peter in the sacrament of orders. But the first reliable news of the formation of Freemasonry in Russia belongs to 1731, when the Grand master of the great London Lodge Lord Catching appointed captain John Phillips provincial Grand master "for the whole of Russia".
The highest peak in the movement reached in the era of reforms young Emperor Alexander I. It was then that Freemasonry was nominated by the liberal-democratic ideas of humanism and enlightenment. In France, joined by many politicians, academics, art, science, literature. Some were attracted to fashion, others have faith in the possibility of moral perfection, the mystery of the new doctrine with its rites, symbols and titles, as well as the opportunity to be among the educated and influential people of the country.
Liberalism Masonic ideas was close, and the king. After the war of 1812 the Russian army made a triumphant return from Europe, bringing with them an intoxicating spirit of victory, freedom and free-thinking. In the capital and provinces began to emerge secret clubs and the Masonic Lodge. But here there was an uprising of the Decembrists, and then all those organizations together have been banned.
Only in the late nineteenth century, after 80 years of virtual silence, Masonic leaders are making active preparations for the revival of the Russian knights "Freemasons". The attempt to revive the Freemasonry assumed orientation to the West, then with the help of influential people to legalize Freemasonry in Russia.
In the beginning of XX century in Russian cities, there existed several Masonic lodges (Freemasons were almost all members of the Provisional government), whose activity is interrupted by the revolution. After the establishment of Soviet power part of the Freemasons was eliminated, some members of the organization released to the West, and the rest were killed in Stalin's camps. Thus, despite a temporary revival, Russian Freemasonry never managed to win a place in the world movement.
Since 1930-ies for half a century in the Soviet Union hadn't been much of publications on foreign Freemasonry, not to mention Russian. Only in the 1970-ies to the unprepared reader hit a flow of publications of different kind and quality. If the West secret societies has long been an indispensable attribute of political life, for the Russian reader the last quarter of the XX century Masonic issue has become a real revelation. After all, the very possibility of the existence of something secret seemed Soviet man heresy and a terrible lie. However now about Freemasonry is known mainly from the pre-revolutionary publications, which operate about the same facts and analytical sources.
As for the Ukrainian Freemasonry, the information on it the origin rather contradictory. Some researchers referred to the masons Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky, Orlyk (the author of the first Ukrainian Constitution), Ivan Mazepa, Danylo Apostol.
Intensified Ukrainian Freemasonry in the early nineteenth century. It was connected first of all with the new political circumstances that caused to life a large number of secret societies. In this period, there are two large boxes in Kyiv and Poltava. The last had the author of the famous "Aeneid" writer Ivan Kotlyarevsky. There is information that the Grand master of the Kharkiv Masonic Lodge was also a writer Petro Hulak-Artemovsky. In addition, it is believed that many members of the famous Brotherhood of saints Cyril and Methodius were Freemasons.
In General, the enumeration of those or other public figures to Freemasonry now become fashionable. It is considered, in particular, that a Freemason was even Ivan Franko, a poem which "kamenyar" this is the anthem of the Masonic movement.
In the period of 1917-1921 there is a whole pleiad of Ukrainian masons. At this stage movement in Ukraine becomes highly political. The Freemasons took more than an active part in the creation of the independent Ukrainian state in 1918-1920. Suffice it to say that the Chairman of the Ukrainian Central Rada, the first President of Ukraine, historian Mykhailo Hrushevsky, was a Freemason, to some Masonic orders allegedly belonged to the head of the Haidamak Kosha Sloboda Ukraine Simon Petliura, Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky and many others.
After the creation of the Soviet Union Freemasonry in Ukraine practically ceased to exist, migrating in the circles of the Ukrainian emigration.
A new surge of interest in Freemasonry became clear already in the period of independence of Ukraine. Some time ago the media reported that about 300 top managers of the Ukrainian state are included in the Masonic Lodge of the order of St. Stanislav, after which the opposition warned of the dangers of combining some of the highest officials in the Masonic orders.
Great Priory of the order of St. Stanislav registered in Ukraine in 1999 by the Ministry of justice of Ukraine as a public organization involved in philanthropic activities. Award symbol, which is used in the ceremony, the Maltese cross and other marks. And yet, despite the relative secrecy, it is unlikely this structure really has any relation to the actual Freemasonry.
This controversial topic has its downside, of which not to mention. How many there are masons, as many are their enemies - antimony. How many-sided and diverse Masonic currents, so different manifestations of non-confidence. The main claim to the Freemasons have always been limited to the charges of "world conspiracy". Historical background to this was based on the assertion that Freemasonry, like most of secret societies of the Christian era, appeared under the influence of the Jews and is based on the Jewish Kabbalah.
In addition, the Masonic organization are charged with trying to destroy religious, family and state life of those peoples among whom they fuss-
cabins, and to seize world order. Although the global conspiracy few believe, against the orders in the General population remains cautious that, in General, does not prevent themselves adherents to believe their religion is the only correct one.
Structure, rituals, symbols
Complex system of rituals and relationships of members of the organization were created in Freemasonry for several centuries. Eventually established a structure that includes performing various rituals in the form of bestowal in primary and higher degree; higher management under the designation of the East, "for East - edge election, where in ancient times was poured out the highest wisdom"; documentary evidence in the form of the Constitution or the founding of ratification, which was issued lodges from senior management.
To create lodges were required, at least, the presence of masons of the first three degrees in the amount of three people. But the "correct Lodge" was to consist of three masters and two apprentices or three artists, two journeymen and two students. At the head stood one master of the Lodge, or master of the chair, two officers, master of ceremonies, internal and external guard.
Managing Union lodges was called the Grand master, the Great master. If the Union were subordinated to the higher order of the Board sitting in another country or in another member state, the Union lodges were called provincial, and standing at the head of his master - provincial Grand master. All these organisations were one
The Grand Lodge, or Providence, and was concluded between concordati, i.e. the conditions for the relationship.
Ministers Masonic lodges
The number of degrees in various systems was different, as a rule, it is usually an odd number, which is of special importance in Masonic symbolism. The most widespread English threefold, or St. John, Freemasonry, which had a distinctive color of gold and sky blue (Blue Freemasonry). Extent that immediately follow St. John, called the Scottish and St Andrew in honor of the patron Saint Andrew.
Scottish extent served as a transition stage to the knight, the Templar or Rosicrucian. In the Scottish degrees was conceptually related to the field of hermetic philosophy and theosophy, they had developed a doctrinal teachings of the masons. In knight degrees devoted to preparing for the fight against evil world in its various manifestations. Finally, in the degrees of the cross and Rose was preached Kabbalah, magic and even practical alchemy.
Ritualism St. John of Freemasonry was much easier rituals of all the other degrees. Members of the St. John the boxes were essentially dreamy preachers, who hoped by improving each individual to attain Paradise on earth. Password St. John of Freemasonry: "Sow the seeds of the Royal and light." In the Blue Freemasonry prevailed symbolism ethical principles of equality, brotherhood, human love and non-resistance to evil.
Ritualism high degrees, i.e. Scottish Freemasonry, symbolized the struggle for the ideal of the power, the glory of martyrdom for the idea, merciless cruelty to enemies and traitors. Scottish Freemasonry called the Red. This color is meant krcharity and love, which has no regrets shed masons in the fight for the light. Members of red boxes - fearless fighters for an idea motto: "Win or die".
As already mentioned, the order of Freemasons was always the organization is deeply conspiratorial. In the "old" laws under pain of death punishment was forbidden to pass Masonic mysteries pen, brush cutter. It was only possible oral transmission of some revelations after the mandatory pre oath of silence. However, with the growth of the Masonic organization and increase the number of its members, it was impossible to hide the work orders.
And yet this "publicity" refers only to external forms, hiding deep processes, to penetrate which could solely dedicated. This was especially true of dedication to the highest degree. On this account, there were special rules: the first is done once and for all; the second is a Mason highest elected by the group and not by a vote equal to him; the third is still comrades on the bed should not know about the higher initiation, while the wizard officially continued to go to bed. Dedication to the highest degree occurs after prolonged and secret observation of the candidate, and if he is found worthy, is not a direct vote, and hard principle of absolute power.
In semi-graphical view of Freemasonry is a pyramid of three components. At the base is Blue Freemasonry (pupils, apprentices and masters), which are elected brothers higher degree of dedication. Next is Freemasonry high degrees, which, despite its name, yet is only the beginning for transmission and communication. On the top of the pyramid is the Supreme international Freemasonry, which is wrapped in mystery. About it the vast majority of Freemasons has no view.
Albert pike, a Mason of high initiation, Grand commander of the jurisdiction of the Scottish rite Freemasonry, in the book of Doctrine and dogma of the ancient and accepted Scottish rite of Freemasonry", wrote: "Blue, or blue, the degree of Freemasonry are just outside the courtyard or the hall of the temple. Part of the characters still are dedicated, but the basic give in a false light to the deliberate distortion of the truth. The true explanation is saved for the followers, the princes of Freemasonry.
All Royal and sacred knowledge centuries ago was hidden so carefully that now almost impossible to find an answer to some of the mysteries. Enough for the masses of those who are called masons, to think that everything is contained in the blue degrees. The one who had tried to bring them out of deception, would work in vain and fruitless, would violate his duties as adept (allowed). Freemasonry is a true Sphinx, buried up to their heads in the sand, gathered around it for centuries!"
The rite of initiation in different lodges happened differently. According to one description, when taken in Freemasonry from re-entering is required clear and due guarantees to the recommendation of any of the members of the lodges, to which he desired to be accepted.
Then began the ceremony of consecration of the pupil in the first Masonic degree. On the appointed day and hour of the guarantor, to establish the candidate's eyes, took him into the room lodges, attended by invited all masons. His decision to join the brotherhood candidate was confirmed by oath, not only on the Bible, but also on naked sword, betraying in the case of adultery soul eternal damnation, and the body of death from court brothers.
Then he read out the text of the oath: "I Swear in the name of the Supreme Builder of all the worlds never be opened without orders from the order of the mysteries of signs, touch, words, doctrines and practices of Freemasonry and store about them eternal silence. I promise not to change him nor pen, sign or word and nothing to pass on it for no story, no writing, no printing or any other image and not to disclose the fact that I now know. If I'm not going to keep that oath, then Yes, it will burn and consume my mouth hot iron, Yes I will cut off my hand, Yes I will pull my mouth tongue Yes I will cut my throat, yeah hung my dead body in the middle of the lodges in the dedication of the new brother as an object of cursing and horror".
After that the candidate has been awarded a white leather apron (apron) in a sign that he entered into the brotherhood of masons, "creating Great Temple of humanity". Then he handed the silver brushed spatula, a pair of white gloves in a reminder that only pure thoughts, pure lives we can hope to build a Temple of Wisdom.
An important role was played by the Masonic signs and symbols. Line and plummet meant equality of States. Inclinometer is a symbol of justice. The compass was expressed to the public, as the square, on the other explanations, meant conscience. Wild stone is rough morality, chaos; cubic stone - morality. Hammer as belonging wizard, served as a symbol of power, and of silence, obedience, and faith. The spatula symbolized condescension to the weakness of people and rigor to yourself. Branch of acacia - immortality; the coffin, skull and bones - contempt for death and sadness about the disappearance of the truth.
The emphasis had and aggressive character. So, all wide-brimmed hat pointed to the sign of free will; naked sword personified punishing law, the symbol of the struggle for an idea, prosecution of criminals, protection of innocence; the dagger - preferred death to defeat the struggle for life and death. The weapon was attached to a black ribbon, on which was embroidered in silver motto: "Win or die!"
However, not all symbols of Freemasonry identified. Many of them are still encrypted hieroglyphic alphabet.
After the first ceremony pupil received his diploma chargeability to the order and started to work on themselves, to perfect themselves in the virtues, digesting "the Royal science Freemasons" and preparing for the passage of other, higher degrees.
The main mystery was considered as the initiation of a master's degree, which reveals the significance of the legend of Hiram, the Builder of the temple of Solomon. During this rite Lodge was delayed black fabrics on the walls manifested skull with bones and the inscription: "Remember you will die". On the floor lay a black carpet with embroidered with gold lettering, and in the middle of the carpet rested an open tomb. Tri-colour lamps were supported by human skeletons.
On the right side of the altar on artificial earthen hill shone Golden branch of acacia. All the brothers portrayed deep sorrow about killed the Builder of Solomon's temple. According to legend, the wise Solomon decided to build a great Church, to preserve for the offspring of the Divine truth. The main Builder of the temple was appointed Hiram, which brought together 130 thousand workers, dividing them into three groups (degree) apprentices, journeymen and masters.
Master for his work received a higher fee, which caused envy among apprentices. Once they met the Hiram South gate and began to demand that the
opened the Word of the master. Having been refused, the first working struck with a hammer, the other a pick. Architect ran, but he barely had time to throw in the well sacred Golden triangle - the symbol of perfection of the spirit as the third working dealt a fatal blow by the compass.
By order of Solomon began to look for the master's body. And then a miracle happened: stuck in the ground branch of acacia, which murderers noted the place of burial of Hiram, turned green.
In master ceremony after three blows of the hammer dedicate laid in the coffin, covered with red, the colour of blood, tissue. On the chest rests Golden triangle and the branch of acacia, to the head and feet, put a pair of compasses and a triangle.
At the erection, in the highest degree master trust not all characters of this legend, as it is not yet fully prepared to comprehend its meaning. The highest revelations received only the elected.
The last stage of the Masonic ladder of degrees in the old accepted Scottish rite was the 30th. It was called "the Knight of the White and Black eagle, Great Choice Kadosh". In this rite in the dedication of the adept was offered various tests to ensure its loyalty to the order. Dedicated had put his hand in mercury (a sign of molten lead) and even ritual murder (the layout of the human figure) in order to avenge the death of Hiram.
After the oath and various ceremonies dedicated dressed in ritual clothes were handed a red octagonal cross with pearl oval in the center. On one side of oval was seen black image of a head pierced by a dagger as a reminder of the oath is not to retreat before the horror of death. The letters in the distorted on the other side of the oval, meant the initials of Jacques de Molay, the last Grand master of the knights Templar. This deeply venerated by grandmaster, who died in fire, portrayed dedicate when joining a Lodge or something. "Eternal glory to the Martyr for virtue," exclaimed the brothers at the end of the ceremony, welcoming the newly adopted knight of the Black and White eagle.
No matter how much wrote about Freemasonry, his story in full not covered, because to the true ordinances of yet nobody has been able to reach. Moreover, many of them are the product of mythological creation of the Freemasons. But maybe it is not the main thing. Because if you believe sane members of the organization, Freemasonry really is a spiritual search.
Referred to Dr. foster Bailey, one of the brightest modern apologists of Freemasonry, said: "the proper function of modern Freemasonry is to build an invisible temple of life for every person. We learn the true values of life and right human relations. We are accumulating self-control, honesty, sense of justice, mercy, high moral character, personal integrity and a sense of brotherhood as a necessary Foundation for dugowego growth."
Many today are attracted to the movement of the Freemasons. This search greatness and beauty in ancient myths and ancient traditions, where heroes were found divine power through its own development. This Masonic theory that determine the human mind as the measure of all things. It is a religion of humanism and secular universal morality is equally acceptable for all Nations and in all conditions. And finally, it's wisdom teachings, encrypted in a certain character, which still have a long and wonderful life.
Author: Uparati
Source: "Mysteries and phenomena eras"