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When in 1872 the group of 22 people got up on the old "good-natured" Vesuvius, to get a closer view of the volcanic eruption, there were no signs of trouble. However, the sight of the fire element so has bewitched the people that they did not notice lava flows that cut their way back. People were running from among the fiery sea on the island, which was gradually flooded by lava. Of this group, no one managed to escape...
Now there are up to 500 volcanoes that scientists believe applicable because of the eruption was recorded in historical documents. Annual victims of volcanic eruptions on average become 1000 people. This number includes people who died of starvation due to the fact that a volcanic eruption destroyed their crops and livestock.
All the famous Vesuvius, which in 79 ad buried alive few thousand residents in the famous Pompei, Herculaneum and Stabiae (Pompeii was covered by volcanic ash, sometimes with thickness up to 8 m, Stabia was filled with lava and Herculaneum - mud flow), still threatens the life of Italians. Only now its possible victims of the eruption can be a lot more people. Nearly 300 years Vesuvius at least once every 7 years was awakened from his slumber, and March 18, 1944 happened last eruption, when one of the lava flow destroyed the village of San Sebastiano (killed 57 people). After that, the Vesuvius subsided.
The silence of this volcano is alarming, because he, according to scientists, remains in force. While a fiery devil in the bowels of the volcano is silent and, apparently, saving his strength, not restrictivas on small flash. If I repeat the eruption 1631, at a height of about 2 km can be thrown about 100 million cubic meters of hot lava. Have to evacuate nearly 1 million people! Well, if about the eruption will be able to know in advance, otherwise I can only imagine what can happen. To prevent the horrible consequences of the catastrophe at the Vesuvius now operates one of the most complex systems of monitoring of volcanic processes in the world.
However, Vesuvius can be called a mischievous child, compared with a SUPERVOLCANO. The last eruption of the volcano, according to data by volcanologists, there was a 27 thousand years ago on the North island of New Zealand, was then thrown 1 170 cubic kilometers of ash. The volume of products of the eruption of the volcano is so great that may cause on the planet volcanic winter, with catastrophic consequences for all life.
For example, 73 thousand years ago the eruption of a volcano on the island of Sumatra were released almost 3 thousand cubic kilometers of ash and up to three billion tons of sulfur anhydride. Almost six years after that on Earth went sulfur rain, and the sun was hidden behind the grey haze of raised of ash into the atmosphere. According to geologist Michael Rampino from new York University, this "mega-eruption was the reason that on the whole planet (according to anthropologists) were no more than 10 thousand of our primitive ancestors. It turns out that the eruption of the volcano can be even more dangerous simultaneous explosions of several atomic bombs.
Supervolcanoes is not mountains, they are "hidden" under the earth's surface and are a huge Caldera - cavity. When they overflowing with magma, volcanic gases, is a large-scale eruption of explosive type. Such volcanoes-monsters on the planet not as many as usual volcanoes, are only few of them, however, they are extremely dangerous and may destroy not only the whole country, but also to destroy our civilization.
Currently of particular concern is the home of old faithful in Yellowstone Park (USA). This volcano can destroy US. American scientists are its intensive research, however, recognize that to avert catastrophic eruption of the volcano is almost impossible...
The profession of a volcanologist now held in high esteem in many countries, because the volcanoes scattered literally across the planet. One only of the island of Sumatra 68 volcanoes! Volcanologists are studying the processes occurring in the volcanoes, and most importantly - predict eruptions, often saving the lives of many people living near the volcano, where always been very fruitful soil. For this, they sometimes have to step directly into the crater of the volcano, so to speak, into the jaws of the fiery devil.
However, in the mouth are people who do not have any relation to the Volcanology... the 1992 shooting eruption for one of Hollywood films in the Hawaiian Islands went two well-known operator - Michael Benson and Chris Duddy. The object of their shooting was to be a volcano PU-Oh
Benson, Dadzi hired a helicopter and November 21, flew to the volcano. Circling above the fire-breathing deep in clubs poisonous gases, cameramen filmed the eruption, when was shocked to hear that engine helicopter began to work intermittently. The pilot of the helicopter Hosking, miraculously escaped the fall of the car right into a boiling pot of lava, they managed to land a helicopter on a flat rock ledge. This helicopter was broken in two, but all three of them remained alive.
However, this is not becoming easier, for they were like on a hot frying pan, heat from the lava burned his feet through the shoes, all around there was a terrible noise from the poisonous fumes breathing was difficult. In the fall the radio was broken, and wait for assistance in the coming hours to no avail. Somewhere above, about 50 metres above them, was the edge of the crater, it was the way of salvation, and they began dangerous climb. When they got up about half, it became clear that to rise further absolutely impossible. The pilot took a risky decision to return to the helicopter and try to repair the transmitter. Choking from toxic gases, daredevil managed to fix a radio transmitter and send a distress signal.
Soon a helicopter arrived, but its pilot saw nothing because of smoke rising above the volcano. Hosking transmitter, literally by the sound, adjust the flight of the helicopter and soon found himself on Board. The helicopter has broken out of the mouth of the volcano, leaving in its crater two accidents operators. And to help Benson and Duddy were foresters, who also received a distress signal. They reached the edge of the crater with ropes and rope ladders, but I couldn't see because of the smoke. When night came, the forest is gone.
The next day the weather was not pleased with lifeguards and a helicopter that took Hoskins, was damaged and could not take part in the rescue operation. On the second day again failed to pull operators from a volcano. Duddy decided to risk and to look for a way up. Despair gave strength, and he managed to climb to the rim of the crater, where he was found by rescuers.
In captivity fiery devil was left alone Benson. Rescuers tried to reset him water and provisions, but all passed. The next day in search of Manson, a helicopter arrived famous pilot-rescue So Hauptmann, who is the third attempt was able to extract Benson from this hell. The operator immediately sent to the hospital. Despite long stay among poisonous gases, Benson quickly recovered. Apparently, still helped the bottle of whiskey that superstitious Benson sacrificed volcano, dropping it in the boiling crater before the accident happened with the helicopter...
Now it so happened that not a professional volcanologist, and the operator from Hollywood set a world record on duration of stay in the crater of an active volcano...