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Is the mysterious dark energy that are looking for for many years, threat? Whether it is able to tear to shreds our Universe? And what will be after this the "Big break"? Astrophysics Loris Baum and Paul Frampton sure that even in such a scenario, nothing bad will happen. It is only General cleaning in the Universe.
First, a little history. When the genius of Newton introduced the gravitational constant in his famous formula of gravitation, he could assume that the physical constants are "cornerstones" on the basis of physical knowledge about the Universe. Cosmology as the science was born in the twentieth century and is experiencing rapid development now. The main problem in kosmologiia times Einstein remains the question of the so-called middle cruiseport and expansion rate of the Universe. If zero or negative curvature expansion unlimited (this is an open model of the Universe); and positive curvature extension is replaced by compression (it is a closed model of the Universe).
In the General theory of relativity, Einstein zero curvature matches the specified critical density is approximately five hydrogen atoms per cubic meter. The observed value of the average density of luminous matter - just 1 percent of critical observations demonstrate exactly such a value of the curvature. It turns out that the universe "closed"?
Introduction by Einstein in 1917 cosmological constant ? in the model TGR for independent of time (it is, in fact, there is a repulsive force in huge scales) is somewhat reduced the acute contradictions. In 1922, however, Friedman showed to the world the new version of the theory of non-stationary cosmological model and the expanding Universe at ?=0! The more accurate the model made a discovery by Hubble red shift, which testified to the expansion of our universe (and still the result is the Hubble constant characterizing the "run" distant objects of the Universe). In the end, the great Einstein, who was able to admit their defeat, in conversation with Gamov called the idea of the cosmological constant to be your biggest blunder in science.
However, the problem of the direction of evolution of the Universe remained open. At the Congress of the Astronomical society in 2012 academician Alexei Starobinsky said that in the near future in cosmology will be made discoveries that will be to clarify the cosmological constant. So, through accurate data space experiments, which are becoming more reliable and better will appear mysterious yet the truth!
Cosmology is booming - in 1998 found at observation of supernovae type Ia project Supernova Cosmology Project that the Hubble constant is not inherently permanent, and its behavior can be described by a selection of values of the cosmological constant - ? contributing to the average density of the Universe. Thus was born the idea of the part of the hidden mass, now known under the name of dark energy. This incredible idea in the mid-twentieth century formulated astrophysicist zwiki on the basis of their experimental observations and calculations, but his idea was strongly ahead of time and was not recognized - it was an interesting example of the theoretical insights in science.
Now, observations of supernovae in the Universe of fluctuations of the CMB experiments showed that our universe is expanding rapidly. This is consistent with the theory of the presence of matter in the Universe with a negative pressure, which is the most detectable on the properties of dark energy. Since then theorists argue about its features, writing down the equations, which overlook the extraordinary performance of the mysterious substance. Imagine it even possible substituie speed for some perturbations in scalar fields!
So much so, that scientists have identified in the field of dark energy special subspecies - the phantom energy. The same energy dominantness required for the existence of "mole burrows" - nenalogovyh until objects that exist in theory. From them it was possible to construct a kind of ime machine". But in the cosmology of these assumptions turn out quite different investigation and prediction of different cosmological scenarios fate of the Universe.
But back to the evolution of ideas about the structure of the universe. In the model by Friedman (flat and open), without dark energy, expanding indefinitely, but with a slowdown. The size of the horizon is growing faster than the scale factor of the Universe. As it expanded, it becomes colder (the temperature of the background radiation is also lower) and darker (galaxies and their clusters - run). The number of visible galaxies (inside the horizon) grows, new, not previously observed objects.
In the same model of the Universe with dark energy expansion is accelerating forever. She again becomes darker and colder, but its sizes grow faster than the horizon. From the visible area will gradually disappear objects located near this imaginary line. In the end, in the center of the observable area of the Universe will remain only one gravitational a linked object is a local group of galaxies. The pressure and the density of filling the universe substances decrease with time. However, there is an exception - a variant of a limiting case, when and pressure, and density of the matter remain constant.
In the model of the Universe with the illusory energy of its scale factor refers to infinity in a finite interval of time. This is the so-called called in English RIP "Big break", by analogy with the Big Bang birth of the Universe. Abbreviation same finals of the Universe made up of English epitaphs Rest In Peace - "thank you", and means the death of the Universe. In some theories of the age of death will come through 22 billion years, and our Universe will then 35 billion years. As in scenarios with dark energy, remote objects are gradually leave the observation area, the border is a vast area of space closer to the observer for the final time.
The value of the illusory energy, density and absolute pressure of the substance increased and by the time the Large Gap become infinite. There will come a point - and gravitationally bound system of our Universe will be interrupted, putting a limit to its existence. Will be terminated and all systems connected other forces, only it will happen later, because the size agravitational related systems less, and cements their strength is more powerful. Thus, a Big gap there is nothing like a plan General cleaning in the Universe.
The result of the options are varied: in theory (in addition to the long-predicted compression options, followed by the collapse or infinite expansion) another opportunity is a Big Gap. So far, however only as an idea. Will there be implemented such an option and with what degree of accuracy in comparison with predicted, is difficult to say.
But it's safe to say that no physics cannot force the substance possessing properties ghostly energy until the Great divide. Only when changing properties of a material expansion of the Universe will go on break-up scenario. And specific conversion to imagine it is not yet possible.
But really, it would be very boring without scenarion pulse, heart of the Universe - and this scenario was recently proposed by physicists from the University of North Carolina at chapel hill. Loris Baum and Paul Frampton presented a model of such forever pulsating Universe. The work was published on February 16 in Physical Review Letters.
In this model does not need to generate the world from the point of the Big Bang (called singularities). In classic versions of the universe is born from the same point and then or infinitely expanding, or applies to the singularity in the case of the final collapse to a point.
Infinite energy in the world is not - it claims both theory and practice. Therefore, the singularity means for physicists state of the system, where the classical laws of physics cease to work. Are replaced by quantum physics with its new rules, which are partially solve the problems, but not to the end. Couldn't do without insidious singularity? To come up with a cyclic model, which will be harmonious?
Two difficulties on this path, alas, is obvious. The first is well known to us the entropy (the measure of the disorder of the system), which is in the process of evolution of any system can only increase. After the completion of a cycle of the universe form ordered structures of different levels of complexity: galactic clusters, galaxies, stars and planets.
This hierarchy arises from past disorder. Restoring order is, in theory, entropy decrease, however this process is banned in classical thermodynamics (and no Maxwell's demon has not managed to avoid it). However, even if this obstacle was overcome, immediately raises the second difficulty is the lengthening consecutive cycles in a model of pulsating Universe. Mentally stepping back in time, we get insidious singularity in an incredibly short cycles!
However, Baum and Frampton found an original way - introduced into their equation, the so-called vacuum energy, physical field, which creates the effect of antigravity. It stripped from complications when combined cyclic cosmology with the requirements of the inexorable of thermodynamics. Sodestviye this field successfully confirmed by the experiments of the recent years. In 1998, astronomers have shown that the rate of expansion of the Universe does not decrease but grows. The reason is the presence of the vacuum field (dark energy). From the interactions of this field with gravity, you can form a cyclic Universe model.
Their options are quite various, and they are characterized by a heterogeneous "patchwork" structure of possible transformations. Pulsating universe are very variable - it can fall into independent worlds, shrink and expand, experiencing a phase of inflation, stop before the phase big break and survive phase transitions, generate matter... And principles of thermodynamics, again, preserved since each world is born with a very moderate entropy.
The most interesting discovery of the XXI century - dark energy - requires research and experimental observations. Its specific properties are the basis of the universe and determine the course of processes in the Universe. The fundamentals of the universe are studied in cosmology, and the latest technology open space research scientist of the Universe in the whole diversity of processes, previously unavailable to the observations and assessments.