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Тайна марсианских шариков раскрытаA few years ago, the Rover Opportunity found on the red planet mysterious little black balls, layer which covers the landing of the Rover. Recently the device found on Mars balls already another type. Most likely, both have natural origin and are associated with the composition of the Martian rocks, experts say.

Let me remind you that Opportunity (its name is translated as "favorable opportunity") is the second Rover, launched to the Red planet by NASA in the framework of the program of Mars Exploration Rover. It landed on Mars on January 25, 2004 and since then it is working hard with manipulators. By the way, this brave mechanical researcher already more than 30 times exceeded the planned period of their work in 90 Sol (Sol is a Martian day, which lasts 24 hours 39 minutes), all the while eating from solar panels, and to rest on our laurels is not going to.

Interestingly, cleaning of its solar panels from dust occurs due to natural winds of Mars. This circumstance has allowed the Opportunity to make extensive geological analyses of the Martian rocks, and also to study the relief of the planet. In the middle of this year duration of his mission has reached 3 thousand Sol, making it the longest in the history of Mars. Thus a record was broken in 2245 Sol, set spustenim machine Viking 1" in 1982.

The tasks put in front of the Rover, were very interesting - he was to determine which geological processes have shaped the terrain and the chemical composition of the surface of the red planet. These processes could theoretically include water or wind erosion, sedimentation, hydrothermal mechanisms, volcanism and crater formation. Thus, one Opportunity they replaced the whole expedition of the geologists of different specialties.

Now, the mysterious balls in question, were first found Rover almost immediately after landing in 2004. A thorough investigation revealed that the diameter of these spherical structures is several millimeters and they can be found on the surface of the planet, and in the outcrop. Moreover, these deposits can be found on Earth - for example, in areas Navajo-Sandston, located in the American state of Utah.

It is about the marble varieties of mokvi formed by the ground water. It turned out that these bulbs contain hematite, which is quite common and we - on sale often jewelry, hematite, which, though not very beauty, but, according to manufacturers, stabilizes blood pressure. By the way, about the presence of hematite the researchers found, when the Rover was in orbit, therefore it and has sent plateau Meridiani.

Recently Rover stumbled on another type of balls. They are similar to the previous one, however, are rather densely "Packed ' education. It was found on the East side of Cape York, the small tabs on the edge of a huge endeavour crater. From orbit there were "see" small clay deposits.

The scientists also suggest that further South along the rim of the crater may be more significant deposits of clay - say, Cape Tribulation, where Opportunity to get haven't yet. However, with the accuracy of the claim that there are the clay, you cannot do. While it is possible to judge just that, a dense concentration and the physical nature of the new "ball" deposits indicate a different origin than previously detected. Especially because this time there is no data about the content of hematite - it is either a little, or not at all.

Clay sediments in this area, are of interest to specialists first of all, because they could be formed in sour (pH-neutral) water as it happens on Earth. However, this is still only a hypothesis. However, the presence here in the past indicate water and white plaster veins that have been detected earlier in the Cape York. Nearby there are other deposits light shades, but their composition is not yet investigated.

By the way, mysterious balls fall and on our planet. For example, they were discovered at the end of April 2003 in the area of fall of the so-called Vitim bolide in the North of the Irkutsk region. The analysis carried out in the Irkutsk Institute of Geochemistry RAS, showed that the composition of these balls are iron, potassium and sodium - elements, which in this area is not normally meet.

Perhaps they arrived to us from outer space, from other planets, where they, like the Martian sphere, formed of water flows. That is so heavenly body, which theoretically possible life (once there is water), gave us his very original, but still a friendly Hello...
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