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In the meteorite, failed hard to Morocco in July 2011, found streaks of black glass, from Mars. This was the conclusion of researchers from the local University Hassan II, headed by Hasnaa Chennaoui Augean. To deliver to Earth soil samples from the red planet, unfortunately, that is not possible, but Curiosity Rover will help to learn more about it.
Samples of rocks from Mars are on the Ground rarely and only in a natural way. Still there were about 90 fragments allegedly fallen to Earth from the red planet. Four meteor shower, after which have been found Martian "pebbles", took place in 1815, 1865, 1911 and 1962. The so-called Tessinski meteorite is only a fifth of the Martian "guest", which failed to detect immediately after the fall.
Darryl pitt, curator of one of the largest meteorite collections in the world, owned by the Makovecz (USA), argues that in the hands of scientists around the world is about 100 kilograms of the Martian rocks. Thus the total weight of fragments Tishinskaja meteorite is estimated at 11 kilograms.
Preliminary study of the meteorite fall broken into small pieces, shows that the chemical composition it reminds Martian basalt. Most likely, this piece of rock was split from the Mars as a result of collision with an asteroid about 700 thousand years ago, scientists believe.
It turned out that the Moroccan meteorite contains a large number of black glass with isotopes of carbon and nitrogen, typical Martian atmosphere. However, the researchers of this is quite expected. But the relatively large supply of rare earth elements, and they did not see in other parts of the stone, was for specialists big surprise. For example, a set of isotopes of cerium suggests that once the element has been subjected to oxidation.
According to scientists, under the influence of acid water rare-earth elements, included in the Martian soil could oxalacetate and deposited in the cracks of the rocks on the surface of the planet. After the asteroid impact stood out the heat that melted this substance, which turned into the crystals of black glass.
Meanwhile Curiosity Rover on Mars is involved in research of unusual boulder, called Jake Mateevic. This boulder the size of a soccer ball, lying in the field Rocknet where Curiosity is already for three weeks became the first, whose chemical composition was studied using spectrometer (APXS (Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer), and about 30-th of those that "interested" ChemCam (Chemistry and Camera). 22 September APXS analyzed two plots of boulder the size of a penny, and ChemCam - as many as 14.
"This stone is very similar chemical composition to unusual, but a well-known type of igneous rocks, which can be found in many volcanic provinces of the Earth, - says an employee of Curiosity project Edward Stolper from the California Institute of technology (USA). - As we know of only one Martian stone of this type, it is difficult to judge established whether it is the same process".
On our planet stones with similar composition are usually formed in the earth's mantle during crystallization rich in water magma, in conditions of high pressure. As for the meteorite Jake, he's a poor magnesium and iron, but rich in sodium, aluminum, silicon and potassium, which are often found in the earth feldspars. But Nickel and zinc in its structure is very small. Calabrasella elements such as sulphur, chlorine and bromine, scientists hope to detect the soil particles and dust covering the surface of the stone. So in General we can conclude that it is igneous or volcanic origin.
The good news is that the data obtained APXS coincided with the testimony ChemCam. Have studies in the internal laboratories for the analysis of the composition of the rocks and soil. Recently camera analyzer were cleaned carefully selected Martian material. Having the ability to analyze Martian rocks directly "location", we can compare them to fall to the Ground samples and with high accuracy to determine the profits if those really from Mars...