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Полет на Марс: в одиночку, в одну сторонуSpecialists say that the flight to Mars is now impossible for several reasons. But it is in normal view. Science sees not only the entire reality, science does not see in this reality the main. The universe is arranged not so, says about this science. And if you think about it, taking into account some circumstances, mission to Mars largely may be close. It is proposed to consider three main points, which can be greatly facilitated this flight.

The first moment. It is said that man is what he eats, and that in order to live, he must eat. Thus, if the flight lasts a few months, the question, though not too easily solved. And if the flight is to last for several years? Then the caravan to go to Mars rockets one would take the astronauts, and ten - food and equipment for them.

But we know that there are people who for a long time, even several years, cost without food. In our country there are several of these people, they are called "conceede". Jordin, "Life without food"writes that he is aware of several thousands of such people. The media reported on yoga that lives without food seventy years, and he is not alone. Science will never be able to explain this, yet will be in the framework of materialism, scientists believe all the fraud and try "onto them", but can't, and never will. Yoga and "conceede" "feed" of space, or mental energy, Hindus call it prana, the vital energy. I will talk later about this energy more.

Without going into details, you can teach astronaut this lifestyle, and you can take the "finish"adequate for such "conceed" and teach him the purpose of flight until purposes of the experiment, the moon and later to Mars. It is reported that if a person leads a healthy lifestyle, you can teach the right way of life for a few weeks to several months. And this fact greatly facilitate an expedition to Mars. The transition to a life without food could remove a lot of problems connected not only with "kitchen", and "WC". Would such an astronaut on Mars, and would not be so strictly connected to the main base. On Mars "in the bushes" don't go, not only because of their absence.

The second moment. It is clear that it is better to send a few people, at least two different disciplines. Well, if designers, whatever one up to now send more than one doesn't work? There are different points of view, even among astronauts that to some extent the human fear of the Space people have, and that even for a group of cosmonauts during long flight there seemed danger of depression or other troubles worse related to the fact that people won't be able to see the Earth. It is necessary to consider, that with a suitable choice of the people and prepare them some trouble will be completely excluded. I cannot, of course, to discuss all the parties to such a single flight, and this conversation I can lead only in terms of the theory, and only say some things, as if to Mars I flew. I have a fear of space is completely absent. In the beginning all the negative States person is not really a true representation of reality, and as a consequence - the feeling of loneliness and uselessness. And right idea is that people on the subtle plane is one with the Cosmos and with all of humanity, to understand that more and more people come. And he subconsciously it feels and it somewhere in the subconscious "knows, but forgot". I do not see here any serious problems for normal people, what are the astronauts. Yes and if there will be any negative state, the consciousness of responsibility to the Terrans, including the future of mankind, undoubtedly, will give strength enough to leave with honor.

Of course, a mission to Mars is pretty costly, and sending one person may not be appropriate. On the other hand, mechanical devices is much cheaper?

If the first and second moments greatly facilitate the task, the third makes it much easier it: what if I have an opportunity of flying in one direction only? Madness, suicide? Not at all! There are many ways of suicide, including hidden and not so hidden, such as alcoholism and drug addiction. And a flight to Mars in one direction is not suicide.

Research of the moon and Mars with the help of mechanical devices much easier than with participation of cosmonauts, because the machine does not need to return to Earth. Send an astronaut on Mars so far in one direction and can be done in General such a mission possible. And fly back to Earth, you can count with another expedition, when the technique may allow you to do it, when after some time will fly "normal" cosmonauts.

Well, in extreme case, if you still not be able to return the person to the Ground, it's how to count? If another opportunity now and in the coming years is not there? While someone traces of their shoes on reddish Sands of Mars have nightmares almost every night, we have to stand there and do some things! Day after day, month after month, year after year - the same paper, the same computer, the same numbers? Is it a life? Well, consolation: the squiggle embodied in something real in things, travel, into something else. Well, trip - to see what is already a thousand times I see in magazines or on TV, to make sure: all it is? While the Mars that "dreaming"... to find traces of another life... to find water to grow... I... Yes for this is that there a year and a half flight, during which time seems to stand in one place for months.

There is no death, there is reincarnation, temporary care in the subtle world for future implementation. Science does not consider such things, in fact there is more than enough evidence of reincarnation, and some healers have been successfully using such information. The reality of reincarnation is easy to see, and it is useful to make sure each, even if the person is not going to Mars, and it will not take a lot of time, and the use of very large.

So, cosmonaut did a good job on Mars and, finally, "died". "Died" molecules that was once an astronaut. Science still does not know what is the force that holds together the molecules that make up the human body. This power - energy-informational component is the soul of man. While the soul in the body, it alive, goes the soul, and those molecules - calcium there, carbon, oxygen and others, which was the body, nothing can hold together and nothing can control the processes that occur in living organism. Soul went to where usually goes away, so after some time again to be translated, perhaps, on Earth. And I see no tragedy in the fact that she does, when molecules remained on Mars, in comparison with the fact that they left on the Earth.

Another important point. Possible not to carry on long expeditions a pharmacy and a set of medical instrument, you need to decide the question of healing. You need to hold consultations on this topic, for example, Allan Chumak can help a person even if he would be on Mars - I don't believe it, I know it.

Of course, there are other problems and circumstances that should be considered. This, for example, dangerous cosmic radiation, from which the inhabitants of the earth stations are protected by the magnetic field of the Earth. This prolonged weightlessness, resulting in lost a significant part of the bone and muscle tissue, and landing (primirenie) will need a recovery period. In this matter as well, you can consult the healers - Allan Chumak, Sergey Lazarev and others, for cosmic energies no distance, no physical obstacles - not a hindrance. And if some problems cannot be completely solved, you will greatly reduce their negative consequences.

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